Old World Army Guide: Wood Elves Overview

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deep inside AOL Lauren Green clad Warriors mistily stalk through the wooded Realms hunting beastmen and Interlopers from outside their xenophobic borders lightly armored but carrying deadly bows with magical arrows the very trees themselves fight alongside the wood elves with tree men ants and dryads racing forward to rip apart the enemies of the wooded realm hello I'm Rob and this is an army overview for the wood elves for Warhammer the old world in this overview I'm just going to be talking through the Army rules and the Army units to give you a quick kind of idea of what it might be like to play this Army the wood play style is most likely going to be a missile based gun line using evasive tactics and then counter charging with some big Heavy Hitters this doesn't mean you can't build big blocks of some very scary melee units this doesn't mean you don't have access to tree men and even mounting your Lords on a giant forest dragon this is just an overview at the start of the addition to to get you into it there's so much to Deep dive for each Army in the old world and so it's just going to take some time to do so I hope you really enjoy this video and I hope it's exactly what you want but if it's not you can always let me know in the comments below what it is you want to see from content like this in the future cuz I'm super Keen to do it anyway let's dive straight in to the wood elves let's have a look at the units you can take in your Wood Elf Army for characters you can have up to one Glade Lord or spell Weaver per th000 points you can have up to one treeman ancient per th000 points and multiple Glade captains spell singers shadow dancers waste Walkers and Branch wraiths for the core of a Wood Elf Army you must have one unit of Glade guard you can have multiple units of Eternal guard dryads and Glade Riders and up to one unit of deepwood Scouts can be taken as core per thousand points played for special you can have multiple units of deepwood Scouts Wildwood Rangers war dancers Sisters of the thorn wild Riders and Warhawk Riders and you can have up to two units of treein per 1,000 points in your army list for rare you can have multiple treem men for every waist ster you can have one unit of way Watchers and you can have up to three great Eagles per thousand points you spend on your Army list it's time to get into the thick of it and look at the Army special rules it's a thick it thick of it thick it it's like a it's like a wood joke these are rules that obviously are on top of the universal special rules which you can find inside of your big teal book the first one is Elven reflexes and a model not its Mount gets plus one to Initiative for the first round of combat with a high initiative value that elves already have this is an additional bonus meaning elves are most likely to strike first in most combats some units are going to have the talismanic tattoo Special Rule which means they have a sixup ward save some units are going to have the tree Spirit Special Rule this means that units without the tree Spirit Special Rule cannot join units with the tree Spirit Special Rule you also can't benefit from the leadership of units that don't have the tree Spirit Special Rule this is going to make picking who is your general and other things like that important and also remembering you just can't put certain characters inside tree Spirit units some units have the tree whack Special Rule which is an attack that can be made in combat against a model that you're engaged with the Enemy model has to pass an initiative test and if they fail it they take D3 hits at the strength of the user and you can't take any armor saves against it although you can take Ward and regen saves and if they pass the test then you don't get to treack them honestly this is cool I love Tre whacking stuff I'm going to treack everything I'm going treack you I'm going treack it's cool wood elves have a cool and Special Rule called Woodland Ambush this Special Rule allows the wood elf player to place a forest on the table after all other terrain has been set up it can't be set up in your opponent's deployment Zone and it can't be set up within 12 in of the middle of the battlefield this is really cool for the wood elf player they're going to be able to use that piece of terrain to block the enemy's line of sight and be able to move through it easy than our opponent would and obviously feels incredibly thematic with how a Wood Elf Army would play or how you would expect one to play wood elves are obviously famous for fighting with arrows inside forests so it's unsurprising that the wood elf roster has access to its own special type of Woodland bow the as Longbow has a 32 in range it's the same strength as the user and doesn't have any AP but it does have armor Bane and also volley fire this does mean that the Wood Elf Army roster is going to be able to put down a lot of small arms fire at a very long range and if this isn't enough for you you can also upgrade the arrows that the different units are using as well if you take Arcane Bodkins then the arrows that you shoot have an AP of two which coupled with armor Bane means you can really punch through even the most heavily armored targets the hagbane tips make the attacks have poison attacks instead in most games of the old world there'll be multiple modifiers