[EN] OG vs NIP - The International 2019 Group Stage

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ni P and it is Oh G and if you didn't know Oh G they are looking clean earlier today they they pretty much dominated eg 2-0 meanwhile ni p they are currently 0 1 1 if you don't know what that means they've got 1 0 0 2 2 team and it went 1-1 we'll just say they have one point that's easy 3 yeah this is a defining series for ni p specifically oh geez had a gray Ron they 2 0 DG today I don't really I figure in between this in between this series we can break that down a little bit because I would you look great yes I agree eg looked great nip we're still in between right they lost a VP they split with fnatic and who know right these are some of the teams like fnatic they got to 0-2 by mineski but then they take a game off LGD they 2-0 eg it's very weird in like the middle of packed right now yes like I feel like we've discussed this a lot I think even this whole year it's been this way it's not surprising that it's the same a TI wear it I felt it feels like drafting is more important than ever before all from just from like a strategical sample and like your your view of the game how what is your win condition can you win teamfights can you control objectives when are you trying to win the game and the teams that have the best grasp on that I think are the ones doing the best in this tournament notify secret LGD and vici also LG did just drop a game to newbie though I'm just I'm not saying anything away from LGD but newbie also looking they look like play solid they played some hard teams already and there's three three right now so and there's a hero Kyle your hero of the tournament Marana against the other hero of the tournament currently Ison is in third and shadow demon is in first really good yeah I think alq is the most contested at the moment like oh girl Kimora no shadow demon most contestants pick+ ban okay so I involvement I'm happy to see the out because I I it reassures me that you know a little bit that I know a little bit because I'm like I played out and I'm like wow this hero is like so much easier to win with than in the past he's the same hero right is another one other this heroes kind of more like you brought up around in this other time we just we just seen it every game it's a natural setup for the Moroni and also I like any hero that kind of punishes when they disrupt somebody it's been my ideal counter today I love ET versus Bane shadow demon specifically shadow demon because if you time like oh you want to disrupt that guy alright earth splitter and even if they if you have any sort of follow-ups done that person dies like they just die I like it because it then sets up for the void we've been seeing a lot and what was the patch was this like the TI 6 era where we saw Mirani et voice relief so yes it was might have been TI 5 know that whole meta like I'm sure Tim Burstall come back to it's crazy how dodo talking about tree right these are probably the two teams I know PPD still love to play up but do you think is this gonna be a sub it's very likely could be a three-position tree I would I would almost expect it in truth I like it against the mirana it is a near-impossible matchup the route spam renders you incapable of leaping away and in addition the armor later on in the game Arana is a like a burst damage type carry he really very much consistent DPS through our fights and if an armor and negates both your arrow and that's our fall damage like what do you do absolutely and I think um more than like not just because it's like good against Marana but are you really running like shadow demon tree supports we've already commented on that yesterday just watching these drafts where both supports were incapable of making plays and other lanes it's just what do you do at that point it's like oh well guys we lost friendly um just try not to die folks this mag here also got banned in the first phase this girl looks for a while I didn't like it right cuz you just it feels like you're in a power guy but you watch someone like said play and yes like what the hell this hero is tier 1 yeah it's it goes back to that whole concept of a replica replicable mcann and when you think oh gee onna plays uh probably got the most bde of any DOTA player in the world you give him a damaged steroid and the peace of mind that no matter what happens you can hear we stun the enemy bkb's and butter him up for him to just go to town like he's happy oh gee hero yeah sit in the back I don't have to do anything I got one job yep I like that built like solar crest Vlad's yeah yeah I like on the mag so he's a hero that is being played like the other offliners right where you're not playing them like this blink initiator that's something we should probably discuss like when we have freedom to do so is like this idea of offlaners that have a total item freedom I think centaur for a while had that shame a tied to an extent yeah both of which are also high priority in the meta because they can be played in different ways like what do you would you have issues with magic damage I can a demise for that physical sure do you need a catch okay like no matter what you need [ __ ] they could play they could buy hods if they need it for whatever reason just whatever you want yeah I agree I feel like as a carry for the most part if I'm looking at my off laner and he doesn't have like a solar at the very minimum I'm like not feeling good in the current patch I just want my off laner to be beefy and to buff me up because at the end of the day for whatever reason when like certain balance patches like with items becoming very popular if the other carry has 80 attack speed 10 armor and or 12 armor and a move speed and I don't it's like well that sucks to play dodo so it's kind of turned into that where these heroes that can build whatever item suits their team's needs and that it's it's like weird right cuz like a hero like mag falls out of favor for a while because he wasn't played like that so people were like okay we can't pick this guy anymore and that's something somebody like one of the most famous mag players like sub who plays he's like what level 25 on dota plus or something he's is like yeah I can build these utility items ok the heroes back in the minute now and so they banned void Nagas I could see how those heroes have kind of be issues for like Shou demon tree its I think it's not I argued more important that those are incredible compliments to the two years yeah this is true and a third pic slark wow bsj you are a slark master what why you just take it here third with IG it's interesting I don't feel like slark is a hero that can be in like a mediocre slark game and kind of just like be good like there's certain heroes that you can do that right well it's the tree counter and I think more importantly you don't want to be playing against a slark when you have Marana ET okay I could see that but I just feel like if you have like they did shut down they did ban the bloodseeker a really annoying hero for like the slug piranha combo but now don't you just pick like OD like third or fourth for OG is it not that simple like you have it's a safe it's a safe versus arrow and literally destroy slark like it actually just ruins his game entirely how come sarcastic Oh BKB but you I think hit a faster timing I will say that matchups one of the most unplayable matchups I've ever played why because he can astral himself as well as your teammates his teammates when you go on them you can make okay I to me that's like any carry you could say that well no because like on other carries they're not nearly okay so first off Astral's not purgable so if he goes if you go on him you can actually just Ashley and set up other heroes to stun you I'm sure I'll give you that one and then also you have like an a like you have an AoE nuke that kills you and your ultimate if you don't BKB like it actually just kills you could your end growth it's like 1.4 or something and it's like slark relies on disengaging and re-engaging and get so d that just like doesn't happen you're either gonna kill the OD or he's gonna kill you like in the first five seconds of the fight and I feel like what ends up happening in the car all right I you okay okay you win you both by BKB OD can fight without the BKB you can't okay I've got a quad err this is an axe so if it's a sub-tree and do we've got a 4x on our hands or do you think this makes it this might be a reactionary pick to slark because this is a low cooldown non purgable top done we'll play acts as well Wow okay that's possible I I don't need to have seen it yeah Hobson blacks way you guaranteeing he'll play it no he's saying that it's potential you know what yes I am now there is literally no way it'll be a Thompson acts but that is okay I do that against Larkins are super annoying right you have an AoE bqb piercing not purgable stun like I think that I because I know the point you're gonna make it's the same with the OD concept any disables that slark cannot purge are good against yeah his if you get a free game like you were talking about where there's literally nothing he can't if you can use the cue yeah and then use that to an F second buffer to make a decision to BKB to pounce to alt that makes slark since I was easier to play so yeah so with this game like the thing about slark is he is a little better against axe now than he used to be because you have the strength talent in the lifesteal talent that you almost always take now when you're playing it sacks so you don't just immediately shred yourself on a blade male like blink call but i do like the fact that with slark against axe you're not actually having to do the damage on slark you kind of have to go in and soak this game you have so much a OE magic damage to follow up and if they do actually commit on you with like an axe blink +1 you're you're at there's so much threat on nnp to turn the fight so I do like that aspect yeah right now would you certainly need some damage in this line I like a win range that's weird to me just because windranger obviously her so former survivability is win it run and they have like a bajillion stuns of damage on an IP by the way so are we think this could be a three singing in a former honor because I think PD plays the Titan yep I think that's win Ranger will probably be top since we thought Tim's like a story on for position more on hold up though hear me out this could be a for I actually like this draft a lot a conceptually I don't know if it would be actually good but windranger for here like the dual roam potential of like a shadow demon wind Ranger is pretty cool so you're saying 3x you I want to over ax for for sure just because if you look at like think about an accent like the sixth position in net worth in this game against again IP lineup you're just gonna get destroyed but if ax is like snowballing if we have like one of those setbacks performances from Ti last year you're like holy cow more honest Larson thank you these here's all just gonna feed ya okay that's scary we need the ban out cuz a lot of people say slurps one of the best carries against out you're like really fast tempo you like just so you know take all the essence shift charges from him you lock them in place easy to hear that relies on running around to survive on out so it's kind of interesting that that hero is powerful enough to ban despite having a lot of ways I feel like to deal with it they do need honestly like the absolute be-all end-all wind condition on og like they need this on a hero that one be fives and I think Alec fit that really well how expect her yeah could they go that you don't want to go really any illusion heroes here because you're against ET Marauder right neither team has any reserve time by the way you you you got very little time for this last hero yeah this could just mmm it's always hard to imagine when you don't see heroes by the way I think oh it don't wake up man yeah yeah can I ask question why is Monkey King not getting picked by the way it's one of the few heroes that's not being picked as it just even infamous isn't wearing that day like carried whoa what the what is happen is this a carry axe have we dude I'm ready I want carry axe oh oh they're doing what is the card with I mean first off the innate survivability the og lineup they've got dual method of damage reduction every hero has an innate survivability mechanic oh like they're they could have a really hard time killing anybody on the side of ni P but if you thrive long enough however I guarantee Peters looking at this like way what they know they have damage right oh yeah is this a carry axe we're gonna find out in a second there's this carry tree what's happening nips just like you first yeah funny dude like what happens if the time there's like eight different permutations of what this lineup they're actually doing that that's hilarious neither team right away that is would anyone else play the IO but jerax I mean Thompson probably noise it's a no-life see playing meow me too oh my said IO carry ax MIT io gets destroyed position windranger doesn't three position tree I think they picked the bat to counter dial that one left to right left to right what is it no shadow demon it's five three one four two okay I could see that it's jerax is gonna be okay so I'm Marty wrong said on axe on Io no tell all right it's an honor okay I got one out of five I got one out of fun Oh what did they change about the talent cuz they what was it what's this new 15 isn't it something really good but it's not eggs so it's not as good he's rubbing his head he knows what it is I know that you have the ball damaged or the bags is really nice and then it's there's just the hero damage yeah it's the same so but you get the eggs which gives you the balls that always are alive no but it's the um isn't it the 45 damage at 10 that was always that was always there it was actually more yeah I think they have the level 25 attack tethered allied Target and they're gonna double focus fire somebody Oh think about it that's a galaxy brain are you gonna give us a lot of stunts I'm just looking the NI peas draft rain you've got sand King elder Titan Moriah that's a lot of stuns right yes look let's be real folks looking at the drafts yeah we got a favor one team I mean I know it looks really good but I'm just going with stunts I'm a stunt guy I think an IP with the stuns you just got stuns right it's a lot easier to execute if it's anyone else put the TI winners of you're lying no this looks like those like the serenity or whatever Drive for my two years ago with the blank Dagon coop okay either way I'm like what is he like what is going on and I'm gonna favor oh geez draft because I don't understand a lick of what's going on with that driver well and I have to believe that ni P doesn't hear click wait let's go key go over all the talents of these og heroes for me is the town chatter demon scales pretty hard no okay let me rephrase a real fast you would like to see true yes sir is there i 90 damage at 15 I'm trying to see if there's some like crazy steroid we're missing and we probably are there has to be let's see axe I just my fear is that if the og line if it wasn't a win Ranger I would feel more confident but because it is a windranger playing against like that and slark any team like all the stuns to your point I just feel like he's gonna have a hard time staying alive no Jesus will have a hard time playing around Thompson also we've got the eternalenvy on tops and going middle with bassy first are we gonna see some tog lid you think or is it just for the damage in the manor region through your own