Old Enfield diesel engine. First start in years. old start, cold start

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well hello man cavers we are back with our donated engine so let's roll the credits and have a closer look around this bad boy welcome to the man cave let the games begin well guys you saw the video yesterday of me picking this up so you've had a brief look at what it is it is an Enfield I believe it's an sv1 I think I see on a plate here somewhere some of you will be familiar ah yeah let's have a look on this plate it was an sv1 no vs one here look vs one there we go so she is a beast now the guy I got this raw meat I think he said it was about five years he said he did have it running but it's been about five years it's just been sitting in a shed I like the idea of the clutch so the compressor unit will turn but it doesn't turn the engine lock it just turns the drum make sure your flywheeler stand still excellent stuff so you'll start the engine shouldn't even be too much pressure on this there we go so this seems to work what is this Menagerie on here stop pilot I have never seen start pilot before now from what I've weighed up you pull this thing up you unscrew you put some form of cartridge in there because if we push this back in there's like a point and a needle on an outbound boy some form of needle on there now apparently you put some sort of cartridge in there and The Ether cartridge or something it's screw him down hit that bad boy and then you pump it and that obviously pumps ether up here in your air intake I assume you put ether in there surely you wouldn't put oil in there I like your primer pattern for putting oil in or else it's going to dump oil in the air filter so I'm assuming there's some sort of ether in there start pilot England now I've looked on YouTube at start pilot and the only thing I can find is a stuff made by Holt which is called start pilot and that's a like like an easy start but it is an easy start so what do you do get a tin of that and fill that little Reservoir up and pump so I can't see you ever going to get them little capsules anymore that go in there if so haven't got a clue now then these are meant to be notoriously bad Stars I watched a couple of videos last night and people were struggling to start them we're going to have a go now from what I've seen on a certain video that's the off position there so apparently we need to turn that all the way so the rack is all the way in oh there's our decompress there we go and yeah I think best thing I can do is hop up on the trailer oops remove my little can off the exhaust so that don't fly over the house so let's get you in a tripod I'm just gonna skip up there let's do some checks first let's check the oil ah we might as well I assume that's all all right oh yes we're on the maximum mark on that oil you can't even see through it that looks pretty damn clean so she won't need a change all right have we got diesel up at the filter let's undo this bleed screw and see if there's any fuel I've got it switched on someone's put a horrible molten fuel tank on here but I do have the original obviously have we got diesel oh crikey yeah we have diesel so we know the filter housing's full which is good and we've got a flow I mean everything seems to look relatively in order really does all right this is back brake and work for a Sunday morning I can assure you I don't even know if this is gonna run I know you're gonna see me sweat there you go right let's annoy all the neighbors because the neighbors are absolutely gonna love this because I think this is going to be a noisy one yeah right let me skip on here and we'll just go for it I think I'm gonna wind her over a few times slowly I'm listening for the injector ah I can hear an injector I think I can hear an injector no that was the compressor oil that weren't I can't hear this injector clicking I'm not sure if I've even got this lever in the right place you know I can't hear this injector squeaking I'm wondering if we have fuel up to this injector but I can't hear it squeaking I reckon I need to get a spanner and crack this off and see if there's any fuel up there and take the injector over and test on my machine interesting to see if we've got any spray pattern on that injector wouldn't it hmm that it would indeed I'm wondering if we should do like whether we should just take the injector out put this pipe around here hang the injector from it and turn it to see if we've got any spray or have I just got this totally wrong let's try in that position I can hear no squeak whatsoever now all right I think we need to investigate a little bit further as to whether I've actually got this throttle position in the right place hang on I think there was a book come with us let's have a look right we do have a book come with it in field and here it says about the use of ether on here look use ether there we go so when cold starts you should use the old ether an extremely cold starts you do different things but anyway before starting number five Vlog here set control arm in the starting position with the appendix the apex of the cam pointing away from you in the flat portion towards you press down D compressor until