Evangelist Billy Kelly - The Prodigal Son

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or a of that Indian out to the bottom that desert can set it up a smoke say no head of a little fire if I can you send it up all of a sudden they set off one of those atomic bomb but it stays out there more that thing mushroom depth I mean great big that even folded his blanket up and said I wished I'd to sit there I wished I could say with this printer saying gee he's alright nothing in this world beats being faithful to the Lord yeah outside of soul salvation I think God's people don't be a faithful and serving God well I mean the disc idiot they're afraid just run to victory and enjoy old times out here hey God needs what's to do mind that story the baseball manager that wouldn't start again deliver seek was taken he walked out one day all of us take except one with the balcony and there was one they could see he went stop it up there's an old lady about 80 years old he said where's your husband she said he's dead well he said why do you bring your relatives she said they'd go to the funeral Toastmaster filled this i'll take our grandma was going to that fog anything this path was dead do you man nothing's we won't go to church won't be there praise God enjoyable time salvation and I have had myself a good time already tonight head that enjoy it I'm all you just think to that day we'll get around get to talk it over with you right yeah yeah anybody that get old answers yes sir yeah I wanna know is he burned anyhow you that way no what's gone home will take about friends one these days thank God we'll find out why why why why and what we find out yeah you be this would all be surprising how that about some of that before these morning well I wouldn't say mister word again some of the folks later in the up tonight made me want to go to the Greer kept meet when I got out on people in send and go to try their best to make it down to the Greer tap meeting I heard the pastor say today and then they'd like to rent a bus praise God charter bus and come down this rear Becky's kept me I wish you come down all you got to do is go over here where is 85 here go to Greensburg catch 85 our temps about three miles off the interstate 85 and doing you're just getting your Grier rolling with the down if you hear that's done that car be singing I'll be to the morning or something other and we'll wide it up bouncing eight-day clock as in a sale one time and this for the Senate he had a clock and run eight days his eight-day clock run eight days without winding except a dog steer said how long runs used wine women a wife things up can you we go to disk in high gear and that we want you to come down be whether smooth barbecue by 500 chicken herder I got a two chicken minute give me chickens every year one Colin else in Maryland North East Berlin rifle helps and he gives me five hundred chickens every year and then I met another guy in Murfreesboro Tennessee he said I've got as many chicken as you want and all the age he said nothing had to be double yolk he said we don't sell double your gauge and said we got we take him out and said we don't put them on the market and said we give you all over double your age you like my soul I like that better now do them single your head I may not be foods about them kind of looking for sir my lord if I needed is Daisy it's a topological about all these pictures on the front row get a view with a system look Daniel earn em three big whoppers of the beach a last you noted it right yeah we wish them to have the greer kept meeting it is always these are steady states always the last week of June and the first week at you like you know we're pleased we're going the week of July the fourth and you can't remember what the other time is just remember that it's the week before 2004 and then my friends the week of July the fourth we have a great time to the floor other means Jax will be there fruits in the first week and that'll be the last week of June then brother Tom hey so I think swell the finest young preachers this country will be there preacher the second week why don't you make your flames come down all the fourth of July we have a big celebration that day I mean we shout it out we start service about ten o'clock brother Billy cut off down Greensboro he'll be there teaching and preaching though secondly started every morning ten o'clock and we'll have all that meat ready Texas about 12 to 14 hours to barbecue all that hog meat then we start about four couples chickens getting started get the pits hot I got the barbecue pit building preacher bigger than your church has yes and I'm not exactly we got hitched longer in this church here and we barbecue five hundred chickens in about fifteen hogs and let's gone I mean we get the Lipnick barrels out for names we know that pork meat and good old baked beans rise some of the best you have the pixels baked means we gotta we gotta knock you on that side honey we got big old hands and when we get everything ready we take those baked beans and put it on those pits where that smoke and hickory smoked flavors are real good and then we make dad we have say over time yes sir what goes out what's very well I can be dead good old hotly now hey man I'm a hope you like chicken - chicken eaters here man I need a good pig tail - PPP that's right I think we should kill all as a big business man I do still see you off and if I can wake hope to the time always back the mountain cheese - back November the 15th this whole killing time I think I plates messed up this day and time you know whether you you kill what any time - here let me have back then you