head when you do that I really do and socks it he's gonna break down all the trees oh that's the next level player right there look at Jack's like no what are you doing come back I need my level 15 tower doesn't need to be careful though with that orb of venom on tree 91 base damage slot yep well may get on it looks like we already yeah we got a rotation now Peters here as well as ace he's already leveled guys on the trees so like he's kind of just sad that they don't that those trees are gone right now they're gonna they're just playing this Lane like Foley with the bottom they are not leaving they're going to trade and just try and force ace and do a super tough position so this is a support map by the way if we didn't already comment on that to submit mirana so both teams kind of mix it up with the last pick support batrider it is obviously a very good batrider game nobody can cleanse the sticky napalm in the laning stage so whatever lane he goes to should die posed difficulty oh jeez I guess you know he doesn't have sticky but I think that that's a better play though yeah yeah I know I'm not flaming and it's like because because I believe you do lose this Lane to b3 if tree is able to play within the woods damage they do have a Centurion et so there's gonna be a little that century battle going on and you just pretty much you only have to keep that Center on the right side now right with the trees down so it's a lot of Yat for them well they're gonna try to do some creep cutting back here it is sab but he is with PPD and sock so who doesn't have sticky but it does have the Firefly doesn't do that much damage look at this just gonna fly over [ __ ] can TP out well he can't now he's dead oh yeah Peter kept the stacks he brushed his own buff so that he'll still have that high damage thanks to the taking it Peters like that's mine and well they will have a double creep wave coming their way but first blood going away Peter early boots on a five position probably pretty nice he did force a double wave though so definitely worth his death considering he did grab both supports as well but nothing could be a troubling offlane but keep mine this is a sand king all by himself up top and whisper demon is not easy for him to lane against double range you know they're always gonna have sentries down can't really count you have a scent to yourself so we'll see man who tries to pull the creeps out of this and there's a TP top now coming from the elder titan with boots he's going he cute up the home of the Dominator on carry wisp I'm definitely quite fascinated to see where he goes we play with the creep yeah that means I get his move speed yep you get the 420 I believe it is and it is quite a big advantage to not need boots to play your game yeah there's a lot of gold saved for more damage instead especially early is it just helped on mag do you think like is he just gonna go the eggs is that the only way to play carry was normally baby I haven't seen I'm not even gonna say yeah arm would be dope but let's not pretend we have any ID yeah yeah so middle lane the only one we haven't talked about right now it is gonna be 5-0 on Fattah windranger eight and three thompson having a pretty good time will be a Botto and guess what BS j your favorite oh the two-minute DD to do a minute DD and then go back middle and father he's not gonna have fun it's a tough matchup because Hopson can trade so effectively he's already got the two points and wouldn't run you just smack him in the face there's actually father he is not got it okay no I was get there you got all this very nice uses the arrow to secure the range DD Schmidty better myself they're gonna put him under will they be able to find this young man is gonna be PPD trying run away four stacks of poison it will be a fifth barely on the side he will just run away house a healing cell over here stun cream San King will hit three by rezoning these two melee heroes bottom he's just single-handedly zoning them now the lanes pushing back to slark who has the two points in essence shift I have to believe this larks pretty much gonna free farm for a while and could easily take over this game cuz they at the end of the day do lack damage to kill him in the early to mid-game credits because oh the bat was the perfect 22 pick in this game kind of put him under still not level two on the elder titan so only has the spirit 33 does have a level 1 stun will he be able to catch up I think Peters gonna try to body block him know he's just gonna go for the kill I think now there's the stun and Peter's gonna give it to 33 he was thinking about that we all did he wanted it we all do he's like okay I got first blood I'm already good Anna will just continue to farm up here get a TP on here and if you are just tuning in no you're not crazy it is an anti o on the carry that backs iconic by this point Thompson win Ranger that's combos we're used to at least is I don't believe that alone proves were not crazy grant that's tries I mean we're definitely crazy yeah okay that's not the reason you're not crazy for us for thinking you're hearing us say that's yet is he gonna die looks like you will make it out barely one or two more attacks was needed but axe still cutting the creep wave only gets one just trying to pull creep way as the 33 and Peter keeping it by them there's a lot of CS so it seems like middle actually is going pretty even surprisingly besides the neither six denies who knows how many of those are range creeps but two pushing in so when does each team really want to make their first move is it just like a middle rotating to get that tier 1 tower we normally see is there gonna be some crazier either I legitimately have no idea what any of oh these timings are I've never seen yeah I I will Ark I feel like you're gonna go like the phase drums diffusal potentially a - if you feel like after the drums you know you you want to be able to scale better and you're able to fight anyways but I I think Sarge perfectly content just chilling bottom for a long time I think Mirana is going just gonna make opportunity opportunistic plays they don't they don't really have tower pusher on in IP I will say though ace is gonna need to carry this game oh yeah definitely see this OG lineup hitting a point in the mid game like 15 minutes in where none of them died and this n IP lineup they've got a hard commit to find kills you know sand King bad slark et they hope to get up close and personal if they wanted to deal damage they catch a taunt or a shackle and all of a sudden I'm rude like there's so much disabled and AoE locked down on og side that could be threatened just feel the experience fox is still only level 2 I don't know has he just been falling I assume he's just been falling the axe around here not getting too much out of it but it's Lars free farming which I'm super happy with obviously they're looking for the tree fought is like now let's let's try it now and that bees gonna get the free Deewar they place their ward like 35 seconds before oh gee place there's right in vision so he's gonna arrow the big creep isn't he smart play wait for it to come back to him illusion rune will get snatched up top by Peter Thompson with that bottle actually getting me a little bit upset about that I do hope that ace goes - cuz this is one of those games I think and bsj you confirm or deny like you know that your door the carry like you want to make sure you have the the best game like you need to scale you need to ensure that if the game goes late enough you will win it yeah we have a dust jerax we'll get spotted out right here ace give me that +1 agility he's waiting for it doesn't want to use his leap quite yet miss it looks like he will be fine and you didn't hit him get it oh you didn't get there you have to hit him once not the biggest deal but you'd like it like it's actually kinda adds up to be honest like you notice if you get like five or six of them that's pretty significant Oh Peter is he getting surrounded right here he's trying to just disrupt all these stat camps and it looks like he's just farming these three they're gonna move over will they be we'll find Peter he's only level three but there's gonna be the old T they make it uphill and Peter still moving he is trucking along oh just a power shot and the spears do their the orbs don't even hit him no pbd is definitely one of most elusive five players in the world I swear he stays alive sometimes whoa whoa he doesn't cancel it there to get through it it is and it just gonna die straight up for you there is no stunt coming though and now the heal will be there Anna won't heal up though they're paying Willie just done downhill he that's gonna be a Murano ulti as well analyst they're just they do not they know do they it feels like they know that IO just wants to do stacked camps and they're just disrupting me I mean there's got to be a reason right that's a 22 pick io carry so there's it's OG yeah you know no some these guys I mean everyone here is a nerd but like these dudes are alchemists all right there in the back wrote it up can't like old man like put it up on here there's gonna be tp'ing steps taking a lot of the edge but he is gonna have to get out there he doesn't have enough mana for his old T he does have four want charges though gonna be tough has the old see now he's thinking about turning on SAP I feel like he just gonna pop it now he's gonna try to run not moving that quickly does have a health potion so a ton of HP and we'll just make it out there's a lot of games coming but not too many kills yeah I think an app you've played this game real while you you've got us take it - oh gee I feel like a lot of teams like underestimate their efficiency in the early to mid game and just sort of let them get away with like half the map you know there's teams I would have just let Anna farm these stacks and like been content to farm lanes but they've tried to get aggressive and slow down the og timing Amy will get the hog what what what do you want on the IO do you want like the Centaur or what kind of creep do you want on that helmet a Dominator with I want to play aggressively I feel like super right I have a feeling he'll go for like a sadder or the the big Ursa he's got the choice would hope he took the satyr yeah the satyr cuz think look at his health regen yeah sixteen point nine and you got the new key van actually damage nice creep middle lane nope no stomp 2k lead currently right there we'll just hit that range Creek he does have the axon that's what makes IO potentially a carry there's a lot of damage it is and wait oh dude actually what is it 75 it's the it's the 15 spike 75 spirits hero damage of the permanent yeah yeah so you're getting double hero damage on the spirits what does it 175 155 155 yeah and there's keep heading over especially with a tree olltii down oh man oh yeah cuz don't they they continue right like they say hook but then they so in theory if there's like this big tree alright two years on top of each other they're they're gonna just get hit by this carousel of damage that could be good I love that we have the theory crafts are hard because they're just running a one position I up and here we go Oh down here they're gonna find one is gonna be no tail or seven looks like it will be no tail gonna try to throw his old teeth but him well manner there's gonna be a narrow flight thrown at nails no tail ace he wants that agility this time he will scoop it up now and they will get pushed away that'll be a pretty easy kill for the side of an IP meanwhile top 33 in jarek's still just squaring up 33 s had a reasonably free game I believe possibly a full vailable chicken yes it is they've never really done a good job for 0 to K cold lead the concern now for them is they would they want to try and avoid any disasters in the mid game I think that's where the og line up like well a big real Oh out of nowhere trying to chase down a kill but then there's a tether and so much reagent coming out behind it if they can get a blink sandking blink bad like slark online that's where they can start to take over this game well plus ace both level 8 run into each other that's one of OG best things right they always bring more heroes to fights than other teams especially early game right you see a 2v2 they're gonna have a third person they're going all the way back to when they had tall on the team you know that original og bent I remember a game there were 5 heroes minute 3 minutes at the Kyiv major all right who else is gonna do this so GX is going for like the max living armor now he went 2-1 and now he's back for 2 points in the living armor and he's just gonna save their towers try to preserve the entirety of the map I feel like against I hear like slark if you lose map control you're pretty much oh I got him to throw it back to you oh because don't have that 33 will not get the kill nice long snap there there's a lane there's stuff going on my bad there and actually goes down that's the carry wake up grant was there like an embedded app on him he just ran up and got him I think that was a good point you made grant cuz if you look at the tree armor against the enemy heroes we slark bat sang King not so good but if you can keep towers alive in theory you know if lark really doesn't take over the game the same way if he's got all three enemy tier one still standing is this a blink game on this lark usually I like blink like you want the echo saver then the blinker echo sabers like pretty much replaced by diffusal as far as I can tell I'd say like when you get this - usually you go diffusal but I've seen like players like Mackay he'll go like diffusal Lincoln's against these types of lineups like now I'm not saying this one specifically but like you'll go like some defensive item like Lincoln's so in this game you could go BKB I wouldn't even have it be crazy if you go like Sanjay Yasha or something like that it's still it's 5 0 by the way 12 minutes in an IP still do and you see they're they're deep Ward's it got won by the triangle as well as one by the other shrine and he just haven't been warded you know we keep Tom but og and this like master plan they must have but really an IP if executed not not a basic line but it's solid and they're they're very comfortable with the game state at the moment they're playing a normal line up against a not so normal lineup which makes your lineup not normal honestly like when you're playing your own lineup like yeah how do we play versus yeah exactly there's gonna TV bottom it looks like there's gonna be a fight through these socks and he gets dunked on there was a TP but it gets cancelled does look like they will just trade socks up for that tower I'm sure they're ok with that oh yeah Jarek still vis oh they have a sentry here so Jarek sees them actually and they might get a turnaround killer let's see still under the century here we go Gerak's bop him once in the head that's gonna be an old see they have a level one leech seed as well he's just gonna pop his Oltean take a little bit scared he's gonna stun on over fought it gets a kill middle on top chill but 33 just turns around he is still dusted will he get run down he's trying to Juke he's trying to Jai will he find that he has a stun up and to dust just wore off he doesn't have sandstorm for about 5 though seems like he's good oh and sock says here the balls are there he's gonna try to dodge him it looks like he's actually trying to tank him up on the batter 33 styling on him right now alright and there was a kill middle as well actually that's just a three this is an 8 to 1 game right now alright og what was the plan we need to know there is it we eat some levels here