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hello guys and welcome to red flags our video is going to be great because it has TFT definitely the first place you killed the other guy with your ghost wait you killed the last four people oh holy [ __ ] hey guys welcome to another video of Red Flags today we're joined by Pokey and we lost fed because fed unfortunately has to man the camera unfortunately we lost yes that too so last time we made the perfect girlfriend for fed today we're gonna make you the perfect boy where is she there is one designated single person each round and the rest of the players try to create the perfect date for this person with white cards these players also have to try to sabotage other dates with one red card we'll do two rounds and the person with the most successful dates wins [Music] not anymore so four white yeah three red okay my perfect boyfriend well my second perfect boyfriend I'm just joking I'm just I know I know I know mister perfect boyfriend for Lily except for Michael whatever uh for starters he's a real nice guy wanna know why and he does very charitable work well I know what I'll tell you what she's a [ __ ] superhero I know you love that uh you watched that one show the boys you love soup you have obviously not only that but you guys can vacation together at any time because he owns an island in the bomb what you really care for in a boyfriend is that they're trusting and you can trust them what okay oh trusting to us this may look impressive superhero may look impressive but what if they're a world Champion robotics designer we've already got it I'm not a world champion but he could be yeah YouTube too we'll Champion YouTubers you know that age complex you literally will not age while you date them I like that one oh my God all right not fair and they're me oh my [Music] oh my God you better FM up so bad okay I got it interesting world champion YouTuber but but they say can you not while you cry at a funeral you can actually see you do oh my God he's almost perfect but he also has two other spouses excellent [Applause] he puts a chicken on an island and I'm a superhero and because he's a superhero they go okay and they take the chicken okay you know I was just gonna sabotage Michael I know how much you love superheroes you know the best superhero Aquaman they're mer person can I just Google more persons they're half mermaid yeah they're half which house and I'm like this table they have high IQ they're very [ __ ] intelligent okay Einstein they are a famous movie star right that's pretty cool but they also look exactly like Michael B Jordan yeah I mean overrated also team yourself like cute they both seem like they have a lot of humors you know what I mean wait a second Down to Earth was honest okay I've seen your closet this guy's famous fashion designer I need to see the downsides though because nobody's perfect so maybe Michael B Jordan but he lie tweets your entire date you like because he cares about you social media now you're hating even more she's so [ __ ] hot hashtag I don't know what he's what he says he's really full of himself because he keeps asking if your best friend is down we're a person genius level IQ button kick every animal they see it's not possible because they don't have legs person do they specify quotations shoot some ball down to hang out to get food do you know what yeah okay here's the way I see it yeah out of these three red thingies kicks every animal you see this is just not something you can really work with now this is not a problem I was like you're kind of down the humans suck you know and he's really smart I can't handle animal abuse it could be an animal sort of Love tweeting your entire day what it's a court you can work around it's like something I can try to work out yeah you know okay I don't like the sounds of that you're trying to make me the perfect girl there's no one good enough for you Scott oh okay I don't want to hear that yeah you're a little rich and she's a little a little bit Rich because he owns her favorite sports team so oh she's kind of wealthy the point is that she has drive to her you know she has some other ambition out there and also she's completely blind to all of your flaws which is quite nice which we don't have many numbers I don't know if I have a favorite sports team the point is your favorite Esports the world oh it takes you to any restaurant that you wanna go oh I want me to paint the scenario for you okay yeah yeah please continue it's 11 30. p.m my history a little early a little tired I haven't eaten in seven hours what's open we're in pears open don't have a car Michael took it let me paint another picture you want to go to room pair it's 11 30. your head's kind of hurting you just got done streaming you say hey let me go outside in 45 degree weather and fly through the air at 45 miles an hour to get to roon pair oh no I have coronavirus now because I'm still in a social Gathering and I'm [ __ ] free she's really fit like she exercises okay nice nice assets she's an Olympic gymnast oh okay okay wait our our most Olympic gymnast like 18. okay Milady is the perfect one for you okay and she's also very generous with her time gift she wants to cook for you I'm gonna be honest compared to what's on the board right now you want you want better than just being a generous person what so sharing all the same Hobbies as you you play TFT she watches your stream and plays with you you like to play Lee she comes please you play Path of Exile she joins you read manga together wow cute okay okay wow you're in the air and you're freezing and it's zero degrees imagine opening the window in like a [ __ ] plane while you're flying and it's cold and it's freezing and it's freezing and they also are in a band called genocide warts is it really that bad they can make really cool songs