Vampire Counts - Warhammer The Old World - Faction Review

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[Music] welcome to a YouTube exclusive old world Fanatics video I guess hey Andrew how you going mate yeah good G very good yeah we're trying to do some extra content YouTube only so if you're on the audio podcast you probably don't get this but you should be subscribed to our YouTube channel which is where this is going up so yeah um I guess Andrew what are we uh going to chat about today for the next I don't know 34 40 minutes or so 30 40 minutes yeah hopefully it doesn't blow out um so yeah probably the first of our hopefully soon to come many uh Army book reviews or faction reviews so today one of my favorites coming out it's backwards it's backwards Dam it's vampire CS probably Chang that but that's okay vampire CS don't worry about that um so yeah uh I figured we'll go through um the Legacy Army list uh what we think uh all the rules how we think it's going to play and um give our listeners a bit of or Watchers a bit of a uh bit of a heads up if they haven't gone through it or just give them maybe some extra Insight if they have ah sounds good and you know my history with vampires that I can never seem to play against them and um it so the more I learn the better so you're definitely the uhme or the subject matter expert on this so that'll be at least on vampires in general maybe not we don't know anything about oldw yet yeah well that's it now we're trying to get potentially a game in tomorrow um I'll just I'll bring up my screen with the Legacy bring that up a little bit EP yeah we could probably try to get a game in tomorrow um it's going to be funny actually for the first Old World game if it's tomb Kings V vampires so we just throw the psychology phase out or but um I was thinking when we play in our heads might have to go okay usually they would take a break test but yeah yeah we don't have to worry about the other person you know like fear and terror is such a big thing obviously with Undead yeah it's going to be funny yeah cool it's not going to matter so um yeah let's uh let's get into it so vampire counts Legacy armyus where do you want me to start I think you said special rules yeah so we'll start at special rules and we'll go back to Army composition um so one thing before we get into this book um is it has changed a bit of the flavor of vampire Counts from addition Etc and before that um basically what I mean by that is um the bloodline Powers essentially for the vampires aren't there anymore they've just yeah yeah um but that's not to mean that just because the flavors Chang you can't still get a very tasty vampire and you can't um build him in a way because he can that sort of does what they used to do within the separate bloodline Powers not they're not as speci specied but you can definitely go down the the magic build path um or the fullon combat build path um so there's there's that some people were a little bit upset obviously that they did lose that aspect of it um but for me I I still think you can get that build in there so it doesn't really bother me as such other than you don't have the name I suppose anymore I wonder if that's a legacy thing um you know to make these easier or if it's a Games Workshop thing because in 10th edition 40K they did that with the Space Marines you know they basically went like you can the special what I can't remember what they're called but they whatever their you know strategy faction things are there's like one that's obviously Imperial fist one that's obviously Dark Angels but it's not called that so build your own Space Marine so yeah yeah I don't know I like to think it's that rather than them just trying to um you know get this out you know get the uh get the Legacy faction out but yeah I think it's that as well um so yeah we'll head into the special rules um and then we'll pretty much start off from the start of the book so the first one we're going to hit is going to be cleaving blow um so cleaving blow is a change from basically your old black knights um Etc having um and graveguard having gra yeah yeah okay yeah um so basically it's just changed that um instead of being able to you know kill a character or blah blah blah blah multi- wound it just negates your ability to have an armor save or a regeneration save when you roll a six right and that's against the same sort of you know infantry Cavalry sort of models War Beast Etc um so yeah it's it's got the same no armor save but or regen save really only going to help against um single single wound ones is that what you're saying yeah yeah yeah so it's not going to be sniping characters Etc or taking them out um dark Vitality um this is quite an important one um so this uh models with this rule they're not subject to the death of the general rule which we'll hit later um and unless they've joined a unit that does not have this they can March as normal um so it's more of your vampiric style um models have got this so they can like March and golf by themselves um so they're not sort of bound to the magic as much um indominable uh this one's pretty good uh basically a unit with a Special Rule reduces the number of wounds suffered from unstable um by whatever the number is shown in the bracket most things are indominable one but you can get some too um but the thing is is it doesn't stack so basically if a character with two joins a unit with one the whole unit becomes two but if you've got it won't become like three so they don't stuck up and if they just jumping your ha doesn't it doesn't stack with the BSB type change rule either does it not the BSB but it does with other effects so it's quite specific in the wording what does stack um when it comes to um limiting your what you know basically crumbles um so necrom Matic Undead this is your classic Undead rule um so models with this Special Rule which pretty much obviously everything um are Undead Undead models cannot March so that's a big one they can't march unless they have the fly Special Rule and choose to fly in addition all models have the following Universal rules you know you normal are fear immune to psych unbreakable unstable um a character with a Special Rule cannot join a unit without the Special Rule vice versa yeah now the cool thing i' noticed straight away and it's sort of going probably to what you said at the beginning is obviously I've been running I'm I'm been looking at the tomb King book and very similar obviously we have caving blow indomitable as well I guess the question is did you did Vamps used to have a version of indomitable because obviously tomb Kings did with their constructs not crumbling um did they never have that no well I I don't remember anything like they did have ways of reducing um crumble okay yeah through BBS and what it wasn't sort of like a rule okay it was just the BB yeah it wasn't a specialty rule yeah and obviously we had the same necromantic Undead as tomb King so yeah the big thing that sticks out to me there's two things with this is um that the uh first thing is you can stand and shoot and do charge reactions um I don't know that's very applicable to Vamps it is to tomb Kings but but that that's a cool change and then there is a few things I've noticed in the law in the rule book like reserve move for example that is determined around if you haven't March do you are able to do X and so I feel like you know it's it's a no-brainer for Undead to use if you can get those rules then yeah potentially you have you can't use them because you're never marching yeah exactly and and you see that like you said throughout it's quite popular in um quite a few models compared to other armies um so yeah it's it is very important to have that and obviously that is on a few models as we'll see oh cool awesome um so the new Ling dead um as you can imagine is pretty much going to be zombies uh when resurrected the Fallen a unit with a Special Rule can take it Beyond its starting size um Co so yeah spoiler alert you zombies yeah so whaling durge uh I love this rule um so there was similar rules in sort of past um formats uh so during the shooting phase of its turn unless it marched during the preceding movement phase a model with this Special Rule can make a whing durge attack uh whing durge attack may take an enemy unit that's within 8 in of this model um units that are including units that are engaged in combat so that's that's quite a b and models control on a site to all that this model is engaging combat with I yeah um so this could really really hurt um especially a lower leadership um army or unit uh so the target must take a leadership test with a minus two modifier to its leadership characteristic to a minimum of two if this test is failed the target will suffer of number of Wis equal to the amount which is failed with no armor saves or regen permitted so you can take obviously water saes yeah yeah so this is the B the old Banshee scream yeah um now the Banshee scream used to be now wasn't targets immune to psychology how was that worded because this to me is a leadership test yeah you have to take it you could scream at tomb King off the board you I mean like it's just a leadership test so it must be worded different to the old Banshee scream which yeah some things that were immune to psych didn't have to take it is that is that how I remember it yeah yeah well I've only ever had yeah so I've only ever had this playing in like ninth age with my old which