maybe Oh pops the dust instantly triin has to back out and this is gonna be the hardest part right seed you down these towers bottom sorry Seb run in today's it's a little man battle on the creep wave there Seb we'll have a blink momentarily has max taunt already you know that that's roji could potentially get a bit spooky they're all their pills yeah when you carry Game four Wow 12 14 minute blink dagger veil as well on 33 he is farmed I should go to the net worth and see how farm so I will and pretty high up there three of the top three heroes run radiant and this is the part of the game though we ran if they've got it great they've played near flawlessly this far you just gotta slow it down yeah get those initiation tools for your own heroes allow ace to get to a more comfortable networth position you don't want him to be participating in fights we're a blink taunt windranger just converts a kill they gotta be careful here in the room we'll get picked up by socks though but they're running there's gonna be demonic purge he's gonna try to stay at the top of the hill they do up 33 behind but sin he will shop is blinking we talked about it bring the heroes but low they didn't even get the other room actually wow there's a scale scan bharden me so what hero need to start making moves is it top sin is it cuz it feels like someone eads to make a movement it's actually him getting moved on there will be a stuff there's the arrow and who's getting this kill Oh Peter what don't see how you like take objectives on FG like you have this home of the Dominator on Io but like I can't actually walk up to towers he's still just farming jungle you know it looks like they're playing for this axe 15 time for that's gotta be it I'm sure I mean it's a lot of damage one hunters you can see how they spent 155 damage each once he has the eggs and the 15 talent they do have a ton of a we locked down you know I'm sure it's an absurd amount of DPS much like you over the grim stroke warlock they pulled off yeah two tournaments ago yeah the double fatal bombs it also goes nuts by the way it feels so hard right they've ni P it is just at hours they can't bring him down unless they come at five heroes he's a lark haven't seen that in a long time did anyone say that over here yeah now I think there's calm why no it was right why do you think he is going at kosair yeah maybe just like instead of the diffusal you want like this tankyness item against axe so you wanted that little bit of extra help they do senator epicenter plus the bow rider haste rune mainly just the sinking honestly pretty much a solo kill in this sand king he's having a damn good game yeah they don't really have a way to reliably kill him when we're going in middle they've got the spirit on top will Fattah be able to hit this arrow there's a lasso there it is we're gonna see the arrow put it woo will get put under is no tell now they're gonna try to get up or will they here comes the stop the bullet hit no one there's gonna be tree old tea but thompson taking so much damage is trying to win run aways enough magic damage not quite yet spirit will go down and they won't be able to get anyone the dust getting popped pretty frivolously that's why i was a bit confused about the winner injured pick it feels like even if he's wind around he's sold like taking up ton of damage yes or like run away you can't like turn around and turn the fight 7k lead now for ni p said going for that blade mill and how has the slark clark's about quite a bit i had 2,000 gold ahead of pretty much every hero in this game well the odds is aya was a misclick what you're like this year this is you knowing knowing og right it's definitely just OG they also had like an extra minute to pick this ti you don't yeah you don't miss click but i feel right they are very far ahead i think they're second in their group with 5 points like maybe this is just maybe we get an upset win and now people are scared of a surging here oh okay further in I know this is I'm sure this is something they think it's good it is good yeah it sounds good like well you said it is oh yeah uh well that was he like 13 or 13 right now and almost 14 he's died three times in theory you could probably hit that timing there waiting for by like this point and imagine like we'll see here we go they're gonna try doing it 33 taking a ton of damage already we do have the older Titans tummies get away for destruction there will be an ax will teleport on in here 33 will be the first one to die though now they throw the older tines top it only does a little bit damage step taking so much damage goes down that's a lot of it Chili's toll but ace has to leap away Thompson was holding on top and now they back out io takes one they want to get one more might be tops in Oh dodges all the abilities maybe not aces flying on in doesn't want to commit fully in now and it will just be a one for one off laner for off laner and they back and now it looks like bottom that's where Ana Zen has a radiant creep any-any Midas is on the og side I don't believe so it does not look like it just one - up on this lark what's uh anything crazy you know its standard looks like Maelstrom eventually four tops and we're on Owen Maelstrom instead of the axe yeah I like it here though I think when you're playing with Annie tee you uh there any of so much magic damage that you can assume oh jeez gonna be prioritizing bkb's I want Miranda to have some more right-click in this game still looks like we're to have a smoke up from og everyone running on middle maybe they're just run together doesn't look like they actually have a smoke you waited this long for the timing you might as well ensure you get it first Ana's closing in he has the eggs just needs 15 yep it's already good but that's 75 damage this early that'll add up and he's going he's going BKB Maelstrom next on the eye oh it looks like and these bounty runes and IP has dominated the bounty that's so far and it's pretty it seems like it's always a Mirana old to used for it you know that maelstroms for the level 25 talent they all know yeah the double focus fire is gonna be in there we go there actually is gonna be a holding sox that does stealing me does they're gonna stun on in 33 on the back side wants to go for thompson looks like the tree might be the first one dead sep does holidays through man call 33 he's getting kind in as well jerax will be the first one in I hear he's gonna die as well fought is getting slowed there's an orb smashing him in the face 33 game Zola these days all the damage orbs are just melting them right now I believe this strand is called balls to the face oh they know balls to the wall do they not know that works he's chillin no TP he tried to already TP out that was actually so much to him yeah I did you need to kill wisp don't you yeah I don't think any other heroes matter but look at the og lineup right it's built to protect one hero yeah that's literally we talked about the death ball lineups this is actually a ball of death right now you cannot do any a cube of death I should say but you're gonna keep up with the puns all cast yes I am is you you've been waiting for this opportunity this is a tormented game I'm just I got nothing they have relocate dock quite enough mana use just yet but they have the smoke up with the blink blade melon axe they might get the slark here I'm here to look there's gonna be the blade milk wants to call here you come the iOS in it's just getting perma disabled and guess what they're bringing the numbers 5v1 on ace and that's why slark so hard against acts like at any point in the game your killable that's like really hard to play against a hero that does that to you especially here like ax who wants to play off map oh my god and look at the sages roam back bata my father gets found you never know only one leap up currently leave it so G to have no carry and be down by 7k and we're like I think this strat accent's mm-hmm or this one it feels like it a certain point though won't you get a deep like some bkb's up and then the Iowa feel is good right but here we go once again you see those orbs continuing to grow and we're gonna stop up but he does none there tops and Snipes to kill and there's gonna get a middle tower now it's just whole free damage too and you know event Peter like knew this was probably gonna happen and now like you may know it's an anthem yeah I don't know to deal with it right you've probably never seen it before I mean you've got to know it's coming like there they saw the eggs you know what the palin is it's just i think they may have underestimated just how strong this timing for OG was and how fast you honest 500 movespeed just cuz he's tethered to a satyr like that's that's here we go we might see a fight being started top they will back up it is moonlight taking us on the radiant side socks is there how does it work within this obviously don't hit them but they're gonna find one it will be a dust he just can't throw it as ulti immediately but he will make it over will we be able to +1 agility looks like they might be leaving chairs a nice time back side they've actually found the io will they go form they're still training appetite down here we go they're gonna bring down a whole line goodness PPD doing some damage deficit there's gonna be keeping back it is a buyback we know OG they love buying back there will be an old teapot by this slark really building away he has a lead puffin to the problem is it so tough he's gonna leap over to his tower over to the creep and there he goes okay that shackle and what if he might n IP they take a pretty good fight but then with the buyback you can see though they run out of gas like that that was an insane amount of damage immediately double buybacks was used and now look at this these orbs to go father's just here right clean there's gonna be something I believe that was he's dead for 90 seconds to 23 minutes in yeah the ball went a little to do that level 18 by the way he is the highest level in the game by not by far but he is that just means he gave a lot of experience to the heroes middle well there's so much ball to the wall he's now on the floor yeah man this is salat generally I will say is like the circle like a throwback to you know last year or something he has the echo saber shadow blade which I'm confused because I feel like the shadow blade build is pretty much why Sark was always bad against axe cuz you just key that you I liked shadow blade slark in the past when you would walk into a century and you'd be like oh I'm in vision push my dark pact I live i 100% agree but I think that it's merely about how the NIP lineup is built around slark here and they have limited ways of providing vision right but so many ways of capitalizing on it if they can just initiate fights are gonna go down like we just saw it's just they need to be the ones initiating and og will get wiped it's just that they have to find those stuns to open they just have so much emphasis they have the only no tails here but there will be a stunning by 33 doing a ton of damage will just go and visitors gonna be a stop will ace go forward gets to kill but I don't believe you get determinate agility they are gonna moonlight shadow we're gonna get more here after using that does mean it's out there to use that said he can't believe they're actually just gonna find him will they bill the same no there's the tree or me to get smelted III and oh my goodness they're going in ether doing a ton of damage ana they know this gonna run him he will get saved by the buyback of note Hill though can they just bring him there I know it looks like they will ice just hit him they can't do it he has a leap up will he make it over oh my goodness he didn't he's going for the TP there is no way stun actually hits on to Ana but it's not enough wait did did he get I don't think he got the EPI off I'm not sure but yeah I know he cast him I think he might have blinked before I think he might have it looked leave everyone damage I would love to my friend I don't know if that it doesn't mean that was casted but I don't know if that means it was completed you think he would have done a lot more with Vale plus an ulti yeah I was like a hundred health and you just lift the buyback from no tail getting the save the buyback at Hotel disruption into the tree armor into the shrine hello Peter gotta be careful there's just an old t-33 misses the stun is willed all the Sun there's a root on the backside on fatos well Peter is still alive tops and he might be getting a little overly aggressive on us here now no he's not they're gonna get a tower plus a kill it's still a seven ceilidh but you just feel this is they're so fast to 600 heroes I can't do anything that is running everyone down dad this is an OG draught all right it might as well be for Kay party cue it just yeah I'm saying don't like you just like hey guys this sounds hilarious yeah he's pickin this is where we need to like cut to the face cams and they're all just laughing yeah they do have the batrider lasso 26 minutes ending guess what we're going based they're down five K they don't care look nip nip still they have a clean draft they can certainly win this game but they've got to be more careful cuz og you know you can't try and fight windranger wisp it's like two three heroes you need to take fights five and here we go there's gonna be a cult that is UEFI back from 33 Peter he's already dead he has a buyback as well do they want to come in he could TP back to the shrine but looks like they're gonna be cool maybe not socks he's flying that was literary soul catcher plus like four balls and he's dying dude he's getting heart next on onna he's gonna be indestructible he's gonna tether Thompson and just run and just run straight he's a good runner people and even if you stun him even if you go for onna right this is the coolest thing it's similar to their Specter idea from last year where he's still dealing all of this damage even motionless stunned in the center of five the balls will keep going doesn't matter and once he's still stunned at level 25 he'll be attacking that's as long as he's tethered he'll be attacking the target yeah so do you think he's probably go like heart Maelstrom at this point he had know some earlier but it could be like it mkb to just any proc item yeah this is getting scary now you know you look you're like ni P they've got the smarana they've got this slark they've got the late game but question is can you get through these these next couple the team has a wisp carry you're right nevermind it's / I wonder if he takes the 150 GPM I have to assume he would 15 Armour he's only got 9 armors worthy but gold per minute everyone loves gold 3 there's gonna be an axe call it is gonna be over on the side its Peter again getting caught out pops in unstoppable and you look at the top of the the network chart now we've got a new leader no they were going on said I thought oh X is still flying grant you've known PPD for a while yes one to ten what's the tilt ometer right now honestly I think he knows they're still technically in the lead but I would say it's about a six out of ten okay I think one more death right he died in his bass solo he just died right there so I think one more death and we're hitting the the eights and nines Otto just relocated bought in the clear creep wave I like it they're trying to set up rush I believe put pressure on the bottom Lane control the get take the I'm trying sorry didn't really okay no no I love that he's he's not going to die and as we've described his damage will not stop so long as he survives doesn't need boots doesn't even really need to use the hero and as