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begin with your arms on your hips just like this begin with your basic steps for more difficulty keep your toes just like this there you go good job modification just like this basic step begin step turn step turn step turn step turn begin again step turn step turn step turn step turn next step will be your toe taps double time just like this more difficulty just like this switch just like that modification lower just like this next step the forward slide slide slide slide slide again forward slide slide slide slide slide modification just step that's good just like that just step step step step step next step box slowing it down step step turn step step turn step step turn step step next step feet together bunny hops diagonally side to side ready begin again feet together here you guys go modification just step back slide down just like that again modification slide down just like that
Channel: The StyleHorse Collective
Views: 66,944
Rating: 4.827529 out of 5
Id: m9ZQBpCJJc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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