Painting a $40 Facebook Marketplace Cedar Chest | DIY Furniture Repair Hack

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all right I kind of maybe got a little ahead of myself when I was sanding all right so we need to make a repair right here on this corner ah this just felt really great to be back to flipping hey everybody welcome back to Furniture flipping teacher Furniture flips are [Music] back [Music] we are starting off the flipping here at the shop with a pretty unique find I found this on Facebook Marketplace for $40 and I am excited to give it just a little bit of a new life there's a few things that are wrong with it that I need to fix up but it does have some really good bones it keeps catching people's eyes when they're walking throughout the store so I'm excited to give it some color and bring it back into the modern world before we get into the flip we are going to start introducing a new segment in our videos the scent of the day brought to you by forer Aromas so our first scent of the day is going to be our vanilla Veil candle it is a 9 oz candle so so good it's actually created with pure vanilla so we figured it'd be fun to light these and kind of give off a Ambiance here when we're flipping and of course these are also available on our online store forer Furniture so this video is sponsored by Dixie Bell thank you so much to dixiebell for sponsoring today's video I'm going to be using all their awesome products starting with the most important part of a Furniture flip which is the cleaning I'm going to be utilizing their white lightning cleaner it is a granular substance that I put inside of a spray bottle here it dissolves and then it turns into the cleaner to me it lasts a little bit longer this way but it's a really cheap option I think it's like $6.99 for uh one that is going to last you a really long time for a lot of flips so I'm just spraying the surface everywhere that I want to get cleaned this is a Cedar Chest and I am not going to touch the cedar on the inside it is not a Lane Cedar Chest as is probably like most common but it is still a nice brand so I don't want to harm that cedar in any way if anything I might just kind of revitalize it so this is a bleeder I can already tell by just the cleaning this is a bleeder because of all of these drips and I usually the cleaner drips but when you have the dark brown drips that means that the stain and the tannins are kind of falling off and failing it makes sense to me because this is such an old piece of furniture and so basically all that tells me is that later before I start painting I am going to need to take some of the precautions and we'll get to that part when we get to that part I do believe we're done cleaning but now we're going to go ahead and take some water and rinse All Right Moving On To The Next Step we're going to sand all right finally got to bring over the surf prep sander to the shop this is my right-hand man for sure on furniture flips um you can use my code fft1 and check out the link Down Below in the description they are going to be having some pretty good sales coming up here in the very near future so stay on the look out for those but it is so worth it as a professional sander it makes the job so much easier it fits into your hand there's so many great things that I could say about the surf prep and plus the brand the people behind the brand are great as well so I've got 180 grit sandpaper on my surf prep here with a foam abrasive pad and that is just going to help me really get around these curves to scuff sand without basically making any of this flatten out I want to keep the Integrity of all of the curves and the details on the front but I want to scuff sand so that we can just make sure that we're getting really good [Music] [Applause] [Music] adhesion [Music] all right I kind of maybe got a little ahead of myself when I was sanding I wanted to see what these would look like underneath they're just not quite what I was hoping for I was hoping for like a darker wood um so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to keep them the darker wood that I still have on the other three and in order to make this dark wood I'm going to use the Tobacco Road gel stain and it's the water-based one from Dixie Bell just apply it directly to the leg the look that I'm going to be achieving it doesn't doesn't really matter if this is exactly like what it was previously what I'm going to do is just like paint over it and kind of distress it instead of having them be the raw legs so once this is stained we'll be able to move on to making a couple of repairs is that something you're looking to do by that time I would love to okay okay did you get our email address and everything um no I did not here I did sign yeah I'll get that from I did sign up for the for the Christmas tree class awesome especially if you're down to be like on camera and like me teaching you are helping you along oh gosh so my daughter's a third grade teacher I'm very very inspired by your story a doing this cool what was your name oh Jerry Jerry okay nice thank you nice to meet you thanks for coming in yes all right so we need to make a repair right here on on this corner so as you can see I don't know if it's just been like chewed by a dog or ran into too many times I'm not sure what's going on but what we're going to do is we're going to utilize the other corner to make a little mold I have only seen this done I have not attempted it yet um but what we're going to try is some hot glue and we're going to basically put it all around this corner and then we'll fill it and place it over there and see if it works while my corner is drying up here and hardening up so that we can make our mold I am going to move on to the next step which is going to be to Prime I'm going to use Dixie Bell's boss primer in the color clear because I want to make sure that when I paint my piece I can do a little bit of distressing later and I want the wood to be able to pop through