to say I'll just be toggling the the radius dire courier doesn't have going down it looks like it was ace who scoops it up and now he's got the alpha wolf still tough jerax he'd went for a glimmer cape i saw you had about 2.2 k maybe gonna sling fuzz Hopson have eggs yet yeah no Topsham wins second item axe over BKB because of the bonus movement speed that you get is not capped yep see the items here fought it does have a BKB though so could be tough obviously tree ulti might be saved for that and so when does this lark like what do you want to do is this lark now you have this kind of little dip not it is a different build that we've been seeing do you just wait for BKB and try to take another fight I don't know if I like this build the way it's being played right now this is gonna be dangerous I don't think he's strong enough to take this fight oh here we go steps one if they're gonna get a stun they're gonna get a catch on the back side as well from no tip BKB blame they'll pop myself they're gonna save on no tail on to him so he has very little HP looks like he will just go down doing a lot of burst will Anna make it out yes makes it to the bottom of the cliff though it will be a kill on socks heads to dunk step we'll have another call up into fought is here BKB trying game Thompson taking a lot of damage himself though the shrines we'll be up in 15 say that's not a soon there will be a son but wow they just bring him back over here hello Sam gets a nice double call ace will Papa's old you know he's trying to steal all this agility but does need to get out of there Peter one more or beginning sand King gets a nice gun they're actually going for Jericho he blinks away orbs are still there they won't find them and what a hectic fight whoa Thompson actually gets ace on the back lines running away imagine these fights that just happened like that and now honor will have a heart the next one blank because he had himself like himself and one other hero's gonna region right back to full at any given point I don't think you do anything I got a point the item build on ace I think that he had to itemize so that at 2530 minutes he would be getting involved I you know I I didn't agree with you on the shadow blade but being the wrong decision but I think he had to go damage it to blink here we go I was gonna go right in the road do you have to do some there's gonna be a catch who's it gonna be on it is jerax it's a nice catch makes it a 4 before but it looks like they're still going in is there a possibility of a buyback here from Ace doesn't look like they need it the first fashioned still doesn't have it might have actually killed him up he has the Centaur just can't if he needs to okay they're good 33 doesn't want to go in he's scared they both are dude it's Willow's games the Jews happy or a dota player I mean it's just fun good day to be alive you know it we hit I believe we had more heroes picked yesterday than the game that must not be named didn't in its entire World Finals 91 heroes yesterday and how it matches 40 40 games I think 40 sounds about right decent decent amount of Heroes Ana's gonna have this heart of tarrasque when he completes these camps at 32 Minotaur spawns they're gonna try to get this Marana old to you to get something done maybe I'm not sure what their goal is with this haste rune won't get tonight actually Jim KPM Iran is a pretty big deal because as of now windranger is kind of just invincible with like the protection behind and when she's running on winter and running yeah it to your point is all about slark he's playing against an axe so no matter what his matchups are against the rest of these heroes this entire game there's nothing ace will be able to do if he gets gets called by him you cannot blame again snacks with a blade mail as slark meaning like you have to wait till the axe goes in or you'd have to accept the fact you're getting called yeah like that's the two options I think his just sir he's itemizing for damage now next item MK be but I don't think the survivability is there yet yeah you know 1800 HP no BKB this is this is not a slark that's really willing to teamfight just yet he wants to find pick offs and skirmishes but oh gee they're not allowing those opportunities they're sticking together as a group I think there's a reason why Sark doesn't build Shadowblade anymore like for people who haven't been watching all year it's been very common that they go like drums diffusal or midas diffusal yeah and like because they took the way the damage on pounce like the hero just doesn't offer that burst damage for pickoffs very much anymore and I'm just confused by it and we're just Harper dinner talking about this item build a log cuz he was the most farmed here on the map for a long time and this feels like he's had underwhelming impact there is some big boy damage items coming out right now though mm KB on both to carries of ni P there's gonna be cold it is just on PPD they're gonna find the call he's gonna explode the orbs are doing a ton of him guess what he has a hard on the back side it will be no-tilled will get a banishment looks like Peter will go down they we're gonna kill on no-tell not quite yet no tells actually still live ace like please we need to get this and they just can't guess one of the hearts now on no tail Oh mrs. to call barely know tell will get healed twofold Oh with that connection there's gonna be an arrow can they get this killed they're gonna try there's gonna be a nice triple stun by 33 doesn't feel like they're taking it BKB pop I said there's give me the old dif'rent Peter doing a decent out no tail still I finally gets brought down and now they're just gonna run at Peter again oh my goodness he has the MK beat guess what Thompson is gonna take so much in there is the true keep him alive he's still Ivan Ethan vis they didn't have to detect oh my gosh and we'll be there but they don't get the kill now he's gonna leap away and guess what the heart + tree armor wind Rangers going back to the top he's actually gonna be full all in like three seconds nobody dies it was one kill on no tail and I believe was that a buyback as well from PPD no one has buyback by the way yeah pbd Bob back no tail Bob back just to five yeah to five died there goes the spell ham on Mirana common level 25 on on a man I cannot wait this is scary whoa we have a call actually going out it is gonna be on the 33 he is pretty tanky will stun away looks like they want to try to find it but the tree does block Thompson asexually its kill elsewhere pardon me for that's a die back yeah it is and now they don't have that safe can I get a tongue Hopson can call in the middle of they will get the cold air goes fought at there goes socks the chat wheels Oh God what's the tick tell Tommy to reading can you check a tail rahmanir reading is currently at an eight point nine out of ten my friend whew this is this is scary but what do you do it's just so different it's so hard to play around you you've never probably played around this before you just i don't really know it's it messes with your understanding of like how to play dota because you're hitting your spells you're like I don't do anything right I'm three man stunning I just ET alt and everyone but instead of today they have an IO who's a third save so like they're like four saves almost cuz you have ax calls like a peel method so it's like you're playing gets no carry hero you're playing it's extra saves and defensive heroes which is like for you you're like okay I've blown through two saves let's go and finish this win Ranger and then he just lives again with barely any health it's just like that little extra oomph of defense and they are gonna search for this they have this gem on tree and I thought he might have seen him right there doesn't bail meanwhile look at this Peter yeah we'll make it away as well ace 718 move speed which means Anna is also 718 let's watch him fly Jen picks up my PPD as well now and now guess what this is actually the first gold lead I believe in the game for OG 36 minutes in you're like you've got an Ohio carry the other team has slark house as possible it's a nice little Mountain we got going on the difference in team Network I think it's all the course of OG though look at the net worth I mean look at Seb's items right now he's gotten blink blademail BKB and just finished the pipe with some point 1k remaining like going lincoln's what's Hopson he's probably got his neck damage yes he's just going for BKB he has the full Lincoln's yet before it's just like really hard to initiate on doing now your main source is burrowstrike as well as the batrider lasso OG could just play so fast around the map like slark you want to abuse map control yeah in fact ni pees entire lineup is built around controlling the map and they're forced into their base because OG is just so fast sweeping from side to side that's tough right you see someone's always trying to push out top but you never know right just io+ tops and keeping up though yours dad this game has been a treat to to watch and he does up the Maelstrom now almost 25 whoa tops and he's looking they will glyph it up multi shot down these creeps but they should be able to get this tower and it looks like they will damage I love it they smoke away they get what they came for you are not yet at your peak timing og not in a hurry whatsoever because nips line up as well tons of AoE damage you certainly can win a fight if OG take one poorly they're smoking to get vision of this high ground so that they can like go up there without being under risk of seeing being under this war that og that a ni P has they're gonna D ward this they're gonna kill the shrine you saw them circle it and then they're gonna control this area they're gonna cut top away putt mid wave and eventually just basically suffocate ni P in terms of farm and you're gonna get this level 25 on onna who is almost level 24 and any other big power spike she had the wind Ranger BKB done basically now Seb going for a Lincoln's of his own at some point don't mind that at all and they had why not just make it harder to kill it's just bat writer I bays seems we see he's been gonna last at every fight not anymore and relocating just to get this top wave out I like it and now there's just no pressure on the map for OG like there's nowhere that ni P is like threatening them to have to react to them you know like og is doing is controlling the entire pace of this game and it's not just like the way the nip lineup wants to play it's like that's how nip you know looking back at the the minor and give the last one of the year that's how nip was winning a lot of the games of vision control they they've abused those concepts all year they love the night stalkers thus larcs the ETS an OG remove that of an advantage there will be a kill here they find jarek's there's a chance he's looking around they do get folks far off but it will be on top of the barrier their innocent jump in 33 and so much really he's somehow conceals a bot is dead though 33 is gonna go down there's the dump bkb's popped by everyone but OG just running over right now will they just jump in again yep Oh shackle will get engaged by the batrider they get a stomp off but this might just be any easy racks here I just want 25 on Hanah before this game ends oh we're gonna get it my friend he's very close Spirit will go down they need another stop but this will be the melee rax going down before 40 minutes Lunas he's actually running for it all he wanted to get it off can't quite yet on the back side they're going in though it's gonna be socks Oh looks like he's gonna be the next one and I battle hunger + or just smacking him up he needs to run away now there will be a stun going on the tops and but ace is already almost dead the orbs just hitting him through his ulti still taking so - he can't even leave oh and he gets blocked right there but I said this will be a kill there goes the Jama true side use by back 5 and he does have it now tether the win Ranger let's go he's gonna he will attack everything that his tether target attacks get ready they're just gonna end it they can end it and this is backdoor protection by the way the Isis backdoor Jack I guarantee they're doing this on purpose they like guys don't even get the creep wave I love Peter he knows he's like way this game's probably over but what can we do still backdoor protection they're just melting it there will be a stunt for it it is gonna be to Lincoln's will croc 1 they find the axe this time he will get put under though there's gonna be an ulti from 33 already tanks so chance he gets rooted so he can't even get on top of anyone step just gets his BKB off oh geez just kiting around everywhere a cest it's too much the ANA they're just going into there they can't spray what can you do give someone a rampage I don't think they can they're going into the baon they're waiting for an IV to call GG but they won't and look as they go in I don't know what the triple kill on it with an ultra kill there's a sand king where is he they know the IO doesn't have ulti to come get him though it looks like they're just gonna end the game here and there's the GG's called and a tree of a game to watch as you said Kyle and bsj and in this I mean we kind of don't like this is a pretty funny strategy we know how it might play out but it was dream ly successful and and I felt like we said think of what we say drafting more important than ever before Oh G come out it's like 10 to 1 to start they're like 8k behind 15 minutes Lana doesn't give a damn he's like I'm getting eggs I'm kidding level 15 angle it's just oh gee seemed to just march steadily on to victory no problems like that's beautiful and it felt like ni P actually played the beginning of the game right they knew this IO they probably knew the plan they're like wait we gotta go try to stop this triangle and they did for a bit but eventually you just you can't kill anyone scree I Oh windranger yeah exactly and it's your point that you made like you're not killing towers so in the early game like you can control this area of the map but if the towers don't die like eventually you're gonna be forced out and I don't believe they only got the one tower top was that the only time died I know metal tier one was still standing at the end of this game which was I believe 40 minutes which is treant protector usually what happens is if you're down by 7k at that point in the game you've lost all your towers so that you continue to lose net worth on the map like you'll the 7k will then turn into like eight nine ten but like they're down by 7k and they're just both farming like both teams are farming oh jeez still hitting their timings and I think the funniest thing like about this game is like if you if oh jeez not your favorite team to watch already like how is the hell yeah how is that not it after that game uh what the hell put this in perspective like you compare them to eg right and think about what likewise og succeeding where EG is and I point to the creativity like more than ever before we said 91 heroes picked yesterday everything is viable anything can work and there are multiple teams at this tournament that are just like where's the creativity yeah where you can't come back with these uh like I mean just bad rap you know talking about creativity one of the I saw one of the years that actually wasn't picked you know what we'll still talk about this game we're not we're not going to brave you want to listen to us talk about dota this high level fun dota what happened to clinks and I peel of us here it was actually unpick today one I thought it was a I thought I see like ninth 10th