If Gen Z And Boomers Had A Rap Battle..

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[Music] boomers are the best but Shanthi things were annoying but when they need financial help they suddenly come swarming we're about to burn you in this battle huger burning but not as hard as you'll be burned by our friend global warming you're so glued to your phone's your beds are finding that they're happy the Z in your name stance our generation zombie we got better music then by far better fashions we got an education you study Kardashians yeah boomers run this country and we do it with the boom and it'll stay that way and somewhere deep inside our Tunes I think they're scared to fight us cuz they're not here in the room either that or they're just went too busy balancing their broom gens these are all so disappointing boomers shall we rock why are we fighting people who dis use their cell phones as a clock while we spend all of our days researching a bunch of stocks they stay locked inside their rooms making their stupid tik toks feel a lion that's so much so you care about his cloud sorry we're the generation you could never live without you use such as listen language like you're often down south here for people who eat side pods you sure have dirty mouths what [Music] Shenzi coming through we've been cooler from the star our generation basically just bloomers after dark there are a bunch of dinosaurs but no by just a bark walking in the wrong bloomers feels like it's too rustic part if the world was on a ship you know Gen Z would have steered in everything we do all these boomers so a spirit a Boomer mass extinction we are getting kind of near it why am I even noting if there's no way you can hear it yeah boomers think we're lazy but they closed a lot of doors they didn't teach us well they're the reason we're all poor they've heard Mormon soldiers came home right after the war so how does it feel the Hitler is the reason you were born ooh talking to a Boomer it can be a little tricky I've never seen a generation that is quite so picky they pull another Walkman still listening to the Dixie's and they walking up the closets dressed and like it's still the 60s rappers is the truest and there ain't nothing that's truer every day the numbers drop every day yet there is fewer their comebacks are almost as dry as their sense of humor yet no matter what you say will respond with okay boomer what [Music] you just need to admit that we control the world boomers control the world including a controller Powell's old man you want a knuckle sandwich look where's the people in power where the strong ones now get used to it as I look at this further as I got further into it it struck me that the millennial generation is the generation that's going to be the bridge between that older population and the younger pop [Music]
Channel: Mr. Grande
Views: 101,518
Rating: 4.9222903 out of 5
Keywords: rap battle, mr grande, mr grande rap battle, baby boomers, baby boomers vs gen z, gen z, boomer vs gen z rap battle, gen z vs boomer, okay boomer, ok boomer, ok boomer memes, boomer memes, baby boomer rap, baby boomer rap battle, epic rap battle, crazy, epic rap battles of history, boomers vs. gen x, gen z rap, gen z rap battle, mr grande fast food rap, fast food rap, funny rap battle, best rap battle, rap battle instrumental
Id: EmUKbyI7hnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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