OG watches "True Sight : The International 2018 Finals"

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Interesting that Jerax was taking notes on LGD during the viewing :O

Wonder what he was writing

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/Blehified 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

31:30 best part Seb feeling embarassed about swearing so much :D

👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/pantyhose4 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Time to watch it a 5th time.

👍︎︎ 320 👤︎︎ u/baeric 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

We need to go deeper. Please film them reacting to this.

👍︎︎ 152 👤︎︎ u/bub246 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just one last quick glance at Reddit before sleep...

... well fuck

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Greaves- 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Valve hired some very talented film makers. That much is for sure.

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/davidbrent 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's very humanizing to see how hard n0tail takes watching the LGD players react to losing (56:05-59:00). Dude's been in that situation many times himself and knows how close he was to feeling like that again.

What a flower.

👍︎︎ 278 👤︎︎ u/notamccallister 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good news honey, I stopped watching other people play video games. I now only watch other people watch people play video games.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/treJmei 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's some Christopher Nolan shit

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/Sevonti 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
they're gonna lean back yeah that's right hard I'm stressed guys so anxious [Music] okay what does a sick mental game it brings out the best and worse than you to have [ __ ] half a second we just can't predict what's gonna happen you try to look at everything as pieces and pawns you try to look at it as simply the game who ended up winning the mental warfare always won the series that's how you're gonna win tournaments that's how you win to turn it if you break the other mind it gets really easy some minds are really hard to beat that okay and finally try on five line five we did it my life [Music] this rematch do you think it's still gonna be pretty Evensen when you look across the winner's bracket I feel like LGD at their best work better and I would consider them the favorites based on huh the crowd is driving one shining LGD then shining the chapel line they're a team that one city was always Pacific the magician of the position for that guy is the definition of talent and hard work and one person final de ti you got a complaint and sadness he just shuts down so much of what Oh G has tried to do PSE LGD at every position it's just incredible this is a bit of a rematch any lessons that you're gonna be bringing with you do you think doing this what you look for you what do you know that European to be the heart let's focus on oh gee a little bit I think to say this I had oh geez losing the load they had the roster ripped apart by Evil Geniuses you have no tail the response rolls and became captain you have a coach that became a player probably best coach all-time five-time major winner with og and he comes back and does this as a flip side once you said I Thompson is this guy for real this is me dude you should get these pants there they're basically sweatpants people think it's jeans but it's not and I can yeah dude it's so elastic this is like basically sweatpants this is great ball JA the door thickened yeah we can we can change to this man drunk that's terrific anyway microsecond allison is game over guys go next see you next year yeah yeah can't say that idea we already won the clothing battle claw party vegetable mmm yes don't get me mr. prep I'm gonna cut you from music just a little bit I mean do we have a little more challenge today is like I mean the cameras and stuff I promise that 30 seconds in we're gonna forget about it's gonna be gone don't think about it I just want to say like honestly it's gonna be [ __ ] very I don't play eventually five games like the game through yesterday I'm ready to lose I'm ready to win I'm ready for anything I'm ready to get smashed three or if they [ __ ] start smashing us three we smash back you know we give it our best some on a spectre some top cats monkeys or whatever anything you know it's not you're great oh yeah I mean I'm proud of us I'm proud to be here with you guys and I'm looking forward to it okay that's with what appalls your home thank you they're gonna fly yes [Applause] okay [Applause] one block to you what I gotta call GG girls watching [ __ ] ABC [ __ ] kid shows remember that sit on my nose way alright sir so almost like you're picking the edge we're gonna do the eye open yeah I'll draw tiny yes I mean is either is either eye shaker Specter or a pot inspector Shekar Specter the vibe lit ha Hoshi Hoshi what did I give me three in-game main stage man Tokyo's got his monkey like this [Music] remember boys is not over till tour no never forgive never forget excess on boys [Applause] [Music] oh gee this is so hard hero to play really good walking with the echo today of the burst and comes in with the spectral is it [Laughter] yeah I remember go kill the little [ __ ] my [Music] No bah oh yeah boys you're way too much [Applause] I always this ends trying to take the bottom come on man hey there bro laughing there for [ __ ] four minutes Irish Defence was very strong they're first picking stories how much we got to their heads do you have an idea of how many times they tried to therefore people pushing bottom right zero one I go in I mean however do it and I'm like they're making a plate off there's no way they're for people so low Bloodseeker celebrating integers for people watching me and hovering three waves in their own and I'm like guys like you wanna like this is not working Oh