pick a lot I thought like his team fight ultimate contributions like just being able to lay stuff on the ground that does a lot of damage really do anything about the the lack of waveclear until the axe is made up and the lack of like the spell casting seems very value especially on four positions we see a lot of Lina's we saw some Phoenix you know heroes I could just straight-up turn man into damage whereas clinks kind of a wonky hero I feel like he's like 1 or 2 buffs from just being absurd but he does kind of do like a lot of he's a jack-of-all-trades kind of hero decent teamfight like decent pickoff decent like laning but he's no there's no like this is what clinks is really good at but I just want to say about ace like we talked about the atom build and I feel like whenever I see people's items and I'm like kind of questioning it I feel like whenever anyone makes a mistake itemizing it's just you poorly saw what the game was gonna be like and I think that is a tribute to the fact that if you look at a G's draft yeah you know the eggs I oh yeah you know but like do you really know like what the games gonna look like at 25 know what's get a hat you know what they're gonna do but you don't know what it actually looks like yeah yeah you've never seen it I didn't we would never mute the chat wheel sounds weirdos no faith no faith but yes yeah yeah we're not be doing that's a good look because you know he thinks we're just chatting up about dota friendly we're not we're talking to you guys and so this slur wait wait what real fast I don't want to flame his items too much I don't think they were perfect but this is a tendency I have and I think it's sentencing you have where you look at the items we tunnel vision on him realistically what do you do to win the game if that is an even game at 25 minutes how does nip win honestly well I think the point about the slark picked this game was that he had to be able to just soak like he actually just had to set up for the rest of his team to be able to play the game fights easier like if you watch this game back slark had to alt like halfway like three seconds into the fight almost all the time because he has 15,000 net worth and shadow weights 2800 mkb he's like that's 7,000 midas makes it 9,000 9,000 gold of zero health yeah like zero so i was just thinking like if you buy items that just tank you up and make it so that as you're getting stunned maybe you can hold your ultimate and then after all the abilities have been expended hit some people because that's what you're when you third picks slark you're not having a slark game where he's gonna have 50s and shift stacks killing everybody that's just not gonna happen so I saw him setting up the draft that way so I'm it's like kind of confusing to me cuz he played it like as a perfect slark game and it wasn't so but at the same time like it's hard to be like yeah he should have known it's just too hard to know when you haven't seen the strategy before running at you yeah there's so many times we're like in dota you know how to make the right decision because you're like I recognize the situation there may not be the exact same but I've been in this spot before and last time I didn't buy this item and I did I lost the game but what yeah your point there's never been a spot never seen a level 15 carry I Oh eggs you know you've never seen this and do the windranger acts like he rents second item acts against a bajillion magic damage and it was all because you get to win runs and you have no cap movespeed so him in the IO or 650 minutes again like not to normally not to name names but you know we saw Yugi play yesterday in that game where they had conquer lifestealer yeah um we're smells going for the item best for his game the radiance yes then removes it from arteezy's potential itemization yeah oh gee of all teams in don't I think is the best at ensuring that the itemization and the play complement like ensures that their team is at its highest performance like you don't necessarily want to go second item acts in that game as a windranger yeah because of the composition that's the best choice and it specifically buffs up your carry hero who is now hit their timing so your timing now buffs up the guy who just hit his timing and I think like that's understanding your role in the game understanding your role in the game is not only looking at the enemy heroes and being like we need to be able to counter this and deal with that but looking at your teammates heroes and be like these heroes do this these heroes do that this heroes problems this game maybe like you know if with SEP his pure job this game is to initiate like he has to be able to go in and position himself properly the fights he goes blink blade mill and then he has this like shadow blade like even the shadow blade it's like that makes it so subs never gonna be the one that gets initiated onto that's the idea of with the shadow blade he's like positioning himself an invis and then he blinks and catches people like you some they just know it like I don't know I watch og and I was like yeah those items they all make they all make sense I was like questioning the bags I'm like wow like why would he go eggs instead of BKB and then you watch the fight and they win and you're like oh that's another thing I love but oh gee they've always stressed damage reduction over damage job I guess not avoidance what's the term for it mitigation I was thinking mitigation over avoid not avoidance what is it over mmunity yeah I was thinking immunity but I don't you mean there's a lot of games where instead of the early BKB and again remember the later you buy BKB the better they always rebuy it it's always gonna go down in duration each use until five and they stress reduction because it means that like you can't really you you can mess up when you buy BKB you use it too early when out of time like stats are always good reduction is always good and it complements damage reduction complements healing it's just you you soak the damage which means that because if I have a BKB and my team doesn't they're just gonna go for my teammates yeah if we're all tanky and I make myself the target welcome image I'm soaking it and keeping away from my teammates no tail he died a bunch that came share but there were a ton of clutch disruptions night I put that on oh gee just effectively ensuring that one of the cores was gonna get targeted because they're just so in I loved it during like the rush fight it's it's funny to say cuz it's kind of the five positions job right but there's a ET splitter that was like going down the high ground like everyone on the G was gonna get hit and no tail is like positioned correctly and he just straight-up walked into the middle of fight and disrupts the honor I owe or no no is a tops enough he disrupts tops and it just dies instantly cuz he's got hit by supporter and everything else and then that was the fight that Thompson lived with just a sliver of HP and it's just so cool like to see exactly people understanding where they fit into the grand plan of the game of dota no go on well I was um I was thinking a lot about cuz I loved drafting I think more than dota honestly like I like the dota but to me like I would just draft like I just love it and you look at this tournament you know eivol I've always felt like puppy and PPD were the best western drafters I feel like no to whatever the hive mind that is og alright they are I think by far the best developers of strategy they are absolutely the Hannibal of dota where you don't know your history Hannibal no did that guy create strategies you got a read dude okay I'll read Hannibal I'm waiting for like the hulu amazon prime whatever Netflix of Hannibal okay okay okay sounds and don't ask about this so you just saw what oh gee did if you're n IP like what should you take out of that game like what can you take from that game and honestly like you just take that you could just get ten pick I out like is that I just feels weird like what can you absorb from that game because you just lost to a stretch I'll probably never see and you were up by 7,000 oh well I think they were yeah eight or nine even you are not gonna be no chief you can't kill their towers that's what I take from it okay like Heights fair you gotta kill towers free the band then I don't think it's I think that they don't have power pressure okay the fact they don't have like a peace monster or like a d50 right was did it like you didn't really feel his presence I'll be honest and if I'm Mariah I'd rather fought to be anything that hits towers if he's DK if he's pugna sure even Shakira mid I wouldn't have minded in that kind of game just just have the ability to kill the tower give me somebody on an IP that you can group up around abuse like the problem when is that when you go into that OG lineup they were winning every single trade where they had equal numbers and I don't think that that's a scenario you're going to beat this team they are just so cohesive yeah like you bring your Marana and your SK mid right but now there's a tree and an axe you're not what do you do push you need to be able to pressure with equal numbers in in some regard like in some Lane with one core against any on the enemy side let's get more that ability that makes sense otherwise you have to like over invest exactly oh gee we thought they were always gonna bring numbers oh that's our thing yeah like you bring three we'll bring three you got to be able to beat them in some in some area so what would our like you do get these three bands against og it seems like Maggs should definitely be one of them yeah do you have to ban has been mädchen whisper okay chance is still left in the pool then they ban that last round at least inch you cannot you understand yeah yeah that's true that's true it's like you know the evil beast your face was it I can't remember back at ti5 someone's talking about how like they're asking why do you keep giving fear gyro and the response was well we know what he's on gyro we know he'll be on gyro and not these twenty other heroes that we'd have to game plan for I think it's a similar regard when you think about some meta heroes or og I don't care if said plays enchantress I don't want I just say infamous just be VG whoa boiler boiler he's like lost again well yeah I wanted to see it I just meant for people then you might watch some vods yeah okay sorry if you didn't know that by the way that is vici gaming is first loss of the tournament - and it is - infamous yes at the minor right yes I believe vici beat infamous yeah no infamous beat vici didn't they didn't wait all the last one are there oh I was thinking about dota picks their baby home yeah and then yeah this was a rematch from the the dota pit minor though vici and infamous and they're looking pretty good they almost 2-0 Navi by the way if you're wondering I'm not gonna tell you what the actual scores could have been zero two could have been one one you should watch those replays because if you haven't heard a lot of these players have actually been talking about you know the Kerry player of infamous hacker how good actually is and dude this is this fun dota we're getting we're in the second day of Ti right now and we're seeing some crazy stuff the draft we just saw some big upsets coming some teams that a lot of people feel should be on top are not currently such as eg you one grant I know you bleed blue but you still tell like it is you know what's there what's the issue because I feel like of all the storylines right now what what what the hell was that from oh geez were placed in number one in my head like yeah good stuff because I feel like of all the teams that and players that people thought about repeating no one no one really thought it was oh geez yeah they're fans did yeah but other people like maybe they've got a 2% chance all the Power Rankings I saw they were like middle of the pack you know seven to ten area not a real contender but maybe dude it's so crazy you can go you're the returning Ti champs right you're actually the exact same line and you're still just getting underrated which they got all time they're just like I love this yeah I feel the same way I feel going to the main stage they're definitely not gonna because a burger is still underrated going main stage this year that's not happened yeah if they keep this up no way I think one of the coolest things just a kind of a side note about what og reminds me of is like when I was playing solo queue for a while I think the most thing is that people kind of give up when you're behind I feel like when you're behind it takes a lot of creativity to like see the lines like what is the lines of victory like what is the exact scenario required to win and like ever since like the particu it's been a little more fun to like actually have those experiences and I'm watching og and I'm like if you want to learn how to win when you're losing yeah Oh G is like they never say die like they actually just go yep we'll take this fight and then for fights later we're gonna beat you it's that mental warfare like you need to beat us yeah we are not going to lay down and die you have to come and get into our house and beat us up absolutely I'm telling you I have there a lot I'm not gonna name him but there was a lot of people I've played with in the past that first off they're never gonna let me pick a draft like that yeah they're gonna just they won't even want to scrim with it they'll just be like why are we clowning around why are we putting ourselves in a spot we're expecting to be exactly yeah and second I've played with a lot of people that especially a TI when you feel like when my wisp has died the third time by himself farming up there shining yeah and then when the game ends after we've lost it's like why the hell are we doing that can we just play for real look normal yeah and I guarantee og lose this game maybe they'd say okay that's so good but they're not gonna be they're not gonna be salty about yeah they're not gonna that they're they're a true team the team II esteem the team II esteem if you watch the documentary of them from Ti last year like just hearing the calms when they were like losing or whatever like even though till talking about Jerr acts like what he was like during the fourth or fifth game of the finals it's just like they're all just a bunch of boys playing some dos you know like hey we lost bits fine need to play more dota it's fun it was a great movie by the way shadow to the og movies like came out a week ago yeah that was a good watch yeah we obviously guys we didn't take a break to talk to you but now we have a draft so we're gonna head into that in just a moment just time just flew right by right like it's like you guys are here with us I can actually hear you guys right now Lowell Kyle analysis that's all even though it is great but you know that's what they're saying anyways no they're I'm there's a lot of ttours spam grant I don't think this over grant is slipping I feel that was a pretty well observed while here wind Rangers here but this man he is laser-focused did obviously the relocates on the fights and stuff made it pretty know that I dude the hard IO once they got that right it was just you couldn't do anything absolutely this has been alright this is I was gonna be like this has been a great series it's been one game but that was something else and look at this oh gee now they're banning up some different arrows we got a brood first man a gyro first ban and on the other side guess what it was almost what you said it was hn mag but the Enchantress so the IO does make it through well those are the same bands his last game was