Old Country Preacher (Pt 2.) - Laughing With Billy Kelly

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and I like to say to Billy Kelly god bless you and congratulations and may your name Mia your personality be a minister a live on after I'm gone rapper you're going until Jesus should come again in his glorious second appearance Herald cycler signing off god bless you Billy Kelly [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we get T model coming in freight train you gonna have Tina model coming information in here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey let's do a little bit of that hung down the heat you ever seen a Baptist preacher run how to win Bennett can you play in the pines in the pines where the song you can't play no working him know him [Laughter] [Music] the end the time where the show don't have a shine and [Music] my past is longer than a mole I mean buddy I could sit here and talk I guess from now till doomsday and never tell all the things that's happened in my life I was born in Oliver Springs Tennessee April the seventeenth nineteen and thirty-two and some of the happiest days I guess I ever spent on the face of this earth was in Oliver Springs Tennessee my grandfather had land of inheritance about 165 acres only inside of the farm was old poplar Creek the other side was Indian Creek I feast I hunted I am Jordan life as a young man and I thought that's a grandest place in all the world well my mother and daddy couldn't live together my daddy was passed to the First Baptist Church and Oliver Springs Tennessee at one time and my daddy back still on the Lord and moved to Corbin Kentucky in 1938 and bought an old beer joint and I had an old hotel now I never seen my daddy Drake never never known Drake he wasn't the Custer but he just he just went to the bottom and there's a fussing going on we came back to Knoxville and I finished the first grade Knoxville then went back to Oliver Springs and went to Scarborough School out there which is in a portion of Oak Ridge Tennessee and by the way my forefathers owned all that whole country my great-great grandfather's on 9,000 acres in there and his all around Oliver Springs and Scotland and Wales and all in that portion of the country but I had to walk two miles that schoolhouse I mean to catch the bus go to schoolhouse and the coal trucks would weigh their coal like the scales my cousin ran the scales and we just hope and pray that he be opened now that pot-bellied stove with about freeze to death have to leave the house before daylight in the wintertime and get back after dark at night and we meet that school bus and ride that thing for about 25 miles to Scarborough School and my little sister board she'd cried a little separate Jones reason I did I was about to cry myself we're just about to freeze and then we moved back to Knoxville Tennessee stayed there for several years and then I went off to military school they put me in a military school my mother had remarried and went off to military school stayed there for years and it was during those days that I really learned something about life and I was tell a little bit of yesterday you heard me talk about it but the old man that run that school was mr. Morgan Kenneth Morgan and he drove some things in my heart that I never got over be a man faced some music and we went swimming on Sunday but Joe slipped off fifty others what swimming old son ask its rules and all he had to do on Monday morning the chapel say you that went swimming yesterday meet me in my office we didn't lie about it 50 of us lined up Oh mr. Morgan took a board a paddle about that long had some holes board in it he's about to eat stick but he put it on his three legs apiece he tells stories that make me want to do right he told about a barber that came to town and he be cutting people's iron every time a strange card come in he'd have to look and see who that was and one day there's a car came in and out the back door he went he is in trouble always has run it and that men told in that story you live right you do right you don't have to run there won't be somebody chasing you down you won't be looking to buy through the bars of the penitentiary and that got to me I bought it back at the mountains of East Tennessee and we as poor folks now you talk about being poor buddy we're support we spent four or three old they'd win a Kentucky Fried Chicken in our day we'd had licked somebody else's paper mom oldest to carpet the bathroom so we kept for that money saved up enough to carpet the thing and she liked it so good we just put it up a path on the end of the half we had a rough brother we had interrupts I want you to know they make a big old cat head biscuits I mean the kind that you can pack a lunch on just about and when I move to the next body total eclipse and I've always said when I die I hope that I can follow the bowl of chicken gravy with Julia biscuits and dry off buddy now they back up my lunch and we'd go to school with digger Lorne and and good old biscuits with a great jelly blackberry jelly huh and fried apple pies you like that yeah you're saying I'm a bucket Oh Lord it's second grade I can't a full pound Lord and in the third grade I can't eight pound Lord and the time I got to high school I was kind of a large in there but we had some happy times Jewish times and I mean just started my life out in that part of the world now I didn't realize long life's journey what gotta do for me let me meet some of the strength that man and woman had a boy late lively wonder what he's gonna name him and he couldn't find it figure out what kind of name him so they just trying to call him off and they said they don't Worr despise that name he hated that name and when he died he told that said look don't put that name on no tombstones and just don't put anything on it just put a rock up to forget it and so they did some years later people's going through that graveyard and it looks and then just X stones dead in there and a fella said isn't that all [Laughter] I used to hunt with us Vienna had a high voice and he said something got off the Ducks life's not accept warned to finish at hemming Jackson - oh he was a character he's coming over bromby was not the bear across the road in front of him like the scared him to death next day the preacher was a teased him said - why didn't you fry he said I'll tell you right now preacher said that prayer all right the prayer even eat with her down the Burmese and and I never had but one to get after in there was a team one and you know they had better sense when I defended them don't was inside that thing and I never see such a sight in my life and and a notion that burn spied me and here he come I mean dogs are hanging all over him after me