to your shooting therefore you'll most likely at long range be hitting on things like fives and sixes having poison is Kind of Perfect in that way that means that even the toughest monster at 32 in is going to start suffering wounds on loads of sixes to hit I can see hagbane tips being incredibly popular Moonfire shot arrows have the magical attacks and flaming attack Special Rule these will be Obviously good in the right context and matter depending on what you're playing against and if you want to block the sky out with arrows then you can take some Swift shiver shards this gives the aside long bows multiple shots too meaning you're just shooting twice as much but that is going to come at a negative modifier to you shooting or you can have True Flight arrows and True Flight arrows ignore cover and also ignore the quick shot Special Rule this means you're going to ignore a lot of the modifiers that are going affect your shooting and also OverWatch much easier with your units it can't be understated just how much changing the types of arrows that your army has is going to completely change how your army may play and how well it will do into certain matchups and that's kind of half the fun turn up to a match with the wrong arrows and you could be in for a tough time but turn up with exactly the right arrows and everything might go your way will you be on target I hate that joke I'm not putting it in if you have a wizard with access to the law of AOL Lauren they can replace one of the spells that they generate with one of the three spells from this law the first spell tree singing is a magical Vortex spell which has two versions one cast on a seven which uses a small template and one cast on a nine which uses a large template you set it up within 15 in of a caster and whichever template you set up that counts as a forest this becomes dangerous terrain for your opponent this is a really great ability being able to block or Slow Down slow moving enemy units and also block line of sight or at least create cover for your units is a great spell forest Walker is a conveyance spell and it's cast on a 10 at a range of 24 in you can choose a Wood Elf character that's wholly within a woodland terrain feature and as long as it's not fleeing you're going to be able to set it up inside any other Woodland terrain feature 6 in away from the enemy I think this is again an incredible spell being able to move with such utility is really really beneficial to wood elves or generally any army in the game I also like the idea at the very last minute a Wood Elf character he's about to be run down in the forest and then whoop just pops away and hides himself saving you vital Victory point points flock of Doom is a 9in template weapon flock of Doom is cast on a nine you take the small 3-in template place it over an enemy unit and any models that hit suffer strength three hit you're already going to be doing a lot of range damage with a Wood Elf Army and being able to add to that with magic is always going to be good let's take a look at the wood elfelf characters the first character we're going to look at is a Glade Lord Glade Lords are not a Frontline meley character I think you would be able to build one but coming a stock at toughness 3 with only three wounds and and light armor you're going to have to spend a lot of points on magic items to really up the survivability of this character however with the absolutely insane ballistic skill seven I think you should think of this as a sniper character thanks to the evasive Special Rule they're going to be able to move out of enemy fire thanks to Fire and flea they're going to be able to OverWatch or like stand and shoot and then move so not stand and shoot but you know what I mean shoot and move they ignore cover when they shooting meaning they're going to hit way more effectively they move through cover meaning they're going to work very well with forest and terrain and obviously they buff the rest of your Army in having rally and cry so they are going to be able to make it so units that are panicking or fleeing are going to be able to get a second chance to rally and they're an elf so they have strike first so if you do pin them in combat then they are going to be able to strike at initiative 10 they also have a special rule called The Arrow of kernos which at the start of the battle if the enemy General is placed within 36 inches of you then they're going to suffer a strength three hit with no armor saves allowed but Ward saves will be able to be taken just like all of the Lords you're going to be able to put a bunch of magic items onto these characters and so we'll do deep Dives on those in the future but just looking at the rules of stock this is a unit that wants to be shooting moving away from your opponent and keep doing that this is going to be a nightmare unit to pin down and it is going to cause you grief at range consistently I think this will be super fun to play with and if you want to make the character faster you have a variety of mounts you can take an Elven Steed a great stag a Warhawk a forest dragon or a great Eagle the non Lord version of Glade Lord is a Glade captain and this is the character you can upgrade to be your battle standard Bearer you're pretty much always going to have a battle standard Bearer in your force and I think wood elves especially will take it the Glade Lord has an incredibly High leadership of leadership 