that a pocket strat as my question they pick twists pretty fast right it was the whisper ninja was clearly the plan yeah like most we'd mean I mean about the level 25 which is clearly in the plan but it was more so the axe I think the axe timing between the two heroes win range rags at the same time as the IO that was a huge deal they just like after that they like one that one fight and then boom yeah the og abuses sustain and damage reduction yeah we're something like any other team in history how many times did we just like that guy's dead and then they live and they're actually a hero and the rest of fine like usually when a hero lives they have to like base or they're no longer contributing but that hero is getting healed to full or at least protect it at the point where they can still participate like impactfully in the fight and they're sticking to this Marana they're sticking their guns on ni P I feel like if e t--'s they're they're just gonna take it again I feel like if if you ask Peter he's like if this was a quote-unquote normal game we would have won that one easily like maybe who knows I feel that just what Peters thinking so he's like fine with his opening again it's I don't know it does like they won the okay they won the first 2012 I know I've known BB D for a really long time and it's we would think about this game in a similar fashion was like guys we won when we won we played great they had some sauce like whatever it's like you show up for a boxing match and the guy comes out roundhouse kicks you in the face you know you might be a better boxer but this guy roundhouse yeah yeah so you don't necessarily need to change up too much except be prepared for the roundhouse kick to the face yeah yeah okay that makes sense I think you just go et again right I think it was fine or no maybe the same thing can we discuss Shadow Demon a little bit cuz we uh we're talking about like most picked heroes shadow demon is the second or third most picked but it had like a 68% win rate yesterday which is the I feel like you've got three different mechanics that are all um not again not replicable you get the purge which is insane just constantly and it functions through BKB yeah of course the disrupt is awesome for the save but the the soul catcher man now there's certain games for that pure damage is just in just fifty percent just come out of the queue and you're just like where's my HP yeah it's is it forty percent of your max health I believe so yeah sure damage if it was magic damage it'd be a bit different but it's pure damage yeah it's current they're full HP cuz you're putting them under yeah they're just see you later yeah last game we literally saw the et get blink called the axe walked away like the accident actually hit three team he got W dand balls to the face like four times intact and the other thing is that it used to be remember it would like I remember would like spread the damage or no it would put the effect on one hero in the AoE yeah everything inside of it is gone may the AoE last but it's like who cares if two heroes there you have right the people I guaranteed and now we do the opening of Seb I was talking with um with Paul the other day and he was talking to me about sitting with Seb like ti3 pi4 when he was working his talent yeah and he's like watching the game instead saying yeah I don't think I can't I can't do this anymore you know these kids like they're too fast they they're better than me they can put more time in like I'm just I'm not gonna make it yeah and honestly it looks like one of the best offlaners in dota you know last year I think he got I gave him a lot of credit not necessarily for his play but for his like game understanding for his itemization his versatility his attitude even yeah and then you're like wait we are listening a lot of words here a lot of positive attributes maybe he's just a really great dota player I think he's just someone you want on your TIA that's actually one of the funniest things back when Ike's mic ran any L it was there's a European and an American one in the the three French members I think it was fuzzy socks uh as well as sab where the ones they're like we want to play in any cuz it's more compact when Anna was yeah competitive actually and they're fine playing on ping trying to learn it yeah I just thought that was awesome which by the way is a rarity Europeans are notoriously tin and Amsterdam and Luxembourg yadda yadda you get like 93 ping meanwhile Here I am in Florida trying to play on Europe with like 160 we would never I remember playing EU games on Nal we'd have like eight North Americans about extract this is the Europe in-house leak so we're playing looks ya know it's just sad man can't say just can't say enough good about them there's so much players guys insane and now we got the openings so we got an ogre I believe that was actually banned by og the first game so now they've got this Marana ogre now looks like we got a Jer X or shaker as well obviously that could move around could be sab I haven't seen him play much this ogre hero I mean you want to talk about sanity and we ger has to be up there in the top five like it is most kind maybe top three even after today and although the I believe the win rate was just 50% I'd have to look through the numbers again but definitely up there and we've been seeing him I believe it's just been three and five so far mostly in the offlane I mean you get items right you get that mice you get a three times you get a sheepstick all the season three times and was it your time about it it basis or but maybe that was gunner but if you sheep someone the AoE next to someone else the AoE actually goes off that next hero so you can actually chain like 3,000 distance of like multicast that's pretty it's very weird there's the et not on ni P side this time yeah we saw newbie versa LGD and yogur had like 35,000 net worth or something cheap you get fire blasts or like what happen I I just love the way og I think that if you if you think about like all the things that go into winning draft og always seem to be prioritizing stuns save and some form of damage manipulation I can't even say reduction cuz it's manipulation these guys are all about the heroes that provide the bonus plot like plus and minus damage it's just you can't do anything about ets removing all of your armor now you have a shouting when you have heroes that deal with BKB you're still versatile in the sense that we don't know yet what the roles are for these heroes I've seen Earthshaker played as a 2 3 4 & 5 at this tournament already I'm pretty sure this is like odds are this is a 3 or shaker but we've seen tops and mid Shadow Demon before like we've seen like we've seen Corey T in the past you know you never know you never know even if it's say it is something like a Conca we've seen her shaker go middle against these melee heroes yep it's just OG who knows really though I'm feeling shaker really exactly I actually like it more mid I think than offline nowadays y-you just like he can roam around a little bit easier I feel like if you're going if it's offline right you're playing for eggs at some point and I think that that item is so good it's the earlier you get it like it becomes exponentially better right I got 15 minute or shake our eggs versus like 23 24 like you there now situations like you have 5 minutes where you're just not going to die because you have eggs and the damage output is nuts now you win that one fight now you've set up a roach and all of a sudden you have the next item on top of the eggs because you have the higher frontal priority and even I mean we talked about Oh G where are they putting these heroes n IP you can obviously say a bunch of stuff but we've seen a lot of socks align actually so might not just be that 500 obviously PPD is one of the few playing it is a 5 so both teams they're just wide open right now I think nip bit more rigid and I agree I think like Marana right that's like father's favorite and best hero so more than likely that probably is his hero I'm surprised we haven't seen more DK honestly that's a hero that I saw fnatic use a couple times look really good and I want nip to bring it out as well it's a very Fatih esque yeah here oh yeah they've nerfed I think of all the players hurt most this is something I've discussed with teams like it's kind of crazy especially you consider the amount of money involved like this form it's gonna be like thirty five million dollars but a player's ability to perform is in some ways dictated by the meta by what's popular and this year specifically I think Fahd I'm a tumble man were hit hardest because all of their heroes in the play style necro razor Viper like everything is nerfed even ta a Conca like all of their heroes are just gone that they wanted to play at a mid same thing happen to Dendi if you think about it they don't reduce your your idolize like play making mid hero and then there was that meta where mid was just like three heroes thank god that's gone yeah and then both these teams are using a ton of their reserve time already we saw a last game as well none of them had reserve time at that last pick and it looks like that might be the case again so what do you want to see I know it's og it's hard to call is there any hero that stands out against the Marana ogre lion well Chuck you want to guess okay is it gonna be a windranger ban last from an IP no okay I think nipkow less here though I think less four three two I need any here I love less against ET and wisp and honestly lush I just love because it's one of those heroes that can just run in and deal doodles and oodles of DPS and you need teamfight if you're an IP o G have demonstrated that if they have that edge it's similar to again you know going back to to eg performance here almost all of their drafts and the games they lose seem to have a complete lack of teamfight whereas OG seem to prioritize in every single game they play I think that that's if you're looking for a difference that's it oh that's odd I hear I guess you get a suppose it to I think they both play more on an lone druid am tower push you got slim synergy with the ogre and my favorite counter to whisper as well why is it your favorite counter cow uh fear they run away like there's all the things lone drew wants to do in the game are annoying for wisp he kills your towers he kills your towers earlier than you're ready for you can't abuse map control as much especially he goes for the radiance built because like he can just you can play as five with the bear pushing lanes you fear the wisp it's like 750 movespeed and you also it's different now because of the way like used to be like you'd cancel the bottle tix in the urn yeah which doesn't really play like that anymore yeah it just it's really the tower push and you look at the way they lost the previous game I think they're addressing their critical issue which was we could not kill towers notably the mid tier one you don't have that concern when there's a lone druid in the game yeah and the bear has like a super low base attack time like you said synergizes with the ogre super well they're gonna have like a solar crest plus bloodlust and that bear is gonna like kill buildings in the second half or something go back to that last game if the slark Salone drew it doesn't ni p just crush the game in 20 minutes if they're ahead by 7k at 15 so here we go look at this all the reserve time being used by ni p they've got the ban in to pick obviously no there's a 100 pound obviously The Alchemist band so rave King coming up that means what are we looking like here really good from left to right on ni p I think that's the 435 to one that likes art a lot they had the kind of nose windranger was coming what you don't like the final x lark you just scared of the five man too much yeah I think nip recognized the problem with the last game okay we haven't seen too much at we saw a lot coming up to this including the qualifiers tomato troll patrol is Kari it's a great matchup against lone druid both in game and in lanes it will be a 3-3 LD so it will only use play that way yes it I think it's a Sox a Marana still though looks like it and what a fogger father that's a fun here right there baby get in get messy push a couple buttons hell yeah call it a day is that does that mean they're gonna swap lanes here like four players like we're gonna see a 33 Midland Road I think I mean 33 he I don't know why cuz usually when you swapped lanes like you know the heroes but when you saw Blaine's at the top but we've seen 33 he's just really incredibly strong and just have some fun I have to believe trolls pretty good against lone druid in lane though I can't just like theoretically the mischance pretty annoying for any hero that only CS is with Auto attacks yeah but I was like watching Thompson play neutral he always is very like innovative I'm curious if he goes like that early diffusal I'm curious do you brought up like og making the item choices for to help their team like there's so many games he's going flads first item yeah I just love the way he plays troll they're my favorite game he went phase triple wraith banned I think it was like blight stone Vlad's so about as gold efficient as possible he was banned of core I mean it helps he I think he had like a mag and a whisk yeah and like avenge on his team but he their games on agos super-selfish the mightest slark notably yeah and then there's games he goes selfless and it just it's always just based on what's best for the team and yeah that's that's dota that's what makes a beautiful baby I wanted to see I really wonder in the showdown screen to show the anti oh I want to see how many pub games he actually has of that hero I have to look it up myself though so here we go game number two ni p currently down one against OG and if you're wondering why we're not going crazy about this io cuz you're just tuning in well we've already seen Anna play io once and it was last game yeah you know and it found nip I learned my lesson look for them to accelerate the game's pace you want to be taking at least three towers by 15 minutes do you hear that I didn't know Mason had a voice line which one that kookaburra laugh or the monkey business is he's just getting bait and is getting beat by a ghost and a balloon bottom there's a massive I'm a very gonna find a fight chance to try to stay up the point the word is launching right now sevens kidding work and he will go down ace is actually the one who gets first flooded though and look at this no tail he's got a spirit and he is doing some work heater nice - man stunt there's to be a spear doesn't actually refresh no-till though has the speed nice done bipod at 33 picks up the kill Peter will survive Thompson now they're running a nice air on all the Sun this is a what's already a 3-1 trade in favor of ni P it looks like 33 just got a double kill and I'm just hearing grant watch the drum a four kills before the five-second mark is 5 kills before five seconds into the game so so it is three to one bounty runes now so they get back a lot of that team gold so the difference in this game is that nip have the ability to play about four times as fast and og I think troll needs a little more time to come online in comparison to win Ranger you're also not nearly as effective in the mid game there's mid matchups gonna be real important and father r33 rather already has a huge lead thanks to those kills tons of gold even the experience already and we'll see how aggressively he wants to play that means elsewhere there's gonna be a lot of stuns and it looks like Fattah already getting run at playing the soft lane we know he used to play that