and I took over running and I got out a little open in just one tree up there and the first limb was ten foot high at least and I jumped it on hello yes and speaking of my rounder made me think of getting in forgiving see friend of mine and his wife is going down the road there's a person and every time he'd say something she'd say what do you say what'd you say and about that time a blue light come on officer pulled him over and officer said my see your license and she said what'd he say I said he wants to see my license and officer said where are you going sir said get number Tennessee she said what'd he say said he wants to know where we going Dawson said gatlinburg Lord he said to me Tuscan tarnished and tanker so woman I knew in my life lived in Gatlinburg Tennessee she said what'd he say he said he thinks he knows [Laughter] I'd say Lord take me when times and I don't see them to smile a man that's it honey when I look at you I don't she says my husband I give you pause I said to my wife I didi wife that I take that into Cuba years ago got everything looked back the head coming back to the states the fella said his wife forgot everything got everything she's sitting in bed you think looky here she held out her hand if there's a reason to watch it he said how in the world did you say that why she said I just put it in my mouth huh Lord he said I wish your mama been you would save your love yeah I took a pleasure trip a few days ago just living longer therefore went back to the house cut the dose tail off to make sure she come back at once your little friend innocent oh well she don't come to see you much does know there's been to see us what we've been married 42 years and I'll tell you the secret to that we go out to eat twice the week go out on she goes on Tuesday they going through but again we've been married 42 years when the Lord's gonna see us one time in 42 years that's good no it ain't no sir she gave me got married he never lived [Laughter] she's part of tagging and partying I call her waffles her grandfather said motive and mother's spot and heifer I was talking to an old boy over the name of chesty and instead the administration building and I saw her come walking across the campus there and I said the old chest I said y'all come for my wife y'all is my wife and I said do you know where he said yeah I said introduce me to her and we'll her name was dark Frost and I said the hill I said I believe I need frostbitten and so he told her over there their apartment and introduced me to born I saw that girl I'll tell you what's truth goose-pimples jumped out on me chilled bugs I got an office fixed you ever seen in your life and come to find out my Dixon couples are leaking but anyhow I thought that was a sweetest prettiest brown-eyed gal I'd ever seen in my life and I just I don't know what it's loved her from the moment that I saw her and I wanted her to be my wife well we got the court and next thing you know I got drafted United States Army and it didn't have them I wasn't ordained or thing like that so I had to go to the service and went to Fort Jackson and then I went down to cap Polk Louisiana I called it lousy Etta that allows this place I've ever been in my life and I was the lowest thing on the totem pole eyes up EVT every day and I'd go to mail call I'd wait to hear my name called out I hear an old sergeant now private Kelly hop Sarge and they'd hand that letter back to me born the first thing I do is smell of it I won't see back smelly of that perfume she'd been in Houston I won first a lot ever done does not kid I said maybe they bigger lovers I am so anyhow I'd go then to the down take my canteen go get me six Coca Cola's at canteen and hold six small bottle cokes I'd pour midnight and then and go to the backs and I lay down I start reading that letter dearest Billy Moore mama call me Billy daddy called me Billy everybody but they could have said like she said it dearest Billy when I'd read that my toenails in curl my roll back man eyes in love dearest Billy and well got came back to forward to Fort Bragg North Carolina got my first leave to go home when I got home why I went to that brick rock house on Main Street in Sevierville Tennessee and when I got there I lost weight that's trying to get kind of dressed up a little left at the car or would look so bad about that time the door that house will open the screen went back at a young girl 20 years old coming flying out that door jumped four steps hit that sidewalk I do it 90 and I met her doing a hundred and ten buddy I mean I was in love well and we went on and Horton in one sunny afternoon why we went to a cemetery there's a church out in the country there and I gave her a ring and asked her to be my wife and we got engaged and we as married September the six nineteen and fifty three in Sevierville Tennessee at the First Baptist Church well I've never had any affiliations Bob Jones University I don't know why but in hell they came to see me about you that stagecoach I had a horses new mules and the team of oxen then and I have to be out the barn mold overhauls that's all I ever were and I speed in the homes and here comes in Sullivan Bob Jones University they had a tile coat on yes he did he came up and he saw me he's gonna ask me about use that stagecoach and the muse nauseous and when he looked me over he liked me better you did their mother jacket home order a motel travel a lot yeah they well we take out no nowhere yard it all the time old me I doesn't not too long ago and I didn't watch at home there's a motel and I got out of the bed go to the bathroom and it's dark and I'm feeling down the wall trying to find an opening somewhere their world was and when they got to the bathroom door my wife it hung her dress between the door and the window and I was thinking as if the motel and I thought there's a woman in there well did is a full-length mirror on the door and I saw myself in that mirror throes of an animal and finally got the light flip though and we'll it did why I saw what was happening and nice at the house and my wife have done something she's cool thing it's never done before in her life she puts on my little green stuff in the back to mode and I don't tell you something I thought my cold better don't you stay in the home sometimes have you ever gotten any mess you can't tell all that not well I stand in one place and they it was two brothers and a sister and they'd never been married and all three of them used to buy her and they had empty coffee cans about every 10 12 feet and they never missed those did he is nice - did he talk to her see what he didn't miss a campus and so the other one the end is teeth wide part and we had his video that little teen stream would hit that came in the old lady