was similar to this sort of rule um so I could see definitely in past additions because you would think if you're immune immune to psychology you know a deathly scream probably wouldn't affect you um especially being Undead but obviously in this this it doesn't say yeah it's just a leadership test yeah unless you're immune to taking leadership test but I haven't seen anything that says that so interesting and yeah I mean we will see how we'll have a look at how many units have this on it I guess yeah yeah yeah um and there is a note um that the attack can Target an enemy character regardless of the usual rules for targeting loone characters basically you just need to be within 8 inch it doesn't matter if you're in combat or not if they're in combat if you can see them it doesn't matter yeah yeah exactly oh hang on or may Target within this model and that this model can draw a line of sight to all that a so you still need to you need to draw a line of s but you can a line of sight to the model that it's engaging in combat with so you can of shoot it into someone who's fighting yeah even though you can't then draw a line of s side to that model yeah yeah so yeah obviously High leadership Army it's probably not going to be as scary but yeah if if you're a low leadership or you can get that leadership down this could be very scary um resurrecting the fallen so this is just the way that you resurrect your um army back uh using the invocation the heck uh so this is really cool I like the way they've done this um and I think it's going to help um certain builds out a lot and it could make characters very hard to kill in certain situations um so in a vampire CS arm it's possible to heal a unit by recovering lost wounds and to resurrect Fallen Warriors um so there's a strict order you've got to do it so first any characters that have joined the unit are healed a character that has been reduced to zero wounds obviously can't can't um be resurrected um so models with more than one wound on their profile are then healed and then obviously Champions um uh and then uh standard Bears musicians and then just rank and file yeah um so yeah characters being first especially if it's in a unit um to me it's a a very big thing um so yeah we'll get to thatat too like in the a couple of times in sixth edition I'd heal units like my Chariot units I'd he like I'd send a heal onto that Chariot unit and I'd just heal chariots because you know I'd lost a chariot or two but sometimes my character in there has wounds whereas now if I hit it with that with the arise which is effectively the same rule yeah it has to heal the character first which is interesting yeah so it's going to inser builds make it very hard to kill these characters it's almost like you need to kill them ASAP otherwise they're going to be coming back um so yeah la we're going straight back to the Grand Army is we'll go back to the Grand Army um so yeah uh 50% on characters so you need a wizard uh we'll hit that in a sec so that's going to be a general so obviously uh vampire count Master necro ory ghoul King you'll add one per th000 points um and one white king B you per th000 points um and then obviously you got you know unlimited throlls decomatic acolytes white Lords KRA was white king always called white king and white Lord because I I don't know much about bamps but it just it's I keep thinking white Lord is the Lord character and the King underneath him is that just how always been yeah I've got eighth edition up here and eighth edition is the same uh there probably is I just haven't played Vamps that much so yeah it's taken ages to load ah it's all good cool it's all good but yeah yeah no it is it's uh white king is the hero and white Lord is the Lord oh in eth yep oh so it's the other way around here so it is no no I'm lying oh okay so there is no it's just a yeah there's no whing right ah white Lord sorry it's just a white king so white king is a with three wounds and three attacks split it split it so it's created two um yeah anyway sorry so core uh at least 25% so obviously coming in um yeah skeleton Warriors zombies CP ghouls bat swarms and direwolves so all your Classics um and then if you've got one or more whites you can have uh Zer One units of graveguard or Black Knights can be taken as a core Choice that's pretty pretty good yeah um special you're allowed uh 0 to1 graveguard or black knots per th000 points 0 to1 [ __ ] Horrors FBS per th000 points 0 to three corpse carts um I don't know why you want three corpse carts but anyway uh 0 to one Spirit host or conrath or oh sorry 0 to1 Spirit host per krath or uh tomb banshe you taken and then if your king is uh General is a stroy ghoul King zero to war of varg or ter pull some of that stuff from rare into speci yeah as a special that's that stroy build type thing the ghoul build I guess yeah yeah which makes sense um so his his own sort of character here outside of the the standard Vamps which we hit in a so your rares you're coming up uh one varg per th000 points up to two black coaches one terago or vulf per th000 points uh one unit blood knots per th000 points one unit hex wraths per car wraith or tomb Banshee so allies you're allowed tomb Kings um obviously I don't think tomb Kings can Ally can they I don't think there's any allies that way like I don't so I don't think they added allies from the the um yeah factions back to the other factions you know what I mean they didn't so it's Orcs and goblins Warriors and Beast braak hers I reckon that's something that if we ever accept allies into the community stuff which I'm assuming at some point they might or might not I Reon people would have to comp that in because I reckon there's obviously you know yeah uh yeah ones that should go the other way as well yeah it's a bit weird it goes one way doesn't it um I'm just trying to think of examples but there certainly would be some core factions that would Ally with some of those other ones yeah yeah 100% um so quick question though on what you can select here and again it's going didn't Games Workshop say every unit that is at the end of eth was playable aren't we missing some obvious AOS units isn't there what were those ones that were sort of Tomb kingish they're obviously in the bone Reaper whatever they're called bone Reaper ones now thought the end times models weren't going to be included ah so is that what did they say that okay maybe I was confused well that's yeah I think that was a bit of a gray area those end models cuz I do have some of those um Mor GS that's them yeah yeah the big choppy boys with the wings pretty dumb though like that because that means Nash is technically probably never going to be a character in this end time even though he's probably dead at this point so probably doesn't make difference but not dead but you know like yeah cool anyway Sor I keep distracting you so then battle and be but that's yeah so these are really really important I know it's really important for every Army but we'll hit that SEC why they're very important so you're allowed to take a vampire TH or a white Lord um so they're allowed your normal standard amount of points magic points for magic sorry points for magic items but uh battle standard Bearer can purchase a single magic standard with no point limit cool so in this addition you can take additional stuff um on your bb which is could do that in um yeah you couldn't do that in six six but you could do it in eight still you B me could have stuff in eight yeah yeah yeah yeah um all right we'll hit the general first um so basically in this Edition and the death if your general dies so your general has to be a wizard um every V vampire counts Army is animated and driven onwards by the Sorcerer of its General to represent this the general or vampire uh oh sorry the general of a vampire count Army must also be a wizard so that's why it was zero to one H sorry one plus has to be a wizard for characters um so there can be a vampire a necromancer or a stroy ghoul King if your army includes only a single wizard that wizard must be your general even if they are not the character with the highest leadership um so that's kind of cool because you can have a necro and a choppy vampire um and you know your necrommancer can still be your uh Lord of your army as such yeah uh should your general be need be the general though doesn't he yeah the wizard yeah the wizard and so that would knock you down to leadership eight although maybe you are right anyway you are okay so sorry yes well it's not going to change all that much anyway and you could see soon why leadership is such a big deal with vampire counts because usually it didn't really mean anything yeah um so should your general be slain the oh basically your army starts to crumble as soon as your general is removed from players of casualty or friendly units with the necrotic Undead Special Rule loses regeneration in addition at the end of the phase in which your general is removed from play is a casualty enduring each of the start of term subphases for the remainder of the game or friendly units with a necromantic Undead Special Rule that are currently on the battlefield must take a leadership test if this test is failed the unit loses a number of wounds equal to the amount which it is failed um so this is just your classic crumble crumble so another wizard can't take its place two things yeah they've got rid of that which I can't remember some additions were different that you