Old and Outdated Nightstands turned Stylish Bedroom Nightstands | Opening a Flipping Storefront

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shout out to Nana always looking out she saves all of her plastic containers for me okay it's time to sand and I told you I was going to keep this pretty simple even beginner friendly so the color that I have chosen is from Dixie Bell's silk line and it is called sand [Music] castles hey everybody welcome back to Furniture flipping teacher I'm Lauren and we've been hard at work getting our shop ready for opening grand opening we're just days away but I wanted to take some time out from working on the shop and finally get back to a Furniture flip so thank you so much to Dixie Bell for sponsoring today's video this is the official inaugural set of nightstands that will be the first flip in the shop for the shop so a little bit of background on these pieces found them on Facebook marketplace with another piece that I didn't really like and so I was just like can you take 80 for the two nightstands he said yes we picked them up I loved the shape of them but I just don't love the brown wood anymore and the reason I'm choosing these to do today is because nightstands can be pretty fast flips and I kind of need a fast flip since we've got so much else going on but also we have nothing like this in the shop for sale um so the way that I'm going to be making these over is going to be really awesome really in style and we can get pretty good money for a nightstand pair like this first things first we are going to remove the hardware I'm thinking I'm going to reuse this on this piece I'm just going to see ah little rusty I'm just going to see once the Finish once it's like finished make sure that these actually go with the look otherwise I may need to switch them out and I don't the drawers are going to give me trouble getting them out so for now I'm just going to leave them [Music] in [Music] shout out to Nana always looking out she saves all of her plastic containers for me so whether it be trail mix coffee Cool Whip I've always got stuff on hand so thanks Nana and that's just a tip for you guys if you don't want to go out buying like specific containers reuse the items that you've like eaten or used around the house into the garage and utilize them with your flips next up we are going to clean so we've got white lightning cleaner in here it comes in that granule substance and then I just like to dilute it with or like mix it in with some water so it dissolves and then I put it in a spray bottle for easy application on my piece this will get all that dirt grime dust oil grease off of the surface so that my paint can really adhere well and the reason I like to clean prior to sanding is because I don't want to get that I don't want to sand and then get all of those oils and greases dug down deep into the surface so I like to clean it again after I sand not really clean but wipe down the dust um I guess it's personal preference but that's my reasoning behind why I do that so it's just something to think about when you are doing your pieces I'm going to do a quick clean on the insides of the drawers a lot of the times the drawers aren't necessarily dirty but they've got just some gunk in there so I'm just going to suck it out with my shop back last I've just got a wet rag with clean water and I'm just going to rinse everything that I used the white lightning on just so that it doesn't give leave anything any type of resid do behind okay it's time to sand and I told you I was going to keep this pretty simple even beginner friendly uh so I've got my RI orbital sander here I'm going to do a little bit with this on the flat surfaces and then where I can't reach this into I'll just go ahead and do it on by hand [Music] [Music] so like I said I'm going to go in with a little disc with my hand and get all of the nooks and crannies typically I would use my surf prep sander with the sponge abrasive foam pads or even the pads for my orbital I don't have those here with me at the shop just yet so I'm working with what I've got but I've also just want to show you guys that you don't always have to have those fancy tools those do make it easier but this just as well as well also I wanted to say that the reason that I am scuff sanding is because we're just trying to basically roughen up the surface a tad bit because we we want the paint to adhere the paint that I'm using doesn't require a primer as long as you're not going to get any bleed through or your surface isn't too slick so that's what we're basically doing is making sure that the surface isn't too slick so that the paint can adhere really nicely then I'll just go ahead and rinse off all of the sanding dust it typically won't look super different after you do the sanding unless you're like busting through a bunch of finish um but usually there's a difference in the feeling of the surface I do believe we're ready to paint I am going to be utilizing my table here so that I don't have to bend over and I don't have to be down on my knees this table has definitely come in handy so this this is your sign if you don't have a work table get yourself one this one is from Home Depot it was like maybe $300 or something like that I'm sure they have them on Amazon as well I'll link a similar one or one from this one on the in the description down below so the color that I have chosen is from Dixie Bell's silk line and it is called sand castle so it's kind of like a neutral tan color a little bit on the lighter side and I've gone ahead and mixed it already and I'm just going to go ahead and apply it so again like I said this paint can be applied directly to your surface without primer as long as you're not worried about the bleed through or the adhesion the reason why I'm not worried about bleed through on this piece is because I was really careful not to bust through the Finish as well as when I was cleaning I didn't really see any signs of bleed through like coloring dark coloring red coloring wood coloring things like that so those are some things you could look for uh to kind of help you know if it's going to bleed or not I've also got my Mis bottle in my right hand this is just water it's going to help my paint glide on really nice and smooth and then I'm going to be using the mini angled brush it's gotten a lot of love but it is the mini angled brush I like this one cuz it just fits right in the palm of my hand and it's really easy to utilize [Music] [Music] first coat on everything is finished up so we're going to let that dry for a little while here this one over here that I did first is almost dry already so we'll be able to recat in no time we're ready for coat number two same thing I just want to get a little bit better coverage here the first coat did get pretty good coverage especially going from such a dark color to such a light color but that second coat will give you both coverage and better durability so even if you're getting pretty much full coverage with the silk paint it's really highly suggested um to get that durability to do two coats at least also I wanted to show you guys I have literally used about about this much paint so far so brushing on the silk paint and really any paint is going to save you paint sometimes you may want to spray and you'll use a bit more paint but still a little bit goes