she tried to be halfway decent to learn of different stuff she watched the corners of her mouth with her handkerchief and when she got ready she put her fingers up bingo but she didn't miss I stand that oh I gotta get some tires nothing my best fitting and I go alone strange to me I didn't know but I don't do something about better than the badges you drink strange water sleep rains bed here strange food fight strange hey Lemke at the wallet and I just my murders on each I love about two o'clock one more down to drinking water some and then I couldn't see straight and I all I think about your own stuff cans for God I better pick one a moment so leave that I got the payment little better graceful or picture then I can think about streams lakes whales branches spray yeah I find it ocean up to here well and I said stuff kids a notion of kitsch I'm gonna ask water I got it Vietnam with the EE and I stick out pull it out I finally made it to the kitchen didn't kick a 1-over I found that refrigerator I was mad door the light came all the good enhance eating this then I begin to see a little bit that's it a nice glass of water hurry got it starting drinking it but that time I had my higher side and I looked and in the bottom of that page without old woman's folks [Laughter] had my tears badder than old old Twitter shut down Memphis the chickens said let's whatever Mississippi says both folks gonna need a big mess of chickens but now I like some kind of natural I just bought you know a lot of people they bought him many bannermen from you or she but then I like no one any and so we got off down then they had a big blade of chitlins fried up fixed and these young people had put a handful of corn right oh well I got my chitlins off and all this time to tell the truth I did not see that car well they don't snicker to the legs going on and drink our spider and ball when they saw what I saw oh they just died they thought that the funnest thing in the world I don't wanna upset hey don't take turn you against chitlins I said no turn me against Cole I think I look a little bit good old corn yes you remember the first time you ever saw Boulogne balloon yeah baloney didn't you go to school one day and swaps you know I probably owe lunch for a bologna sandwich no but I remember well said what did you study when he went to school my teacher the third grade I the matter with mr. Masterson me she was 22 and I was 30 college Joe at the Penn State and with any one state picking in the spring and he won't know if he drowned addition he died the spring of the year he thought he died in the spring he'll give and I I tell you I wouldn't swap anything his world being raised back those mountains no land see being poor folks and God taking me out of all of that let me go out across this country and preach what stirs me laughter hey hey over the first Corinthians you know what says in the bathroom well nobody's chapter one down he said consider your calling brethren said not many of you as wise and influential then know much but said God deliberately to chose that which is lowborn and then significant brandy that's not exactly the words that's used there but that's what's talking about the dark takes things it's impossible looks like they got invited Knoxville Tennessee he's been freezing beside me all right I would take a turn I mean just just dare me and I'd do it about half drunk one day on Main Street Knox from the damaged former bridges all I Boomer tribes road walking solid block them through the crossbar didn't go to jail for it got out of it not was good doctor care of me and my teenage days my whole mother daddy they divorced mama to get a job with a [ __ ] meal making $18.75 a week time to raise a family they'll done yeah she didn't put us often in some orphans home somewhere but mama done her best and thank God for yeah she's 82 years old down I had her over Christmas time she's Satan I put my arms around her and told her one more time for she passed out of here how much I loved her and appreciated for taking care of me and and I just I was brought up that way and didn't have anything many a time we go out the back to smoke out some Christmastime honestly we give them enough maybe orange or something like that they were old the bicycle my life never anything like that but still I didn't get mad it move my people and it didn't get Maddy society in this world I know all these birds on these talk shows on television the man is everybody because what happened in her childhood days well if you got done up you just got done up is that right do your best to try not to do somebody else Laemmle O'Brien and teach people out a little Brian that's the way I look at it hey there's long things my life I would she's never been I said things I was dying to never city I've acted ways I was taught to never acted that way I've been stubborn and hard-headed no such as that but I'll tell you friends listen that old mother mine took care of me and and raised me praise God they've made sure that I had something to eat and clothes to work and school to go to and I'm glad for that now I'll tell you I would swap honestly pretrial poor way of life I know what do you see pig feet chicken feet pig's tail peeps Ronnie did nothing did nothing go to waste in town nobody then the thing go to wait why the first thing we do as kids we kill that all we took that bladder and we give us a cane to blow it up there's our football I reckon you wonder you got that name pigs keep not always taking not time to afraid the dog would eat the thing and we put it the fire inside the fire like you're saying right here and it'd be another eight degrees I can cook two ages it or not they'd probably be enough the martyrs of all little three those five little boys here's a fact the house and the trailer on the place and they want to get in business raising chickens I'm gonna get them some of those chickens at me different color age you ever seen those I had one one time they'd leave pinky greeny and just you just hold close but everything was coming closer hold up actually lay that color a come on better yeah then some fellas came by one day an American flag the chicken killed [Laughter] [Music] he died of exhaustion predicament sometime I would have prayer yesterday to store to get some talcum powder and the woman said walk this way and I said maybe if I walk that way wouldn't need the powder [Music] [Music] here's some situations I'll tell you I get punished thanks to me old babe heard me tell you but I run to the Pickens County kept me and there's an old fella come up to me and he said I'm a widower and I want to get married met this little woman and I said would you marry sir tonight now said listen don't tell me about what's gonna happen Estelle something