I don't want white underneath I don't want gray underneath um so that's why I really like that there are so many different choices with the boss I don't use Clear very often cuz I don't really distress much anymore but this piece just really lends itself in my opinion to being distressed uh just because it's a bit older on that like farmhous SL Cottage core style um that's pretty in style right now too it'll go on a little bit milky kind of like a little white undertone but it will dry out to be clear the reason why I'm actually priming as well is because if you remember when I was cleaning we were getting a lot of color tannins and bleed through already popping through I don't want that to show through onto my finished product when I get my paint on and the top coat so I'm taking this extra precaution to go ahead and prime it and the boss is a stain blocking primer therefore it'll really help block that bleed through from coming through on the front of my paint okay let's see if this is going to come [Music] off I mean I think it'll work if we kind of tape it up and put some Bondo in there I'm going to try it there's no really I mean nothing to lose right so the reason I'm using Bondo here is because it is the best uh product that like holds up and like holds its shape and is good for structural repairs if I was just doing some like minor scratches or something which this piece doesn't have that's when I would use the Dixie Mud uh but again this is like my goto to for any like filling of Hardware Hol structural repairs or more substantial repairs like this one I'm going to put it on the corner all right and then we're going to kind of manipulate this I'm going to just try to get all the excess Bondo off of here and we'll let that Harden and then we'll come back and kind of just sand it up make sure that everything is nice and smoothed out and see if it really works all right it's been hardening for a few minutes now like 10 minutes and this stuff hardens pretty quick so I'm going to go ahead and see if I can remove the hot glue hopefully I can without removing the Bondo itself I think I made it I did it I just need to clean it up a little bit like this stuff that wasn't really needed that's sweet so if you don't have that fancy resin stuff then utilize some hot glue probably a little bit cheaper too and then in the future I think what I would do would be either to like put some like Saran Wrap over it first before I put the hot glue on or even like some um Big Mama's butter or hemp oil something to just like lube it up a little bit maybe not San wraps that might melt I don't know something maybe I think oil would be a good choice let's get this all perfected [Music] now I did this so now that we've got a solid Corner again oh my gosh I'm so proud of myself uh usually I feel like I would just be like ah it's fine whatever like just leave it you know it's part of the Vintage character but I did that I rebuilt it and it looks so good and I matched it exactly to the other one anyway next step I'm going to Prime this trim part I'm going to leave the top here part w wood and I'll stain it but I want to Prime this area just like I did the base of it it is time to get to the pretty stages of this flip so on the top I decided since there's pretty good veneer here there's only one little hiccup back here but I do think it adds to the character um I want to keep this wood tone so I am going to stain it with the voodoo gel stain the tobacco r Road color which is their brown color and all I'm going to do is apply it with a foam and dandy brush and my Mis bottle and then I do also have a lintree cloth to wipe any excess [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that looks really really good I don't know why but I keep complimenting myself on this piece I think maybe it's because it's been a while since I've like flip next up we are ready to paint now that we're ready for the paint we are going to utilize a really neat tool on Dixie Bell's website I've used it one other time in a flip where I used the color mixer but this time in their color lab we are going to match a color so I would say one of my biggest design regrets in the shop here is not utilizing like Dixie Bell paint for the Cabinetry under the paint section I have gotten countless comments on that color over there and it is actually a bare color of the year for 2024 color that I used but I want to recreate it for my furniture and we can do that by matching a color um with Dixie Bell's color lab so I'm going to click the Color Lab here and then we are going to click match a color so this will pop up and what you're going to do is you're going to search anything that you possibly want to color match and so for me I want to color match the bare Cracked Pepper paint so I'm going to just search that and then we're going to open up the page and then we're going to take a screenshot and if you didn't know how to screenshot it's command Shift 4 on a Mac and we're going to just screenshot a little section of that color then we're going to go back to the color Color Lab and we're going to drag our color over to the match a color and then we're going to click what's that 100% what and then it's going to we're going to scroll down we can choose do we want to use the chalk paint do we want to use the Silk paint or do we want to use the Tarra paint I personally want to use the chalk paint on this because again I'm kind of going for that Cottage core style that old world with a little bit of character and distressing so the chalk paintt is going to really be a lot easier for me to do that uh so there's a few different ways that we can make this it looks like there's one way that we can make the color and it is caviar with 80% and stormy seas with 20% and that totally makes sense because the stormy seas is a bit of like a greenish bluish grayish color and that's going to really help tone down the C caviar and bring it more closer to that Cracked Pepper color I've got my caviar here