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so after this video you probably won't like chocolate anymore welcome to scary willy wonka as willy wonka you can force people to eat candy send out the oompa loompas suck people into the tube and drag people into the chocolate there's this is intense stick around for my turn to be the imposter and as always if you've ever seen willy wonka hit the like button down below the video and if you're not lying it'll turn blue what hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy [Music] oh my god oh what happened to willie what happened to wonka but everything's all right oh my god look at this look look it's like something out of the bag does it come out of the event i literally can't move i'm stuck there's chocolate all over my screen what's up dudes real quick future ian here listen i teamed up with dragon city it is a free-to-play game that you can download on ios android windows and amazon and listen they made me a dragon the foot roll dragon this is pretty sick look at the dragon it's got the blue shirt like my minecraft car's got the glass it's got my actual backwards hat and if you want the foot dragon first thing download the game then you can join one of the maze events or one of the breeding events and if you can't wait to get the foot dragon there are some special offers but you better hurry you got until july 1st to get the foot dragon and of course there are thousands of other dragons that you can collect you take the dragons you breed them you make them stronger then you train the dragons bring them into battle make them even stronger then you can take those stronger dragons take them into different pvp modes fight against your friends fight against other players and become the strongerest and of course there are different events all throughout the week so dudes click the link in the description download the free game and go get your foot dragging so news welcome back to uh among us this time on among us and real quick for you uh new guys i'm a crew member i have all these tabs i finished all my tasks and all the other criminals finished all their tests we win the game this time willy wonka is amongst us if you can see underneath the meter right there's a fat meter when we're around willy wonka he feeds us candy if our fat meter fills up we become fat and we explode no no no no no no no no really is that a new baloopa that's candy okay you gotta avoid the candy oh no there's a little oompa loompa coming no that's an oompa loompa coming towards me oh no guys please oh no oh no i did not like it scratching my eyeballs out yeah so when the oompa loompas jump on your face they force you to run around in circles to where you can't control yourself and you may eat random candy on the ground okay like this guys avoid the candy avoid that candy i can't control myself listen he just stole bible that's how the jump scare works he can choose one person and take him oh no biffle oh no don't avoid all the candies avoid all the candies and brew i don't you make me that candy don't you make me eat that candy you oompa loompa freak stop eating the candy oh no no no everyone this is the most grotesque thing i've ever seen yeah what is this i got a burger i got a burger i got a burger i got a burger oh i think i know who it is who is it scary why do you think it's scary i just saw son run to the right it's scary he's gonna die [Music] beautiful we just we just got played all right who's the willy who's the willie walker i'm a willy wonka hate willy wonka and his child oh no look how happy he is dude oh no he's so he's angry oh no okay boys so i wanna make sure i mute it oh gosh gotta be careful don't wanna talk in abby loud okay so i am willy wonka check this out i can zoom out on the map see where everybody's at let's go down here let's go down here okay so i can turn into willy wonka look at [ __ ] how terrifying i look they're at lights i got to be careful i don't want to turn it let me let me close all the doors let me close all the doors i need to find people alone let's do jump scare let's pull loaf no let's pull ambry i'm gonna pull ambrew where am i i'm gonna force feed him oh is he talking on my face no no no i get off me grab me let me go i'm force feeding him his bar is filling up at three times [Applause] okay let me kill lights let me kill lights okay nobody can see me nobody can see me i need to get out of here i need to get out of here that was so perfect average oh yeah i constantly need to be using my candy drop too hello oh no walking no piffle you're not supposed to eat the candy somebody tell him not to eat the candy stop eating the candy oh no i don't know what's wrong with the candy guys pink's dead pink's ambrose dead wait hammers i know that every time you guys eat candy you can't even get an extra like on the video what what i'm getting oh okay let's run this way let's run this way okay so if i do this if i do this here's what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do let's do so what i want to do i want to keep dropping candy look at all the candy the more candy that's on the map whenever i hit the loompa all the lumpus go towards them and they just start eating their face okay let's stand here [Music] no so the more like i said the more candies i drop the more the map is filled with candy so whenever i do the