called like really Paw Patrol generous has all the same Hobbies as you but hold on hold on anything a lot of work this they're not they're not 18 yet it'd be illegal so you can't pick hers anyway I mean no no no no dude you're gonna have a bad time here so okay they uh they're blind to your flaws they own your favorite sports team but they also use Tinder every time you have sex [Music] she's going next you ever heard of window shopping it's not like you're buying this is so bad I know you can wait I'm joking I think it's this genocide we just that could just be a quirky ironic band name don't worry I got it oh you got it I got it it's over it's over not in this environment no you like dinosaurs because she owns real dinosaurs wow that's really cool she has the most attractive garage you've ever seen it's fully digged out wait that's why that's kind of sick the most attractive body you've ever seen she said garage that's pretty sick he [ __ ] loves it so he does like the garage is pretty sick Milady can fly that's just [ __ ] education so she's amazing as is 45 degrees weather cold oh now we're done it's also Lily Peach loves her job and I was like it's built in uh this is actually a red card because you know how clumsy Lily is on a day by day she's just gonna kill herself with this good she owns the best scented candles ever she makes custom works as scented candles what do you mean I wish that makes scented candles oh but think of it this way Lily can sometimes make you sick you know because she's like you know coffee on you and stuff but you'll never be sick when dating a agreed [Applause] it's just you describe for food as Yummy Yummies yeah I really really hates children she makes scented candles and sure you'll never get sick of dating them but it also rigged to a time bomb so if you want to die it's okay up this could explain confetti also you don't know yeah it could be years it could be seconds I'm like man it would be the cringe if I chose the one that's just like Lily on it just because but that's just like the best one dinosaurs listen you don't have to beat around the bush we know who the clear would the most listening they're dumb as [ __ ] physically incapable of asking a question oh that's really cringe because that gives you like the sentiment that they just act like they know everything like they just can't ask a question I'm sorry Lily I have to choose Lily okay yay why am I more excited than you come on oh wait do you want to do a bonus round where you make a boy for fed okay well we need to pretend that we're not in a quarantine right now and everything is open and edc's not going to be canceled okay because they have foreign not only that but they're the most physically attractive person I've ever seen you have front row tickets to every concert because you just hit up your own people so that's not true second of all sometimes you know how there's a thing of someone that's just like too good looking like it's like it's just you don't want to date someone that's like way up on you yeah you know what's a bit better than that someone who's just plain old supportive everything oh my God this is what you look you want to stream you can stream you don't want to stream you want to do it tonight because she understands where you're coming from okay she has beautiful eyes I love us oh he loves that you get yourself a girl who's patient with you whatever you're doing Lord knows you don't need it do you like that lilies girl can get you anywhere in any concert yeah Michael can get you literally anywhere she is simple it's good she's reliable and she's a supermodel okay beautiful life you better hope that she's Gryffindor because she literally will talk to you if you're part of the wrong Hogwarts house oh well your odds aren't bad yeah how many gryffindors I'm in Gryffindor and so if she's not a Gryffindor I don't think I'd be interested in here oh five heads how does that mean she what he's really interested in this supportive girlfriend I got you a good one okay wait Stars maybe they're patient yeah but we're in a pandemic and they refuse to wash their hands I chose this over death row I don't have much to say about this is this is kind of bad but is it worse than being addicted to crack oh dude I'm addicted to crack it's fine there's a problem they're the most attractive Hobbit you've ever seen oh I feel like four foot we're less than 40. how much are short right yeah what are you trying to save a short bead pole yeah and then there's like three foot yeah they never wear shoes in their life like hairy feet [ __ ] yeah or managing to be reliable and addicted to crack and it's kind of impressive I'm gonna go with Michael Scratch [Music] only only because uh I think we're promoting try kids relative and supportive are like basically the same thing you know like supermodel she's an upgrade to beautiful eyes beautiful eyes talk about like literally won't talk to you if you're part of the wrong Hogwarts house can we like talk about like what happens right now so I thank you for watching the second offline TV red flags quarantine video remember to like comment and subscribe and wash your hands please and stay safe I do see you next time bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: OfflineTV
Views: 8,681,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, Scarra, Poki, Pokimane, Lily, LilyPichu, DisguisedToast, Toast, Fed, Fedmyster, TwitchTV, twitch, Streaming, Vlog, Fail, Epic, Gamers, Streamers, OTV, Lilypichu Voice, Pokimane thicc, OTV Plays, OfflineTV plays, Michael Reeves, Michael, Reeves, reechu, Michael Reeves x LilyPichu, LilyPichu dating, Michael Reeves dating, Pokimane dating, Scoki, Parra, Scarra dating, OfflineTV Dating, dating simulator
Id: Ap5cnkclUsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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