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get your very own greeter shirt now available on the adventurous man store link in the description chopper oh my gosh am I glad to see you dude listen to me listen to me I've got something to tell you all right stay with me here so whoa whoa what the heck what just happened what happened to the lights hello Oh Guido Guido 10 pots here what do I do what do you mean I mean we found out the last adventure right here in the job simulator dimension that that 10th bar is actually planning to murder job boy you know we she wants to see her self-portrait there she wants to see her self-portrait right there trust see Museum curator since 20xx temp bought not jobbot she was to see all these robots we're sure she wants to see all these robots worship her okay and I for one am NOT gonna let happen okay we can't let her friend job bot be taken down like this I mean we've become such good friends I can't see him see him murdered I'd be a disaster uh uh come on Guido you've seen the way we talk okay we're really good friends we're very close I'd even say best friends do you know what no you're not because after all these jokes she's been making about me about myself and job BOTS commitment to each other it just you know what it's really annoyed me sir forget let's just forget about it for today's adventure we really need to team up here because time is running out I mean who knows when when temp what could strike her plan could launch her plan to take out chopped off for good who knows when that's going to happen so look we've got a jump straight back in there we've got become altar mechanics because that's the only job we haven't done yet to find evidence on this on this plan here and it's the early job we haven't worked the overtime on sir to make sure we're in prime detective murder I am gonna go down into the job mods and I am gonna grab dollhouse Murnau dollhouse mode will allow us to see evidence that we haven't seen before investigate certain areas which are inaccessible to us so let's do this high temp but yeah I'd like to like to do this job please Thanks I'm gonna pull the lever now gosh the where she throws that coffee at her face is just so sinister alright let's do this alright guys welcome to the auto mechanic shop at night it's about 3 a.m. or something right now it's super late ok I don't expect many customers to come through and as you can see my head is through the ceiling now this isn't necessarily a bad thing I mean by being this big we can find evidence that normally we wouldn't have seen so like this room over here we wouldn't be able to go in there or checking out this computer you know it could say anything behind there but before we do that we better get acquainted with all this right now we better find out where what tempura is where is she where is it oh ok ok she take weed uh listen I think the best idea right now is to just act completely calm completely casual completely normal and just start doing jobs to get to get her on our side I guess we don't want to be I mean there's no one around here and that was an opportunity to murder someone it'd be right now so yeah we should probably we should probably get her on our side kind of make ourselves blend in I don't want her to know that we're sleeping around in her business so um yeah let's just see ourselves down alright guys so we're sat down we're in position and we've got to make sure that we're blending in cerb so she doesn't get suspicious and killers and not jobbot I mean I know I've said with good friends but I'd rather him die than me does that is that does that mean come on come on Guido it wasn't that bad right guys leave a comment down below anyway let's do this straight away let's make sure we're getting the chin open on up so the the door can open and at whoa what a drift look at that just broke my hand that's how cool it was like ok thank you thank you very much I'll take these call it a paymen for what I'm about to do to your car a kid they want what a pair drops we tried get the shared of pair to be exactly why it was the fall I mean we could try that and we'll see if they notice all right let's go a bit over here maybe a bit more this way I think that's pretty bang on I think that's pretty perfect alright come on I thought there we go all right let's see if it actually changes at all it might be a bit light let's see I get a little bit lighter but around the same they really shouldn't be happy with that but uh-huh that the circuits fried why what's um what's going on here oh yeah this there's a lot of smoke in here Oh temp bar should I should I should saw it right okay what would be the best thing to use for this we need something curled I guess let's see antifreeze now this might be quite good to use but all sir maybe hot sauce as well I don't know if you're trying to stop a burning engine you could use hot sauce oh I could use antifreeze hot sauce antifreeze hot sauce auntie look all right I'm gonna use the hot sauce okay that's what my that's what my mind is telling me to do it Charlotte won't make it even hotter right no we actually worked I'll have a bit of that then it's a reward all right now they want there another one the headlights taken out so I'll do that throw those over there well go on over to I think it'll be in parts right surely let's see here okay so we'll give them let's give them some black headlights just for that cool luck right there this car is looking crazy and oh they want summer is that oil or something oh no some headlight fluid I think so how do I do that again is it fluids yeah surely surely it must be okay headlight fluid it's resetting color where do I put this oh I put inside thee shall I put inside of the thing right because this is this working for you have I maybe like that whoa okay well it's like bright green now that thing is super super bright and for the other one that's given me a bright pink one as well because that really matches that looks delicious okay so not only do they want all of that but they also want a hood ornament as well well the things I do to blend in when I'm in a full detective murder anywhere let's do this so let's take his