could do that others you can't and obviously using the regen which is sort of big too because obviously I'm guessing I haven't looked through it all but tomb King's definitely you know most of the characters end up with a five up region yeah um so I'm assuming it's the same with Vamp so you're losing that which you probably were counting on although if your General's dead you probably not worried about that too much because now he's dead so well they get dark Vitality which means they don't suffer um so for dark Vitality Special Rule um the models with the Special Rule are not subject to the death of a general rule gotcha so they can keep kicking along y okay yeah um but yeah I mean if the rest of your arm is crumbling um obviously yeah still you can have a bad day yeah um so let's hit the vampires like I said before we don't have the um Bloodlines anymore um so you've got your vampire count classic vampire count he coming in four attacks I think he's lost an attack actually I think he used to have five attacks oh right okay so a little less choppy yeah a little less choppy 160 points so they're not super expensive are you looking at mainly when you're comparing this are you looking at eth or you looking at six yeah because you played them mostly in eighth yeah exactly so yeah eighth and then went off to ninth age which was sort of that eight five um so yeah uh vampire thr coming in same sort of you know strength five tough four only two wounds three attacks um THS can be your BSB obviously you're going to want a BBS we'll discuss in a sec um so a vampire may be a wizard um so it's not automatically a wizard a vampire that is a wizard no spells from dark magic illusion and necromancy um sorry can I jump in there a few things so like you've they've lost not only two Pips of leadership they've lost one pip of initiative and attacks they're definitely not as choppy I remember remember when we were talking about the um Brett jke came out and was like oh crap everyone's going to get this um souped up extra Lord that they never had and I was like imagine the vampire if anything he's gone backwards yeah he has it's uh that with initiative yeah has fallen a little bit I find across everything yeah it's very important I think they maybe they've done that in a way so you know it makes those charges you know when you get that plus three or plus four yeah you got more chance of actually attacking these guys so yeah I like it um is there a magic phase there do you want to talk about um what magic would work better or do you want to get through list and I wasn't really going to talk too much about magic I've gone through all of them I kind of like them all it's just like depending on builds I actually like dark magic I dark Magic's pretty okay that's the one I haven't looked at ironically I think because I don't get access to it as tomb Kings I get Illusion and necromancy but yeah yeah but they're all yeah they're all pretty good I think it's just it's it's like anything it's your build and your magic sort of together it's how you want to play yeah um so yeah uh obviously you can get a shield um you can get light armor heavy armor maybe mounted we'll go through the mounts in a little bit um so you can be a level one or level two wizard purchase magic arms up 1,000 points purchase vampiric Powers up to 1,000 points um a thr maybe a level one Wizard and then 50 points for magic powers and Vamp Powers yeah um so yeah you're only a level two Max for a vamp uh without additional Powers now is that um oh oh okay what does that mean sorry because I was gonna say that that wasn't usual was it you used to be able to get yeah you get like the you know the necar and sort of the different magic heavy builds that were magic it was a magic heavy Vamp and then a combat heavy Vamp like in different builds in between yeah um where else it seems like it's very hard to get a full very magic heavy Vamp like you can add things onto it which will hit but it's sort of lost a little bit of that flavor with the necar arch being such a dominant magic sort of figure right um so yeah the special rules so you got dark Vitality which is obviously um if your general dies you don't worry about it you can March all that sort of stuff flammable which just removes your regeneration against stuff with flaming attacks um dominal to is pretty good like we spoke it can join a unit and that unit will gain that indominable too uh it gains access to lore of undeath which will hit probably after I've done all these characters uh the NEC chromatic Undead and regen five up um the thrs pretty much got the exact same he can just do uh well indominable one but he's got uh Banner of the counts yeah oh there it is next page yep yep so you'll see soon why this is very important um and why the leadership sort of gone down uh so vampire thow mobile upgraded you battle stand a bearer um so the new hold your ground so this is the rule you get instead of what you get for other armies so this is what battle standard Bearer hold your gr will give you so friendly units within the battle standard barriers command range May reroll any failed leadership tests leadership tests are quite important for the Synergy of this Army as we soon hit in addition friendly units within the battle standard bars command range reduce the number of lost wounds due to unstable by D3 but this is not cumulative with indomitable so so just so you understand it like is a leadership test everything so like a break test is a leadership test Panic test is a leadership test or is a leadership test only when it says take a leadership test well you're not going to be doing that you're not doing break points anyway yeah yeah but you will be doing leadership tests for something very important which we'll hit next um so go over to the next page actually I may as well hit this now while I'm keeping everybody in suspense so invocation of NE HEC this is how you're going to rise the majority of your um models back so during the command subphase of their turn if they are not engaged in combat this character may attempt to resurrect the Fallen by making a leadership test using their own leadership if this test is passed a single friendly unit that has the necrom Matic Undead Special Rule within 12 in uh of this character recovers a number of lost wounds however magically uh repairing great Undead Beast is harder than raising zombies therefore how many wounds recovered so it's variable yeah um so regular infantry or heavy infantry is recovered in a number of wounds equal to the characters level plus D3 um so that's very good for you know um your graveguard not so good for zombies um so it's not it's not interchangeable um funly enough so it's very good for some units not so good for others um swarms like C is the character's wizard level plus one monstrous infantry heavy Cavalry monstrous Cavalry and light chariots is the number of wounds equal to the character's level of Wizardry that is quite a big thing because if you've got a level four he can bring back things like blood Knights for blood Knights um yeah that's quite for me that's quite big and if you've got a character in there as well you know they're hard to kill at the best of times and now you're bringing them back as four so that's I think that's you're going to see level fours running around and you're going to see some of these big heavy hitting units with characters in them um and they're gonna me a character like a vamp he is an infantry yeah so when you hit him when you hit oh god what have I just done there the wrong one when you hit um a unit that has him in there y you're doing him at plus D3 plus your wizard level is that right uh yeah yeah okay and if it's in your unit of Cav um you know you could be bringing back how does that work oh well if he's he's a c then if he's on a yeah c yeah true yeah so I mean this this could be some very um pretty deadly builds getting around and it you know you I like how it's not a spell it's the same as a rise obviously in the Tomb Kings it's not you're not having a wait they can't dispel this it's just down at leadership you can't um so it's kind of a good thing it's not there's not a lot of these getting around invocation of thex um so it's quite um uncommon in in a certain degree um what do you mean not not a lot of them getting around what do you mean it's attached to yeah so your Vamps don't have it yeah it's just the necros yeah okay so your necromancers have got it um and so you can add it to other builds but well we'll get to that later yeah um so basically yeah your necromancers are going to be you know you could have builds with multiple necromancers and because you're not doing you could have a level one Necromancer um or sorry level two I think whatever the lowest one is um the acolytes yeah we can have level one if you're yeah is a level one sorry yeah yeah yeah so he's still got this rule um but but essentially because it's not a spell he's not worried about that plus fored a spell or whatever from yeah you can still have one of the other ones as well yeah so you could have builds where you got three or four necromancers I don't know it makes you wonder like you're not really losing much on leaderships and stuff you might as well just take a level three Necromancer and a couple of acolytes or something you're throwing three of these a turn yeah exactly you um and that's where that BSB comes in because you know you're only looking at a 50% chance of successfully