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You Millennials are entitled lazy, just a waste of space .If you even have a job you always show up late. You don't care about anybody but yourself Just a bunch of flakes. You're the worst generation ever. What could you possibly have to say? First of all, we didn't just land on planet Earth. Don't be a jerk. You were the generation before us so it was your duty to educate and support us We don't want to hear it. If you have a problem with our generation look into the mirror. Oh look! he's triggered. But seriously, not only did you guys kill chivalry, You also killed the acts of taking responsibility I guess that's the Millennial way. boy, I tell you things were a whole lot better-I know I know back in your day That's what you always say, but get a clue this new generation is a whole heck of a lot better than you Please you're not better than us. there! You fell into my trap, sir What's that? shouldn't every parent want their kids to be better than they were? I know how it sounded but think about it Don't you want to leave this planet Earth a whole lot better than how you found it. Anything else is criminal It feels like you're not hearing us if you have a problem educate us, do not belittle us. Well, we've tried to talk but you don't listen, too busy on your mobile phone taking pictures? You're all addicted. See pay attention always taking selfies Selfie probably stands for selfish, self-absorbed, and self-centered. Our generation invented things, you invented memes. Yeah, we're old but we got soul. We came up with the phrase "dance like no one's watching" Because we're bold. When you dance no one is watching because everyone's on their phone. first of all, it's mobile phone, second, stop with the white lies and if you keep lying I won't be there to help you to connect to Wi-Fi . Our generation is making strides and a lot of things from fair wages, to rights, to gender equality, And you mentioned the good old days ?I sure did. That adorable You mean the days back when racism was normal in that era where domestic violence was a part of marriage? No You can keep those days because we Millennials refuse to do things according to society's old ways like getting married or buying in a house by certain age Jeez, Louise just do what you're supposed to you're scared to grow up. You probably still live with their parents, don't you? So what. nothing wrong with saving money, last time I checked I got student loans Why dig myself deeper into debt? blah blah blah. You just want it easy You wanna coast you need to save your money instead of buying that avocado toast? I guess you're not having kids either? nope Why would I think to have kids? why create another life before I get my own life? Well, I guess your generation is perfect then and there's nothing wrong. Not true we do have flaws. many of us feel depressed and hopeless, we hide emotions through emojis and Appreciate life more than moments, we compete with each other too when it's bogus Hmm. We are the same thing. It was called "keeping up with the Joneses" well now is "keeping up with the kardashians" same story,different chapter. That's why I hate this whole generational battle.We're so similar, but for some reason on this planet Every generation hates the one that comes after. they always say these crazy kids are ruining the world You remember the 60s? That's right,They called us hippies. So let's break this cycle and stop being controlled. There are no generations There's just people with hearts and souls so let's help each other and stop complaining, you know, what will happen if we combine your wisdom with our imagination We can reach our potential and make ripples. We are in this together, that's plain and simple So let's end this battle once and for all And stop being so damn judgmental Young man I'll Just say it, but what you just said is... Lit Nah nah, that's woke Okay, woke. I'm gonna learn these words one day You're right. We need to come together. That's the only way truce Truce we gone- we gone work on that Wait , wait before you guys click off of this video, I want to give you a free gift So as you know, this life can become stressful and overwhelming So I created a 7 day mind detox to help This detox will give you the tools and strategies You need to be a healthier, happier version of you It's totally free, just go to 'seven-day mind detox.com" and start today peace.
Channel: Prince Ea
Views: 1,689,336
Rating: 4.8730745 out of 5
Keywords: Prince Ea, Prince Ea (Musical Artist), Inspire, baby boomers, ellen degeneres, rap battle, baby boomers are hypocrites, baby boomers retirement crisis, baby boomers snl, baby boomers generation, rap battles of history, rap battles 2019, rap battle princess, rap battle parody, rap battle beat, generation x vs millennials, generation x your generation, gen x vs gen y, baby boomers song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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