special well I said I've never seen it done before I guess it'd be okay so I don't know we don't miss Saturday night something unusual gonna happen I said you ain't never seen before so come Saturday night I in the summertime I don't use the word on coke all that I think the devil invented the tire yeah I wore coat the time they tend to flower on me I got the musicians now cute Demi and what I won't happen I said then when I get through preaching I want you to start at wit March well I have preached the message that not to depend of the situation I preached on the second coming of the Lord mash up of the lamb right to the church and when I got through and all your Blair said dumb dumb dumb dumb hello fella got up my room but they locked Donald down all the cake now then do you preachers know what I'm talking about down to Christian bookstore you might little Brook Thames without America and how the beautiful and so I opened up cried my placemark and somebody and move my marker about a bra clothes Cyril Cyril field whatever works you finally I found one said wait again honey I parked right there now the these preachers know what I'm talking about there's a long drawn-out episcopate wedding in there these words I couldn't even pronounce but no sad and dollars a little old Mountain put your knees Tennessee he used to it he read description if he could pronounce a word he calls so it wasn't localizer going he I thought the GOP's exasperated I slammed that old book to not something what I'm gonna do well whatever she worth he give me two dollars I gave a dollar bag and I know what you don't that's another hospital and he said there's a woman told me it said there's no woman down here ninety years old and said she's uh she's been in here for several days the preacher don't get to come back way out in the country and said she don't have any defenses Hart said appreciate you go in help with it be an inspiration to her so he said he went in sit down got to talking third ninety years old and he said there's a bone clean up sir and he said do you love peanuts and he got to eat the honey and before he knew it he ever peanut in that bowl well it hacked him to know we hade he begins apologize he said sisters they're little peanuts and said I'm sorry said I I said shut up I've eat the whole bowl oh she said that's okay son she said said she took my teeth out all on duplicate chopped it off [Applause] Galata and over norman which you know normally I give you preaching that out no Globo well heaven is why saying you know they saying that jerky people of humor sake the Cherokee going to keep saying English told him to come up safe and Norman got up and he said I don't know what I'm saying or not well I said just come on up here and try so they got a third he said you know said I've been time to get my teeth and tell her what down there the day of the fella said here said said I gotta said to try these he said of trout and they didn't feel well he said we gonna another said to try these many said that he's got them in his hip pocket gonna love students in Charlie's and he said I said to him her are you a dentist he said I'm an undertaker [Laughter] futile I know you've had some rough experience don't spit lady you know I certainly have I certainly have I tell folks about the other day there's an urchin there she's sick and I was and these are putting them things on you know what I don't what this are they put them on there here's an urn stuff to throw my head and I looked up and that colored girls he's a colored girl and she's sick of me and her nose is fixed the drip in my head and I said hey your nose is lifted my baby and she said 19 seconds later like a ground all good things come across more than the next thing you know they put me on insulin I run me around the house three times for coldly doctors I learned why they those doctors why there's those masks or the face well Jesse James warned [Music] no UN school and studying Carson yeah then you get called in your first semester you make five DS please you found out right over you find word out for schools five is what you get the D in religion five five amps in one day yeah they wonder why I made those Arizona's doing [Music] [Laughter] I used to hear you tell about that homiletic splash you were in a bit Carson movement well you gave your first service yeah and you got happy or something run out the door and around the house get back in that there's no professionalism he said you want to slow down I said I'm trying to lose experience but I think that was some time brother back in those days but God's been good to me through all these years and when I was going to cost you an extra met my wife yeah I shall receive a full oh did she yes she saw me play brother mom and dad you see we played against Maryland College and me a preacher now and got in the fight me and the other guy got threw down the bowl [Laughter] and me a preacher well appreciate no good fight about something I don't know what I never get first time I saw her she named doc frost and the fella standing there played guard on the team I said you know what girl he said yes not frost I said introduce me to happy bunny frostbitten [Laughter] I told that fellas my wife Rachel my wife and sure enough two years later we married I said I never got such a feeling in my life he'd feel like my toenails curling my hair stood goose pimples jumped out on me and killed bunkie Cooper's relief oh boy one attack all the time what did that Benny what would you say the worst predicament you ever got in in church or since you've been a preacher yes I did and what I said but just a little turn of the tongue and a fella said to me other day he said how do you know you called a preach well I said I woke up craving chicken then won't go to work but you know you can get up run your mouth hey I will tell you all something you couldn't talk as much as I do without telling a lie yeah you think I don't know you - bird have you got your tongue tangled up with a burns trio which one of the girls no Lord Naomi yeah yeah they only burn she's one plays the piano she wide hit he'd been that way for years and years and we've sung together in places for years and years we went off to a strange place and they didn't know Leah and hurt the burns through either and I said Miss Kenny well you're my name's Kenny I said Mr Kenny would you couldn't play the piano she started down now I like that old white hair and woman and I thought about shaved head people think that's my wife well when I said it sounded awful worse yeah but I said that but but but I wouldn't mind you all say one dime at cj burns buddy I mean each squeeze a nickel attack and you make Indian right Buffalo on the other side and that days a big storm had blown the