getting it unless you got a BB yeah yeah um and then a BB you're probably looking at a I don't know 80 80 odd per chance maybe with the roll um yeah so before we keep going I'll just hit these Vamp Powers because we've already done The Vamps um that was at the back or 23 page 23 just to try and keep some Synergy in with this book yeah I they put them over Place yeah yeah yeah so your first V power um so basically you usually get the same amount of points for Vamp power as you do for special items um so the first one 50 points is plus one wounds characteristic um it's not too bad um obviously if you just want to beef up one of your Vamps uh the second one for gos 40 points uh so enemy units must take a leadership test before making rollster hit um if this test is failed only rolls of six will hit um you'll see that they've got that same rule on the not the Morse engine the oh the other Mount we'll see it later anyway coven Throne coven Throne yeah that that's on that um flying horror this is really cool um I love this so models whose troop type is infantry only the vampire gains fly 10 but can't join a unit yeah so flying vampire lord flying vampire that's a little bit like obviously the Tom have always had their flying one um let me just find it because it's a little different I just want to see what the points are hang on where is he cloak of jun it's 50 okay that's why so because it's fly nine for the tomb Kings but yeah any model flown over um is it model no unit it's 2D D6 strength two with with ap of minus one so that's a pretty cool little to it just to take out elves and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah just take pip off a few um dark acolyte so this is what gives you your vampires gain the invitation uh invocation of NC Special Rule so you can bring back um your your Undead basically yeah but for the purposes of this Special Rule the model counts as a level one wizard the problem with that being armor you can't take armor unless special circumstances but traditionally you can't take armor with yeah once you're wi wearing armor yeah okay and all these poers are they can only be chosen once as well so you can't stack these um so you can't have like a bunch of thrs who can you know all gain this invocation uh so Master of the Black Arts uh the vampiric power may only be taken on account um that is level two wizard or a thr that is level one so you can increase their wizard level um by oh so that's how you get your Vamp to something more than a level two yeah yeah SE got yeah got to level three still not level four but you know anyway um supernatural horror the vampire gains Terror it's 20 points yeah so so um lord of the night I reckon this one's pretty cool um so it's only 15 points during the command sub phase this vampire may attempt to resurrect Fallen creatures by the night so pass the leadership test again um if this test is passed uh single unit of fell bats bats swarm sty wolves within 12 recovers six WS so if you've got you know one of these um especially fell bats or bat swarms I mean even direwolves if you've got them as a supporting chaff unit in combat you know there's a chance to recover up to six wounds I yeah depending on your bill but I just thought as a chaff flanker um it' be pretty good um to be able to bring back some wounds so yeah we'll go back to page six the stroy goul King did you have any no I mean I don't know enough about I mean that again a lot there's probably 30 50% of them are very same same as the tomb it's only slightly different but I think the usage case is bit different based on because the two armies are still pretty different you know yeah yeah um so yeah it'd be interesting to see like how did that compare I guess to the eth Edition ones was there a lot more or less vampiric powers or like is there that you needed or there you know yeah it was mostly there um it's obviously it's is more yeah yeah it's toned down a bit so you don't have as much choice and you can't change the builds as much but I feel like you can align a little bit to you know you can have like a a Kitt it out Vamp that's going to be similar to like a blood Knight or you can have a more magic heavy build or something in the middle yeah but yeah not not as specific as what it was cool now we're good yeah let's smash through these yeah yes Co King yep um so this is that's aw good mine's here sleeping H so movement six weapon skill six uh strength toughness five three wounds five attacks um I think this guy's pretty cool uh it's almost an auto include for me um so he's got access to dark magic battle magic and necromancy you can bring him as a level two wizard he can take magic items up to 75 points Vamp power's up to 75 points he's got dark Vitality flammable hatred all enemies indominable one L of undeath necrotic Undead poison attacks regen five up and the hunger yeah um so people probably the only thing you got have to really be worried about is probably the hunger is probably the biggest downside so um the end of a combat phase in which the character inflict one or more unsaved wounds roll a D6 on a six the character recovers a single loss wound however so great is the character's hunger that whenever they and the unit they've joined makes a Pursuit role they only roll a single D6 yeah so they're not going to be chasing much yeah um but I thought you can combine this with fly you combine this with ogre blades uh I think the jewel blades you can have this as a monster Slayer a character killer it can fly around you know 10 in I just find that this guy could be a very good Monster Hunter um or character killer so there's a lot of different builds you could probably look at doing but that's the way I was looking at him and I like these the fact they having regen I mean I guess there's going to might be more flammable around but yeah we're going to be having more cases where we're throwing you know maybe not on this guy but you know an armor save a small board save and now small regen saves that makes survivable especially toughness five yeah with three wounds um I mean you got hatred in their poison attacks if you're adding in extra attacks or you know the ogre blade you plus two strength I mean hatred all enemies with poison attacks I mean that's awesome because you're getting more chances to hit those yeah yeah yeah especially D3 Wings you start adding that in and oh it's uh yeah can get scary which one's the D3 wound One S uh I think that's the ogre oh is it it's not just strength okay yep can't remember what it was but yeah I had it up here before actually I'll look that up as we're g through um so ogre blad H ogre blade can sorry that's so funny the can wraiths are movement six strength toughness three three wounds two attacks 50 50 points um I they're only 50 points they got um ethereal doable one necrotic Undead regen six Terror the terror is good it has got D3 wounds but it's only strength three no armor piercing oh sorry but no save is permitted against wounds caused by this weapon but yeah you only strength three so yeah it's sort of I don't know it just yeah it's match up depending a bit there but he also unlocks stuff doesn't he is that what it was yeah yeah yeah so you need him for um bringing your hex raay and yeah okay yeah things like that wraith yeah and then whatever it was here that one Spirit host yeah y yep yep so yeah sorry G back to your ogre blade so yeah 65 point you can take it strength plus two minus two armor piercing armor ban one magical attacks sorry multiple wounds D3 yeah it's pretty good 65 points there so that's all he's going to have he's not going to fly around and do that well so that's he can cuz vampire points is different vampire oh sorry that vampiric one is a vamp that was a vampire sorry not a magic yes sorry yeah you're right yep so you can have this flying around yep K nice so this is where it's better than tomb Kings yeah um so yeah that yeah I'd look out for that one on the battlefield I think there's going to be a few people taking is he coming is he is he visiting no not him directly it's all good his brother his brother might turn his cousin so whites uh so there's the white king white Lord uh coming in low weapon skill these guys so weapon skill five and four uh white king strength five five yeah he can't be a general uh no it's got to be a wizard yeah yeah um three wounds three attacks um white Lords strength four tough five two wounds two attacks um so these guys have always been a good addition to your Black Knights Etc um but they're not super Killy um but they're pretty tough yeah five yeah yeah so they got indomitable killing blow regen well killing blows Obviously good but they don't have a stupid amount of attacks um and yeah they can take the white Banner meaning it's can be your BSB the white Lord mhm um so yeah they're sort of going to be your BSB um caddies or beefing up a unit of Black Knights or um you know skeletons or yeah cuz he's yeah Fair bit cheaper than the the other alternative yeah yeah yeah but they're not they're not huge beat sticks yeah um tomb Banshee so these guys are pretty cool um or girls should say but they're 90 points so they're not super cheap um attack wise yeah so two wounds um they've only got one attack so you know exactly what they're going to be doing which is their whing durge um so they got the Ethereal rule which is the only thing going to be keeping them alive so you got to be really careful with that indominable one magical attacks neomatic