Meet Me at the Well - Part 2 | Beth Moore

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living proof with beth moore is sponsored by the friends and partners of living proof ministries we have come here to find out what he means when he says if you only knew the gift of god that i would give you if you would let me we are going to figure that out and we are going to find out what is stopping up our wells can i hear an amen from anybody in the house go back with me to john chapter four so keeping in mind sixth hour is noon very unusual time for a woman to be drawing water what remember you tell me what the typical hour was for a woman to be drawing water at the well remember evening it would have been sunset sunset so what i learned this time that i had never ever learned before about it was that there were much closer wells for her to go to why did she come to this one said she passed they were closer wells i mean we many of us know from previous sermons and lessons that she was probably trying to avoid the other women she wasn't wanting to come with the rest of them why because of her reputation how many people knew her track record with men but i just want to ask you a question wouldn't it be fair to say that sometimes our willingness to go further than we'd have to is more about what we want to avoid anybody anybody instead letting your kids take the bus like you're going to drive them 10 miles further because you're trying to avoid something closer is that fair how many of us would not go to a particular place of business because we're going to go much further than we have to because we'd have to run into so and so how many of us drive past how many churches to get to another church because we don't have to want we don't want to have to run into so and so something awkward at the near one if not something really really really uncomfortable and embarrassing there's just nothing like i don't know maybe this hasn't been you but it's been me nothing like having to return over and over to a place where we have embarrassed ourselves maybe i'm the only one in the room but you know where you just have to keep showing up and in a lot of ways i'm glad i had to because what it kept me from being able to do is like run from it in other words i just had to hope that over time my life would show some healing and maybe they'd be able to say you know beth used to be such an idiot but i don't see the same idiocy in her today i mean i see a little i see a glimpse of but not quite anybody anybody because if i stay and work it out honestly and just bring my messed up self back in well maybe over time but man she's trying to avoid everybody so she's not going to the place she's going to go where other people from other towns if anybody else is going to show up it's going to be somebody else god forbid that she go where the rest of her neighbors wives are going also very possible that it has significance to her in a religious context because she pounds on it and pounds on it and pounds on it now look at verses 20 through 34 our fathers worshipped on this mountain but you say in jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship jesus said to her woman believe me the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in jerusalem will you worship the father you worship what you do not know we worship what we do know for salvation is from the jews that the hour is coming and is now here when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father is seeking such people to worship him god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth the woman said to him i know that messiah is coming he was called the christ and when he comes he will tell us all things in other words save it i'm going to wait for him i who speak to you am he and just then the disciples came back and they marveled that he was talking with a woman not the woman not that woman a woman aren't you thankful for jesus aren't you thankful for jesus do you know what a revolution he caused where our gender was concerned this is jesus this is jesus talking to a samaritan woman who've been sexually sinful that is three strikes and she's out only not to jesus because you can't be unclean enough to get jesus dirty you cannot do it you cannot do you can't be the kind of woman he's not going to talk to i saw that he was talking with a woman and no one said what do you seek or why are you talking with her so the woman left her water jar that she brought to get her water she left her water jar went away into the town and said to the people come this part just kills me see a man who told me all that i ever did can you imagine being happy about that i mean what is that does that tell you anything about jesus does somebody need to know that about somebody doesn't know him here this weekend and you don't realize that this is the savior who could tell you everything you've ever done and he gives you his dignity instead of taking yours from you who does that who does that who does that i was seeing that you know i'm the worst ever at invitations i'm the worst ever because one of the things that just drives me crazy and by that i mean and going through um the right steps that you should when you're talking to someone about how to come to jesus because one thing that frustrates me i for the life of me for the life of me don't understand why anybody would not love jesus who's going to do that for you i just i just don't see it i don't see it that no matter who you are no matter where you've been no matter what you've done no matter what you've been through that this is the savior who says listen i have already bled and died for you and been raised from the dead you ain't got nothing i cannot handle absolutely nothing i could i could raise you up any time i want to it says then come see a man who told me everything that i ever did can this be the christ and so they went out of the town and were i'm coming to him and meanwhile oh i love this so much that i want to cry about it it says meanwhile the disciples were urging him saying rabbi eat but he said to them i have food to eat you don't even know about the disciples said to one another has anyone brought him something to eat jesus said to them my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work okay i need somebody so badly to stay in here with me because i want you to understand when the woman oh somebody needs this or not oh somebody needs this tonight so look at somebody said you may be the one that needs this tonight okay so i mean the woman meets the one who is the living water so she's got her jar she leaves it goes running into town not even why because her jar is full because see she's become the jar see anybody get that with me she's become the jar she is the vessel the jar just springs up some feet and goes running in goes running into town but you know what may be the very best part oh somebody needs to know this about jesus maybe the very best part is that she was so satisfied she was satisfied for the first time in her life did somebody see that he was too not the first