tent down and we stopped at the filling station come home at 9:00 for service and there's a drunk just barely touched CJ's car well he's kind of fella he keeps his car immaculate it's always a waxed and cleaned and everything just be so-so and I'm not that way Lord I got one I go down to barn that Cavalier on it don't run a fuel that afternoon oh that's tough but he now had drunk just barely touched him I just brother and they got into it and they first for 15 minutes Here I am tore up my teeth just torn pieces and I owed $4,000 on that thing and here I'm all down in the dumps and they would stand there fussing over something you couldn't even see hardly and finally I got tired and I said now listen you fellas can't snitch it we're gonna call a law and get it said like I'd get out of here I'd get worked up and don't know don't do anything I'll do that he said yeah I tell you watch it I'll pay why are you all for it CJ said I'll tell you right now it's worth it worth at least a dollar now drunks can do some strange things one staggered across the street and said to the officer said where's the street what he said it's over there no he said hey that's just over that it says so you would stagger back across the street yeah got some help with antique shop with a big grandfather clock and that drum into it knocked him down toward that crops all the pieces and the man jumped up accustomed to drunk out and a little drunk the game said hey why don't you want wish walks like everybody's [Laughter] Billy I remember one time people never can't get anything on you and I remember one time a fella called on you to pray and you jumped up in the middle of the service and started praying and you said I'll get even with you know the truth of the whole story yeah and is epidemic across from North Carolina and I took folk cattle trailers took me some plastic were wind would blow through but hey them had my beard in there and they'd made a good place you know what the fault you'd stay and you snore I had to run my pickup truck 50 yards away to sleep go ahead I'll tell you the rest of that story another name of Harold dawn Harold and he walks Doug legged water Lavinia walk and he got a piece of the rubber hose and put my beer was in the fall of the year and copperheads and rattlesnakes dealer chrome it I wouldn't go to bed at night knowing in feelings of the listening I run my feet down on that cold water home I'd like to kick that cattle trailer piece I get up next morning 35 hours and I'm making biscuits in little kid here to tell you about my most she rolled her like that no like that I improved on my hair I wrote mine [Laughter] but to make a long story short I told him fellas I said I have done there but I said I'm a redheaded freckle-faced plug those eyes and I said I'll find out who done it and I'll get you if I have to take you to tormenting back two years past eyes in Tarpon North Carolina and in revival services and Here Come that little duck lady free to open it Larry Richardson the famous badger pictures with me wears a I sitting on the front rolled into an old prison he said outside then he's won in kind you know what's going on the service for him I talking yeah yeah yeah yeah and here's the top and about that time the pastor got up and said he's dead to have all the people there in the vision that have brother Don Harold well you heard his name but do you know what the preachers say yeah and he said what do you say what do you say I said he said butylenes in prayer [Applause] go with each side down the bridge got to looking to stand people in the house he repeated and when he found out what I've done to him he said we're even I promised some folks is build about 75 miles from there and I'd come over after the service at night and we'd make some music and I said it's gonna be awful late we better not do that oh yes come on so we took off and I was driving that big old cattle truck and that badger picker he would ride when they called our sleep so bad he's afraid I'd go to sleep and he rode with that little duck legged preacher we're going down the road we liked about five miles getting to the folks house and I was all over the road sleeping and he told that badger picture setting them in pray pray he said that loans will get him about that time a blue lights come on and pull with what they didn't know was that officer was a personal friend of my hell and he is going over there to make music with us and when he eats on me so what the world wrong I said I'm sleepy knees up right quick I jumped on it put my hands upon he reached my pocket come out of the 38 special he reached up wanted big old case-knives about that long or they knew I was in trouble they knew I was gone to jail here come that little does they get richer walking in that thing that pageant picker that also said you know this guy said yeah that sprinter Kelly said preacher nothing said he's drums said everybody's driving all over the road like that he's bound to be drunk and he said they said why he don't drink said that's God's bad he said all his head ring he's an open and said he's going to jail no I said I ain't going to jail I said I'll stop you right here I don't said you going to go he went to reach back to slapstick the burn handcuffs at that time here come another officer but he didn't have his police uniform on and he's gonna play with his to play to get to her and he could imagine what that officers do to me stop and he said what's wrong officer said go ahead buddy just go we said he said I said go off so the fella went down in the road about a half a mile and turn started back and by that time I started running towards it also I said I'll just stop you right now and it'll put your innocent remember you well an opponent before before didn't think it happens it tickles that officer sir good we couldn't stand it no longer and he literally laid down what I've done doing it it made him mad and he's done about his four of your little piggies from me and he doesn't fly and [Laughter] we're selling back these coats don't get on I'm bad back the old sleeper wife Esther drive me and your brothers your Walker here one of the finest young preachers in America I mean that yeah yes sir doc used him all over this country prison camp meetings everywhere he little go about 16 years old come to me one day and said God needs me to preach bodis been our preaching ever since say I like seeing people [ __ ] that the diary well God for the life little Joey supposed to be tomorrow Pascagoula Mississippi effects books been - today he called Tobin's gonna bring me over here so I got it something special more to do but God's man I appreciate that that humbles my heart babe better God now I'm easy - cries we go go cry somewhere you sell you do big