oompa loompa stun and make them run around they're gonna eat more candy so i just gotta keep using i gotta keep using that whenever it's off cooldown okay i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do the chocolate eat now let's do the oompa loompa on let's take out let's take out flico oh no oh no stop eating the chocolate oh no wait guys it probably tastes really good it sounds like the chocolate's boiling did you guys did you guys see his spleen bone oh no zod why are you so thick is that why are you with information what's your information listen what's your information not nico nico's not the imposter he's dead we all we all we all know this we all know this song okay just just making sure we're all on the same page flico is no longer so uh i got you gary thank you okay gary why were you just in a tube why were you just in a tube gary i was told i read in a magazine that you lose weight by getting yourself in one of those tubes oh no oh no no no no no i don't want one i don't want that i don't want that i don't want that i don't want that i don't want that no no no oh no gary gary [ __ ] up oh you see it worked you're going to see them explode while in this food oh yeah do candy drop too constantly do candy drop okay let's do jump scare on loaf oh no oh no oh no please please oh no i shouldn't have saw that i shouldn't have saw that i was here at a wrong time [Laughter] i'm sorry what's in the wrong place goodbye okay okay let's go sit up here let's go sit up here oh my gosh okay okay okay that was too close oh that could have went so bad that could have went so bad okay everything's fine everything okay okay let's let's come out of this i'm gonna uh buff myself up a little more buff myself up a little bit more get myself a little bit bigger get myself a little bit bigger get a little bit bigger there we go now i'm a real thick boy let me get closer i need to give myself an alibi hey somebody help is anybody here help somebody help guys i am a sick boy oh no i'm perfect i'm burping i'm burping i'm burping okay gary you need to burp gary you need to burp i just broke a little while ago i'm just waiting for it to come back what is that oh gary guys oh oh gary no that was a fart gary oh there we go oh no okay i need to call a meeting guys guys guys do we there are four people dead do we have any information i know that yes me gary and lookums were together when the oompa loompa jumped on our faces and was like scratching at her eyes stop eating candies that kills you yeah you're not supposed to oh no wait wait wait wait what if we eat more candy though no that'll kill you biffle no i mean more do your tasks so then your fat meter goes down your thick boy meet her i'm trying oh does that happen yes that helps i'm struggling gary stop being a thick boy gary they just keep going in my mouth i just keep eating them and stop eating candy so i have a good alibi i need to take out everybody besides look them and gary because they're my alibi let's go back down this look at all the candy there look i'm just about to explode no lookums can't die i'm gonna bring biffle i'm gonna bring people they're all together oh no oh no oh no there's so much okay gary's eating all the candy stop maybe he's trying to save lookums okay i'm gonna i'm gonna do a jump scare and bring biffle ah what the no walker please walk the place listen listen down let me somebody out who who is this walker who is this oh my god oh my god dude i can't get away with this eat the candy eat the chocolate beefy love the chocolate love it eat it god bless yourself oh no okay let's do more candy do more candy this map is filled with uppercuts and they're all so slow can they even get to it they did get to it crap okay let's do lumpa so they're gonna run around and eat all the candies okay zud's almost dead i can take out zud are they all together they're still all together dang it i gotta go get myself an alibi guys i'm a thick boy i gotta eat but do you wanna burp with me do you wanna burp with me them together right three two one go hey oh you guys are cute why are you so skinny right now because they don't eat candy you don't like sugar oh okay yeah don't stop eating it son that's really bad for you oh stop eating the candy zod you are such a thick boy zod wait wait no no i can't run away okay run away get run away please run freeze up i'm what you learned that you're maybe not going to eat any more candy huh gotta be careful gotta okay i gotta save gary and look hims wilkins is standing still because he doesn't want to eat any more candies he's waiting for his burp i'm gonna bring everybody i'm gonna bring everybody i'm gonna take out schedules oh no stop moving welcomes welcomes stop moving right i was in specimen that's why okay welcomes you need to stop moving right now both of you need to stop moving eat the candy love the candy gary love the candy lookums i love that lot so much and of course you guys have enjoyed hit the like button down below the video and as always thanks to dragon city for sponsoring this video don't forget if you want the foot roll dragon download the game join the maze event join the breeding event or special offers he's only available until july 1st so get the foot
Channel: SSundee
Views: 15,680,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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