10 and the Glade Captain is still leadership nine the Glade captain again is not a model I think you want to see Frontline combat however you can obviously upgrade magical items onto these characters to make them more defensive and with their High weapon skill and also High initiative they're always going to be striking first and probably hitting Target easier than they are hit back and I'll say this now before I talk about any of the other units in this Elven roster initiative is great because you strike first that means you can wipe out the front rank of your opponent's units meaning they can't hit you back again deep Dives on how to build the perfect Glade Lord or Glade clap or sorcerer or any of the characters we're going to see in this roster in the future but for now once you start getting your eyes on all the rules I'd love to know what you want to build what kind of combo you like what Mount you like what magic items you want to put on those characters and why cuz those things are just super cool and I love hearing about them two of the types of w elf Mage are the spell Weaver and the spell singer the spell weaver or the Lord level character which can be a level three Caster meaning it can have three spells and cast at plus three can obviously be upgraded to a level four this is standard across almost all Army lists with three wounds toughness three and no armor this is a character that's going to be very susceptible to be getting hit unless they're buried inside of a unit you obviously can upgrade them to have Forest spirits and you can spend 50 points in that or you can even give them some magical tattoos so they have a sixup w safe but these characters are characters that are going to rely on you defending them them not defending themselves spell Weavers and spill singers have access to five different types of magic battle Magic elementalism High magic and illusion and of course they can always drop a spell to take a spell from the law of AOL Lauren there are loads of good spells from these laws which are going to either add additional damage at range which a Wood Elf Army is most likely to do or are going to provide support spells for your units in the AL an army and your spell Weaver and spell singer can also be mounted you can have them on an Elven Steed a unicorn a Warhawk or a forest dragon all of these obviously have different pluses and minuses and we'll talk about them in more detail in the future you can in your wood elf army take a Shadow Dancer in fact you can take multiple shadow dancers these are Frontline Melly characters able to join a unit of War dancers but could even operate like major assassins if you want you can really trick one of these out spending up to 50 points on magic items and Forest spirit as well as being able to turn them into a wizard for another 35 points if you do turn them into a wizard they get access to battle magic and the illusion spell law but it's in combat where this unit is really going to shine three attacks each but with furious charge going to take that up to four attacks at weapon skill eight so these are going to even be able to fight Lord level characters their initiative is already high at seven but obviously they have Elven reflexes and of course strike first and they have inbuilt immune to psychology and so you're not going to have to worry about fear or Terror tests but where this unit is probably going to excel a lot is putting inside a unit of War dancers because when you do so this unit is also going to gain access to the trador of lowex Special Rule which is just a series of special rules that you pick at the start of combat this is a wicked little character you can put inside a unit of War dancers being upgraded to a wizard is awesome battle magic is a great spell LW absolutely brilliant little character Great Law the tricks to God this' be really fun to use another character you can take are waste sters and these are nightmare unit and you are going to have so much fun playing with wasti Walkers waste Walkers are snipers that's just the easiest way to describe them they have the Hawke eyed Archer Special Rule this means not only can they target characters where normally you wouldn't be able to Target them in addition they can choose characters out of units like unit Champions this is going to be a nightmare if your unit has put a magic standard on a unit that's causing you a real problem or has got a unit Champion with a magic blade you just don't want to mess around with this is going to really affect that unit and with the Fantastic ballistic skill 7 the ability to ignore cover the ability to Fire and flee and the ability to be evasive this unit is a nightmare to deal with and it's going to keep sniping out all of your units obviously it's going to be armed with an asai Longbow so you're also going to be able to choose yourself a special type of Arrow it is incredibly lightly armored I think the best you can get is a six-up save but you can make it an ambusher and obviously spend points on Forest bites as well as magical items can't be overstated again just how useful this unit is going to be inside an army it's going to cause a headache for your opponent and it's going to keep racking you up kill points very early in the game and that's kind of what you want your army to do you want to force your opponent or pressurize them to be constantly moving towards you and this is going to absolutely