OLD STYLE Jingle Dance Steps

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what's up y'all in this video i am going to teach you how to dance old style jingle if you are new here please remember to subscribe hit that bell to be notified when i post new content i am here to help you join the paulo circle so many of us indigenous people have had our culture taken from us and we didn't grow up with our own traditional teachings and i want to support you on your path to reclaiming your culture these dance teachings are meant for indigenous learners we have had our culture taken from us through colonization and this is a place that i want to support indigenous learners to reclaim their culture and join the powwow circle i started out dancing in powwows as a jingle dress dancer until i was a teenager and then i switched to fancy shawl and i have been teaching jingle dress in my dance classes for the last 17 years and i want to share all my strategies with you and all my dance steps that i've learned over the years if you want to learn more about the history of jingle dress dance i really recommend this video that was done by malach band of ojibwe they did this really fabulous documentary on the history of jingle dress and its meaning and i posted a link in my description so when you're dancing old style jingle there are two places you can hold your hands you can either hold them on your hips or you can hold them like in fists in front of you when you're dancing it's all up to you and it's all up to your own style and there are three different types of ways you can move your feet so i'm gonna go over like a regular step a front step i'll do a shuffle and then i'll show you my own twist on old style jingle so the basic is just like a one two one two step and i've gone over that a lot in my other videos and i've posted i posted link in the links in the description so you can check those out too but it's just top body weight tap body weight tap body weight tap body weight tap body weight and full time it looks like this one two one two one two one one two one two one two one two one two one one two one two one two so now let's check that out close up one two one two one two one two one two one one two one two one two two one two one two one two one two one two one one two four one two one two and it's really important to remember that if you're going to dance old style jingle you're not going backwards you're not doing footwork you're not doing spins because that would be contemporary jingle so keep it really really basic always moving forward no spinning no going backward no footwork you'll know that if you checked out the the documentary i posted in this description so the next step i want to show you is a little shuffle and i've seen lots of old-style jingle dress dancers do this they'll just do their the basic step and then they'll do a little switch in between and that looks like this one two one two switch one two one two switch one two one two switch one two one two switch one two one two one two one two switch one two one two switch so now let's check that out close up so the one two shuffle it's like one two so i'm kind of just like switching my feet back and forth while i'm doing my one two one two one two shuffle one shuffle shuffle and now i want to show you my take on the old style jingle step and i made this up a couple years ago and it's kind of like a one two three switch and i'm lifting my heels up and down at the same time or at alternating times and it looks like this so now let's check that out close up so when i'm doing my take on it it's lift two three pop two three up one two three hop one two three hop one two three like on the number three i have like i'm standing i'm kind of like holding the place and i'm hopping giving it an extra beat so it's one two three extra beat it looks like this in full time one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three it looks so beautiful once you get strong and you can do it it just looks like you're floating across the floor the next song you're gonna have to learn is a side step and i've gone over that a little bit in my last video coming up with footwork but it's just like um you step to the side like if you saw there like i added a little dip so i'm like dip step dip step dip step dip step because that way i can get my cones to really make a nice sound so let's do it again and my heels are not touching the ground side steps are really difficult to do because most of the you're up on your calves most of the song so like my feet are flat and they're together when i separate i come up they i back down up back down up back down and all that raising is coming straight from my calf muscles so my recommendation to you is to just do a side step a day for one month and then i bet you by then you'll be able to stay up the whole time so now let's check out the side step with a close-up so the side step your feet are flat together up apart down together up down together up down together up up down up down up down up down so a lot of old style dancers i'll see that they'll do the side step flat footed so they're just kind of like hopping with this left foot up while doing it flat footed this way is not as hard on your top muscles you're really gonna make your jingles bounce by adding like a little dip so it's like step step step it you can see i'm like propelling myself to the side with this leg my right leg so full time it looks like with the flat foot so once you get your dance move down and you want to make a regalia making your regalia a ceremony and you want to follow the protocols of your nation so in my territory i'm nishnabe my social worker she told me when i was little she said put some tobacco up by the water put some food up by the water and tell creation you want to start dancing and my dress will come to me one way or another but every nation is different so follow your teachings from your community if you enjoyed this video please give it a like subscribe and share it with your friends if you know any foster parents please share it with them i grew up in and out of foster care when i was little and i didn't have access to culture so i would love to support foster families that have little resources when it comes to culture um that's all i have planned for this week next week i'll be posting on fancy shawl dance spins so stay tuned for that and miigwech and obama
Channel: How To Powwow Dance
Views: 27,235
Rating: 4.9895396 out of 5
Id: Tvb3S2RrqBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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