wills get hit a few times PPD up here this feels like a very tough lane for this ogre and lot is there a way you can rotate your your Marana up here does she not really want to be in try lanes oh I think I think you're okay with this you just need to look to start pulling creep waves perhaps because bringing the Marana you're not gonna win a three-on-three up here and I think you're better off just playing Wraith King we're on a bot where shaker has a very tough time surviving any stun into arrow combo will force a salvat least perhaps even find a kill we see looks like you might be trying to set up an arrow but creepy tree yeah it's all about positioning here and it's gonna be easy top what like Peter's trying to stop the pole get some creeps over but Jerry's he's gonna spam some point he's gonna run him down and kill him here no it doesn't do it enough it's like 280 damage or something yeah and he does have the tangles plus the mangoes we'll just for a some out there will be an ogre farming up against an IO who would have guessed carry io versus the OP way no you say that about one even six months ago someone's crazy you said that yesterday Peter that yeah I guess oh girl flame yeah just like the carry oh those look like middle currently 8 4 verse 8 1 so pretty even but we talked about it lone druid already has two kills and an assist and he can't dominate the runes that's one good thing about the lone druid middle you can always dominate those runes there's gonna be a stun actually does hit on both of them father continuing to just right-click gotta be a little bit careful will stun they're actually gonna go in here there will be a spirit going there's an ignite and getting right-click down its father just gonna dive for this has a tether and won't time under the towel surprised he went that skill build on father though it traditionally we've seen every offline ogre get bloodlust early there's gonna be this done he pops the salvo and no tail will just get healed up spirit going out again socks actually gets the kill middle lane oh my goodness its bottom pardon me just a one front trade Seth goes down ace goes down alright you're right Kyle I'm in the zone play-by-play grant doing a great job observer grant I'm slacking that's on me and I will not miss the next 10 kills STI grant I've heard you say that on stream up it up a little bit I will not miss any kills oh there we go as the rest of the day for the rest of the for the rest of the 10 minutes and we are gonna I mean it's just a lot of stuns again n IP they seem to like to draft these stun lanes pretty simple way to play which works just trying to harass what is the the CS looking like though ace currently at fifteen five meanwhile set at ten zero looks like top lane once again does that bloodlust one one one build finally picks it up and now it feels like you can just run it one of these heroes Peter will actually end up running at the elder Titan and ochres is gonna run at Ana that's gonna be the stun coming out though Willie's kept Barristan pink sex you're running all the way back to the tower he's gonna get hexed up we do have another stunt from the line it will be there we'll be able to tether away I don't think he's there and there's the kill lot of picks one up and two crazy happening once again the lone druid the bear just picks up another haste Rijn Brian's not talking much but he's deep in thought I'm watch he's got his thinking cap on ya know I'm just well I'm just curious like yeah there's a lot of a lot of stuff you don't see right yeah normal DOTA game and so with this level 5 on the bear is is there any kill potential like one roams middle you get a route kind of thing it's tough because the whirling axe BAM it just yeah you've got two heroes on three three but they both end up missing everything okay this was really cool I want to talk about this after mid lane he is going on Thompson and he's got the level 5 bear is he gonna get no okay so what happened was he whirling axe the bear I was wondering why three summoned yeah he leveled it up uh leveled it up so I was wondering where he wasn't leveling it immediately purges the whirling axes and he went for the kill and if he had gotten the second route Thompson probably would have gone down that would have it I'm just saying like that's a little things I'm like why is he not leveling is bare and then that's next level man that's so cool is this that looks like for bounty runes here for n IP they actually only mean go for the other one quite yet Marana probably wants to use some manner no no the last game they got all four at 15 and 20 minutes Oh air a lot we had the Wraith King stunt under there Fischer actually blocks his own shadow demon here Oh sad he's in a lot of trouble himself now cuz of that kind of block himself the creeps even blocking as well can they go for this there's leaps up there's gonna be an arrow in for a stunt there's gonna be the stun do we have an air not quite yet there's gonna be the star storm double ends up hitting on the range creep though I Jack's body body blocking first boy there's gonna be a stun they might just feel to get this kill socks it not quite blocked but that's gonna be a force snack of poison get this fifth one and it probably will be leaps away below here it said and there it's gonna be but the Earthshaker will go down as well just crit right on the head and we're 8 to 3 at 6 minutes in right now classical 11% crit there that's getting feisty good guy I say though I mean it looks like similar to the previous game again those you didn't tune in for the first one there's about the same as it went where oh gee got absolutely demolished in the early to mid game and then all of a sudden the level 15 whisper timing with the eggs took over is it a little bit more arrow close is it a little bit different now that you don't have that you have the 15-time with whisk but you don't have that 25 with runny Ranger are you a little concerned about control yeah is that is that it's not nearly as good but but you're not worried it's more just nip nip have the ability to just win this game in a fight thanks to the low King he's taken a lot of damage four stacks of poison up here healing so they're gonna go for scent but he just gets dropped and he's still not dead yet there's gonna be right-click he's bottling up my Peter actually on a killing spree now there's gonna be a hex Aqsa has a narrow nine still a little bit away has the level two starstorm there's gonna be an C double kill did by the arcane's however so no gold lost for Derek's it's just gonna be farming a middle it is level 7 versus six we see a pink top but like the buildings got queued blight stone mask of madness I love it just get the tower damage online and you know none of this you know might is radiant stuff he's just gonna go straight up I think probably mask Maelstrom MKB and you're playing against rolia I've seen mask of madness radiance before I'm not saying that's what he's gonna do I'm just saying I have seen that word what you want to see it here and I'm just saying instead of the might as you go for the you go for the rate that you go for the master managed to be more powerful yeah and if anyone gets radiance it's the Wraith King as well yeah that's what I was gonna say is he's probably not just because there's a wraith king who arrow flies out won't hit no route on the first hit let's see no route on the second and I'll just run away there is gonna be a TP it is still within the trees they're trying if there's tier 1 tower they never brought it down last game they really want it they're gonna try to go for the bear so catcher on the bear is pretty hot that worked on them that's pretty cool it's a lot of damage and so will be the 8-minute ruin popping up but we've got heroes here to top to bottom they're actually ready to 1v1 it is a region no-till just scoop it up heater will cancel it but it already healed them all the way up autumn meanwhile they're gonna find jerax a some skeletons there will be doesn't want to quite throw out the arrow yet cuz he didn't have it nice done and it looks like Jared's yeah he's just gonna healing pot and make it away pretty easily arrow on cooldown yeah in about six seconds or so my honor he probably was hitting a jungle creek with him and now medal this tower no tree that's time to heal it up so looks like this lone druid might be getting that first tower and Thompson he's scared cuz Peter he's been lurking the whole time here we go Peter throws out the hex looks like they just don't want this tower to get tonight and it won't 33 picks it up they're just gonna run after PPD now he already has the helmet the Dominator on Anna gets back still farming the neutrals while he's chasing him this is something my brother loved doing this one was like gonna back him in three four years ago he always said if you could give them some time the jungle once your level 5 level 7 nothing clears camps or stacks more efficiently than a wisp especially with the changes to the map it is very easy to stack at least two sometimes even three camps per minute and you're just farming them constantly because the balls will deal damage without exploding and then when they do explode when the timer expires they still they deal the hero damage to all units nearby jerax will get brought down you said it just stunning the stun whoa whoa someone's getting doe real deep under tier 2 Thompson I would say this is a pretty classic tops and he might have overextended a little bit there is no mana for the stunt on body at how much more does he need that amassed about three could use any will finally there's doing the multicast it will be at times two he just run in the head of them well I'll just beat him up a little bit but no ko venom on fada this is the first time I've seen an awfully an ogre or rather even a core ogre without one very interesting decision but you don't necessarily blame him because he probably wasn't expecting to play that star today yeah well jerax throwing out some poison who picks it up it sucks and there's gonna be this done again PPD's here there goes another stun he is now dominating four barons for an MP that was wait that's twice oh yeah that is a lot of is that pretty much the sole like Chris what the sole factor responsible for this net worth well I'm saying that bounty runes alone aren't like aren't eight bounty words or three thousand oh I think so no I guess at level five what they're like it's their fifty each so it's 250 which is 1250 which is a thousand yeah and then on this one they're sixty which is like yeah it's like that's a two-thirds of the net worth advantage is the batteries it's a good amount so what's going on then it's twelve to four frames I don't think that math checks no cuz at the ten minutes they're gonna be worth sixty which is three hundred each which is then twelve hundred total so it's twenty two hundred total thank God the SJ is doing this and not me table lane looks like they're rotating in and back sorry about that arrow oh I'm a big fan of mathematician bsj thank you so does that just mean it feels like if that's true oh jeez just farming that mm rolled at two thousand gold that means either entire net worth is a bounty runes oh middle lane Thompson gets the net on the bear this is gonna be a lot of gold will savage roar though have to accelerate a bit they need to take some towers I'm just look I love nips line up I feel like they have the better draft but after watching the previous game I feel like it's almost inevitable if a.g find a way to even this up drag it out to 2530 minutes I mean walls off like I don't know how they lose yeah and there will be teepees coming in bottom now it's sab yeah when mine is coming out on Wraith King twelve minutes in and troll will at some point be the strongest hero in this game you don't really have a true counter pick to him and he deals with both the one and two of n IP incredibly well until the mkp timing yeah and he's going to fusil as we mentioned it was possible the radiance is queued up on 33 what's that what's the Wraith King going yeah I mean that's interesting well maybe like armlet blink maybe maybe it's like where you go with that but that seems seems like reminiscent of the eg game that you talked about with the conga lifestealer where you have like a hero going radiance when the other one kind of wants it to so but I think they're doing it because 33 is gonna have a much earlier radiance way what did he go oh he oh no wait he had gold oh okay I was clicking the bear that's why they didn't have a show as gold well demonic her jaw wasn't skilled up his old teeth does have a point saved and he might have to use hopster topspin chase bit as well is he will they find him they do sorry could have gone over to that yeah he was holding his ultimate and then got the multicast from the ogre to finish him before he could pop it and now it feels like this ogre are you talked about this why offlane ogre bottom line wait upset it was gets done losing all the other arrow will barely miss but i think they can just run in there's four heroes here and we talking about how og usually they have the hero advantage way might ana is coming in is there gonna be multiple no it's just gonna be on seven oh no you might have came to the wrong fight my friend said we'll get another stun up but now there's gonna go pronto before he goes back there's the finger and well guess what no you beat OG use it against him wait going for a kill it is just gonna be the rate King as well as PPD it is the wraith king salty but it's a decent amount of gold since it was a killing streak three part that was not the party on a thought he was attending he's we're gonna turn this fighter on oh there's a lot of stunners here oh boy it's like they're all surrounding him - oh just farming up top lane is gonna be a savage roar coming out now start moving around if they get this route it will be into an error there's gonna be the whirling axes missus the whirling axes we're off right now one routes what it takes but guess what it's a choreo still farming and just that that jungle we've seen him he's just chillin here again it might look weird to the folks at home but this is this is the strat so what Oh G has figured out this no boots wisp bass eh OD eggs rush she hit level 15 you get the spirits here Oh damage talent and all of a sudden it's 155 per ball to the face the juggler are you saying he doesn't take the the town at 10 I thought a last game he did on the I oh I think he did too yeah spear to fly slow like it's it's not a talent that's like immediately game-changing or whatever you want it but Sox are taking a lot of damage they're trying to go for the snipe on to the O tanking it first 200 gold meanwhile bottom they're just running it's gonna be Jarek he just gets stunned up rooted and now they're gonna go for the tower but guess what said he has his blink when it keeps getting canceled damage over time coming up from Asus stun it looks like he will make it output you talk about towers they've they're already killed more towers than they did last game and this is gonna be their third one the last tier one it's gonna be an earth splitter he is going for the omelet on Wraith King probably the r-mo blink to build it's really the only other option I think guess what he has the relic already this is gonna be sorry go I'm sorry but I you know I think we might have we were wrong in the sense that it is better to have radiance bear if you're going to try and end the game earlier yeah it's a timing thing because then you have the armlet blink Wraith King and it's like yeah it's like about as peak strength as you can get in terms of like gold efficiency