kill about November the 15th I take that platter out of that hole now put your you - you'll know about this but that's where this thing comes from pig skin we used to take that batter and I get me obtain that blowout they huh time your string right that's my football that's what I Blaz yes sir did you ever do that oh well there's one fella back there and rest up your tracks on time hey I take it in the house in that time frame don't put it next to the fireplace and the next morning at the time we got it that old bladder can live inside that fireplace of enough grease are cooking Tuesday well sorry and I just like stuff like that and we written down Lord my soul we made harmony we made our own lie Jim do that they gold a hard wood ashes let water drip good that last start building up make it good old timey harmony mmm I'm okay oh I'll tell you right now I enjoy living in the country and folks that don't live in the country later what they've missed this day and pilots right I see this milky drink they call it milk cat stuff we used to feed in the home brew job that's right I got a major company house with my grandma head and on the side of it said good milk has 10% fat well my sole missed you - told em ain't happy got that much you know that they take your cremated sit back I just like that and I like that only time to cook it mmm I'll be there missions you know and good old cat hey you listen to me I guess and we have a time at the Career Academy we preach a Harlem shake a Wiley the Wiley two out single out I need to file single I'm single out either bond they haven't even heated over and have a time at the rear kept me then also at Alamance beds kept meeting at Burlington will start the first two weeks of Jews in other words we go when we get up to wings denied the second week brother Buster Seaton from Knoxville Tennessee in for the James Langston from over North Georgia be there preaching and brother Joe off from Atlanta Georgia give me that preaching also you come see with Ken and I'm sure God fishy come to these cat maybe close you get in a good meet somewhere cat means tent meetings up and just that God bless you this summer the special kind wait back at the door not still help they still some tapes left or I've got some tapes back there at the door go by preacher tape singing tapes popcorn shooting them curtain Jackson wildlife so I go back at night and put open the five dollars you can have it over other Bobby grow since in a meet with me one time and he had some records that's how Yoko by pick up on brother Bobby Frank return they did 25:25 of me man and then give my time well if you pick mother mom isn't some damn woods playing appreciated it hits the empty pocket fun yes sir and the Lord bless you how many of you got one my record somebody after they all say that but songs about mother this one tonight come spring yeah and others it's Eric and there's a what about mother what a walk if you like to get the recitations and all that they're back at the door well I've had a marvelous time already this preacher is a delight to be with and all these other preachers are just enjoy the fellowship this week and I'll tell you what the truth I've enjoyed you being here night after night having a view bigger every search you've ever said look at that having a view dismissed one surface huh one sir tell me with Jenny come they met a man works thank you here and there's an eye hole yourself in the Lord let me take a song and then after that I'm gonna bring a message tonight it's a familiar takes I'm sure over the Book of Luke chapter 15 Luke's Gospel and chapter kids four years of age and below I'll let you go downstairs right then four years later mother her boys show me and she could hardly speak I brush the tearaway he was watching the little place on a window hey sigh and then reply we go Jesus up hey uh roses bloom my god I mean flowers in America I the roses help in her go and the cross of the use of real he's no borane to see her gay ugly you meet a bucket lover yes we meet and I'll get the slugars up free that's what we'll print you back tonight I'll have to do that tomorrow night for ten but I think the Princeton does work more important and this particular time that I bring the message Luke's Gospel chapter 15 and if you like to follow on with me in Luke's Gospel chapter 15 years familiar verses McGann reading in verse 11 Luke's Gospel and chapter 15 and in verse 11 and he said a certain man had two sons and the younger them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me and he divided unto them his living and not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his turn into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living and when he'd spin all their rules somebody fell in that land and he began to be involved and he went he don't accept a sense of that country and he sent him to the fields to these swine and he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that despondent eat and no man gave under him when he came himself he said how many hired servants O my father's have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I'll arise not a little my father and I was alien father I've sinned against heaven and before thee and I'm the more worthy to be called thy son make me as one of the hired servants and he rose became his father but when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him and the son said of him father I've sinned against heaven and in thy sight and AM no more worthy to be called thy son but the father said to the servants bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us see them be married for