How To Powwow Dance Fancy Shawl

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hello everyone welcome to my powwow dance tutorial okay so that's not politics we're gonna start out with fancy straw dancing on how to spin and I'll show you some some of the fancy footwork that I taught myself to do in my living room fifteen years ago so come on let's go let's do this let's go then okay so now I want to show future fancy showers on how to spend the way I taught myself to spin was in my living room back at home at Thunder Bay Ontario like 15 16 years ago and I would picture a line in front of myself and I would walk on that line doing my well spinning while doing my one-two one-two step and it looks like this one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one and how that looks full-time it looks like one two three the common mistakes that I see people making when they start to walk out on that line and they'll do this they'll be one two one two one two one two so you have to remind yourself that you're you're walking in a circle again but instead you're walking on the line doing you're one to tap bodyweight chat bodyweight tap bodyweight tap bodyweight tap bodyweight and you also want to practice on both sides of your body so I just went this way I'll go this way one two one two another really good spin is on a single beat so that was on a two beat one two one two this one is just one one one one one one one and this one is more faster and it's really hard to do this one when you have a shawl on because your shawl will catch the air and it'll be a lot harder to stay on beat so you want to make sure when you're dancing that when you hear the music your feet are touching the ground and you don't always have to stare at your feet I did that for like 10 years I would be dancing and just staring making sure that my feet were doing what I wanted them to do but you could still look up and your if you can do what you want them to do another one of my favorite dance moves is criss cross and it's so fun to teach it to kids you always have to make sure that you jump out one foot comes forward out the other foot comes forward because sometimes people will have a hard time Criss crossing because I think it uses both sides of your brain so it's actually really a good exercise to help kids learn how to focus so criss cross the first step I want to review is the one-two one-two step the one that I've shown in my last video it's just so one two one two one two one two with your feet and numbered when he's one is a tap to is all your body weight tap why do you want tap body weight the way I would recommend learning this it's just practicing it in your living room at your gym and just really putting the time in to program that step into your into your body so it's tap bodyweight tap body weight tap body weight body weight this is the key to everything if you can learn this step you can do any dance style in my old video I talked about having that invisible square around your body and how that teaching was shared with me from a woman at the Thunderbird house in Winnipeg Manitoba so you have your four corners of your box one of the favorite moves that I love to do is a number seven a backward seven so it'd be the front two and then the back and then the front two and then the back right to the back front to back this is a good fancy shawl move you can go back and forth I see a lot of the showers do this one it's really nice you could also just top the front corners you gotta go really fast do the back corners my other favorite moves is painting a V in front of myself with my heel in my toe so it's heel toe heel toe yeah toe heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe so I want y'all to try it so stand there heel one side toe heel other side toe heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe now let's try it with the bounce heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe heel toe toe heel toe and so on shape haven't danced in like two months you can also do that same step but in the air so it's kick side kick side kick side kick side kick side kick side kick side kick side kick the the one in the air where the where we kick kick side kick side that one is a it's really hard to do and I know the women that do that move they're they're very strong cuz it's so hard to stay up on one foot and a lot of the fancy collars love doing it so right now we're just only focusing on your feet I want you to get used to moving your feet in this way and then when you get used to your feet then I recommend adding your arms because they'll criss cross so if you're doing the e here it's hard in the beginning for new dancers to coordinate your hands and your feet at the same time so step by step get the feet down and then later add the arms cuz you don't just want them straight I guess it's all that's you and it's all up to your style it could be straight I like criss crossing my arms too it helps me um keep my balance by countering the movement so we're gonna finish off and I want to show y'all some exercises that you can do just to get your body ready to co-eds so the first thing I used to always do when I was little when I was first starting to dance I would anytime I had free time I'd be at the bus stop I'd be doing the dishes I would just do calf raises and then to make it I just do them until I couldn't do them no more and then I would bring my feet out like a V and I would just do calf raises doing the dishes bored at school and then you could also point them inwards this will help develop your strengthen your ankles because sprained ankles shin splints calf strain those are all you could easily get hurt if you start dancing and you don't have that strength so you've got a you have to work on that that's all I have for today so I hope you all enjoyed it subscribe I'm gonna start posting I'm gonna post I think one video a week so I'd really love to just support all you people just start dancing because it's such a good way like and yammy good for watching subscribe I'm a cool mom I can dab okay
Channel: How To Powwow Dance
Views: 39,254
Rating: 4.9769402 out of 5
Id: BmkLJ_lrZMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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