like golden slot efficiency is peaking for both heroes and then they have the Midas's so that even in the event they can't close the game in theory they should be able to acquire map control constrict the map and out GPM OG considerably that's still weird they're both kind of farming the same spot you know it's taking a lot of towers I will say guess what they got for bounty runes again they're stacking and that gold up currently three towers down so that's like another I think 1400 Oh would be the final math on that believe in vsj I feel that's like over half of their net worth advantages the twelve bounty runes that they've gotten said like not counting the zero mini marks if like lone druid gets his double damage can they take well they won't top so actually it's the DD and he has almost a diffusal blade so that opens up a timing to kill this Wraith King which I think they kind of have to like at this point I think they're gonna hit this along with the a Gahan wisp they have the tome being taken on IO because he needs the level 15 there's two toes that's only at the 10 minute mark oh yeah you're right it's still the 10 minute mark - oh okay that's interesting so wait he just took both no I think he maybe I feel like he probably did oh that's possible because he was real high level sab as the blink tears guy CPX they might just turn on the shadow demon instead and adds a lot of damage being done sock so we'll get the kill set gets out and I'm looking at this Marana by the way sasha has a spirit vessel bottle wand arcane boots he's farmed yeah this feels a lot better in terms of placing the nib performance into the meta where it feels like all the best teams have this interchangeable 3 & 4 that often times jump and leapfrog to each other a net worth throughout the game bear has a radiance by the way for when and where his items are and I'm also really loving this you like it to write bsj the 4 position that's active and shoves lanes the 3 position that just kind of gets in game thanks to the laning phase and then just runs around the map yeah I do I do like that because it gives you this you don't want to gank the fort we talked to other yesterday you'll want to kick the for while he's farm in the waves and then you have the strong hero with early levels that's now running at you instead of a four position so I kind of just like you you take you basically have the same effective what you're doing on the map but instead you have a stronger group of people that is actually fighting because the 4 position obviously has less levels less farm than the 3 early on yep but both heroes are starting up that creep so it's like yeah you're just purely benefiting oh you're just beefier to you don't care if you die necessarily because are gonna be you just have so much gravity as a hero by the way that's mass mass on it just picked up the eggs already there's only 13 but pretty damn farm just farming these jungles gonna farm another jungle up bottom Lane getting pushed in by dire radiant pushing this top tier 2 and is bare very scary even has the extra gloves of haste actually I was wondering about that he chose to do that and I think he's like oh I've got a really good game I'm just not gonna go - I'm oh he oh my god this tower dies so fast I mean do you think give when do you think of pressuring base it doesn't feel like I mean you got the obviously the blink on Earthshaker whoa arrow flies through easy 200 will take that ACE and they're down to fight they blink on Wraith King soon it feels like as long as you don't get handled by this elder Titan Earthshaker combo right 33 is gonna be losing the bay don't makes it into the trees but the orbs continuously give vision there's gonna be another arrow splits the wickets I like sorry house easily amuse I enjoyed things I just know that you're doing that because we have an international audience I was thinking about kicking a field goal well we have another hand the people ii smoke in about two three minutes here by OG and you're nervous like you lose one team but here this bear will just shred your face 19 minutes in but you can feel the hesitation from nip though they're respecting the OG teamfight and look at that they place the observer Ward and century they're just gonna run him 33 to the care there will be demonic herds actually on to the bear ace could be in a lot of trouble is he gonna lose it'll he does have a wand though he has to use it perfectly he doesn't he's just try to escape instead rotating la downstairs give you this setback will slip it only hits on the bottom plus the bear bears to run away there will be a savage roar father doesn't he doesn't now 33 they're running him he's gonna have to keep you away will he somehow make it no it's a long TP someone else it was purple socks a teepees to this oh my god not again maybe I bought to get the bear they're gonna get all four bounty runes again but I don't think oh gee care about these dude oh gee just play such a distinct they've lost literally every single bounty rune is up the first one except for one of the first four they are down 18 to 8 6 K gold but they're gonna kill Roshan it feels like they're in charge of the game pow we do have teepees coming in if you can tell me Kyle I think you'd I think we'd be playing a TI right now hey summon some skeletons they're doing to put under satty actually goes the back side but Peter does get a nice hex up we'll get a stun on the IO but the trolls just chasing we'll get stunned up himself ace will finally pop that ulti finger goes doesn't even do that much the Pharaoh is alive but he hasn't three stomachs doesn't have it up for another eight seconds ace he's just in here goodbye not yet he has the armlet toggles it up they actually turn it sphere vessel is on Thompson they get tops in first ace goes down as well and now they're just gonna be running on socks actually doing so much dance has another spirit vessel through it out no-till a little bit of trouble goes down triple kill for socks on Roche is at 30% so maybe they'll see this sad a drawer running all it takes is one root here won't get it quiet socks of hits here though will be a Tuesday none he's just gonna have socks a is Gekidan give him the rain page oh my gosh coming back he could this might be a rampage at 21 minutes in for a support that you don't think about getting to him here you just want to get these kills as quick as you can there's getting a beat-down jarek's will be the one end up dying sock so we'll throw out an arrow it will whiff but they win a big team fight there he's got a full mech on Murano Burano it's huge how much damage do you do in that fight we can see right now my friend oh my god nothing damage smokes Wow for Star storms use that game that fight five arrows six spirit fest yes notably crazy well there's gonna be a double damage he's like yeah I mind I'm the MVP here thank you it just doesn't it feel much better watching for positions that are selfish allowed to do to play that way yes man not to name teams but I did see one of the best rubric players in the world end the game yesterday against an OG Magnus draft at 40-something minutes as a Rubik with no bling with him neck with no blink dagger and I was tilted with a mech so is everyone just gonna be is they're just gonna be farming around this rosh now it feels like neither team really can afford to give this up at this point no but neither side can really fight in the pit effectively though I think nip have a big edge right now in a teamfight but oh jeez like they have an elder Titan they've got poisoned spam and they have them you don't want to enter a choke point against the Shoji lineup you will lose an earth shaker going Lotus orb next after the blink dagger what stops and head he's almost got be giving a 200 full of dust gets popped no one here though I guess they're salty I was wondering I was si I'm one to ask a last game but I didn't so if the will you know if the IO orbs hit a hero yeah maybe they do bla bla but kind of like spark race or whatever if you're smoked or invisible okay I just didn't know if like you see these yeah yeah I was wondering if that's why he just did like he saws or hit something but no one was there so there's 350 Helltown taking on fodder now and a solar crest so he's a beefy boy and the multicast - nope you only got the 2x but they just feel so good either with a never smoked up looking to make something happen they have a BKB on Wraith King so even though they have the mana burn against his ultimate it doesn't work this is not where you want to be either this is a nice pickup to get early on it is there if I said isn't enough follow will be able to just run out though there is gonna be a fear there trying to run away set actually goes down they just have a little bit more of a net worth or do they Thompson with the BKB is just chunked up now but ace is trying to chunk down Auto trying to keep alive tops and this the course there will be a stun up 33 he's looking like he's in a lot of trouble no tail actually never ended up dying ace he's a little bit trow himself he already used this one he doesn't have any man and all the Sun Fox's godlike though double damage he's getting run down he didn't make it uphill he's gonna die as well what's happening hip goes up that is a god-like sock so he just gave 800 gold the tops in and I think this is just this is a Roche I'm maybe not maybe is this is a bloodbath of a game I play by a set was actually so sick because no till ended up living and doing so much in that fight just because he blinged it was like take my body as I echo slam yet you see him just follow the lone druid removing all of his armor and you have Thompson troll beat into him I just love it so much because right before that fight you know Donna picked up that's right my man Balto plus 30% damage the entire draft we talked about og he picked up after the fight he sure yeah he picked it up what he's changed he used it to kill Peter though okay it's fine same thing that he has it out yeah is oh gee they understand damage better than any team in dota 2 you have et you have a wolf you have a wit like even though they're behind they were almost doubled up on kills like OTR a complete control this game right now there do you have the heart I Oh has three point four K HP already wait is a heart is a heart oh my god this game is I mean this is definitely no G's favor at this point out the Bears gonna go down as well it feels like that this time we're gonna find out nope eighty seconds too scary hi honestly I think wins on this base let's see they're gonna go for this tier 2 Tower first it is bloodlust it's so doing a little well not if any damage to top Singh cuz guess what he's you've got a hard region oh it doesn't tell you at the region you get from yeah it does not I Oh has 287 health regen they know there's no bear and it's like 1.5 at max level it feels like a rat's unless you get some sort of crazy arrow into something nice absolutely perfect there it is they actually jump in Peter might be the first one I he goes down so damn quickly they're just running the bear he might die they will run out they know he doesn't even have bear to some there's gonna be a 70 they bring down thirty three aces now getting run out he does have an old teeth and they just let him go there will be a hex but you're not you're not killing that you don't have enough damage to kill a sigh oh right you just don't have anyone who can deal with it at this point dude they're just that good they're just five boys plant some dotes you know on he took that I love it cuz he knows they're ending the game really takes the soul catcher illusion instead of the exp and they're just gonna are they gonna head bottom here after this racks will see they can't align top there's so much gold top they start yeah just power oh gee they finally get a gold lead by killing two racks and to me the fact that they're able to win games consistently while behind in resources towers gold their drafts are better their strategies are better they take as much gold and as many heroes as you were a lot as you have and they use it they get more out of it like I'm case cuz like that was oh gee last year like how other teams not really adapted this play style like right is it just is it just the players i I don't really know cuz I mean what you'd think someone would adapt to this you can't teach this though you can't like think how many unselfish superstars exist really not just a dota but like in life yeah like seriously na many OGF too and guess what we've got a maelstrom already in the IO not even that close to 25 yet but it doesn't matter he's just doing so much damage sitting on top of this troll there goes the tier 2 they're running the base there's just a damage problem on n IP o and IP trying to trade here they do a lot of damage to towers they have the blood lusted and solar crested bear the problem is you already lost ooh look at this they're just going straight for the feta the throne my friend they're gonna try to bring down this tier 4 will they be able to they're gonna have to start keeping back there goes one tier 4 ogv there he's nuts here we go he's just sitting there he is trying to take down that rack but PPD goes down we can say Khurana father he's like me to be able to make it back you're right by your found but you can't do anything there's going to grab he is going for the throne can he do it himself it's gonna be tough but he's going they're gonna TP back do we have anything to cancel it doesn't look like we do socks he's going for kill he wants to at least have shadow demon there's a glimmer cape though they can't even bring him down and it looks like they will back up to even get a tower he did not but they did get the full set of ramps and doesn't seem that bad for n IP I mean you lose some heroes but I guess you trade you don't even trade rats because they didn't go for it what this game this series this minute right this is I love it now he goes back to 'get opsin you're really gonna try and split there's a wisp yep let's see they will clear the creep wave as well before they head back let's go there's a bear oh no the bear just died and the Reis summoned five Saints they do have a reset but look at this they're just heading straight for it there's gonna be a tier 4 going down something has to happen here and I'm just not sure what it is it is gonna be set but the leap out from Murano we'll stay alive for a little longer it's done oh my goodness so much damn eggs will pop the BKB they're running at this earth show you really will to bring down Thompson just pops his ulti trying to drain all the man it but there's a BKB so the mana won't be getting drained old T will go off slow zevran he is kind of out of session peter is gonna have to try to help now they just get the stun in my back will try to run away nice triple stunt from PPD but their throne is already exposed ace he throws on a stun he just dies no buyback we're looking at the end of the game are they gonna try to dive the fountain again finger goes it's finger to Korean said yeah what are you gonna do Nozomi Turkey uh I always feel like oh it's not over yet socks Oh Willie go down God like piranhas before the game ends get it on your you know your little player thing I feel like I don't even know if we keep Peter is tilted after this game more than he's like befuddled what's just how yeah that's a perfect word like what did
Channel: dota2
Views: 900,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: UE_mE4Sr8og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 56sec (7316 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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