Shiva thyroid and oh yeah oh yeah oh honey with all I know we are changing our Juice over today like you were a little warmer sound solution easily okay um why don't I have a solid one done Mellinger that's the way I like it long have we waited on their on-air sure sure Lily yeah yeah it's really now honestly now yes caribou Blair Blair you little [ __ ] Oh mr. Linnell sorry yo solo hard logic there can't counter dad [Applause] you can shift anything else they're gonna fight till the end they're not gonna give us anything they don't give a [ __ ] these guys are [ __ ] warriors there's some we're all so strong we don't give them [ __ ] today their coach drafting yep I think it takes a little burden off your players yeah much more systematic both in the draft and in the game I think if LGD can somehow try to take away that condition of if it goes late they lose I think that changes the way G has to play next we're thinking fire shaker bull okay here six and zero with fi playing that hero so they're very comfortable being broke I forgot about that tops of the Baker how did we forget about that special watch out for the mom you have to fill the PSG lgd's lineup it's a more robust one it is one that just makes a little bit more sense yeah I concur though for me is such a good pick I'm concerned about the lanes in particular coming out from OTB oh my god this disruptor grief for the animals man is a pig [Applause] [Music] 1/6 of fine Chinese Empire poster 747sp zapathon since trying to get out of it but he's not going to make it are they the trip yeah y'all have been playing this game a fully-fledged he never got I never played in this game they never showed our faces yeah [Music] yes this conquer pick was destroying our whole line of a own the shop stir the molé c'mere on the Lord there it is I mean to exit so much yeah [ __ ] conquer Pikmin and Samus continues this game seven one and six growing this lead 13k advantage Tobias looks like it I mean what they're throwing us like Cola alright he's bad man suspect me what what do you mean I was fine like some [ __ ] just went wrong in the lanes also like on the side lanes too like they're kind of they're kind of managed to get out of three lanes like pretty good so the game is hard game was far big brother was there brother oh yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna go yeah Game three was also bad rough game I just don't feel like watching you man I don't actually getting chills just thinking about game 3 oh gee now looking to regain momentum as PSG LGD dismantled them in the second game that's back on the main stage like actually they don't know what to pick is that [ __ ] off like they're really confused 31 use your daughter some reason this one is when the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go I'm gonna get you if they want Weaver safely and our picnics nah it's interesting Wow the thing to remember Felix is if this heroes playing for he's less worried about it going off because this hero's other spells are also insane you're the GPM she has a he'll be next one a high damage new they're all long-range develop have seen abilities you can do a lot of work with all these spells that you might not even need the egg to win the fight just because of how much damage this hero does Saamy bugs out on to SAP will not die for it knows that jaracz has light striker a back off cooldown now mid lane of course were the way that we sort of start continuing to go strongly in Thompson's favor is getting revenge for game two was somnus having that sizable lead this time is tops in this in charge the dialer can you know guys like it's [ __ ] players just got so much experience with the Sun Ra just lasering him down gets the kid at the same time motel down bottom at the same time my god cool what [Music] [Music] Thompson was the one on five let's get our looks like it was one versus five more like yeah at a good game yeah I know what your silence I can threaten it now watch it's very sticky Phoenix I don't think we can know how many we need you just think of a way to fight it Thompson they lose a number and mid-late and fine just beaming down ouch you've got the funny one thing from the do right yeah holy [ __ ] I'm gonna try and kill it can they kill it [Music] really haven't say so that's some serious support [Applause] [Applause] please come on all this happening I'll make me oh honey oh mama hello boys first game from best after back against the wall we knew we were gonna get tested we are getting tested yes this is a rough situation to be in of course but we're gonna overcome it together you know it's been too easy so far like every game you know you don't get it like this we we saw that coming we were ready for hard games we're ready for our series welcome this is our series you know we're one game away it doesn't matter we're gonna go in have fun win the next one and window one after what's gonna happen we're getting tested embrace it yes know what they want to do and all we have to do is do what we want to do just listen no charge Oh Sonia I would slap the [ __ ] out of somebody with like a flat brush this was when we saw seven gree yeah here we go here comes a very good game manner he's gonna be a slaughter Oh spectator it's a bit like okay [Applause] oh gee now one game away from losing in this Grand Finals psg OCD one game away from lifting up the aegis of champions both teams are driven at nothing stopping them on their way to become a champion here at ti let's read they bind their own shaker like I don't know son yeah I mean they're gonna make a demon I guess here's the challenge [Laughter] what you I don't give I think I like Center it's very strong in Smurf like Center he has nothing against center stone is like ice you know yeah they banned the center nice maybe very good actually well I actually just got wings against inch and then acts against the Moors this game oh [Music] yeah this guy was annoying you in the game in the game you're really triggering up there yeah we just don't see often for good reason it's takes time so I'm gonna cut the girl away