Undead region six Terror um so yeah you want these guys screaming into combat um preferably not in the same combat that they're going to be taking any sort of um uh Mass damage so they're going to be crumbling because they're going to crumble pretty hard with only theal can move through units as well so you can hide them behind units for a bit so they're not getting hit with magic missiles and then move them out to do some shooting or yeah well if you're within three in of a a similar infantry you can't Target them and say the closest yeah yeah yeah so you're probably going to be seeing that a lot so they'll probably be doing some support um but yeah I mean that it's only good against specific targets like there's no point using that like whaling durge against like um you know Mass blocks of cheap infantry you're going to be using against like Knights and things like that yeah with high armor saves um so yeah we'll keep going the character mounts uh so the vampire count or th may be mounted on a nightmare which is obviously your horse you cut throne for everybody which is good for a throw gives them a lot more wounds um the vampire count can go on Abyssal Terror or zombie dragon um a master Necromancer or necromantic acolyte can be go on again the nightmare which is your horse option a mort engine which again um you'll see is that's pretty good I I lot that mount an Abyssal Terror or zombie dragon for the master Necromancer makes a bit more survivable um a stroy du King can be gone maned on a terago and the white king or white Lord they can only go on a skeletal Steed um so yeah you've obviously got the Steed and the nightmare pretty much exactly the same one's just got a higher strength um and it's got you know first charge Etc which is pretty good it's got counter charge too counter charge yeah so that's the one you're going to want to be adding to your probably your um black KN KN yeah got some rebasing for you guys it's funny your skeletal speed needs rebasing and the tomb Kings one doesn't but anyway all right uh so grave guard um so these are your Heavy Hitters coming in your heavy infantry uh so pretty much the same as they've always been so movement four weapon skill three strength four tough four one wound one attack 11 points pretty decent for 11 points um not overly expensive uh so they the unit can replace its Shields with great weapons which you'll probably see a bit of for plus one point um so it can take obviously full command a standard up to 50 points um and your Champion can take up to 25 points of magic items um so you probably see a few of these Champions actually possibly take magic items just because you can raise them again yeah so essentially not really you know losing them um I'm not sure how that works but if you do have a champion with a magic item and raise him back does he bring his magic item back with that's a good yeah that's a interesting I'd imagine yes I mean they're not different they're not like the BS um well the banner would work the same way because you know like it picks up you know how they say like you know if the dies he picks it up so it must be the same thing another dude steps forward and I don't know who knows I one thing didn't I mean I know we're probably running here long but um I do feel like playing sixth um probably didn't think about it too much in six but I think in Old World we might see there's more because more people are coming back into it and not used to the no step up type thing that if you can have Champs on more of your units as well as some cheap characters unless they're targeting them you're getting hits back do you know what I mean yeah so your arm's got champs as well as some fairly cheap characters like big night Goblin big bosses and champions suddenly I know you can't load out your whole front um but I think people are going to be to do that a bit more so they can at least do some wounds back yeah 100% yeah um yeah so they've got uh cleaving blow um which is obviously killing blow without killing a character uh close order indominable one necrotic Undead and regen 6 Plus so they've got implacable defense which you can take for one plus per model they've got drilled for Two Plus per model but I can't see too many P people paying for that um anyway uh so the implacable defense unit with this Special Rule um that is in close order formation that is equipped with um and uses it Shields may choose not to give ground should lose a round of combat um however the winning side is double basically it will give Grand as normal I guess the biggest thing there is we don't know how bad it is to give to give ground 2 in like once we start playing more I think Gard have a similar thing it's like do we want to have a unit that doesn't move back I don't know yeah guess we find exactly um you want to soor just as you go do you want to like point out most the ones that are different instead of like like if you want to speed it up it's up to you I don't mind I don't have any oh yeah just in case there's stuff that's different you know yeah so skeleton Warriors are pretty much exactly the same as well um so they coming at Five Points a model uh thrusting Spears plus one point per model uh these guys are pretty good um you think you'll be having Spears I feel like Spears are gonna be in yeah yeah I don't know why anyone wouldn't take Spears but yeah anyway finally my horde of Spearman um in the Empire might be used yeah yeah no you definitely be seeing some Spears getting around um so they're close order they've got hordes so they get their um extra rank bonus which is good um again the same neomatic order region zombies hey these guys coming in at three points um close order they've got hord as well the same regen NE chromatic Undead and the nearly dead so you can take larger than their starting yeah sorry I've got it confused yes start larger than their starting size yeah yep y um so obviously none of these guys can March so this is where sorry can I ask a question then so when it says starting then they can they go above 40 uh I would say yes but when resurrecting are Fallen a unit with this Special Rule can be taken Beyond its starting size but then yeah the max unit size is 40 40 so I guess if people leave a comment if we how how did you play that yeah cool I don't think i' take 40 anyway so I don't think that's probably a different game but yeah you'd see more than that in eth yeah yeah yeah exactly um [ __ ] ghoul I love these guys they kind of gone back to the flavor of sixth Etc um coming at nine points um so their initiatives down at three I think it was bouncing around four so it's down a little bit um the move through cover which is really cool um open order yeah Reserve move and skirmishes so this is where you're going to start seeing these guys that can go up the flanks and you have have okay so Skirmish is you don't have to deploy in Skirmish though do you you can not be skirmished or do you have to um I thought you did okay I can't remember yeah but I'm not sure I've that's probably the one rule I actually haven't read up um because it does say open order there so but um I don't know I I like the idea of having a skirmish with yeah well I mean look at that like open so you're you're moving through cover you can probably charge through that then and not get disrupted I can't remember what the rule there is I mean you don't care about you don't have ranks anyway here skish ex but you're moving 10 Ines a turn because you're not shooting anything y um and charging you know five plus whatever it is you know the up to 11 or whatever that yeah that's H yeah two attacks and poison I love these guys yeah they're good um Crypt they're coming at a similar Point range 46 points um very similar to what they were um so yeah pretty much almost exactly the same as out of eth so they've got move through cover open order regen six they got one stomp so you don't see stomp a lot um actually this yeah so yeah it's very specialized um and it's got one AP um poison attacks obviously so these guys are pretty cool I don't mind taking them and because they're tough five three wounds they tend to be a bit um they can hang around a bit um take got some nice models to play with if you want to start a new Army yeah yeah I got eight these guys I think I got like 12 12 of these bloody cryptos sting sitting in my box um bat swarms these guys gone up a little bit in points um fantastic chaff but they're very expensive for chaff as well but that's because they do it quite well yeah um so again strength toughness two is their weakness but they've got Five Wounds five attacks not that they're dishing at a lot of damage but you know is that down at all do you know so like the fly um it might be down from eight they didn't fly heaps um from memory right so yeah otherwise they' just be massively powerful but it's a three plus unit size they're good for about maybe four plus I like them but then you know you're talking about it's getting price0 points or something a little bit under but yeah yeah for a cha unit yeah um varg these guys are super expensive for what they were um they've gone up 15 points maybe more and they're sort of I don't think they're better um so anyway we'll get into it um so yeah the weapon skill four uh strength five so they're very H they got three attacks um they fly nine but they got frenzy so this is sort of the problem they did haveing eight but but SC yeah okay yes they got three 360 L s yeah okay wow y um at fly n yeah