time in his life but he was satisfied that the work he had done he wasn't hungry any longer she wasn't thirsty any longer he wasn't hungry any longer because it was like you know what beth i'm gonna tell you something when i get to bless you and fill you up he fills me up too thirst issues a reckoning learn to recognize it so that you can reckon with it before it reckons with you because if you do not learn how to recognize that you are thirsting for something that you do not have that reckoning will become the wreckage of your life and trust me i know of what i speak and so what jesus was using with the woman was the physiological need to teach her about a soul need soul thirst is mentioned numerous times in the scriptures i'm going to throw out a few uh to you so that you will know how common they would be psalm 42 2 the psalmist says my soul thirsts for god for the living god when shall i come and appear before god psalm 143 verse 6 i stretch out my hands to you my soul thirsts for you like a parched land matthew 5 6 blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied our soul was fashioned with thirst are you searching for something to satisfy a void in your life in this month's teaching series beth encourages us to take our vessel to the well to find what our souls are longing for a relationship with jesus christ the only one who will ever quench our thirst if this message is speaking to you we want to share a helpful resource written by beth called get out of that pit in this book bet takes a deeper dive to help us recognize if we are in a pit and how we got there but most importantly she emphasizes that we don't have to stay in that pit jesus can lead us to freedom this month living proof ministries is offering get out of that pit as our gift for your donation grab one for you or for a friend thanks for watching this series with us it doesn't matter where you are from if you will give the time and space to this event this weekend if you will lend your heart to it and you'll really pay attention then it's going to come right back around because some of the things we're talking about this weekend simply could not be more practical we're going to be talking about divine power that god exerts on the behalf of people just like you and me and we're going to see god do something that we could not have thought to ask him lord we want all that you have for us this weekend every little thing [Music] come join us in a city near you genesis chapter 16 we're having scenes at the well and both of the ones we're studying tonight are in the context of god meeting women at a well genesis chapter 16 now sarah abram's wife had borne him no children she had a female egyptian servant whose name was hagar and sarah said to abram behold now the lord has prevented me from bearing children go into my servant it may be that i shall obtain children by her now this is just totally out of anything you and i have any kind of context for any kind of context but it was not out of this ancient cultures context because their descendants were everything that lineage that that line would go on was a paramount importance to them and abram listened to the voice of sarah now that would have made me mad right there if i was going to mention it he sure better not say that he was willing to do he better say never never i would rather be childless but no no he believes that he will verse 3 so after abram had lived 10 years in the land of canaan sarah abram's wife took hagar the egyptian her servant and gave her to abram her husband as a wife and he went into hagar and she conceived and when she saw that she had conceived she looked with contempt on her mistress and sarah said to abram may the wrong done to me beyond you i mean suddenly it's back on him like you see what you did to me look how she's treating me i gave my servant to your embrace and when she saw that she had conceived she looked on me with contempt may the lord judge between you and me but abram said to sarah behold your servant is in your power do to her as you please then sarah dealt harshly with her and so hagar fled from her let this fall afresh on you let this come as a living word alive and active the angel of the lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness the spring on the way to sure and he said hagar servant of sarah where have you come from and where are you going both of which he knew and she said i'm fleeing from my mistress sarah the angel of the lord said to her return to your mistress and submit to her the angel of the lord also said to her i will surely multiply your offspring so that they cannot be numbered for multitude and the angel of the lord said to her behold you are pregnant and you shall bear a son and you shall call his name ishmael because the lord has listened to your affliction and he shall be a wild donkey man she didn't care i mean all she needed to know jesus needed this word that he was going to have some kind of blessing on his life some kind of future and he shall be a wild donkey man his hand against everyone everyone's hand against him and he shall dwell over all of his kinsmen verse 13 so she called the name of the lord who spoke to her you are a god of seeing for she said truly here i have seen him who looks after me therefore the well was called beer bahaya roy remember well well hey garboor abram a son and abram called the name of his son whom hagar bore ishmael did you know that the name hagar means stranger i don't know where you may be feeling like a stranger like you don't belong but i'ma tell you this you have been found and you have been found by the god who sees and he knows everything you've suffered everything you've been through as i was preparing this lesson it occurred to me to compare hagar and the samaritan woman a little bit and i just started writing down a little bit of a list it's not something for you to take down just just listen up for a second that both were dealing with the stigma both of them were that each was considered the lesser woman that both of them were trying to avoid other women and both had been grievously disappointed and hurt by both men and women i also want to interject to you because i i maybe because it just you know misery loves company maybe because it just appeals to me because it applies to me in my past as i look over my own journey with god each of them both hagar and the samaritan woman bore some responsibility for the mess that they were in now here's where i want we know i mean we can look at the samaritan woman and there's no doubt in our minds hagar is a little bit of a different story because she is a slave so we don't know what choice did she have when her mistress said this is what i want you to do what choice did she have in the matter we don't know did she or didn't she we have no way of knowing that in the text here's what we do know did you notice that when she got pregnant it says she started treating sarah with contempt that word means in hebrew the word contempt it probably means this in in english it is a word that means to diminish or to