the crowd I'm big enough crying where I won't - yeah what what tell you what the telling about oh yeah we all patty burns no Travis Thomas is in the truck with me that both of them can talk the horns off of a goat Lord that pessimists biggest pessimist it's ever been and then both of us sitting on the front row I'd tell him because I told him with one of them to live in another to still the limit and every time he comes around and tell him again I mean it's always too long too short too tall too wide and you can't get there from here old Travis he jumped on and said you're gonna kill somebody gonna sister let me drive I said let's read Nikki from Mississippi I said keep your mouth shut just my truck I bought baby bark and I'll Drive it firewall - well he said you just like to run that petrova down the road right then I said you alive I looked that side view mirror and that was a patrolman going sideways down through a coal digger taking about four rows of : well when he got back to highway you need never just to say and will garnish it I want to put an overcoat I knew that for me I was all wrong and he is upset he passed me up what about 200 yards and had to back up and when he backed up I jumped out I would reach this gun he just knew I was gonna shoot something you come up I want to spin around see if a drunk that's the down tear too bad that said over your working on little whales and said they ain't had no risk I'm tired and I went to sleep well he said you better late when their mother fellas drive I said I'm just fixing to have some strange experiences in this life do you ever have anybody to go to sleep on you when you're preaching no do ya they do better went to sleep further with died they did Nicola rescue squad and occurred five have for the Thelma Rock hey there's a fella first-half says they got run over william road package my name one of them big old road backers and he hollered the woman said call called 9-1-1 and she said i don't know the number call 9-1-1 he said my phone just goes to ten hospital a Greenville they put him in room 28 29 and 30 don't you serve in oh I don't know what a long time but one time we went to an old college I won't started Kemp ground no and we went from the third floor that's dumped on his dark in that they'd been out of business for a long time we came to the end of the hall and there's a door here in one ear when one in this room one in that room and my wife went into one to the right and so I decided I'd go in one to the left or when she went in that one there's a door went into this one and when I back door that she was instead of looking at I've done the st. Vitus dance she shared the fool out of it let's top that straight had something happened not too far from where you live and you boys raised here to Georgia and Georgia area don't talk about the assets yeah I had an old tent set up and there's a woman there's a boy about 13 years old came in sit down and I said a little hotel down that cheap place what much was all I could afford and so I went to the motel hotel that night we're from the third floor which started down the hall tires up behind me now it's the revenue come back woman that little boy well I went Maru I had the money bag with all friends in it I laid it down on the bed at that time you coming up on the door I was doing eyes that woman boy she said preacher would she do it was good she's in that beat she said we can't get our wind up said but you can I'm raise it well I didn't want to do it there's that boy he's 13 years old I don't throw this one up too then I went down that about time I go that window she said puts hands up now the Koran she had a little 25 automatic pistols and she wonder where that money was and I told her the rooms you only wear and they backed out of that room and locked me in there well I looked after windows three floors up I can't get out went in the bathroom and I couldn't get out of there and then I had to think there was a door in the bathroom and I thought it's a closet door went back Hey it opened it at the next room and was open and I went in and got out that door and started down the hall just go downstairs call the law they had to pass my room with one out of pass that woman that little boy sitting up in the bed cross-legged counting that money she laid that old pencil with Hellmuth on the dresser I had plenty of time I broke through that door I grabbed that old gun I said you lowdown here for you I said let's touch you get out of here now I mean write down that little boy one puckered up he said I told you we'd get cold I told you and they they started out and boy she went by me I did you went through thy soul real man I mean I just kind of said verse shekel and my neighbor's wife she used the same words said they went Beziers when I when I went to zero bazinga I took my foot and I keep everything and what I did I taught my daughter she woke up I mean Oklahoma doctor you long lonely woman ride a horse well now y'all know what kind of shape I'm in you think I know this been on a horse that's right Here I am going on 64 taking old 19 pills a day 200 pounds laughter I tell you what Susie they told me getting around horse and when I did that thing went to booking and all the big crowd of people aren't watching me they went to laughing and that made it worse than ever and it felt to me like brother Walter that that seat was gonna go to the side as a slide and I turned loose of the steering wheel and I reached the back of that saddle and I was holding on for dear life and obviously folks I'll be that thing to kill me Batman then run down that Kmart and unplugged [Music] you buy that time you remember that time you were in Kmart mama right there with two young uns and they were on that a little rocky horse or something Billy and crying and raised in sand and you felt sorry for the moment you couldn't get him over there no now you know today they would tell you understand the child loved the child he's expressing him yeah if you did something to say that didn't you well it wouldn't be in another feller I read that some Monday's similar that here to Georgia where that they woman struck a little child and they took that kid away from her and she like never got back do you read that not to you I guess most of you did not too long ago maybe five months ago damn and I got there this little boy he wouldn't mind - nothing and his mom was boat groceries and she's trying to get him to come on he won't ride this little horse she said you daddy's be home worked a few minutes and I've got to hurry he said imma ride ride on the ride she put a dime in I guess if you dollar in a half now she put a dime in the rolled a dime in he said on ride again she rolled another dimes worth in his heaven ride again finally