yeah so some people are like oh they're going to be too unpredictable but I feel like if you set them up somewhere where they can't see anything first turn and then with whatever yeah yeah you don't have to go the closest Target you just have to if you can charge you have to charge right um so you can send them into the middle of the enemy and just choose who you want to charge the problem is the points there are a lot of points yeah um so we'll see I'm sure they'll get a bit of a workout but I don't think they're going to be like Auto include um like they used to be or very popular uh felbats I think these guys will still be quite popular so um exactly the same like they were 15 points I think they've actually gone down a point fly 10 um so they get to March regen skirmishes Swift stride your classic war machine Hunters these guys um good good unit I light them H Spirit host coming at 49 points again a big expensive swarm so they bound Spirits uh so that's a Special Rule so uh basically they get to use your generals um aspiring presence and they hold your ground from your battle standard Bearer so they're obviously ethereal um open order regen six but they also have Reserve move yeah yeah wow that's good yeah so there's good CHF in certain situations but I mean coming in at 50 points it's it's 15 150 almost CU you got to take three yeah yeah exactly yeah blood Knights um these guys I like them they've changed they've come down a lot in points but they've also come down a little bit in their fighty power um lost initiative oh and strength and strength yeah yeah yeah so they used to be quite choppy after combat as well they obviously less choppy but they're down signal I think they're up around 50 something points previously um so yeah you can upgrade them um to full plate armor as well so they can get it to up uh it just needs extra five points per model they can have drilled if you really want drilled for three points a model um the champion can take a so change of scenery guys S I just had to plug in my laptop so yeah um the Black Knights uh they're pretty good and I think you going to see them quite a bit um especially with that you can bring four back um so basically a hand weapon with these guys you get the AP1 characteristic um and their martial Pride which basically means that um you can't refuse a challenge and then uh model back to these sorry it's the blood a model must accept it basically yeah yeah cool yeah yeah so same old sort of thing um Black Knights these guys pretty good coming at sorry you can flick to your cursed weapon after you charge with your Lance yep yep yeah yeah cool yeah so you you do your Lance and then obviously you swap out of your cursed weapon um so Black Knights uh you've got to add baring I don't know why it's not included um same with Lancers I find that's quite a strange addition um but anyway so you're going to end up with a 28 point Black Knight um so yeah it can upgrade to a standard up to 50 points obviously full command your hell Knight um can take a magic item up to 25 points so yeah they're they're pretty good they got the cleaving blow um for the Black Knight and obviously the hell Knight so the close order first charge first charge is really good um sorry I was saying that before the special rules for the blood knots have got first charge as well um so you're going to be disrupting your enemy which is yeah it's pretty pretty big um and Swift stride um direwolves coming in pretty much exactly the same as what they were eight points a model movement nine um they've got Reserve move and they've got the old plus one modifier to the strength when it charges um so they've got Vanguard as well Swift stride so yeah I I love the old D wolves for a a long sort of bomb get around and chase you know archers so good in yeah I mean you already got Vanguard which is a normal move not a March is that correct so you can Vanguard nine yeah I mean you're first turn you're in the back field exactly yeah yeah yeah so they're pretty good um for eight points a model you can take a unit up to 20 so you know you can have these guys all over the shell um hex RS uh these guys are 31 points per model I don't mind them obviously you need to take one of your ethereal characters to gain access to these guys um so obviously they're ethereal um they fly eight they got flaming attacks iCal attacks um regen um Terror Swift stride all the usual stuff plus the spectral Reapers so this is pretty cool so if you move over a unit that's not engaged in combat it's got to take uh strength four hit with no armor saves permitted um I can that's single strength four well yeah yep um for each model in this unit that moved over it oh okay so it is okay cool okay you could have 10 of these guys yeah cool yep okay but I mean like it's going to cost you a lot of lot of 300 OD Point Unit um so we'll see how that goes um the only problem with that I find the fly8 is it can be a little bit hard to pull that off sometimes um but I mean hey if you do and then turn around and face the rear of a unit like you could just keep doing that and harassing um anyway uh so we'll keep going COV Throne I like this for a couple of different points um good for a throw because it gives him an extra five wounds and he'll be on toughness five um so he's cost 210 points but but it gives him an armor save a four up where else if he's a wizard he won't have that um so it gives you access to an armor save um so first charge again I reckon this would be really good as a supporting unit to certain infantry just to get that first charge um he got ghoulish glamour which we hit in a sec impact hits D6 plus1 CS a heavy Chariot that's going to be at ap2 large Target random attacks regen and he's got a um sing pull which is a bound spell it's the only problem with this it's not dealing out a heap of attacks like you're only getting D6 attacks from the spirit horde and then uh four strength five attacks from the handmaidens so yeah ghoulish glamour this is the same as that one before so enemy units must take a leadership test before making any rolls to hit against the model during the combat phase if it's failed you need to roll sixes to hit um cool cars can March now as well as far as we know so they can move a bit quick well this is fly eight oh it's fly eight okay oh that's interesting so you actually March 12 okay yeah yeah you just fly y okay yeah I haven't looked at that Synergy yet between yeah yeah yeah um so the SC it's just yeah basically boun spell level two um and then you get to roll the model can roll hits of one motor engine this thing is cool I like this from a necromancer um so Five Wounds toughness five 195 points it's got three banshees it's not dealing out a heap of attacks but it's more of a real big support bus um so it's got the accursed requ and blastus tomb will hit that in SEC special rules uh dark Vitality first charge again flight impact hits D6 plus one same large Target random attacks regen whaling so it's got the whaling durge so this can scream it you know so does this scream in the Banshee scream as well or is it just one scream yeah it's just one scream yeah okay um so watch this models command range friendly units um with the necrom Matic Undead gain a plus one modifier to their movement and initiative which is pretty cool especially because you lost initiative on a lot of things so just peep it back up with this yeah yeah um I don't know if this is a in or a curse so the Blasphemous tomb all wizards Friend or Foe plus one modifi to Casting roles but if you miscast you got to roll twice on the mcast and apply both yeah and apply both so we'll see be it'll be my first first turn casting and I'm GNA roll in this cast just I'm putting money on it um so that's a character Mount um corpse cart 115 points so it's a level one wizard um I don't know we'll see if this thing comes out out um so it sort of does everything um that the corpse car used to get it's just a buff wagon so you got the uh balefire brazia enemy Wizards within 15 um with this Special Rule attempting to cast a spell must increase that spells casting by one that's you know within 15 so we'll see yeah it's all right you got to pay for these things as well I mean given that you got to get close to things in this addition it might be okay but yes you're right pay 115 to get it and you can only take one yeah and this is the other one the Warped Tintin ulation iation what the hell yeah good luck uh saying that in a game uh when a friendly unit with 15 of this model recovers a number of lost wounds due the character using the invocation of the heck roll a D6 ah this is what you were saying yeah before yeah on a four plus you get an additional wound and then in addition friendly units within 15 reduce y so reduce unstable by one and does stuck yeah it Stacks so okay cool you might find you might find given the lack of output of a taxs in this like because this I feel like this is going to play more like six yeah Edition and so if you've got something that is reducing your crumbles and stuff you know yeah yeah interesting yeah we'll see I just don't like having supporting stuff cuz then like you got to try and protect it as well not too much supporting stuff um black coach I'm not the biggest fan of this um 205 points so it's got the same sort of stats it had before so strength five tough six uh four wounds doesn't do a hell of a lot of output so it's got It's close order first charge first charge is good impact hits D6 