do that as they're losing magic items and champions out of units constantly play wood elves obviously you're going to want to try and take a big tree that's alive casting spells and stomping the enemy and the Treeman ancient is exactly what you want the the tratan ancient is going to be a really interesting character to take on the tabletop for sure starts out as a level two caster and you can upgrade it all the way to a level four Caster so already a monster that's going to be able to cast spells is really really good Bay save seems pretty survivable toughness six with six wounds and has full play armor so four up armor save and regeneration save of five plus in combat is not too bad three attacks weapon skill six strength six it's got magical attacks and obviously you're going to be able to Trex some fools it's also got Terror so it could potentially make units run away before even charging it it's immune to psychology too so you're not going to have to worry too much about those sorts of checks and even if that wasn't an issue it's a massive leadership 10 however we do have a couple of issues it's a tree therefore it's flammable and that does mean that if you do get hit with flaming attacks you're not going to be able to make your regeneration save simil is also kind of slow movement five and obviously he not going to get many bonuses to charge fairly susceptible to artillery fire as well with nothing to negate some of those multi- wound damages it'll be very interesting to see if the tree Lord ancient becomes meta or not but it is the wood elves and taking a giant tree does sound very cool so I'm very interested to know what you all think if you are going down a woodlike army for your Wood Elf Army then a branch wraith is a character you may want to put in especially with a unit of dryads it's a level one Caster that can be upgraded to a level two with access to battle magic elementalism the law of Illusion and also the law of a Lauren you can take some Forest spites upgrades for this character but it is lightly armored at toughness 4 so again another character I think you're going to bury inside a unit of dryads to buff them up the character does cause fear which is nice for being able to stop enemy units and debuff them and also you've got a bit of regen which we love as well overall if I think you're going for a lot of dryads you go for some branch wraiths and then you're building an army along that route however I'm not certain that's playing into the strengths of everything you get from a Wood Elf Army let's take a look at the core units for a Wood Elf Army you have to have at least one unit of Glade guard in a Wood Elf Army and isn't it really cool that they're absolutely brilliant they're a fragile lightly armored but excellent long range missile damage dealing unit with those aside longbows shooting 32 in and their ballistic skill of four they're going to put some real hurt at range especially thanks to all the magical arrows that you can take you can also upgrade this unit really cheaply for every thousand points in your army you can upgrade a gayar unit to and I think most importantly have Vanguard you can also give fire and flee but Vanguard looks really good fire and flee might work as well uh to get away from like Fast units of course you can give them a full command and obviously take a magic standard up to a whopping 50 points that is for a core unit amazing there isn't really much to say about this unit it's going to sit at the back of the board for most of the game it's going to rain down wooden death on your opponent and you have to take them but like you're probably going to take more than one unit you're going to take multiples as a core choice you can also take a unit of up to one deepwood Scout unit for every th000 points in your Army list deepwood Scouts are just another flavor of Glade guard with a couple of special rules baked in for only an additional two points per model 13 points for the deepwood scouts and 11 for the Glade guard you get evasive fire and flea Scouts and skirmishes skirmishes is especially good because it's a longrange unit when taking missile fire they're going to be an additional minus one to be hit just making again this incredibly lightly armored unit that much more survivable at range but that's what they invented Fireball for just cast Fireball at them and just throw them into that dirt both of those two units are excellent and while only core choices even if limited it's going to really start to Define how this Wood Elf Army is going to play Eternal guard are going to be a lightly armored infantry block they're going to be an anvil unit for your opponent's charging units to crash against hopefully keeping most of your missile weapon units safe toughness 3 with light armor you can upgrade them to have Shields and I probably suggest that you do that so so have a five up armor save because of the low toughness low armor save they're probably going to take a lot of damage however they have a really high initiative of initiative four they have oven reflexes which is going to plus one to that initiative and in addition the asise spear that they're equipped with adds another plus one initiative on a turn in which they're charged that as spear is strength as user so it's going to start out as strength three and it's got AP1 it's got the Special Rule fighting extra ranks so you're going to be able to do an additional rank