How 1 YouTube Comment saved a $50,000 Engine from DESTRUCTION.

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hey guys the grocery depth Channel and you might be wondering why are we looking at the Dozer again I thought we were done with that one well we were can't even post the video on it you know doing the repairs that were needed or placed the head the problem is after I posted the video about a half an hour after I got this comment basically while reading this there's different vowels on the ones that have dials I could feel like Dread rolling over my face while reading it because this line right here the keepers will come out really made me nervous because this is what happens so if the keeper so if what rock was saying there and thank you so much Rock for saying that also the guys over at Hell's Canyon diesel emailed me saying that this is also a problem so obviously more than one person's heard of it I had never heard of it before no one else in our shop had heard of it before it'll push her on the road the Rotator the rotor coil instead of the valve itself now if you push on the rotator instead of the valve that's basically how you pop the valves out of the head because pushing the valve down doesn't remove the keepers with putting the Rotator down we'll push the valve spring without pushing the valve down now this thing had ran I had ran it for probably 20 minutes on that was Friday this here is being recorded on Monday and what we're looking at here is the bridges so basically you have to get different style bridges if you have this style head apparently now what we're doing here is checking to see so what we're going to do is we're going to pull the bridge off inspected and look at that ring that ring should not be there that means it's hitting the rotor coil since it's hitting the rotor coil that's not good but I also want to check the depth on the bridges so what we're going to have to do is try and figure out a way to measure the depth here and then measure the Heights on the valve now you can see those rings around the holes there oh my gosh so yeah it was definitely hitting the rotor coils so what is our depth on these Bridges it's about 2.275 inches so just over a quarter of an inch so 0.275 now the old head we still have the old head here we need to measure how much the valve sticks above the rotor coil because obviously you want the valve to protrude higher above the rotor coil than the bridge cup depth is or if it doesn't it'll hit the rotor coil which is what seems to be the problem here so I figured out I was like okay well if I use a sled gauge we're going to be 100 200 300 three so point three we'll say 1 4. so we are 0.314 so we've got about 40 thousands margin of error there so the old bridges would have worked fine the old head and those bridges came off of the old head now the new head we're going to try and do that same measurement and see what the heck we get oh we have this problem so the my theory of using the depth mic doesn't really work here because with the valve cover base on it hits hits of all cover base so we're just kind of wing it here and see you know if we're ten thousands plus or minus not that big of a deal so since we're using an analog depth mic here it might be a little hard to tell but we're at one two so that'd be point two three five we'll say point 0.225 basically it's less than the bridge depth so it's 100 hitting we've measured it now we could also see the evidence so if we had not caught this this would have been the fate of the engine so I already mentioned it but I really want to say thank you so much to rock and that's amazing that a YouTube comment and this is not made up folks this is really what happened this engine is basically the only reason I found out about this is because of the YouTube comment so we're getting the d8 back in the shop now what's scary is they actually ran this d8 over the weekend apparently for testing purposes which I didn't think was the case hey look at that a Milwaukee battery everyone's always criticizing me for not using Milwaukee I do have Milwaukee batteries but I also have the aftermarket ones also not sure if I'll be continuing to buy the aftermarket ones though they served me well for over a year and this valve cover was particularly fun because there's an AC line that runs over it and I sure as heck did not want to drain the AC to get it off of there so we're just getting the valve covers back off so luckily we didn't damage the bridges when taking them out I didn't throw them away we still have the old bridges we could have got or not Bridges the dowels uh we didn't damage the Dows when taking them out and should be able to get them back in without major issue here so we got the valve covers off and here's what we got to work with see all the bridges are in place now I had to did ah I did have to put that one Bridge back on and adjust it real quick for them to drive it off the trailer and into the shop they were literally taking that uh that morning so glad we found it now you might notice there's a little pink ring here yeah this fuel line was actually leaking fuel into the engine so they're actually pretty good that we were taking the mouth covers off because I was able to find that and fix that problem it wasn't loose I loosened it re-tightened it and it just didn't want to see we were going to order a new line the supervisor was like well try polishing the face of the line I didn't think that would work I did polish the face I then