glasses that we well that he panda does it totally wasn't theft or anything like that try this let's pop that in there do that and bada-boom we should get yep some sunglasses for the hood ornament if I aim at just his branding that's his style does that makes sense okay I will hand you your bill in a second I'm just waiting for a couple more couple more dollars there just for you know waiting time and stuff in a second here that should be look I'm waiting for it to get 6,000 okay I'm a ripoff okay a massive ripoff there we go done there we go it was where for 6,000 okay and it's still going look at that okay you want the receipt you cursor that will only cost six thousand two hundred and seven dollars a bargain for everything I've done to that there you go and oh we got a Test complete we got a celebration Hey Oh senior intern Oh hopefully hopefully yeah we'd get like a plaque or something from that that'd be awesome oh don't come near me I mean thank you you temper thank you all right still a bit suspicious of her boys fine all right so I think we'll do another job here and then we'll get into full detective motor fine doubt what's going on here remember guys we're going to be going over there I'm gonna begin back over there over there over there all directions okay we're gonna investigate this entire place try to see if there's any evidence for the temp BOTS suppose it crime so let's do this just like that and let's do one more job before we jump into well another drifter into this investigation here now has she got a piece of clothing I can steal yes thank you oh you know girl okay well that was that's on me for judging okay what okay sir I've got to take out this thing is it this thing no it's not it's this thing ah that's disgusting look at that let's get rid of all that there we go it's still a bit of dust on there maybe I should put some hot sauce on there just to make sure it's all this just to make sure it's all getting washed off there have a drink of this as well delicious alright let's throw that over there somewhere you could also use some gas on there you cuz you never know when you need a bit more at that and better boom that should be it there yeah is that enough alright then gas now sir you know you say you need gas but you also need an energy drink in there okay so let's shake this honour let's throw that well let's do I managed to drop it okay let's do you this sorry it's hard with my tiny little hands just drop that in there and this should be Oh probably that's good enough well that's fine let's throw that over there it's still leaking oh what's that there's like fire coming out at the back ear cut sir I would get that checked out okay so he also wants like an air freshener thing in there let's see how could I do this you won't like drop a bottle of headlight fluid could that work there you go enjoy that and that should be about it for this car so I'll get your bill through sir right there and it's three thousand and forty one dollars a lower price for a great person they go again I get this fire checked out there can i maybe I can put out a plug something in there where sir so don't leave yet don't leak no no no his car's still on still on fire oh well it's not my problem now anyway you know what is my problem this whole job bot situation anyway guys I think now is a good time to find some evidence of the whole temp Bart murdering job bot situation oh that little thing she's seen that we can do work temp bot has witnessed our work firsthand she knows that we're not lazy so she's letting us have a little break here I presume anyway she's not said anything so it's fine but there must be some evidence let's have a lot now could be staring me right in there right in the face look at this it's only illegal if you get caught said by sweet spot now not only is this something only a murderer would say okay and it's clear that sleaze bot is also in on this assassination attempt as well but if you look carefully you can see that temp bot the temp bot is looking directly at the sign Guido I'm not sure about you but this says to me that births leave spot and temp but birth of them want to kill job but okay yeah it's very logical isn't it sir it's only illegal if you get caught I don't know maybe like temp bot is the assassinator but sleaze bot is the brains behind it I mean he's not here right now so maybe he's off plotting somewhere anywhere that's something to keep an eye on okay ten pots looking again we should take a break guys we should take a break focus on today's adventurers of the day and then come back here and we'll start investigating that room over there this room in here and more specifically what I'm most interested in behind this door anyway guys enjoyed today's adventurers of the day and I'll see you in a second all right guys it's time for Guido's adventurers of the day now with each video entre point we give the adventurous you've dedicated the time and effort to watch our content and make the channel war is an opportunity to get their amazing comments highlighted now the way it works is simple you listen up for quests which are questions placed either on the video you're watching or in a random subject altogether and you come up with an answer in the comment section down below now from there my robotic companion guida selects the funniest most interesting and exciting comments to be given a shout out in the next video right here on check point so without further ado Guido will you please have lured the data of the winning adventurers from the previous quest well done guys and now here is the quest for today make sure you leave a comments in response down below right now to get a chance of being featured in the next checkpoint adventure but right now let's get back to the video all right guys welcome back right now we're about to head into the office here we're still on our brick template still hasn't said anything so we're gonna do a bit of exploring it's only illegal if you get caught exactly something a murderer would say but let's have a look around here I'm very very interested in seeing what's in that room okay let's have a look here so we've got a mouse for this computer was on