of attacks they also have the Special Rule Marshal prowess allowing you to do sporting attacks from units even in the flank and rear so this is a unit that even when it's charged is still going to do a lot of attacks from a lot of ranks no matter which side it's charged from at a high initiative value of up to initiative six even if it does end up failing combat and losing has a stubborn Special Rule which is nice means it's going to stick around for even longer obviously you can upgrade it to have a full command and you can also give it either the drilled or veteran Special Rule with the exception of the low armor and the low toughness kind of a perfect Hammer unit that's going to be real issue when you charge it CU it's probably going to do some wounds and it's going to stick exactly where it is this means it's going to be great for allowing your units to counter charge or at least hold up the enemy so you can do even more shots from your missile weapons trads as a core unit are very interesting and add a lot to what you want for a Wood Elf Army they're a skirmishing unit with light armor and regen so they are going to be fairly fragile but toughness 4 that's going to hopefully keep them around a little bit longer this is going to be compounded by the fact that they're immune to psychology and they also cause fear so going to cause a real issue for potentially skirmishing or light units that are going to be approaching your front lines they're also stubborn will leadership eight so I think you're going to be able to operate them on their own out in front of your army slowing the enemy down as you R Hot Death on them from all of your arrows there might be a build where you just have a lot of dryads in a huge kind of cloud formation I can't wait to get these units on the tablet and try them out but for now they feel like they're going to be a chaff Frontline unit that's blocking enemies ask score unit are Glade Riders this is a lightly armored light Cavalry unit that you're going to be able to use to screen either the front of your army or go War Machine hunting at the back of the Enemy Lines obviously they have access to the asai long bows and can choose any of the special Arcane arrows you can upgrade them obviously to have a full command and you can upgrade them to have several special rules you have ambushes drilled or Reserve move special rules added to this unit added to the fact that this unit is a fast covery unit with skirmishers and Swift stride and this is going to cause some real issues in the sides of your army you're just going to use them to war machine hunt hunt your level four wizards at the back of the board and they're going to cause you a real nightmare in the perfect situation could even potentially be used to set up for some really nice flank charges to really run down enemy unit it's really nice option to have in a Wood Elf Army but you're just going to take more of the archers instead let's move on and look at our special units Whitewood Rangers are a Melly infantry unit that are going to decimate enemy Monsters the major issue I think you're going to have is getting them there movement five strength and tough three leadership N9 so nice high leadership and they have a good weapon skill of five they're all equipped with Rangers glaes and this is where it gets really awesome it's going to take them up to strength five cuz it's plus two strength with an AP value of two and they require two hands so you're not necessarily going to be wounding some of the larger monsters on threes it's going to be more like fives but if you are attacking a unit that has fear or Terror Special Rule then each model gets an additional attack in meley and it does multiple damage too versus just doing only damage one and then doubling the damage is just wild however toas 3 with only light armor and the ability to only upgrade to having a shield mean this is also going to really struggle if they get hit first but of course they've got high initiative and Elven reflexes so they're definitely going to probably strike first at initiative order and thankfully nothing's really going to reduce how effective that is thanks to being immune to psychology are they perfect for every situation no some enem units might not cause fear and might not cause Terror and then they're okay however if you do get in the right situation where this unit goes into the matchup it wants it's going to murder them and that's awesome the next special unit are War dancers and again lightly armor toughness three no armor at all a skirmishing unit with talismanic tattoos for a sixup ward save they have strike first so they will in combat at least be hitting anything before they get hit first and they hit so amazingly hard they're just equipped with hand weapons and they have one attack each however they got Furious charge for additional attack they can take an extra hand weapon for another attack and they have the dancers of lowex Special Rule this is Special Rule that when chosen to fight they get to choose one of four effects to apply to the unit if you choose the storm of Blade Special Rule then you're going to be adding plus one attack for a total of four at weapon skill six you're going to be hitting loads and at strength three you're going to be wounding almost nothing if you don't want quite as many attacks but you do want some AP then you can choose the whirling bade Special Rule and that's going