and I've got my stormy seas here and we are going to do some mixing which is honestly one of my favorite things to do um and then it's really neat if you scroll down it kind of shows you like the family colors analogous colors that you could create that might complement these or kind of be in that same family maybe you wanted a little bit more green than the more gray color um also some harmonic colors which are pretty much exactly like the Cracked Pepper just like a tad bit off maybe just some different ways to create that and then complimentary colors as well so this is a really great tool if you're looking to match a color if you've got a t-shirt that you want to match a color to you can take a photo of it and upload it there's just just endless opportunities for this to still then be able to utilize the Dixie Bell paint let's mix up some paint okay 80% caviar 20% stormy seas mix mix mix mix mix nice I think that looks good if that's not perfect it's so close and this is going to be plenty of paint for this whole thing let's do [Music] [Music] it [Music] from what I can tell this is spot on to The Cracked Pepper so we got coat number one done I am going to store my brush in Ziploc baggie and we'll be back for coat number two time to distress basically I'm going to just kind of go with the flow I've got my sanding pad here with a little gripper uh so it'll be easy to just maneuver and manipulate around where I want the distress thing to go I'm not going to go too crazy but I'm just kind of going to feel it out the one thing about distressing is that I like to do it before I do the top coat that way if I kind of like take too much off or something I can always just like go back in and add a little bit back in there like I didn't really like how much I distressed that so I just took my finger kind of rubbing it back in there it's all about just taking a step back and perfecting it um but it doesn't have to be perfect because it's distressed our last step of this project is to clear coat it so that we can protect it I don't really want the sheen to change um so I am going to be using the flat clear coat and I am going to go ahead and pour a little bit into my cup and then I am going to use my color that I used on the Cedar Chest to tint it a little bit since it's that darker color a lot of the times the darker colors with the clear coats kind of came can get a little milky a little cloudy once they dry and so I don't want that to happen one way around that is to put a little bit of the color inside of the clear coat now you're going to want to make sure to do it in a separate container I don't want to contaminate my whole jar of top coat that's why I've got it in a cup here so we've got a nice light gray color now it will kind of cover the areas where I distressed it but it's not going to be like too substantial to where we still can't see those wood marks through so I'm not too worried about that um and then I'll go with just plain flat on the top [Music] here [Music] you guys I'm looking at this when we got this out closer to the Cracked Pepper color and it is a dead match like I this color match or color mixer was really great so I love how this thing turned out we're going to go ahead and Stage IT get some photos and it'll be finished all right you guys it is finished we got it staged and it just looks that much better this just felt really great to be back to flipping it was really fun matching that color this color I've gotten so many different compliments on the Cabinetry over by our paint wall and the doors so I figured again why not go ahead and put a Furniture piece out that has the same color because it is so desirable it was really fun to kind of get back into this the distressing of furniture like I didn't want to go overboard but that Cottage core Vibe is kind of coming back into style um this is going to be like the first piece that I've done since the store is open so it'll be available here at our store and then we're going to be able to post it on our social media like now available just in new inventory which is super exciting um and then people are going to be able to see it whenever they come in and visit us so I hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks again so much to Dixie Bell for sponsoring this video all of the links are down below in the description get subscribed down below we've got a month full of really great content coming your guys's way so definitely stay tuned for that and thanks so much for watching we'll see you on the flip side [Music] we just had our first sale guys we sold the Cedar Chest that was without Facebook Marketplace that was without like any advertisement like she just came in because she heard about us and she loves refurbished furniture and she came in yesterday actually and we chatted for a bit she took photos and brought them home to her husband to check out and then she came back today and she bought the Cedar Chest that is so fulfilling it's like totally different than selling on Facebook Marketplace I'm still listing all the pieces on Marketplace but to have that be like not even coming from there it was really great sold it for $325 that was that was so awesome I'm like shaking from that I'm really shaking adrenaline maybe I don't know but just like we're doing it we're doing it the best is yet to [Music] come
Channel: Furniture Flipping Teacher
Views: 32,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture flip, furniture flipping tips, furniture makeover, furniture flipping ideas, furniture flipping before and after, flipping furniture for beginners, furniture flipping teacher, furniture flip diy, furniture flip dresser, furniture makeover chalk paint, furniture flipping, cedar chest makeover, cedar chest refinishing, furniture flipping videos, fixing furniture, wood repair, cedar chest, furniture painting, furniture repair hacks, cedar chest flip, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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