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yeah what what is your name again hey Mark that's my name yeah and you're you're live on the Mark Allen Channel zoltan how long did it take you to set up set that up you've taken just material around town it looks like right out here you've just found all this odhh canvas material and different things and wood and made yourself from the truck stop the tires okay the truck stops not that far away you went down there found some some things that has been discarded inside the rest of it and how are you getting by financially or you do you have a pension do you have social security none at all I mean okay you're not old enough yet to get to get Social Security then what why you don't believe in it don't need it okay you don't believe in yeah telling how Social Security was putting a dent on the children to come yeah and for some reason that stuck with me and I said I'd never take out Social Security and I know so how are you finding your food okay an abundance of put an overabundance of food so people discards it your way okay I see so you could find all the food that you'd ever want that's fine he discarded food I see so anyway you're on city property but they they haven't harassed you have they come out to talk to you at all I don't think they know they don't know your hair I don't think so then if they don't know you're here they don't care okay so you've been here a month at least right over months so they don't care so you're not gonna most of all this you won't haul the next time you can't make a move and then you can easily find all this again wherever you go and make your own little home and everything you need is here on the trail so you couldn't believe the number camps from from here all the way on the other side of the interstate and over to highway 66 the whole camp cesare there and people occupying them know they're just abandoned type of camp illegals and you're assuming they're Mexicans okay no jobs or the so you met up you've spotted rather not met up with but two rattlesnakes out here three three and what else scorpions just one scorpions oh no what did you do up front before you did this did you study did you do did you research any of this or you just knew you just had to get out here and experience all of it learn by experience okay well lots of youngsters go through that so you're gonna you're not gonna be here much longer September October you're gonna move out of here and you're gonna go where East probably Barstow Barstow California for a while and BLM land out that way you'll be there for the full like this through wintertime at least just ain't made any plans so this is quite different from his setup so you're actually over here on the BLM side you're perfectly legal for two weeks and you bought this at Walmart or one of the places in town this view oh you've had it for years yeah and you could never accept this as a permanent lifestyle you get it no I'm going back you're moving on in the morning you've got to make it back to your woman in art Amarillo Texas and she's got a house at all so this has been an okay thing for you and you're always gonna remember this how you got by living on BLM land outside Kingman Arizona
Channel: 4GUESTS USA
Views: 545,243
Rating: 4.350687 out of 5
Keywords: buggin, out, arizona, mohove, sonoran, desert, barstow, california, ca, slab, city, joshua, tree, dwelling, tent, sleeping, bag, water, storage, cooking, utensils, living, off, discarded, food, garbage, dumpsters, minimalist, lifestyle, alex, jones, government, oppression, george4title, g4t, youtube, summer, heat, camping, camp, hiking, rattle, snakes, scorpions, bite, fun, sun, illegal, immigrants, immigration, mexicans, border, mexico, hippies, flower, children, southwest, west, coast, southern, united, states, usa, us, cactus, animals, creatures, interview
Id: 0Y1doWcfHOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2012
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