it engages start the handle and if on turning the engine is beyond compression yeah yeah okay when deep breath you can turn the engine over as rapidly as possible I mean to the start and handle when adequate flywheel speeds attained again [Music] this should be cranked at 120 RPM a minute for good start last two revolutions a second you're going to have a big arm trying to style that so I did have this car in the right place having the flat portion towards me this is obviously where it goes I couldn't cheat them just crank some easy start in it so I cannot hear that injector cracking at all so I think I'm gonna whiz these pokes off I'm going to crack these off and crack this off just see if we've got any diesel getting up there all right we are back with some basic tools so let's have a look and see if we can get any any sort of fuel out of this thing they're gonna try we're just gonna crack this big banjo off here yeah we're gonna just crank this banjo off we just see if there's any diesel coming out of here I can see a lot of air bubbles coming out the top eh yeah there's a lot of air bubbles coming out of there foreign yeah the air bubbles are stopped now and I just couldn't hear that injector creaking all right that's tightened up let's see if we've got anything coming out of the top of this injector oh yes there's air bubbles all coming out all right let me show you you see that we just had a lot of air bubbles come out the top of this pipe all right let me see if I can crank this oh we've got the decompressing and just see if that's pushing any diesel out of there oh yes we're getting a little pulse can you see I don't weather yeah we're getting a little pulse out of there so she's all right that end so let's nip this off tighten him back up now let's crack this end off see if we've got anything coming out of this end I believe there is let me see if I can slowly crank this thing oh yeah yeah we've got a pulse coming out of there look so we've got diesel at this end as well why can't I hear that injector creaking though I hope you can see what I'm doing here guys foreign just see if I can get some sort of Creek out of that injector you may not be able to hear it from there all right let's see if we can hear anything oh listen I can hear that injector Creek which we didn't have before [Music] shall we see us if I go now okay wow she fired up I think I let the diesel pump off why can't I hear that check the squeaking again that injector's not squeaking tools we've lost that injector squeeze why is that injector not squeaking again everyone we're getting the diesel up here again that shut her down [Music] oh we've got a squeak yep not a very good squeak I think we need to have a play with this injector because I'm not getting that distinguished springy squeak we was so I think we'll probably take this injector out and give it a clean and just see what it's actually doing but it was hopeful I mean we were we got a start didn't we with the flat position like I said oh she takes some turning boys yeah that injector certainly isn't quick squeaking how it was when that started a minute ago but at least we know she's sort of a runner maybe if I left it running instead of messing around with this governor she might have kept going it probably would noisy Parker warranty yeah right I think we need to get this injector out one pipe two bolts and then we'll get it in the shed on the bench and we'll give her a test all right I've got you guys up here in the trailer with me so we're just gonna Buzz this injector out which is nice and easy oh I hope there is one little pipe on the bottom here as well look that there is indeed man it's a little leak off poke on the bottom there and I'm not sure I've got a span around here small enough to fit that or I might have to go and get one because I'm around the front of the house at the minute which I don't particularly want to be lifting this off the trailer yet all right there's some crap and grit all around now I don't want that going in the injector all right let's get him out the way right oh that's Loose as well I just need to get a little yep I'll just need to get a little socket I'll undo that bottom one all right we've got this little pipe off here it's just one Bolt and our injector should pull out and there it is our injector so let's get her in the shed give her a clean up and give her a test huh right here we are man cave as we are back in the shed with our injector so I think we're going to give him a little wipe up all around this doofus here and then we're going to rig it up if I have a bolt to fit and that's only it if I have a bolt to fit this I'm going to put it on my little injector tester and see if we have any form of spray pattern well that ends fits on there look at that let's get this rubber bug off so here we are with our Posh injector tester now look at this bad boy we have our injector screwed on here we've got to put some diesel in this canister so we have some lovely diesel here we go there we go we've got some diesel above Orange actor above our filter level there we go now I think these should crack off between two and three thousand PSI we should get a decent spray pattern foreign so we need