this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found and they they tend to be one of the texts that I hear is a young man that comes his dad and demands of his father the privileges of adulthood without recognizing the responsibility that goes along with it there's many young person across this country to stay in time that's doing the same thing they want their own pad then thrown automobile they're tired of the farm they're tired of the family they're tired of friends and they want to get away that's the way this young fella is his target see Nolan stop down at the barn he's tired of working in the fields huh getting in the grain the hay whatever he's tired of that he was tired of his dad telling what to do and he wanted to get away and he's tired of his friends he wanted to make some new friends and you want to separate and get away from I don't forget the Holy Ghost corn back to the mountains of East Tennessee all the fields are simply like a far long that they want but they look that way and when the sun's beating down and you got a hold you'd have to hold on corn brother any field of tomorrow huh yes sir I'll tell you my princesa on red pole that coordinated that far point how they plan at this day in time the stickers the hair on a dog's back but he wanted far apart we had to thin it out we had to chop it out we had to plan out and both at this stage it was around theirs when we lead it by being the youngest I'd have to go to the sprays and get water and waddles up at the sprayer how they have the milk of the spring the sweet milk and buttermilk temptation and get the best of it I'd raise the lid on that a sweet built a jar book it whatever they had it in and I'd stick my fingers down in that cream and when I pulled it out I had it five popsicles the field licking that cream off of the fingers yes sir I made my mind up they must be another way to live there must be another way out boy listen I'm gonna do something else eyes front little calls it one day I found an old fiddle look they didn't have any strings on it I took off to my uncle's house he picked up a string badger I said I want you to put me some strings on this thing and he did he he put them all tuned it up for me demon boo I should go back to the house and then I started for Solon learned to play but I read I read I'm in love with ideas not a lot of us but I was in love with I didn't let say hi to me and I Teresa I plead her down that for the three days huh I deliver my friend pulses episod the fireplace he's spitting the fireplace at Browns meal to back it up and with the beats in a boy you're that fit of one's got to go that's all there is fun I decided I believe I'm to the barn I've got in the crib I started again Ida red Ida red I'm in love about it I look through the crack the barn that's got the muses leaving they gonna say wow I'm trying to tell you my friend I was fat with a Harley Hinda I spent it for the folks away they are doing I fit it below Liam beans and taters he can't eat me I love the pizza hamper her or something else' I want to get out of there I take you fridge that's what this young man does he comes his father and he said follow the portion of goods that fall to me and the Bible said he divided unto them notice no problem one complain later my mum had anything but it said that they divide it unto them his liver not many days later that younger son took his journey into a far country I don't know where he went some Bible scholars say went to the land of Egypt but they say he stayed approximately three years I don't know but I know one thing wherever he did go he was limited up he got function at all the sin that he's picking up is to get into he was having himself a flea in sin there's something sad about leaving home that's right and that's all I'm done having a full-time evangelist uh-oh 36 years but it's always say every time I leave I'll get my kids around I can so I cry just for I go down the road of crime they just something sad about leaving I'm gonna bet your world war one with the war broke out seeing the truth trains in Knoxville Tennessee as they pulled out soldier boys leaning out the windows huh and you see a blip this far and if you can see that train going down the way any mamas and daddies and sweethearts women it was a sad sad time I looked at the Greenville Spartanburg Airport some years back and there's old boy then he looked like he's about 15 years old he must have been older than that because he had on I'll army soon and of the chorion war I mean the Vietnam War was going up and up quick enough had and I thought the little boy was waiting for his plane to come in and there's about 35 people standing there all of a sudden that little feller I heard his fight number and even begin to pump her up mom stepped up and kissed him I Hitler sweetheart if stood him dead is gonna be really brave he stood up there and stuck his hand out to shake hands up about the time at old dead chin with the quiver hagas root down through his arms around that color listen to me I've never seen that guy my life me and my wife have never seen it and I to relish mr. Luthor try the first or there's something sad about somebody leaving home I would lay on the same airport sometime later and there's a big crowd there we'll submit 150 people there's we've known somebody to come in and when that clean landed and the door open of an old master sergeant stepped up in that door and we'll apart your ears huh and that crowd went wild all they were hoping in the Holland and islands around Emile Abajo we've hit it only two honey yes sir now there's something sad about leaving and it's something joyful are not coming home but let's see this