Olaf installs the God Pilar in a violin

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I know, it was hillarious (but poor violin, even though it was a cheap one)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tiny_ancient_one_ 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
but i am willing to at some point try installing one in a cheap violin hi guys welcome to another episode of ask all of the violin maker so today i have something very interesting i've had a lot of requests to try out the god pillar and and i thought okay i'll give it a try and i jumped on a few websites they were really dodgy they were like they were real worried i yeah i thought i was gonna lose some more money anyway i figured out a way that i could pay on one of these websites and believe it or not one month later it did actually arrive and they didn't take me for all my money so i was very happy guess what arrived in the mail today you won't believe it uh i did i did figure out a very secure way low-risk way of doing it and and here it is it did arrive they were actually legitimate believe it or not but i'm really curious to see if this is gonna work i'm gonna break this video up into three sections the first one is well me just talking about this and taking it out then i'm gonna install it and then we're gonna do the before and after try so i'm gonna try the instrument before and after how am i gonna do that well i'm gonna do it with the magic of video so you can actually listen to them directly side by side and then let's see you know let's see does the god pillar make a difference i believe it will make a difference to the sound will it improve the sound i personally don't think so other people might so it's going to be really exciting and let me know what you think does the god pillar actually improve the sound doesn't it am i gonna have to eat my own words because i was very convinced that it's not gonna improve the sound but you know is it a matter of taste you know well well some people really like it and other people won't will it work in a concert hall uh well i'm not gonna try that out today but i will play from the other end of my studio which isn't all that far away it's only about three meters away but you know we'll we'll try some different things with the sound so here goes time to install the god pillar all right so we've got the violin and we have the god pillar so first thing i have to do is i have to take the strings off the violin now i've got to be very careful the sound post is fairly tight but i've got to make sure the sound post stays in exactly the same position because otherwise the experiment won't work it could change the sound anyway so i want to make sure that i work with this sound person exactly the same place now i'm going to open the god pillar so it comes in this interesting tube so we have a few different things well this is interesting we have a little light so i can shine inside the instrument we have two objects let's see so this this is obviously the actual god pillar it's just like the pointy bit oh yeah check this out there's like a pointy bit that you screw into the top block that's a scary bit and then uh so i got a bit of a bit of sandpaper we got a tail gut why is there a new tail gut no idea we've got this mounting stand of the end pin oh it's probably a really short tail guard it has to be way shorter it's not really shorter okay and then we've got all these tiny tiny adjustment bits no idea what they're supposed to be there for now i've got to get to the instructions the great thing is the instructions are in chinese so i'll probably have to use a google translate or something oh no now there's a qr code here if you if you want to scan this in your own time you can do it i hope that goes to youtube and not some weird channel okay i'm gonna test this out okay so it's pretty straightforward i basically just pop this through stick it into the instrument and then just screw it in and then attach the new tailpiece holder and then i guess i'll have to shorten the tailpiece accordingly to make sure i might have to use a this tail guts actually not that small so i might actually use a tailgate for a smaller size instrument so i can get the location of the tailpiece you know and get the tailpiece to a similar location so i might uh i'll just use a short one like this that's even that'll be even shorter than that one and uh yeah that should that should get it going so let's get into it when you guys told me i got an old cello spike so we can kind of see what it's supposed to do so it's a place to go through the middle of the instrument i mean this this is solid okay here comes a scary bit okay so i'm putting it into the end pin my goal is to get that fairly straight in there oh how bad would it be if you actually accidentally screwed it in through the rib and and this screw comes out the other side and parallel there we go that looks fairly straight and now it's a tricky part well it's it's actually in there like it's actually holding that is bizarre what a weird contraption okay so next comes okay this is a bit scary will it work a little worried here but i'll give it a try [Music] okay it does need a it does need a much shorter tile gut so i'm going to put a much shorter tail gut on here this is crazy i i there was a violin actually one of australia's earliest violin makers his name was i think it was john devereaux and he had a thing called the devereaux bar that was his advent invention what do you actually think would happen to the sound of the violin if you stuck a robot i can't see it being good for the instrument like the whole instrument is supposed to move and everything's supposed to move so if you put something that's rigid inside it it must stop some of those vibrations there was an australian maker and he actually put a bar he put a timber bar in exactly the same position through the middle of the instrument but he did it because of the climate those instruments actually ended up sounding better without the bar like we carefully removed the bar and put it aside and it actually sounded better so you know john devrow born 1815 he died in 1883. he was one of australia's first violin makers migrating from england in 1854 they don't know the exact date he was the inventor of the devry bar and won multiple prizes from the victorian industrial society held in the victorian industrial exhibition which intended to showcase colonial manufactures products and work of art okay so i'm just gonna keep working on this shortening down the tailgate and then i'll put the strings back on and then is the moment of truth this can be quite interesting i wonder if this can be huge change a little change no change i don't think that's possible like it's a very unusual thing if they think it's a patent well uh john deveraux had already invented it in australia they just stifled it uh the tone made it sound a bit thinner anyway let's see how this goes okay that's about the correct length now so the time has come to put the strings on i just hope it can hold the pressure back here because if it can't i might hurt myself i hope the whole thing doesn't collapse it kind of looks scary it's a lot of tension down there oh it's heavy oh the whole thing is really heavy it weighs so much more now i know what that will do to the sound [Music] it's like really creaking like [Music] i'm scared i thought like at any point the strings might just fire off i bet i've got a really nice old um german instrument i'm working on i'm just gonna hide that put that away i don't really mind if it breaks my window but if it breaks a client's instrument that wouldn't be so good well to me the instruments already lost a lot of resonance [Music] all right let's go back to the other room and try this out and uh should i wear a full face mask you know maybe a motorbike helmet i'm gonna risk it all right here we go i'm gonna go to the other room now it's heaviest anything like it really you know i can feel a substantial weight uh here it it it's sort of leaning forward so i hope that's okay it's it's scaring me a bit i'm about to put this thing up against my face and i i don't want it exploding there so this is with the god pillar [Music] [Applause] see all right i'm gonna try it from the back of the room now [Music] i can sort of hear like an extra resonance in there um i can also somewhere in the middle to me it sounds not quite as good let's try from a distance so this is with a god pillar [Music] this is without the god pillar so to me it's lost a little bit especially on the on the base side like on the g the g sounds just a tad like it's almost hollow or like there's something missing like a a deeper ring missing especially in the lower register so i don't think you know it's worth buying a god pillar it's not worth i don't think it's worth installing the sound difference isn't really huge to me it just loses a little bit of that uh you know a little bit of that resonance a little bit of that brilliance just need to chill out and stop adding too many things i'd love to hear what you think about it but i'm going to give this a big cross of disapproval anyway here you have it we've tried the god pillar and you save your money just by a better instrument it's absolutely worth it anyway if you liked the video hit the like button subscribe and hit the little bell just to make sure you find out every time i post a new video remember to keep making beautiful music and have fun playing stringed instruments are just so beautiful so keep making beautiful music alright see you guys see you next time
Channel: Ask Olaf the Violinmaker
Views: 75,367
Rating: 4.9892759 out of 5
Keywords: violin, olaf grawert violin studio, classical music, violin (musical instrument), violin maker, violin tutorial, olaf violin, the violin studio, twoset olaf, twosetviolin olaf, ask olaf the violin maker, violin makers workshop, violinmaking, violin maker documentary, violin repair, God Pillar, god pillar violin, twoset god pillar, funny violin video, funny video, twosetviolin
Id: lMpzrgv5b-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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