to focus Garfield pressure up oh I can feel some pressure coming in there now right that's no blade oh we're definitely getting some pressure there now whoops I haven't nipped a sling strong enough in The Voice ah right oh there we go did you see that injector between two and three thousand RPM this thing really need bolting down when you use it between two and three thousand PSI sorry the injector went look see ya so I think that injector it's pretty damn good he isn't making a bad job of atomizing that diesel if I'm honest so I think we might have got away with this right we need to get this injector back in the engine and give everything a good clean and that will possibly work again so let's get this injector off here release this pressure there you go gauge It Off that should be the pressure released there we go excellent stuff put our little knoblets back over these pipes to keep them clean perfect all right let's get back around the engine give everything a good clean up and put this injector back in it actually looks even the tip of this injector actually looks surprisingly okay wash is okay that's not really squashed yeah this will go again all right we'll be back when we're back on the trailer all right we have background we're just gonna have a little clean up around where this injector goes in I don't see on here right now but I just want to clean any Grit and crap off this but we don't want anything going back in that engine in that injector right let's get her back in there we go all right let's get our two bolts two washers and nuts on I don't suppose you guys want to see me putting putting this injector back in but there you go you're getting it I like to leave everything in [Music] there we go all right we'll give that a final Target in a minute I just want to get this pipe back on there we go get this little Union back on the bottom here where this little leak off come out I know I haven't tightened the injector up yet but there's a reason for that that's simply so we've got a little bit of ply in the injector before we crack it down so the pipes all snug up that one's done up this one's done up we just got them too injector bolts to tighten up cool oh that sucker hardly goes on there I think you really need to be doing this with a spanner of course them sockets won't fit all the way well there you go our injector is back in all right let's get you back down here if not you're going to be shaking all over the place when I'm cranking this on the trailer now let's see oh do you know I think we may have to believe this again diesel systems are funny like that all right let's crack this fuel on decompressor on nice fuel coming out of this pipe yep there's air bubbles there at the minute still we've still got air bubbles coming out still got air bubbles still got air bubbles all right now no it'd be enough have we got squeeze yep there we go through that thank you [Music] let's go yeah I'll be a lot better there we go [Music] [Music] I'm a bit slower somewhere like that if you don't smoke a half and a lot he is away no problem at all [Music] noisy [Music] well there we go she was not easy because she is on a metal trailer so everything's rattling but she runs and once we had a squeak of that injector it actually started up didn't it quite easy so yes I think what do we do with this thing is it rally Worthy possibly there's a lot of original paint on here so I'm not sure if painting this is the way to go because it looks fairly original all on its original play I mean forget this tank and this angle what someone's put in we can lose all this I do have the original fuel tank as well but it's had a repair but I do think this thing is in good enough condition to say it was really give it a deep clean you know decrease it get all the sludge off it then see what it looks like what do you reckon guys because I think she's a bit too nice to probably paint you know of course he only looks like this once I've said this 100 times they only look like this once and I do like this pivot start system on the top here where you put your ether cartridges but today new ether was needed we have an oil filter around there we have a fuel filter around there we need to concoct some sort of muffler on there but what do you reckon to her what do we do with this do we just clean it put it on a nice trailer and show it I don't know you let me know anyhow we're gonna leave this video here you have seen the end field the SS vs 1V whatever it is you've seen it run you know with our injector took off and put through my machine and test it and put it back on and bled it she cracked straight off there we go right we're gonna go and we will see you guys next time for more videos Paul Lenny yesterday he had a Day Tour on a trailer we went to wool pit rally you see the video last night you'll have seen the video when I picked this up from Dale and yeah now you've seen the video of it back home and running there we go we will see you guys next time bye bye for now Enfield diesel
Channel: Norfolk Man cave
Views: 59,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eKv0BcFcRfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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