I think maybe hunger no no no you got it I'm gonna guess it's really bad for them if it is believe me oh man yep easy this is my game partners typing in Thompson he's got the courts out [Laughter] I don't know Topsy can play in this lane they're just gonna go kill him once more instantly as soon as he shows up right away oh my god seriously we're gonna [ __ ] him don't worry about it I'll destroy him all this room Thompson he's gonna have to go to the jungle to try to catch back up you're he's level four oh man a lot of weights gonna be on Seb he's had this bottom line he's got good levels and he's got decent farm sues top of the net worth this game very close to having the blink dagger on some of the Ring of Health what are you following why they are so easy I never be careful but see peas are heading down so I'm gonna see if we can find the rug trace there he goes the two of them jumps in the Sun strikes down there's none as well the micro play guitar we run behind them look at this yeah and he wants to keep going [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a comeback they're from LGD smoke action is LGD wraparound you guys go first I need to be on jumping is really bad fight for them if they come down in time pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] taking them out of the combo the snowball play looked at the perfect initiation right but FY is this like nope all right [ __ ] happens I'm you ready yeah yeah so it's want them to respect no problem okay ah see me can they get the jump on us gonna Thompson try to come in this nice fight with the co put the snowball again from my bank secret spy back bye-bye bye-bye Bloodseeker are you chillin there using everything that's five [Applause] three seconds pretty much back to a fifty-fifty PRC lgd's will be needed to secure keep going here as these rats on the top lane will follow through the SG LGD playing this carefully so that's all it's all that way no way Nia come on Wilma come to me man any [ __ ] ers in my fight I'm going in yes just what our fathers are supposed to be kept me to get over the ice for the girls on the Samsung see trouble steps gone Jarrett backing me ball down at each other but chalice is so tiny buff the she was gone [Music] we're gonna need it [Applause] immediately oh gee had they have to make so much happen here they'd have to push out all their links you see no tales already running to just bees and carries in a throws life for this movie needs to just chill they're taking the high ground they have a really big problem he'll 25s oh yeah I need two guys man up and take the fight here right now yes we have to go yeah we got you maybe yes I want to run a device heritage I can show and you can you catch the tornado it's got him Thompson drops the combo down upon him the star comes out we can't simply charge you data with the yield the tenor the Bosch is coming through to the plane I was already out for Sam he tried to go up there [Music] [Music] we're angry yeah oh gee get the bottom in their racks they're taking a full second says 15 full seconds for LGD he gets kicked back he's separated from the team but he's been ruptured top super Thompson he's already quit with the play the tornado and 2mp cogs have as well they put the Hank's but there won't be any further jumping oh yeah [Applause] [Laughter] Wow Wow I'm a time that you have [ __ ] in place they need to back off here's my time [Music] [ __ ] on top of Anna the baby won't play challenge you'll get the origin fight with a snowgo sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] when we're all up and they're all up I'm no fight [ __ ] no fight in their base [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] Game five [Music] [Applause] I feel like they were gonna fall like every time like this other guys dope [Music] [Music] come on man it's getting fine have fun hello Torinos Arthur yes yes I [ __ ] knew it yeah you said yeah actually called it I [ __ ] knew it you called it that they failed but no I had the same headache man I think it most people who played that game had a really like heavy head after there's too much focus yes [ __ ] take a New Orleans enjoy we have 15 minutes by the way [ __ ] game and we're [ __ ] important this is the game of our lives man enjoy game 5 grand finals Archie is like everything is gonna come together next game everything and it's gonna be beautiful paulownia magnetic environment and move em down Dona Dona Bernardo and elemental boom we have it we're out of the town today I want to play play play play yes we're doing it today is our day okay I can tell you their strength their status if we don't like hardcore counter pick him it and like 20 days in four minutes we [ __ ] get this sword like in ten minutes and we just can't play this is their [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] it this is not gonna work first of all we can bear all that in the draft and second of all whatever they think is [ __ ] [ __ ] you know and this can prove it this is so they actually I think they're really like they're really confused they just try to [ __ ] him this is trying to give maybe a good game and give topi us a bad game because they think this is their only way they can win this is my take just first of all it's no don't even they can win a second oh they're not gonna get anything we're gonna slay slay slay you guys realized I guess Sarah hit 15,000 hours of daughter [Laughter] [Music] holy [ __ ] alright final time yes yeah they said Gemma we're getting ready for the last game of T I ate one last draft one last game and then we will have a new champion of you team walking up to the ages to lift it up here in Vancouver no matter what happens I know we're all really proud of what we did and we should be rightly so we heard the game 5 which is what we came for so let's [ __ ] enjoy it we're doing this together lose together went together stay together stay together stay together I will just do it let's do this together I think I'm losing it okay now Holden abandon you although applaud you now have an arising now that's funny at all