boy he's down in the land of cinder he's gonna have it for time he's leading up but why every time he's got thunder his morals are cold his captors calm his principles are called everything that's righteous and holy and affrights toned down the trainer and now his buddies call his clothes and calm his send them to come have things called he's ruined done I tell you preaching against to look for a job but a next thing you know he gets a good grading job but hey he joined himself up to a citizen of that land feeding of us old homes do you think about that our two boys feeding home huh but you know what sometimes God let you get off the bottom how about him so that you can look up did you know that that's right you'd be surprised how many folks have belong to churches to this day in time they have decreed in child's eyes fixed in favor of Tillery years back man sitting on the front row hard a man named Anne I like that that's why call him cinnamon aboard oh yeah and I was in Jornet after the service I've said to the pastor who is that further Coleman and I don't know why I asked this question except God must have been in it I said where does he work the pastor girl interruption ha ha ha ha uh he works at ABC liquors cobra for sin he did and here to put on the next round of the preacher that Bernsen a man that I said shot I don't the devil's crowd of egging me on just keep him out next my friend hey God is big enough here listen to me if it's big enough to save your soul he's big enough if you do a decent job somewhere Tony's young men towards himself dozens from that country and now he's feeding the old slide look what it says except that he got so hungry he could have did say did it but say he could have filled his belly with the Husker that fell from the Hogs back now you farm boys remember a little hog oh I'll to that grain to the corn and bodies the chili or slobber and and the grain of us to fall out the side of his mouth a lot of times involved on the ground there so was watching that and he was so hungry he gonna need it he didn't but you so he could have somebody said preacher you mean a minute kid hunger and a whole pian I give good time let me tell you about me too I swapped a UH a one more for a Hulk this deal I ever pulled it all of my life I brother anytime in the mo graves from here yes sir I would take you like my wife's from the city she is raised in the city in fact today the truth she is 25 years old but who she ever found out to the bush home for the animal I said I'll tell you what I want you to do I said I'm gonna get a slop bucket tub I'm a pin book are you young people you only what I'm talking about but you farm folks no I said I'll get a slop bucket that's if you take that greasy dish water and all the leftover food take the potato peelings and and all the things that's left over and go to that swamp of it and I take that hog every day Oh every day at 4 o'clock I had a big old Lady Bulldogs you wait about a hundred-pound made here to mean my wife said they favored Chuck we take off to that hog pen now let me tell you something that hope you've never heard of him the post he didn't know one thing about manners huh I poured that slop over that trouble he'd get up in the trough he lay down in that breeze in his water ain't stinky a snap down anytime and he'd start and it'll send you to Dallas I get to listen to there and it's a who got the hottest and since a hurry back I have summer on the table look I stole that I can take a fool of Santa let's get in the house after the house - a washer Supper's on the table I'd get to the table that called her to pray she don't pray his loans after today I thought the started it I called her to pray and when she got through then I'm down my fork in my hand and I was ready then declare war now you can say something I would say my friend I go hungry - hope that's what happened so far is this to move homes and listen up Eddie got hungry oh oh but it's about that time then he begins to come themself and you know what he said like Sid my father's hired servants Brad and Britt desire and Here I am I'm an oppa sticks I've ever been in her Island you fix the biggest leak he'd ever had his backbone was fixed immediate bed a man hiding his sadness at all his hairs until - it's ruled this tattered and torn and he said my father's hired servants have bread and bread to spare and here are Amber's the bed and ball when he said that I take it the thought his soul Eddie sad I believe I'll go fruits on the top hit my soul to go home boys he takes off of the house now turn the sieve around after three long years of brokenhearted mother Dan I then wondered where's our boy where is your boy open it so they used to say it's not every man that takes a gun and kills his old mother daddy or there's a lot of people kill their parents by the very life that they live yes a man I can see a broken hearted mother and had maybe was in the cooler that ternoon they might have been sitting on the porch huh and they're not talking you how did you get older you say that then you know what she's a thinking she knows what you're thinking don't you stop a man actually Mia my life do we just sit around and another thing I would do for her and other things he would do for me and we just sit around doing nothing each other but now I can see that old man and a woman sit on that porch and they got other backwards for boy I would have about that time I don't mean looks down across the plains and any scenes of her I come up the way his shoulders appear I can you steps or slow and then we'll fill up against restrain his eyes about the time he comes up down the chair and he begins