Olivia Colman moved from London to escape paparazzi who she criticises as people who "feel nothing"

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you've talked I think in the past or recently about fleeing Paparazzi and I'm not comparing you to Diana and the cart and the Chase and all the rest of it but it is a weird thing to think that that was 97 and you're still and many of you know many people are experiencing what you've been through you can only join that Community if you remove all empathy I don't understand the actress who spoke so beautifully during the lon inquiry saying Sienna Miller Sienna Miller sorry Sienna I was uh running away terrified down an Alleyway pursued by 10 men because they had cameras on them no one no one was there to help but she was pursued by 10 men down an Alleyway you know that's and is that how you feel I mean that we've moved out of London because I couldn't actually cope with it and that and I had nothing compared to know what they had and what would you but to uproot yourself geographically because of that it's it's quite profound I me it quite profound and uh will you watch any of these document about people who who have it much more than me it it damages you uh and it was it was a safety mechanism to to get out to leave I love my job I never signed up for all the other I mean does it stri you as incredible that there was that sort of what we thought would be a moment of Reckoning in 1997 you know in August 97 this is a good people who feel nothing for anybody else I I can't work out how else they can just they they don't see something that they go maybe what we're doing isn't good maybe maybe that's not how to treat other human beings maybe me making 50 Quid from a photograph maybe there's another way of doing it I I'm going to get into trouble for all of this but um I don't would you do anything I mean would you is there anything you would suggest I mean legally or in terms of how the P the the papers work or or the pH they they they're meant to be answerable to a body which is is as useful as a chocolate teacup at the moment there have been so few retractions Apologies by the paper I mean when the lson inquiry came out and we we learned that they were they were hacking Millie Dowler's phone suddenly the public went oh it's not just about you know they're on the Telly therefore they don't feel like human so I don't really care this is this is a suffering a family suffering that's when people started to go Oh Yes actually that's bad the news agents this is a global player original [Music] podcast
Channel: The News Agents
Views: 196,433
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Id: 7zYi36XfZjk
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Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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