a long way with the [Music] paint [Music] [Music] two coats are done on these guys we need to let them dry and then we'll move on to the next step all right we're ready to move on so I've got my van djk brown glaze here from Dixie Bell I have not tried this just yet but I'm excited to attempt uh a raw wood look on this furniture without having to sand it back and like make it be true raw wood so this method could essentially work on things like laminate or any other type of furniture MDF uh particle board that's not real wood if you still wanted to get that look so I've got my van Dy glaze the brown and then I've also got my big Daddy brush so this is going to kind of help me get that wood effect on it I think so I've got a little um container here that I'm going to pour my glaze into just so that my brush will actually fit and then I'm going to start out with just my mini brush uh brushing this on I don't really want it to be too thick but I just want it to be enough and I'm just kind of going to work in sections cuz if you think of the grain of the wood you're going to want it to follow a pattern kind of so when the pieces are going up and down I'm probably going to want that up and down wood look and then when the pieces are going side to side I'm probably going to want to switch it to be that side to side look okay so I've got that middle portion covered and then I'm going to just take my Big Daddy brush and we're going to basically kind of kind of wipe some off and then I've got a towel down here that I am just wiping off the excess glaze before I go and push it along the surface each time and then if there's any areas that you think you need to go back back and thick you can do that okay we've got that one section done now we'll move on you don't want to work too slow with this method the one thing that if you wanted to go a little slower you could do would be to tape off different sections that's an option I am going to try and do it without taping off sections and the sections would just basically mean that down here I would tape it off so I didn't get any extra glaze on there and that way I knew it wouldn't dry on there in a weird pattern so this is with the paintbrush this is with the Big Daddy brush so I'm just going to take that same guy go down with [Music] it all right first one's done I love it definitely got that PO Pottery Varn Vibe going on so that's kind of the look I was going for it's a really popular look plus night stands are super popular as well and let's move on to number two so now that I've got one under my belt I've already learned a couple things I wanted to share with you guys um as I was saying it dries pretty quick so you kind of want to work quickly the little paper towel to wipe off the glaze in between swipes is key because if you don't wipe off the brush in between this is going to continue to get that glaze on there and have to much on there to even be able to wipe it back so where you start it will be much lighter and then as you go around it'll be darker which won't be a consistent finish throughout the whole piece so definitely wipe it back and now that I'm on to my next nightstand I even went ahead and just started fresh I cleaned this off and dried it um these do dry a lot faster than the synthetic brushes the um natural bristle brushes so I just dried it on a paper towel as well it's ready to go good is new I don't know I just I'm having a really good a really fun time doing this it's allowing me to be creative and just really focus on the project painting projects are a lot of the times therapeutic for me so this is kind of a great time for me to be taking a minute to do a project because there's a lot of chaos going on out there in our store with just a couple of days left until grand opening so I'm really having a great time on this [Music] project [Music] [Music] I just cannot get over how good these look I love this look and like I said it's super popular right now so I am going to top coat them and then we'll be done this was a relatively quick flip um I'm going to be using the Dixie Bell clear coat in satin this is my go to top coat really on most of my projects it's very durable and it just gives a tiny bit of a sheen on your piece without being too glossy but still holding up really well and I've got the Dixie Bell fan mini brush to apply and now we're back where we started with a much better looking nightstand F we're going to go ahead and reattach the hardware um like I said at the beginning I think this will be just fine to put back on there if I get it on and I don't like it I can always change it around but I think I'm going to like it just fine all right this is the first furniture that I flipped in the shop for the shop and it is done and I love it and it is now on the showroom floor available for purchase on our grand opening I think these look absolutely incredible they look like completely different pieces um aside obviously from the shape of them um but I just think that they brought I brought them into the modern world thanks to Dixie Bell's products so if you're interested in getting this Pottery Barn look this raw wood look without having to strip back the furniture uh seal or the varnish that's on your pieces or if you don't have a wood piece of furniture this could be a great option for you again I used sand castle from their silk line and then the brown van djk glaze loved it top coated it with satin and they came to life you guys we've got less than 7 days we've got like 5 days from the recording of this until this things open I don't think that I can fathom how great that this is going to be but just another thank you to all of you for your support over the past 3 years watching our furniture flips I've had a lot of fun growing and learning and then bringing you guys along teaching you how to do the same thing and whether you are saving up for something or you're just inspired to be creative thank you for joining the long on the journey there are tons of links down below there are links down below for the Dixie Bell products I used on the these guys there's a link down below to our Facebook event that is happening in just a few days that you can RSVP for if you are coming to the event but then also we'll be going live if you can't make it to the live event so be sure and um get over to Facebook for our furniture flipping Teacher Facebook page also down below is a link to our Amazon wish list if you feel so inclined to purchase something and have it sent here to our door we would be absolutely grateful thank you guys so much for watching thanks again to Dixie Bell for sponsoring today's video and I'll see you on the flip [Music] side
Channel: Furniture Flipping Teacher
Views: 44,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture flip, diy furniture flip, furniture flipping tips, furniture makeover, furniture painting, furniture flipping ideas, furniture flipping before and after, flipping furniture for beginners, furniture flipping teacher, furniture flip diy, diy furniture flip ideas, furniture makeover decoupage, furniture makeover diy, furniture makeover ideas, how to, home decor diy, furniture makeover for beginners, furniture makeover chalk paint, furniture makeovers before and after
Id: KZNfyLu9PvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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