make small um it means to belittle somebody to trivialize them so suddenly can't you just imagine because you know as your tummy began growing because here's an old woman and chalice and suddenly she's like oh oh i think i felt the baby kick you understand i mean is anything meaner than a mean woman i mean anything anything just those little and one has something over there oh i didn't mean anything by that and you went you rat you know good and well you did that's contempt when now because of what i've got i mean like you were all on top of it and now look what's happened to me and now you're the one on the bottom and i'm going to make sure just very subtly to remind you i will diminish you i will trivialize you i will make sure you see the round of my abdomen you barren woman and when she started treating her with content sarah then started mistreating her so don't tell me she had no play in it at all both women differing degrees and entirely different ways i don't know i just maybe you are but in most of my conflicts i hardly ever am just completely innocent i see one hand waving at me this she and i she and i are you know what i'm talking about now i'm not saying that i that it it could be that i had none of the intention but honestly can i look at it afterwards and go okay i there's nothing i could every now and then and man i love it when it happens but then the lord will come down on me because then i feel prideful over it because i'm like oh i love suffering innocently well you know because i just we just love to be able to say that that you know that they've done me wrong but a whole lot of times can't we own something in it and we take that to the well and right there trying to get away from everybody jesus shows up and a kind of seeing that makes a scene feels seen now look at 21 8-20 and the child grew and was weaned and abraham made a great feast on the day that isaac was weaned but sarah saw the son of hagar the egyptian whom she had born to abraham laughing so she said to abraham you know for one thing i don't think she felt well it's not easy to win you know i think you know what i'm saying i think maybe it would have been better not to have a weaning party let's like let's have like after the let's let a month go by then have a party i just i'm not sure the timing was right cyril was she didn't feel well she was sore i could get all into it but i know you understand so she said abraham cast out this slave woman with her son for the son of the slave woman shall not be heir with my son isaac the thing was very displeasing to abraham on account of his son and god said to abraham be not displeased because of the boy and because of your slave woman whatever sarah says to you do what she tells you for through isaac shall your offspring be named so israel had been there for the length of time he should have been now there's already a promise of blessing on him but i want you to see what happens and i will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also because he is your offspring so abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and skin of water and gave it to hagar putting it on her shoulder along with the child and sent her away and she departed and wandered into the wilderness of beersheba do you recognize it it's going to be well it's going to be well when the water in the sin here's the beauty of it she does not know that there's going to be a well so he gives her a skin of water which would be a little bit like this but it would have been made with animal skins filled up with water and so this is what hagar gets here and off she goes with his son and it says the most one of the most heartbreaking sections in the entire word of god when the water in the skin was gone she put the child under one of the bushes and she sat down opposite him a good way off about a distance of a bow shot do you understand how far that is so she's trying to sit far enough away where she can see him but she can't hear him let me not look on the death of the child and as she said opposite him she lifted up her voice and wept and god heard the voice of the boy and the angel of god called to hagar from heaven and said to her what troubles you hagar he knew john chapter 20 mary magdalene having looked into the tomb and jesus body is not there woman why are you crying because sometimes he just wants us to tell him can you word it can you tell it to me fear not he said for god has heard the voice of the boy where he is up lift up the boy and hold him fast with your hand for i will make him into a great nation and then god opened her eyes and she saw a well of water sometimes we don't even know it's right there it's so amazing to me when you put it as a juxtaposition to the woman at the well in john chapter 4 because there he brought a woman to a well and here he brings a well to a woman what you going to do with that what you gonna do with that she went she filled the skin of water and gave the boy the drink and i love it i just love it i love it how it says hold him fast by the hand you know what i believe that god is looking for of course of course to raise up mighty men but we are living in a time when we would be tenderhearted as we are faint of heart in this chaotic world gone absolutely mad our hearts breaking we can barely tolerate the news some days it causes us to be women who are strong mighty take that person and hold them fast by the hand and you lift your chin up and you put your shoulders back because i have given you provision remember this off you go hagar you and ishmael off you go all man can offer our thirst is a skin of water anybody understand what i'm saying we're talking about hydrology theology everybody just go ahead and say it it's such a fun thing to say and we're looking at all sorts of vessels for water we're talking about cisterns that collect water from where we're talking about wells that collect it from where and then what does spring do just bubbles up and then there's of course always this because see man was not created by god to answer to the soul thirst of another human they can't do it this is what they can do they can they can get water from the well themselves the more i go to the well and the more i draw from it then the more i have to give and then i'm able to pour a little something in for my daughters for my grandkids for my staff for people i serve somebody in the grocery store i got i got this i got this this i can give you this i can give you but i can't give you this all i can do with this is tell you that's where i got it that's that's where i got it living proof would like to send you a thank you gift for your donation visit today thank you so much for watching today it is our joy to 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Channel: Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore
Views: 15,052
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Id: W9RrMK0fX8U
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Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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