kind of did some interesting I basically torqued the nozzle slide first instead of the line side first and it wasn't leaking I you know obviously the customer is gonna have to monitor that though watch your oil levels so so what we're doing here is we're just trying to get these old bridges off so yeah if we can get the old bridge off which we can not all of them though because obviously some of the valves are open so it's putting pressure on those bridges we'll just have to rotate the engine around get the old bridges out the new bridges are way way way different we'll show you those here in a little bit and they were also known in stock we had to wait for them next day and of course there they all had that ring where they're riding on the rotor coil see so yeah one of these I don't know how long it would have ran like this am I to ran 10 hours 100 hours 500 hours but it would have had an early failure probably under a heavy load also but luckily for us and myself this engine was not destroyed this week's destruction of the week comes from coal and this is a Cummins a 6.7 and as you can see pretty bad day so we've got a connecting rod failure it also looks like it wiped or knocked the camshaft in half there that's a pretty bad one apparently this had gone this truck with the engine and it had gone to a body shop for some major repairs not the engine but and then after it left the body shop this happened now I'm not saying the body shop did anything wrong just weird but thank you for the pictures cool much appreciated so let's get back to work here so what we've got is our dowels and our bridges now these are the bridges we just removed you can see the ring on them and this is of course our Bridge dowels now these look to be in good condition that's because we didn't damage them taking them out we use the proper tooling and if you wanted to see what I was doing there we didn't have the bridges we didn't have the correct bridges in the previous video so what we did was we decided because this Dozer was on a time crunch to swap the bridges couldn't find anything in cyst still can't saying that there's anything wrong with that but this is making the this video is yes they're definitely 100 is a problem if you do do that so what we're doing here is we're just pulling the oil out of the bridge dowel ports or the holes because if you ever drive a dowel into a hole it will just Hydra lock and it won't fully seat so you always need to make sure they are dry so that's what we're doing here now you might be wondering why didn't I catch this when I put it together it didn't seem unusual and I'd never even heard of this before so the bridges swap fine the distance between the valves is the same the only thing I did notice was the valve adjustment was on the looser side obviously it would be because the cups are so much deeper it didn't have a ton so what we're looking here is we're measuring the depth on the or How Deep The dowel goes in it's just under two inches so that's basically what we got to do on all of them basically till it seats and it's hard to tell but the hammer will bounce back when it fully seats if you've ever done dials before you know what I'm talking about so basically yeah why didn't I catch it well the only thing that seemed weird to me when putting it back together was the valve adjustment was loose not there wasn't an inch of play but I had removed the rocker arms obviously because the head bolts hold the rocker arms in and while it was on the loose side it wasn't super super loose like there was a big valve geometry problem so that's the only thing that I ever that I noticed at all with the valve train that was different when putting it together now in hindsight knowing that the it's like hey it is a little loose I should have dug further but this like I said this does it was on a time crunch and what I'm doing here is I'm just trying to secure like the tone change but that's not really the most scientific way of doing it so so yeah definitely I should have looked at this further however I'm really blaming cat on this one there is nothing on the 3406 b or c insists saying anything about this I looked up dowels Bridges heads I looked up the part number nothing mentions it so luckily all this ended up being was some labor and the of course they'd have to buy the correct Bridges but what I'm doing here is there's an actual tool we don't have it though and we wouldn't been able to get it in time to install these dowels but really Dallas folks you just have to seat them the last thing you want to do is have these not be fully seated because then they could actually stop the Bridge from fully uh depressing so it'll make more sense when you see the new Bridges because you're like oh well how how different are these they're surprisingly surprisingly different so once all of our dowels are back in the head which you can see successful reinstallation yeah that too but now you might be wondering why don't you just take that tube off that tube goes on two humongous O-rings on the turbo and it was a nightmare to put on so that's why I left it like that so these are what the new Bridges look like intake and exhaust they are not interchangeable it's not like the old ones or it doesn't matter if it's intake or exhaust see it's an exhaust and they're also adjustable kind of like your overheads adjustable now you have to adjust your Bridges which is a total pain in the butt but since they ride on a dowel you have to make sure they are Level whereas