the clerk the store saw the woman the tears and he came out said lady what's the trouble said can't give him a kid come on he went put a little over and whispered in his ear he jumped off that horse grabbed Mama's hand they got the car and started down the road her curiosity is killed and she turns him would he say to you a little more look doesn't but she purrs like said he said you know beat the devil at me if I to get off [Laughter] [Music] I think you don't sing your song on your guitar oh yeah don't you have one of those things that three strings bidding won't you play it for all right I don't be able to do that there's a fellow got that thing in the Hall of faith brother Gilliam of North Carolina and he's he got this three string instruments Yogi's seat over my little man that's really done this got three strings on it nice yeah it's a musical walking stick ever did write that see there and so they put him in the Hall of Fame and I went to him and I talked to you about manufacturing and we got to order the other day for a hundred from Gatlinburg Tennessee they won't sell it JB gillum's his name and so we'll be coming out with you you won't get stick so you get crippled up can't go you can take this and walk with it if you get TARDIS in out Vicki a little to you Filip younger I used to go dude I know you didn't there these colleges you high fruit but I used to figure out their feedback book again so I used to be the tickle me to pull something with it kind of nervous yeah they don't woman back here in the war she got on the train and then a Bentley it was benefiting the village then going that way she said son what the world run away yeah I got that the war went back is one of kicking his leg like Ken said son what the world's wrong with you said I got that in the war went on back there's one of going like that she said son did you get that in the war said no man we got down Munoz [Music] [Music] man-bat or be killed hey say it again and I mean it with all of my heart you better take advantage of a life where you can't that's right cuz you'll have enough graveyard that's true enough briar patch use enough mud holes and side dishes to cry in and Sue you better life while you can that's not admitting to say I played it in a year and doing well then play it down long are you ready yes sir [Music] [Applause] one Bell get to I was just thinking Billy and I know you're too modest to say this would think this but I think all of us know that here's a man who could have made the tops in the entertainment world yeah but the clothes of Christ and his life he has given himself and to the Lord talent treasure everything he's ever had he's dedicated the Lord and I'm just so thrilled he might add no wonder he can make us laugh he's got join his own heart yeah staggered up for the day in Hibbing and said beer good I said I'll have you to understand I'm a gospel preacher he's a chicken well you saved me this is a one-time deal you said you wanted the fire I didn't mean sitting in heater you ever see a fireplace like that the only thing I've seen like there's a bit Biltmore Estate I think they got 9 foot logs rules in there that say hey let's see the guy cared that low hey have you ever been at Biltmore Estate in that something a little big little tables legs at big chairs and we went through how you shake my friends if everybody got the hierarchy or for death about $20 piece now he didn't that play we're going through that God said that chair goes back to Lou at the 14th I said that 8 and I got a bedroom signals back to Sears on the fifth you like you like my heroes on that I love heroes Stonewall Jackson old robert e lee I like your character I'm glad I was raised below the mason-dixon hey man I don't make no apologies to that I told her folks last night in Atlanta never heard nobody moving up north to retire I didn't our boys from Brooklyn New York and who is that their big wagon in the film some carnation milk cans and one of them coming around the brother that kept in the Harlan II found the cows this [Applause] right now where brother Willie why don't you throw hammer swing on that Banja here I played telling a song I know one day today that's all right they didn't get that on that while ago did there was a famine mmm place was Bill yeah I will up a son-in-law plays with me that he don't want to play well I can understand he quit playing about a year ago and he he really wants to do it perfect he's up cuz it's our money good to me don't you a leg was known to play with you Fanny doesn't either [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tune in to mark this season and see playing field well so many other day show that in federal study I believe in God you know I said sure I do I got this boat don't stayed you want to play one whithersoever go play oh my soul he gonna be he's been gonna eat the meat he's got the horns he said he can't again well get my fiddle back to doing white preparatory I'm pleased that I won't do it it's going play that well you talk about eating a bigger pot cooking fish [Music] [Applause] [Music] now how about a twin host why you know you know you get a line and I'll get a pole let's move it up a little bit can you do that I didn't think that thing something right I'll be playing a bit of Kaddish key [Music] [Music] you're saying nope I don't told you [Music] [Music] [Applause] next next who's next you did I don't laugh so much I hurt what time of year 15 1915 after he afterwards get on put me to sleep put you to that every time you pray she put me to sleep you know tell about the guy the st. Vitus dance and the shady fella oh oh you talk about that fishing story about almost do long that's all of it fishing and the guy went fishing with him was stuttered and that day old roulade round and that sound stuttered on the burgers with his house and he said didn't dump the lake she said hold it now just calm down said now watch God's Lake she said st. guess who drowned in the lake today [Music] [Applause] [Music] very bad drawing Audi well not necessarily therefore you want to go I got big big glas.t by that high I figured I knew he had excuse for something had to leave Oh God his friends are walking down the road and this other guy stuttered he said to him said to 6c pretty girl the miniskirt he said real world did you see that pretty girl means no work well don't be furthest insane did you see yeah he said I saw it we said weren't you stepping forward [Applause] much further you want to go fill him in on the foot lo not see you gather off in the water well them said does it won't you look why you going Zittel don't you go were you looking only to better I'll tell you what I scream kick [ __ ] this is working yes sir I really appreciate all you folks coming out