to say Burma MA how do you wanna see that's her boy coming on and that old fella takes her across the plains now listen you think it's a little quiet meeting your go back read it again how come all in servant sir huh how come all those servants out there I'll be little DeMille hollered escalators fail Xmas shot coming home yeah please outcomes that feel and when he got to that boy you think you stopped about inform you of that organ setup all they said I don't you better do it I know all about you I know what you've been doing even feeding them old homes and you don't stand in my house you sleep at the barn get in the haystack no he didn't do that I'm a Scottie ran up and I'm sitting through his farm a favorite big se ma in fact the greatest story and all of this is not the prodigal the left not a man that stayed at the house rather the greatest story of all this is a loving father father that's whose arms about metal boy I'm gonna give you a little education feel off in the country hey if you live in the country the one on top of that you go out charter to the barn get the fields of the barn on you you choose some good soap and hot water and a good wash rag and you can scrub then put y'all some good smelling perfume and you're all right now yeah but I'm gonna taking something and these four people here know what I'm talking about honey feel good that hog watch you hey I'm in the bed you scrub all you want to you need you some hot soup don't you get oxygen and scrub and scrub with homemade lye soap I need you to put you some good perfume I even in pairs shamil number five are on Milan Alabama Street they don't make no difference three nights right ah they tell you fit to the whole block man yeah take you my friends listen Adam boy he's been at that home block his daddy knew it he never reviewed tema he never first had him he never drunk up his highest I say yeah other day when I came home I thought never choose me he never took my son Amen I broke it up I'll forget the conveyancer and that's what this old borders he said father I've sinned the escaped and of sin that yourself always said that I'm not worth we called our son make this only a hired servant sir tamo did that old dared us straight accusations against Ted how can you want to do he turned to those servants and said go to the house get the best robe Woodcock put it on my put shoes on his feet put a ring on his finger and the servants start to the house and the old man shouts come say hey you know that cake with its toll vida take it cannot touch we're gonna have a homecoming and a reunion has come home now does it's my friend are things that happen here notice the things that take place here notice my friend son and I want to give you this son of a fear that I forget that three things it's an abomination for a man to do three things abomination for a woman to do we find this in the combination for manly it's hairy like a woman abomination for men my friends I to go barefooted in public did you know that now you didn't know that let me tell you about em you testified when they capture King the first thing they do is cut his big toes off and make him get in the streets and walk around barefoot it that was humiliation and the Bible said of abomination in the sight of God I think Fogell never wear shoes hey man that's all side of the restaurant the other day said no bare feet allowed except on the bar and did my friend anomaly hey since the property should remain though his hair grow like a woman and my friends to go barefooted but it's the mama nation side I got from end to work anything that way no he made me I'm here with the book say that anything that pertains to the woman and it's three things it's abomination for woman to do she's not to cut her hacked or she looks like a man she my friends is not to show her thighs but I've said on one occasion they've cross from the river and the women reads their skirts and showed the thighs and the combination of side of God ending it's an abomination the sign of God part of woman I pissed away the thing that pertained to a man now I see women in this day and time they wear breeches like the men but if I come in here now the dress on you - Wow say your name and then rock say me how to nod your head hello Nelson hey puny alright so God said these kilometer here's the little boy and your dill dad said what he said said put shoes on his feet that's one of the first things he said getting cleaned up they're stopping stop we're fixing the house early you United I'll come a big and I'm gonna keep you too long why don't you look something tonight I'll tell you about the greatest homecoming and reunions that I ever experienced in all my life as an MP here for Brightcove telephone thousand thirty Blizzard headed and it happened to be my day that's still the office file the rest of the Kadri without to eat lunch I just sitting on the desk waiting on the rest of the come back where I could go eat my dinner about that time the door open incomes of health apparent overhauls an old blue work shirt I don't work hat in his hand and and I said Toby you prisoner he said yes I said sit down he said em I keep time I've got a a form out that things about that long I put in the typewriter and I used the typical system of timely seek and ye shall find that's why oh nice the members in which an ad said Frank turbo field where are you from Tabor City North Carolina I said you married yes having two children eight more times more down the way copy down what he said and all kinds of questions and after a while I came to Christmas the army asked everybody on Catholic Protestant our June he looked at me and he said