don't wanna seven and OH hold even just one week although it's became just over shaker if stats don't lie the cake missed over a year because of that air shaker of course Plata in Central Park gonna pick the profit shaker punished I think the peso you wanna [ __ ] them with slark [ __ ] them wha Oh mom computer linear Monica be the path without me like Howard turtling casting the gear conquer she's calling herself for being late game keeping clean your example how you serious man you know suicide thing which one I mean what are you feeling the most I don't know no matter what it is we're gonna destroy them with it yeah I think I like sirs I'm in for anything I'm in I'm in how small 300 huge total toes we're ready guys [Music] ready for a long time boys and girls Game five of the TI a grand finals between BSD LGD and og and it all starts right here LGD who's so many counterplay lassoed fissured echoed especially global silence [Applause] Thompson steps up a bit far in the mid lane FY as well Stricker shaker mr. boots on that shaker have the catch here with the bishop into the X marked our drama Thompson agency worker hell my Sunday Jana K T now cool daddy if I F wise but he's getting closer arcane boots already on the shaker that's Derek's it's in trouble here I'm left the honesty what the [ __ ] FY one more slam with the total No well my telomere shaker coming bottom that okay yep yeah a lot of trouble here to my making those moves all over the place this is a scary quick thing tagging here for FY with arcane boots this this has to be one of the fastest blinks I've ever seen PSG LGD he's setting up for another kill here as they chase down Jax and azuz starting to really build up that was this perfect position and coming out from that way over there they need more time on Mooji this is no time for out 2d they're feeling very comfy the teamfights are hundred percent of their whole point of this fiber absolutely crushing missing global we have Nick our pistol there's another fight to be taken stay strong boys yep yep that's another size or so quiet he has a better league timing we do because our better we do yes yes we're gonna [ __ ] on tutorial and we're not on time of this game this is just a game amber leave yeah thanks Leah remember all right yeah we got this man strong I think we should run at them wherever you see them I don't know what you know sound shallow channel shouting on TV your penis and I know what I'm little bear now tell me like looking for the tablet TVs coming in Kathleen time are made quick with the turn of the sundae who's back up - at the controller - I can't the killing this time I will fall but so Lana's surely he's got the flame guard intercept resistance but I still go down Thompson who's himself up in the air eg they found two so far but Thompson's back into the bonus this was like these skills are very very valuable for us yes teleworking I do you think that's that's what oh she needs to be doing though they need to be trying to just you know he's not [Music] [Music] oh my god it's really good commentator ah they're looking at roche Bovie maybe you get somewhere to use Google did yes that it is everything don't look 10 capsule eyes on this metamorphosis as much as possible straight into the pit they go they're eating although there is no remnant will smoke his way out or in no no no can we do I want to fight yes sir yeah can we do it no echo slam no Popo guys did it and up can enter shakers Amish this is good and I'm gonna head into the pit OG that confident ready with the counter play army getting sprouted chalice boots to make a play jumps in it or the shuttle Musa v-rally was priceless [Applause] the pressure oh I measure now okay I give you a shot I want to run at them except I have worked for five yeah let's do it let's let's rush of them but now look at our boy he's beating I got fish rocket Fisher they [ __ ] loosestrife issue stolen they do I touched a girl have you guys have against me look your mom with your sick [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] how about we laughs - amber powered out they can't kill me they can't kill me I've taken a second melee rax it 20,000 net worth liter 31 minutes jumpers YUM this whole jar yeah that's a minute I'm a VMware yes we see them we see them school to chase them yes this is in the Nimbus in the Nimbus oh he's commanding Pollard jarek's the sole official oath to to mommy he's sprouted look at this guy's look at this you pushing keep pushing you can't get [Applause] I can order two I can notice you have some hit it a little pity I've only gonna notice this is being taken by og and sold it to damaged people in Charley's very local car they might die here I gotta walk behind on this he's trying to retrieve her the change [Applause] echo echo yeah it doesn't matter I you'll see the free position he seems to check we also good it doesn't matter but it does really no matter grab Iverson [Applause] [Laughter] [ __ ] man that's rough to watch actually older [ __ ] [Applause] you finger Gaiden like you got some [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I guess that xfig wasn't so bad no huh [Laughter] Oh husband Effie you're almost like I can go out [Laughter] so there heeey we think your beautiful shoes finally got to play in the finals ah ah [Music] we are gonna be right here we're gonna be your honor [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] water bottle high fire oh you lost it I strongly believe that if I woke up the morning and I had to play the TI final I would pay the best daughter of my life that's all that would matter to me if I played my very best nothing else would matter I was right after a really good breakfast by the way just need a little bit more volume and I'm good to go again that's so crazy again hit again the replay where's the new button
Channel: dota2
Views: 3,471,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dota, Dota2, TI8, The International, True Sight, TrueSight, OG
Id: J-BijDwr1r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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