Newsroom s01e05: Will McAvoy and Nina Howard - "They're Journalists!"

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anyone comes in I don't want to see you just buzz my director I want this to stop I was rude to you at a party and I apologize be a bigger narcissist you think this is happening because you didn't take me home on New Year's Eve your ex booked her boyfriend five times called for comment I could have told you that I was the one well you want your ex dating a Congress she didn't know the d-triple-c was talking to you says her yeah all right the ethics of wait coming on the show that was fair you had every right to run that but to say that she almost got someone killed I'm running the piece saying you hired an incompetent EP because she was your girlfriend and she dumped I hired the best EP in broadcasting and Spyder for being my ex-girlfriend don't I know you guys up there millionaire I'm the only millionaire celebrity I'm the only celebrity up there not anymore how does this work I'm thinking about investing in a restaurant and I'm looking for silent partners fifty thousand dollars a share fifty thousand and I'm a silent partner peace in your silent partner quiet as a mouse for good you'll have your own table at the restaurant for life Hey well we're journalists no I was seven what everything would have been cool if you hadn't said that you just talk too much you have a problem with me calling myself a journalist only the elite few who covers stories nobody cares about get to call them so I got a guy on my staff got hit in the head with a glass door Thursday's forehead wouldn't stop bleeding but he wouldn't go to a doctor cuz I got another guy I got beat up covering Cairo and the first guy wouldn't see a doctor until the second guy saw a doctor I've got a producer who ran into a locked door cuz he felt responsible for the second guy I've got an 18 year old kid risking his life halfway around the world and the AAP who sent him there hadn't slept in three days I've got 20-somethings who care about teachers in Wisconsin I've got a grown woman who has to subtract with her fingers staying up all night trying to learn economics from a PhD who could be making twenty times the money three miles down town they're journalists come after me all you want Nia come after me every day look through my garbage invent things out of thin air that's what you're paid for but you touch my staff and you are walking into a world of hurt I have an hour of prime time every night and I will rededicate my life to ruining yours I also want you to send a message up the chain of whatever backroom machinery is driving this that if I so much as smell Leona Lansing's perfume on any of this I'm going to make a meal out of both of you and I won't stop until I'm done look at me and see that I'm dead serious restaurants are bad investments wait 20 minutes before you leave here tap her speech are you not gonna win yeah I don't care I'm just a middle-aged man who never lived up to his potential you don't wanna be on the wrong end me if I ever do I got the drinks
Channel: undefined
Views: 92,619
Rating: 4.8379159 out of 5
Keywords: newsroom, aaron sorkin, journalists, amazing writing, the newsroom
Id: eOskT764Adc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2012
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