that I belong the Church of God I looked at him and I said and he saved that boy he never expected to meet nobody in the stocking especially Neal P that ask you a question like that I don't want look you mean you said Yonsei he said this having a meet down at home about four years ago he said my old mother dad with the Church of God number of heaven and he said they got the praying for me he said I got into conviction he said of clown horn and he said I made my mind up when I got back to deal that field I was gonna tie that on you look the cottonwood tree I forget on my knees that's got the same it go about that time he got to looking like wild when he said I never ate it hey hey way back to the cornfield ah he said I don't which way that mean winter he said I've got on my knees I confess my sins and say God dad same egg and that cornfield oh I let my hand down I said praise God I'm glad to know you I said I'm a Christian and did I ask the final question I said what's your offense he said out there in the W well absent without leave for 12 years huh well you say what kind of a Christian was that bird let me tell you about him it's one of the sweetest things I've ever met in my life well you say what you doing aw will and him say but let me tell you about it he went into the war in World War two he could read his name in boxcar letters huh and he could learn to drill now listen tell him he could to learn the drill that song can say lift leg or frat fight any what this are talking about he's justhe's have to go back to the banks know the bad he don't watch look out and you fellas it spinach service you know how their teens a guy like that sometime and not that your old sergeant called him to the office and said usual pace said go home we'll send for you when we need you it was a three-day pipe sir he went home they didn't send for him he didn't go back 12 years hired spot now I will give you a little hint though the thing that hit it in the end was that he never changed his name ah he never changed his address he sold hits the back up at the same barn every year I than his home for 12 years that's the only thing that hit him in there now let's watch it they gave him an easy job sweeping offices out and then it taking a couple hours and they're gonna come into my office anymore to talk about the Bible reborn we'd have the best time one day said to me Kelly he said don't you to pray for me that it's God's will I get out of this thing by instead of a keeping my mother data and of course mom pending senators vote a little 30 acre farm and said I'll lose everything I got my family be left on the verses of the people said I would world have not good penitentiary to hit me pray I said Brian tell you what every day at two o'clock while all the rest of the prisoners in the attacking guard trout on guard duty I said let's mean you slip back behind the cell block and we have a prayer meeting more every day about two o'clock we'd go back there you talk about ringing the bales ahead average people say they serve gotten army serve gotti where you okay right I'm talking one that said Brett you can haven't stated a what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put you in my car take you home will cost you a dime well about a month passed by one Monday morning two presentations with several shotguns came and they got Brett to reveal they took him to building 301 and that day they gave him the biggest court-martial that the Army offers a general court-martial and they sentenced him to 30 years in the federal penitentiary oh I've never seen a man so broken it all my life I cried with it and I sat on Brett I said you get out of it now I'm gonna take you home but I'm gonna tell you something folks down deep inside I thought that's wonder if I've never made now there was one of three things could happen oh yes sir his paper should go to Washington if Washington remitted the sentence he was automatically free that if they approve the sensor there's one or two things could have here's what happened first of all the tin will Fort Bragg could set him free that's the next thing that could happen and our channels on there two-star general I didn't expect a two-star general the book anything that Washington had to say his papers would go about of and they came back and in big old black letters it said approved 30 years of a federal penitentiary oh man I told that man what said he cried like a baby not calm along with him and I said Randall like a bit if you get out of it I said I will put you Mac are and I'm gonna hold you home about a little move past the Korean War came too close I'm a sub let's stand on the front porch of the stockade once sadly about 11:30 in the States and peace times the soldiers get out at 12 o'clock I just stand-in there I'm talking to the gate guard to use a little army term just a goof at all waiting on the rest of them here's the 12 to roll around at that time on the demonstrate yonder comes Brett to reveal to prison chasers but instead of warming when their weapons in a ready position all three of the practice core rabbit hunt somewhere I knew that God had moved on say Oh bread cutter became he threw his hands up the guard shook him down no see if he had any weapons and contraband ever know Brett saw me he came running he said dad I'm a free man I'm afraid he said they want to buy me a black suit or give it five dollars huh and said I've got the five dollars come by then yes sir you're gonna take the whole ball he said you go to take your check I said it sure that I got him I'm headed that way or he rounded up whatever he accumulated in those days time simply got the little carmine