to be ap2 if you want the unit to survive a little better you can choose the Shadows coil Special Rule to give them a four W save and if you you've already stacked some minuses to hit on the enemy unit or they just have a low weapon skill anyway versus your weapon skill six you can choose the woven Miss Special Rule for a further minus one to be hit this is a unit that's going to be very susceptible to missile weapons but once it get into combat and it has the right targets to hit is going to do some amazing work in close combat sister of the thorn are a really unique like Cavalry unit toughness three with one wound a piece and no armor at all they do have a four up Ward save thanks to their daughters of eternity Special Rule this is going to keep them in the fight a little bit longer but the main reason they're going to be around is because they're very fast they have a super high ballistic skill of five and they have a 12in weapon called a black Brier Javelin it's the same strength as the user so in this case strength three and it's got AP1 with move and shoe so this very fast unit is going to be able to move up the board and fire these javelins at unit qu and hit really well the entire unit also has poisoned attacks as if this wasn't unique enough this unit can also become a wizard it chooses spells from either battle magic or the LW of elementalism and cast spells like a bound spell if you include a unit champion and a standard Bearer this unit will be great for keeping a character inside of it it's fast and hopefully will stay out of the way of some of the major threats your opponent brings but it is lightly armored and I just I panic with units like this and I think what's he going to do it's going to just die but it's got four it's got four W save tougher than it looks it's got four at w save it's going to if you roll those four UPS it's going to stay around forever the next unit we're going to look at our wild Riders earlier on we talked about our Eternal guard creating an anvil so that eventually a hammer could come and smash into the flank of a unit and just rip them to Pieces wild Riders are a hammer unit in the Wood Elf Army they're an incredibly offensive Cavalry unit that's going to do loads and loads of damage in Melly fairly heavily armored for a Wood Elf Army being able to take light armor and shields toughness three and one wound again this is a unit that hits and does not like to be hit back but it's a fast Cavalry unit and also has counter charge frenzy and Furious charge mean it's going to be a unit that's going to be difficult to control but when it does charge in is going to get lots of bonus attacks and when it does charge it's going to be using Swift stride and is going to be striking a high initiative value with its Elven reflexes for additional plus one in combat it gets to use its absolutely prodigious hunting spear which is going to add plus one to the strength making them strength five ap2 with armor Bane one for up to ap3 and potentially three attacks base obviously you can give this unit full command and a magic standard yes this unit is going to be difficult to control because of frenzy but also when it does charge in it's going to do an amazing amount of work I think this unit is going to be especially good for counter charging units that try to charge your Elven gun line or even to build an entire Army of crazy wild Riders running around and charging into everything Warhawk Riders are a harassing skirmishing unit obviously the ability to fly and amazingly mobile at movement 10 the elves on top are armed with aside longbows and obviously can choose any of the upgrades for them I think this unit is going to see a lot of play again on the flanks or trying to charge into war machines or Wizards at the back of the board the hawk itself pretty decent in combat so being able to harass constantly at the edges of the battle thanks to the long range of the bow and then either charging into flanks to help with combat resolution or hunt war machines at the back I can see little units of three Warhawk Riders seeing a lot of play inside of game rounding out the special choices for the wood elves are the trein they come as a minimum unit of Two And if there is a heavy inventory unit in this book it's going to be the treein three wounds a piece at toughness five with a five up armor save and a five up regen save make these actually survivable they are stubborn at leadership eight which is decent they have stomp attacks and tree whac and they have three attacks at weapon skill four and strength four so a pretty good Frontline fighting unit and these are all magic iCal attacks if you rolling sixes to wound then your armor Bane 2 is going to start punching through some armor and of course because they're trees they're flammable so they regeneration save can be taken away I don't know if people are going to build big bricks of trein but there's a lot of attacks from the front rank if you want it to be and relatively defensive and tough for the W elf book I think they're going to pose an issue to some enemy units but most people should be bringing some sort of solution for a big monster or something like that and so I think they're going to be targeting the treein exclusively looking at our rare choices we're going to look at the way Watchers way Watchers are the Elite of the elite when it comes to ranged missile weapons in the wood elf Force blissed