plus two tough to six bloody Chariot though wow yeah well yeah it's just once it charges it's sort of yeah yeah but anyway um so yeah regen six spectral coach and Terror so spectral coach is pretty good so basically in the command sub phase you can decide if you want to gain eil and fly 10 but then you lose D6 plus two yeah so you can charge in one turn and then if you're in a long combat yeah your next full turn you can turn like ethereal and still attack well it's not even yeah like it depends what you do like you might go like charge in bang don't follow up fly off somewhere you know potentially or if you got in a bad situation well they wouldn't do that I was going to say they charged you and push you back but they'd probably follow up so they wouldn't do that but if you ever left you justly yeah the problem is obviously you ra through your nightmares you're not getting a hell of a lot of attacks here you only got you know yeah the other option is you're flying could it do this before or not switching around stuff no it used to have like you added up like deaths and things like that like yeah yeah yeah that's good this play is quicker I just the other thing is you you go you fly 10 first you know what I mean you blood 20 inches get a good side charge off and then judge the next Turnal impact hits because it's still moving eight it can still get in a good spot yeah yeah exct swiri or not uh no no so but I don't know we'll definitely see it playing around I I don't know we'll see what happens I I like the impact hits I just don't like the the damage output so the other mounts you're looking at zombie dragons you're going to be getting plus one toughness plus Five Wounds um so you know you're going to be looking at a eight wound sort of Ky um monster with a vamp on top um so Scot uh cancers full plate armor um so you could put a wizard on top of it basically and still get a uh a save um from the draconic scales it's got the pest Ence breath which will hit the sack and carrying feeders so any unit engaged in combat with this model suffers minus one modify their initiative um so you got five strength six attacks it's pretty good um for a bit of a beat stick if you want to put a vamp on it um and it's only 215 points so it's not stupidly expensive um so your wicked Clause this is your normal attack is going to be um minus 2 AP so Strength 6us 2 a and your pestilence breath is your breath weapon so it's strength two but it's minus three AP so that's going to be pretty good against toughness three yeah yeah kns and stuff yeah elves yeah yeah yeah um so your terago um very sort of similar thing so it only counts as light armor 205 points four attacks um so six wounds strength five tough six um but yeah it's only got the four attacks but obviously you'll see it's got the scream so it's got the Scream It's got the terror yeah on the tax yeah yeah so it's very similar I think this is It's a scream and only 205 points is what's going to be bringing this in yeah um and you can bring it as a character Mount or you can have as a stand lone model y um and it's got yeah the poison attacks which is pretty good um the Abyssal Terror I I wish this thing was a little bit better than what it is um it's not bad but yeah it's just I don't know I'm almost thinking you'd go the dragon zombie dragon or something what was the zombie dragon points oh 25 215 um so yeah you're looking at plus one toughness uh plus four wounds so you only got one less wound and it's um counts as heavy armor not plate armor so one less save um so close order flood fly nine large Target stomp attacks D3 instead of the D6 Swift stri Terror um and then yeah it hasn't got the breath weapon um but yeah look for 120 points and like the size of games matters you know if you're playing those smaller games then yeah it's still pretty good yeah so still still an option um varol running in um 140 points same as what it used to be um so four wins for attack strength toughness five um so it's got light armor coming at bastal Fury meaning that you the enemy can't claim bonuses for being in the flank or rear which is really cool um it's got minus two to its AP or the enemy's AP when you charge oh sorry when you're in combat um it's got counter charge flammable frenzy to give it an extra attack um indominable one it's obviously friends you got to be careful about yeah swist Rod Terror regen five got a lot of rules yeah yeah yeah it's pretty good for 140 points um without obviously frenzy you got to look out for that but other than that pretty good support weapon um or support model um oh is that oh that's the units yeah that's yeah that's all the units um so I'll hit these magic items a lot of them aren't that great um so you can obviously get magic items from the the common um yeah yeah from out of the the old world rule book um big blue book or the big teal book which do it so yeah I'll go through these some of them are good like I said some of them aren't that good right um so Frost blade so 60 points getting killing blow magical attacks so an enemy model that suffers one or more one or more unsaved wounds from the frost blade must immediately take a toughness test if it's failed you get Strike last and their initiative is one for the rest of the game I just figured look if if you're going on a vampire most of the time you're going to be going first anyway um if you got killing blow good chance you're going to be killing whatever you're up against unless it's the monster plus what you're going up against potentially he's going to have a fairly High toughness yeah yeah exactly so I just I don't think it's worth the 60 points so sort of Kings um this one's pretty good um so it basically gives you plus one strength minus one AP killing blow but your killing blows on a five or six I like it yeah um blood drinker so um strength is user minus one8 um if you cause a wound you recover a wound yeah it's all right uh dread Lance yeah don't mind this one as well um so Cavs basically um you can roll fail to hit it's a Lancer you just reroll fa to hits yeah magical attack armor ban one so it's okay I mean coming in at 30 uh 40 40 points um flade uh warber um so this one's pretty good you probably see this a little bit yeah you have this on the necro then te yeah yeah so you can put on a wizard without the penalty and you get a six up Ward save so it's a five up sa six up five five up save yeah yeah that's the thing it stops you um stops you just getting attacked by those shitty little attacks you know what I mean like if you're in combat you can put him in combat a bit more not with big stuff but yeah yeah yeah exactly you're certainly not worried as much for those fast things coming in to try to take your Necromancer out yeah strength three sort of stuff especially if he's on a horse or something like that yeah um so the cursed armor um fullplate armor uh so plus one toughness but you lose one weapon skill one initiative you might see it um Talisman so the old Von Caston ring so you almost get another wound wound so on a two plus you don't lose your last wound um CR of the Damned uh I actually like this because stupidity is not that bad in some situations depends on who you put it on I guess the issue is yes who maybe on the would you put this dude on a like could you put that on one of your white ones with a nine leadership nine but everything else leadership eight isn't it well I was thinking if you put on The Necromancer worse comes to worse if he's behind something all he's do stumbles for but then stumbl for I'm guessing he can't cast or anything when he's I believe you can i l this up the other day yeah oh okay I'll I'll look that up again because I don't want to make full seems a bit dumb if you can but maybe they just missed that out yeah yeah um she got to run front when you go into the rule book and you look at the psychology section it's like the only thing in there is panic stupidity must be just in the Universal special rules is it yeah yeah it is yeah here you go stupidity unless it's engaged in combat a unit the Special Rule must take a stupidity test during the start of 10 tub phase to make it um test against the leadership characteristic if it is failed the unit um a stupid unit moves during the compuls move sub phase must move straight ahead without performing any Maneuvers cannot March or declare a charge um uh unit or Mount does not have the Special Rule become subject to it yeah so interesting interesting I don't know if it's somewhere else that you can't do something anyway that's what I went off um so magical standards uh is Banner of the barrows so it gives you the problem is it's 65 points and you can only take it on a BSB because it won't fit into your 50 point allance for anything else um so basically you get three UPS uh to hit yeah um regardless of the weapon skill it's all right 65 points it's getting pretty expensive um the dren Hoff banner I love this because it's 50 points um so your regen goes up by one so you're you're going to see that sitting in wherever you if you got those yeah you know the um grave guard with all the characters or whatever thing you got this in there yeah um screaming Banner um so you got to roll an extra D6 and discard the lowest when taking a fear test yeah you might see it maybe not that's due to fear though not any yeah so I mean 45 points is a lot uh hellish Viger this is really cool a unit with this standard gains a reserve move Special Rule so if you don't have it on you know your