tonight I've been walking for to see Moses [Music] mighty good weddings we didn't charge him to get in nobody gonna charge them get out hey that's my great-grandfather honors Confederate uniform yeah yeah he was a he was a doctor went to University of Georgia and served in the war and they is over here in 18 said the one unit why they helped start second men's Churchill in Augusta where I when I was kid he was deacon over there after they started the church and that little girl was my grandma you know I think that's something you like my clock yeah like you're good what about those fish out there yeah like you know that railroad mill snuff then your grandma's and chew and got down you know grandpa wouldn't kissing know what a little timid I won him well I think you thought you don't level you say grandma got that snuff hold out here you remember what about me and I did he said he wasn't no catch nothing then didn't I don't want control over snuff man I never remember that tear then he came and she said I know kiss nice about home you round me yeah what about French island Flint's now but rabbit tobacco stood horn sealing in cigar Indian cigar bugle crazy I had great fun you name it [Music] you don't mind at home where do you get that belly sir that is a that is a I grew up it's a lot of these things around this is a a57 calamine well I think sort of blew the back I think that thing had a had a ball in it bigger than a 50 caliber machine gun put it there saying it dropped that thing a drop about 12 inches in 100 yards and this was made in Springfield Illinois 18 war between states right rifle can you imagine carrying something like that can you imagine that course the ban it came over there's the ramrod that you packed the powder with it that stopped broke that's what southerners that's cuz they didn't have any of these they no armors in the South except well they could you know get off the battlefield so forth the stock is split that the man's initials here used on it I got an old pack over there and a sword came out of War South didn't have much left because they just went to war with their own village but this was army issue yes gentlemen the pedal was real good with this thing he could shoot it take that ramrod and in fact shooting three times a minute if he was real good mm-hmm can you imagine more casualties in that war [Music] he was extra for more people see this after this and the spanish-american war they outlaw Juliet altogether we tell us more people died gangrene and black powder you know poisoning then we know what the steel jacket bullet more people more men died in the war between the states with portioning gangrene thank you and it did so much for American history you like the flag over in the corner yes boy I like my horse college about your mommy yeah so I first experiences new the old guys out there and Montana was a prospect is that what you told it go yes it and he come off this mountain around a little bend down the road there's a feller had a gun on him and told him to get off that from you and he said you ever dance and the fella said I never did and he said get a run out of shale and he's loaded up he raised backed up that old prospector had a double-barrel shotgun yeah right in his face and he said did you ever Kissimmee [Applause] he said no but I always wanted to hide an opossum sent us a boy not about three or four Dead II got a big possible mama fix that thing you got a peplum good put black pepper all over and sweet potatoes boy they greased you down I'm gonna tell you I did y'all won't think I'm alive but they got a good flavor if you can get past that grease believe me I told the little guy to prep the house I said spent 40 years since I impossible I wish you'd catch me one he did these are bigger I got that thing ready now put another boy you talk about smelling good my wife heaves it smells good my wife's not like your wife I see just everything Souter knows about that eating she need to tip on that floor but in yeah my neighbor come in he's about 6 foot 2 inches tall and he smelt that boy he said that smells good I said be ready too few minutes he said I'm not starved to death ain't had a bite to eat I said that's good if we ready a few minutes he said I can eat anything I said our bed for he didn't I got that thing out of stone I said down the tables I called on him to pray how strange was that thing enough and we prayed he did then he got him some out I got me some mountain and I don't possible I knew I always do you like me hold every time I collect I defeat him easy green and there he was on the table that throws the children that far some logic to it I looked at him near the green he looked at me and I looked at the possibility of the grandpa I don't tell y'all something it's been 40 years since I had the parcel and it'll be 40 mo well folks I'm not like the monkeys hugging that pole kid that stood all eternity that's your name all right [Music] is it on here you ever the father we come to you to thank you to this type of gathered I pray people here have been blessed and we pray that is this goes out on DC yard we hope hundreds of homes across the country being an inspiration to help along with all the others it's been feeling what it's put together and pray that dear God Jesus would be magnified in it all help us to know that there's a fun time been living for God yes they don't have to go to the honky-tonks the beer joints the pool halls to be entertained but Lord ever since I've been saved I've just enjoyed being around God's people and God's people enjoy life with lots of people I pray that you'd help us Lord as we go our separate ways now give us we're in with faith in Jesus special name Amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] since the time of the great backwoods revivals of the late 1800s that swept through the eastern and southern states there have been brush harbors and camp meetings mainly throughout the south some of the camp meetings are several weeks long or they're several weeks scheduled during the year where preachers and laymen alike may come for spiritual physical and mental renewal one of the unique characters of our generation is a Baptist preacher who was born in the mountains of East Tennessee brother Billy Kelly there have been only a few like him before his day and he certainly is the last of those RAM preachers who can easily blend higher education with a plain simple and sometimes antiquated ways of life the first ball he threw dangers Dan laid it over center field
Channel: Fundamental Baptist Sermons
Views: 47,257
Rating: 4.793313 out of 5
Id: WrVz6SqDedc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 2sec (5942 seconds)
Published: Fri May 02 2014
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