skill 5 armed with the as Longbow and able to choose any of the special arrows this unit is going to rain down arrows from everywhere and you are going to be annoyed this is a skirmishing unit that can scout you can upgrade them to have the Ambush Special Rule they move through cover they ignore cover so they're going to be hitting things much easier they can fire and flee as a charge reaction and because they have the feigned flight Special Rule that means they're going to be able to automatically rally at the end of their movement after they've fled they're evasive so if you do try to shoot them they're going to run away and even then they're skirmishers so they're another minus one to hit and if you want some early movement you can upgrade them to have the Vanguard Special Rule and you can make them veterans the upgrades on the special arrows for these are slightly cheaper than if you were to take them on your Glade guard and so the wood elf book might be about what's the best way to be points effective with the number of arrows you can shoot at range to really harass your opponent ignore cover is really great though and that's not something you should sleep on with this unit the tree man is a legit monster to have in this Army and if you did want something to countercharge while you're run in a gun line or even multiple treemen to run over and smack up some fools I think the Treeman is very very good tougher six with full plate armor and then a regen of five plus but of course it's a tree therefore it's flammable so you can have that regen taken away from you it causes Terror it's stubborn and it has six attacks in close combat these are weapon skill six but the low strength five which is odd these are all ap2 with armor Bane one and they're all magical attacks and to round out the combat profile obviously he's got tree whac and D3 stomp attacks so I think on its own a tree man might be able to produce a lot of combat resolution and because it's stubborn should be able to stick in fights even if it doesn't terror is also a great special role to affect the enemy units but I'm a little bit concerned about these monsters that are a little bit slow thankfully though the wood elf roster is a roster that is going to be shooting at your opponent a lot and therefore they should be coming towards you so you don't have to run across the board to hit them I guess the real question is would you take a tree man lastly in the rare section you can have up to three great Eagles per thousand points and the great Eagles are kind of perfect for exactly what you would want a single model base to do they can fly at movement 10 and they have Swift strid so they're very very mobile they cause fear which is going to be really valuable for what I think they should be doing and they have three attacks in close combat one of which is done with their serrated Mo this got armor Bane two and multiple damage to and with a high Initiative for I could absolutely see someone using one of these to charge into either war machines at the back or go monster or character hunting sure a single Great Eagle isn't necessarily going to mess up a monster but it might mess up a character and most of the play style of this Army is going to be just about removing small pieces from the enemy Army and slowing it down I think great Eagles are going to be very useful inside a Wood Elf roster that's all the units you can take in a Wood Elf roster but this is just the very start of us reviewing the wood elves or any of the factions for the old world we as of yet haven't looked at all the magic items looked at all the different spell laws you can take and how you can buff up different units inside a Wood Elf Army what does an army what does a Wood Elf Army archetype look like I mean right now it very much looks like it's going to be a missile weapon Army that's hiding at the back of the board but I'm sure there are loads of combinations I'd love to know what you're planning on running and thinking about playing with I'd like to know Lord loadouts and little hero loadouts and all sorts of ideas that you've had for your wood elf armor me and my co-host will be doing long deep Dives and tactica for all of the armies and those will all be available on our patreon and eventually they're going to make it all to YouTube so if you do like what you've seen here and you fancy supporting the show you can obviously join us on patreon or you can just leave us a comment like And subscribe and tell us what you thought I'm always trying to make better content so if you can just tell me what you'd like to see from these videos I'll try hard to make sure those are things you see in the future thanks very much for listening and I hope you really enjoy playing with your Wood Elf Army
Channel: Square Based: A Warhammer Fantasy in the Old World
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Keywords: warhammer the old world, warhammer the old world news, the old world warhammer, old world, the old world, warhammer the old world rumors, warhammer fantasy, warhammer fantasy lore, warhammer, great book of grudges, mountain miniatures, chapter master valrak, valrak, square based, square based podcast, square bassed, warhammer old world, wood elves, Wood Elves, wood elf realms, wood elf, wood elf guide, wood elf tactics
Id: A9dwmoXfqGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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