black knights and you want a big flanking Black Knight block that's you're going to be seeing that sort of stuff um Helm of command 40 points so your necromancers and basically uh you do a leadership test again these are the things you get to roll if you got your bb near it um and then uh the unit you've joined gets D3 modified to their weapon skill um it's all right but I mean like you might have ban of the barriers in there or you might only get plus one so it might get taken we'll see yeah this one's really cool um it's good magic Missile oh it's a Sal sorry okay yes be in combat but then you couple that with the the armor and stuff and need better exactly especially if he's on like a monster or a mount um so yeah this is for necromancers only um but you yeah sment n plus cast value uh target has 2d6 strength five hits with minus one AP I think that's really cool just for um I mean I'm assuming all that goes towards combat res I mean that's we're going to see the everyone's been talking about Salems being yeah waste you don't want to put your wizard in combat but um these type of things add a lot of combat R and if you can pick it and you kind of got a unit in there and he can clip on the corner yeah then he's not going to be getting a hell of a lot of attacks into him um you just have to be careful where you put them but yeah AR can that's pretty cool 2d6 25 um cler of missing Shadow 30 points I think this is great um a necromancer who's infantry um gains ethereal so yeah that's pretty cool um um can kind of put him up and not be so scared that he going to get killed by chaff and whatnot I love this next one yeah this is this is good and the next one is almost an auto include or will be I reckon so the banner of the skull increas uh increases their dispel range by three inches and uh when attempting a wizardly topel plus one modify to their dispel role 50 points so that's really really good for shutting down other people's or you know helping to shut down other people's phases so the scepter of dorit 35 points this is going to be your auto includes people so the bearer of the scepter may attempt to resurrect the Fallen by using the invocation from the hex spell rule twice during their command subphase rather than once this is the only problem uh roller D6 D6 each time the scepter is used on a one um the bearer loses a single wound so that's not too bad but you know for 35 points you're getting your double invocations I think you're just going to be seeing this almost every game yeah um and this is another one that's pretty cool so you can use this as many times as you want um so zero to one per wizard obviously uh the owner of the Spell familiar 15 points um in the normal way yeah knows one more spell yeah so you get access to one more spell for 15 points um we've gone through the vampire special rules the only thing we got left is the lore of undeath I'll smash through this because this is blown out and we are done so this is the only way you can essentially get um March um is no sorry that's hellish fig uh so this is the van hell's dance uh yeah um so this enchantment uh casting level 812 range 12 um if the spell is cast with a casting level of eight the target friendly unit gains D3 modifier to one of the following to a maximum of 10 um and then if this spell is cast with 12 or more of the target gains D3 modify to two of the following characteristics um so movement weapon you reckon that's the same like you got to roll the D3 it's the same D3 on both stats isn't it yeah yeah yep yeah um and then Hill hellish Viger so this they mistake in it the mistake yeah so it's either going to be 9 and 12 or seven and 10 I think it's 9 and 12 there because I think it's the same spell in in um tomb Kings okay let me just find that hang on that' be good so yeah if the spell is cast with seven or more which it could be nine or more a single friendly unit within the necrotic Undead Special Rule and is within the commas command range gains Reserve move so essentially they're getting something similar to a charge so sorry at six and 10 yeah it's 6 and 10 in the uh La of Nara yeah so that's what somebody was saying though thinking it was seven and 10 because maybe it's seven and 10 but what do you do I know I don't know if you're going to roll a dce or maybe meet somewhere in the middle just talk to your opponent sort something out um but yeah so 10 or more everybody within the um command range gets the reserve uh move rule so this is a really popular one I think you're going to be seeing yeah um and then raise the dead um is casting value of 10 uh within 12 in Place unit of 2d3 risen zombies um but not one inch of an enemy model so obviously your normal raay zombies it's only 2dc R 2d3 um but yeah I think you're going to see that a little bit because people love having those little Ray zombies yeah just getting the way and then you that way you get your charge that you want yeah yeah yeah cool so that's it um sorry that blew out guys but love the book I this is yeah the way that people were talking about the PDFs being you know really we yeah no yeah you could see I mean look at how it's formatted it could have been in the book you know what I mean yeah 100% yeah so so what do you feel overall obviously you are liking it what are you seeing different to eth just briefly or or how you would have played it like are would you are you going to be doing different lists or can you just take what you used to play or like how are you seeing it different I'd be definitely probably doing a similar list like your Vamps and characters are still very important um but I defin feel like I'll be putting uh a vampire or a a heavy hitting character in with an expensive unit um just because you can bring the character and that unit back um makes them really hard to kill yeah yeah yeah so you're just going to be seeing not not necessarily like a death star unit as such you're just going to have like Vamps with blood Knights or you know things like that kicking around and it's just you're going to have to smash I can just see these necromancers people are just going to be try trying to just just get these necromancers like you know um just just to get rid of that um those invocations yeah it's just yeah yeah yeah that no well I mean I feel like I also feel like there's a lot of character Mount options as well you know that you can like I was even thinking like I know we were talking about that uh what was it called the Abyssal Terror yeah but is maybe in a bigger build is there some like you know would you ever put like vampire throws on that person and like have multiple ones and they're just flying around like there's you know fairly 200 and something point you know seven wounds or whatever it ends up being or whatever you know like it yeah it does definitely seem to have like that bit of a that vibe to it it's a bit of sort of that monster hero Hammer a bit yeah yeah so yeah so I feel like there's some of that um no I um to be honest I don't as I said I haven't played a lot of Vamps and when I play against them I'm usually like confused but I feel like this is simplified a little bit too because there's not so many different um like you're saying like the Bloodlines and all that it's like you can still play how you want but it's just a little bit easier to understand I reckon from my point of view um and some of those bigger models are just a bit simpler they don't have really weird rules you know so and no yeah Tom kings are very similar with the mechanic of how they raise and stuff so all that's the same so um I don't know again they probably feel on first read but this always happens to me they feel bit or more powerful than the tomb Kings but I guess we'll find out everybody's got a better Army doesn't matter what you got it's always greener on the other side so um yeah I because I guess with tomb Kings I've always felt like they're probably not that great at combat and stuff but the fear and the terror you sort of kill that but when you go up against an army that does all the fear and Terror but they're probably better at combat you're like oh [ __ ] well I don't have the range for else you've got more range stuff so cool anyway we're going to um well we might wrap this one up but we're going to try to get a game in of our first allhe game so uh and you'll bring in it's gonna be interesting because yeah I'll do I'll do my tomb Kings anyway but it won't be a full game we're gonna learn so we're gonna be doing it as a learning game and see what happens bit slow yeah yeah that'd be cool anything else you want to say on that and otherwise we'll um no no other yeah we'll just definitely try and get a few more out I'm Keen to get um chaos dwarves out um a little review on that then I'm sure gumo can yeah would do Tom Kings and orc and stuff yeah yeah yeah definitely actually like these when I'm because I read all the ones I use but I don't read much of the ones I don't so it's cool to sit down and run through one that I haven't used oh they're great make me a bit more prepared awesome okay well I'll get i'll get going on A600 Point list and we'll I'll see you tomorrow at some pointor cheers guys all right thanks guys [Music] newcom
Channel: Old World Fanatics
Views: 6,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ghD1cj8dzRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 10sec (5050 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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