I took off the February where memo I've had an apartment you would hold your stead i fried some bacon scrapped a few eggs made a little coffee told stuff and then we took all four taper City about five miles on the outskirts he said take the next Road to the right we turned down an old dirt dusty road and they went back to the smooth the Bible's up at least to North Carolina and then he said hey sit with you mind stopping the next house daddy on the Left says her mother damn fields there and it's that preacher the only news that my people have is I'm going to spend 30 years in the penitentiary now he said more they will be surprising me when I come walking in he said Nicole you surprised I pulled up in the yard where stood an old sharecroppers house didn't look like a drop of paint had ever been on it this book was lazily curling up out of the chimney I got out of my side of the car I went around a branch door about that time at little Kevin door open I'll tell you a typical old-time southern bullet with a plain print dress a nice clean apron and a rag tied around her head but had a woman's soul pray she did that lower back and look hard and rent my boy I'm at the time of the old man and beep ranch Danville Franklin kisaki he is a same son son that's all he can say hey come here come here it'll taste up God had prearranged that whole thing hey young uns his brothers and sisters mother dad oh the chechen one brothers away the army was in that house and for that only men and woman with the harem brand marble answer in the Tribune that's come out it's in the airport I never see such a bed at the wife Kayla their arms about that men's neck and all records say was huh I'm free I'm free I'm free it's not an ocean standing there holding that his trousers up and wiping tears as born I could take an answer the running said I looked down to a calm patch do the hundred models of madness I got in a swamp in mud look to my knees and I pretend to never bush in the world ever while I got back a pan and their lives his son I'm gonna give you something he should take a towel with I said I can't do that I I live in town it was a low tell them now daddy said take a home baby no I said I can't do that but he said I want to give you something he went down the road the back of pack house he got a tote sack they left a couple sweet potatoes up time I need a sweet tater after that I have another spell think about that one comment and then reunion in the swamps of all where everyone else a preach way tell me all that for I'll tell you why Boise and better fix that tunnel one day I was on death row you didn't know about it you didn't tell them you tell me they on death row I hope you'll remember me you be imagine you to breathe in John's Gospel chapter phrase Ron he that believeth not is condemned already dead cause the bad ticks I mean a terrible ticks it looks like there's no hope pilot ending the darkness of the night I heard footsteps hey Oh sir getting closer I heard keys rattling hey hey are you listening to me I heard the keys rattle enough a little key we left the lock I heard that a lot but you snapped up out of a bar speaking when you pull the back oh my god he's not singing Jesus on my part oh my life I give to him he gave his for me basis on my part younger Calvary hey no straight with another one old justice came walking down the road and he made grace and mercy coming back from a funeral so we all been so we just bear the sins of Military Justice got a man the veins popped out in his neck his face got his ribs of Turkey converse now if it's turned pale blue eye to his Adam's apple run up down 90 miles around and he looked at greats and verse and said tell me where'd you put the sins of military I got a warrant for that crook he'd the believed of mucks condemned already and breaks it verse they stood down the track stupid like it said we they remember come near the seal forgetfulness ad can be remembered against guy anymore I'll tell you my friends that I listened praise God don't you feel this will be a homecoming it always when I stay here and all this blood wash crowds gonna be that yeah it's a girl down himself clever they tell me years ago a little girl that got a job working in the cup meal back before the head child labor laws they repair anything most of the time she do mean pay for a dinner that little thing just go out walking when they see what I see a doctor's office he was sitting in the doctor's office three magazines she willing to do that but she afraid so my brother offered she went in but punishing up enough courage one day and she wasn't that office and she said as she started treating mother by old did she ever love that nobody rebuked her so every day when she'd get time she go down there and she look at the pictures man she liked to read about those beautiful hotels in New York City oh my she just was thrilled she had a fantasy it told about the beautiful furniture the beautiful is on the floor they told about the beautiful lighting system are the bathrooms of the Oh it just didn't describe it all over my she had a fantasy they go to New York stay in one of those rooms she never married she is 57 years old or he'll fail chedi quit the cop meal she saved up a little money to burn safe will but as well all she had never been out of a state living on the county hardly but that kept pounding in there I wish I could do it on your Monday she said I've never been anywhere I've never seen that I think I'll take a portion of that money I'll just I'm gonna treat myself I'm gonna go to New York yeah I'm gonna I will see on that room and stay in that beautiful hotel room she checked out she