the computer I could peer around here and darn it doesn't look like anything's on that guy turn it on no it must be unplugged he must have deleted the evidence drat just too too late to this one yeah you're right we should look through the dog we should look straight through that door and figure out what's going on right now Wade are you genius and this is where being a giant comes in handy we're gonna climb around this corner okay we're gonna stick our head through the wall and we're gonna try see if there's anything behind this door okay all right we're here at the wall and here goes nothing oh there we go okay I don't see much behind there there's like another room up further that way I think that right here right behind the door nothing that's a shame well there must be more evidence around here I mean now we found out that sleep spot is an accomplice for this crime that makes his office area a crime scene as well oh look another one of those calendars so I don't know if you guys were unaware but in the previous adventure on checkpoint right here in the job simulator dimension we found another calendar okay and that also had a specific date circled the rest of them you know that were finally across is on them which means you know the day is gone or some other events going on but there was always one circle now we're not sure what's happening on those dates and I'll have to go back and check the footage that we have from beforehand but if those two dates match up that must mean that the assassination of job bot is happening on that day all right we're done this was like a book here spooky stories to keep you up at night so you can keep working by tempor bot whoa okay so first of all we know that temp bot works the night shift okay we know that that's what she is specialized in that's what she's employed in she works the night shift and she evidently loves it but um as you can see him hidden by this wall here he but why else would she want to be up at night because then she can commit the heinous act of murdering job bot clearly that's the early conclusion I can come to you here let's flip this round oh I almost dropped it flip this around and have a look at the back a collection of CPU chilling tails I have artificial work immersion and I'm a scream that sounds like a murder to me the floor is spiders that could be a murder technique the tell-tale commit log I I have no idea what that could mean this is all for nothing that sounds like I listen these are all dark things and the memory leak and we ran out of coffee okay well the memory leak sounds like something that happens when a robot dies I care and we ran out of coffee maybe that's a catalyst maybe that's a reason why all this is happening because when they run out of coffee and as we know temp bot loves coffee I mean who knows what happens when they run out of coffee maybe they go insane maybe they become animals and try murder their boss you're right you're right we don't making this a bit a bit obvious about what I'm trying to figure out here I should stop doing that anyway now I really want to check out this area I mean there must be some more stuff around here so let's see there are more signs over there maybe I can stick my head through this wall right here no anyone behind here okay so it looks like the room gets further into here so maybe I need to go into this corner right here I'll just creep ahead I've care Wow there's not a whole lot here compared to the other place I mean there's a water cooler there's coffee machine with some cookies stretch just two cookies the two robots I guess so only two robots can be standing at the end of this one I guess I guess temp button sleazeball man they're already preparing for this look at this there's also this area behind here but don't think I'm gonna be able to reach around there so we're let's see what else we can find here overclock and rot I don't know about you guys but those lights there well that looks a little a little bloody right this those lights look a bit like blood I might just seeing this guida ah have you seen this this price tag only 3300 59.99 well if we look upside down you see that we're looking upside down six six six my hands gone out limp for some reason anyway I think that freeze that that maybe tenth baht is innocent after all but she may have a an external moderator shall we say that's helping her out with this 666 the devil now to sudden these conclusions may seem a little far-fetched and I totally get that but the evidence lines up messages on the wall in faring to murder books talking about murder blood on posters and even demonic symbols I'm telling you guys this person right here wants to murder and we're gonna get to the bottom of this but right now I'm gonna eat my burrito to exit and we're gonna figure this out back at the office that's a good Berea alright guys we're back and I still can't figure out this whole plot okay it's still unraveling with every second if you guys have any suggestions please let me know in the comment section down below but for right now I think we're gonna wrap it up there ah man that was that was does burn chilling okay now is that was some freaky stuff we found back then hopefully in the future this will all add together we've got the we've got the strings okay the strings are all around everywhere and now we just need to tie it it's a big knot okay so uh yeah hopefully jobbot will be okay but for right now guys I think we're gonna wrap it up this this be Steve that's been Guido if you enjoyed this episode of check point Mitchell evil I can subscribe right now check by comple [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 177,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, lets play job simulator, job sim vr, job simulator vr, family friendly, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator full game, job simulator lets play, job simulator pc, job sim, job sim gameplay, job sim game play, full version, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, job sim store clerk, infinite overtime, temp bot
Id: 7efzeNdf170
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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