these are super simple these are super complicated and look at the cup depth difference there you can really see it there it's quite a bit I mean just looking at it it's about half so yeah these are way shallower as far as the the recessed area goes so that's how they set the adjustments to the exhaust side so let's put them on so there's nothing really special about them it's not like they're numbered you just have your intake that has to go on the intake one you're going to want to lubricate the ports and the dowel before putting this on because obviously since this rides on the dowel it's going to be metal to metal contact so that is an intake and like I said it is directional and it's also it doesn't matter you can't put it well I mean I guess you could put an exhaust on an intake but you don't want to because the adjuster would hit the rock around when you have a bad day so yes put the intakes on the intakes and the exhausts on the exhaust now I've only I think ever had to adjust the actual bridges on a truck engine this style Bridge once or twice in the 17 years I've worked for cat just not something you do that often and that's something you see that often either if you worked on a lot of B models I'm sure you're a lot more familiar with them than I am but this was a this is a real learning experience so definitely be paying a lot more mindful attention to bridge differences now so like I said you have to adjust these and it's not a lash setting it's a preset so what it is is it's contact then 30 degrees additional and 30 degrees is an unusual number it's not 90 degrees where it's a quarter turn it's not 60 degrees which is a whole flat so I was trying to figure out a way to do it and since it's a screwdriver type the way I found best is put pressure on the bridge in the center and on the inboard spring section until it seats you'll feel it get firm then use your nut as an indicator so every flat is 60 degrees on a nut because 6 times 6 is 300 or 60 times 6 is 360 degrees so if you can get your nut either centered or on the end of a flat then all you have to do is go either to the center or to the other end of a flat so that is a good indicator for your 30 degrees now could you use let's say a torque angle not really on the adjuster because it is the it's not the not you're you're pre-loading it's the actual adjuster which is a flathead screwdriver Drive unfortunately not only that this is not the best of areas so then I'm just going to torque them just just like I do on the rocker arm uh overhead adjustment and the overhead adjustment is actually the same as it was before it's 15 to 30 000 59 intake Thirty thousands on the exhaust which we'll be doing again I won't be it having done it from the other side before with when the muffler was off this side was a little trickier but still not the worst I've ever done and and they don't want to write there so yeah just basically like it does complicate the overhead because now you have an adjustment for the bridge and an adjustment for the overhead but other than that once they're installed now you can put the and I didn't take the push rods out I just kind of pushed them away enough to get the rocker arms to stand up to put these bridges on then you just have to be very careful that the push rods are in place so got all the push rods in place you can see I'm doing the overhead now and like I said now you might be saying well they're already striped aren't they all done well no because remember I had just done the over end on this one so and the overhead I did have to back it off somewhat from before because those there is a difference in the heights of the valve so this would run it they would have been tight if I had another push rubs out already oh probably the hardest part on this was actually just rotating the engine that the d8 Turning Port is very difficult to get to it's not as hard as the pinning Port the pinning part was almost impossible with the turbo in place to get on but the rotating Port not that easy either so just doing our valve blast I'm not going to record the full valve last year you guys have seen me do valve lash and I did it already before on the previous video but like I said it's fifteen Thirty thousands just like it was before with the bridges do not vary with your valve lash setting is so the specification I should say yeah just torque just like I did before so once that part's done time to fire it up now one thing is your visibility in a dozer is horrible you can't you cannot see in front of you which is kind of scary someone before we start them and throttle not creaky at all hopefully it fires right up it did before so I'm opening it it will this time also heck yeah fired right up that's good really good now one thing weird about those is there's a throttle pedal but it's actually a d accelerator so yeah your hand control controls how much throttle it has and then your pedal actually kills the throttle you go to idle that's literally backwards when you say you know equipment's backwards from trucks give that term a whole new meaning hope you guys like this video and definitely uh saved myself the company a lot of money I'm gonna really say thank you to rock and Hell's Canyon diesel for sending that common email in and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Adept Ape
Views: 1,416,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UqmFPX9mb5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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