went to New York all she'd never seen a place like that Lord all the automobiles and the time she never experienced that at Germany checked in the bellhop picked up her luggage they stepped in a room for her heart almost fell out no furniture no beautiful rugs on the floor no beautiful bathrooms up and she was so disappointed she just broke down with the weeping but she said I stood up a portion of my life savings to come here and enjoy out of the beautiful rooms they tell them the magazines and they talk about the beautiful furniture pictures on the walls the beautiful lights and and net magnificent bathrooms and all of that there's nothing in here I'll tarnish your own pictures no rugs and bellhop looked at and said lady he said you're just on the elevator oh my soul is fluttering the devil tells me I think don't need you my Tallulah talented grip yeah I wanna take you my friends time godness on I just don't there's got one of these warnings over talk to Hale I'll tell you my dreams I'm gonna have imagine not a shock I would enjoy other beauties of heaven forever ever ever there will be no crepe on the doorknobs our career there will be no great guards no fire wheels no goodbyes Oh 10:00 yet it'll be a homecoming for a and so yes they don't have to tell you this but you know it it I like even told you a dozen times now take these women when the preacher comes round they does not do them say necessary went over they have a cake over there just out of this world and equip them they know the pictures come around there try that chicken good old opens you like chicken and dumplings and the roasted steak and dear me your old fat back and girl Bologna and oh they just they have all the good trimmings nice potatoes green beans and peas and and cabbage you then hey there good and all in good rolls and biscuits and cornbread and boy I just he need to be negative and I go I believe sit with your house will polarize Italy I am photo I love to mommy didn't well she said I had a stroke or short T glasses that's what I say my name and she does enough for Issa whoa no no but I'm gonna take some that does hurt now you want to make a meal on the desert even though I've been accused of it but that desert just gives that meal that die it talks at all I am I was down in Mississippi I said to the woman I had powers over in the wind I said I think I'll take some that raisin pie if she said that's not raised that's coconut no for motor you'll eat it oh it's nothing flies if you know well this and the lady of the house enough richer eat some more no more I thought I will take that dessert and I've had to reach over and get that plate and you Richard have heard this many of a time as they get my plate I've heard that woman say keep you forward though she said keep you for cutting something lettered all the way head in the video she comes with that strawberry shortcake banana pudding the nervous put until Oh live in time chopped it tire coconut cream pie gives food angel food any chances is he hey Amy I'd be like a taupe color forward back here the Civil War is Eddie the big Nevada chicken doesn't look like a pig term full need a drink about a half a gallon of lemonade and he got up and he is a fool he could not a sea lion bull down he wasn't out the back door laid down under an apple tree and said Brad I struck you for the last time he said if you are having all that you business taking my friend listen that's that desert that desert you say what do you tell me all about that far to you what's wrong with God's good push tonight if they wrong with it rugs on the floor good musicians good Seguin lights air-conditioned which I wish to the turns on ATP use dressed up cars the drive holds the lid what's wrong what God's to enforce now another thing that's not a thing try one of these more tests I've got this and he's coming back and and you know what is you want to say I believe keep you forward because he was gonna happen man thank God we're headed for the desert here what is the desert there be no cripples in heaven hey everybody's stumbling around on braces walking sticks and glory heavy no frogs teeth over there hey Mel crisis over there no crippled limbs over there there be no little children died yeah down to the jaws of death to bring over the childĂ­s world doc didn't see fit to let that to the plague lil plagues time you viewed mother's body maybe that she wasn't a tested everybody wish to the way then she died of cancer or killed in an automobile wreck my soul Allah tell you it's gonna be desert hot what is desert I got to be loved once and friends woke out Hey a hand honey if we're going to stroll and it's going to be dessert time and keep your fork hey stop we're headed out where I just rolled a little into something big honey and we're headed out to the other side father take the messaging without voting say you didn't say there may be somebody here tonight this building that's hanging overhead all tonight they're coming with destiny they're drifted too far from the shore they're lost hey the Holy Ghost of God bring such conviction to that this would be the heavy night think it's a letter there's somebody here God used to be on the fire for you served you their backs then help them to come home tonight in and get right with God in Jesus name Amen for standing we're saying it number 51 I would say if you're not right with God your back slid Colton if different come on tonight you lost on you hope the hell come on
Channel: Fundamental Baptist Sermons
Views: 84,095
Rating: 4.8508916 out of 5
Id: uGd4rNqVNBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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