Hannah Waddingham Responds to Rumors that Season 3 of Ted Lasso Will Be the Last | The Tonight Show

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-Welcome, welcome, welcome! -Thank you, thank you. Finally, Jimmy Fallon. -I mean, I'm so happy you're here. I -- You know, I saw you. I met you once before. I don't know if you remember this. You did a duet with Michael Bublé. -Yeah, a subtle little number with an unknown singer called Michael Bublé. -Yeah. And you ripped the roof off the place! You were phenomenal! I'm like, "You can sing?!" -That's my proper job. -I know -- But you can sing, by the way. Holy moly. You're fantastic. -Thanks. Thanks, pal. Thanks. -How did you get that talent? Was it mom or dad or...? -Yeah, I mean, I kind of come from a long line of... ♪ Opera singers ♪ -Oh, really? -Yes. Yes. -An opera singer? -My mom -- Yeah, my mom was a principal at Covent Garden before I was born. Royal Opera House. -Wow! -And then she's been at the London Coliseum for like 30 years. Both her parents were also opera singers. So whenever my mom has come to see me do a West End show, she'd be like, "Are you looking after your voice?" -Yeah. Wow. -"It sounds like you're shouting." -Wow. What a talented family. -Yeah, yeah. -Did you think every family was this talented? Like, would you go over friends' houses and be like, "Your parents don't sing?" -Yeah. "Your parents go to and do what?" -Exactly. Yeah. -They -- When I was little, I -- Literally, like, from the age of eight, I would be there sitting in the auditorium and theaters and just, like, soaking it all up. And I genuinely thought that all people's parents worked in the theater. -Yeah. -Because I had, like, no frame of reference, really, you know? -You just lived -- grew up in the theater. That was it. -Yes, and be, like, around in the dressing rooms and saying hello to, like, the attendants in the toilet. They'd be like, "Oh, hi, Hannah." -No way. -Yeah, just wandering about. -So you really lived in there. -Because it was that era where you just could, so you did, you know? Like going up to the dressing room. And -- Yeah. Just beautiful times. -So, are you kind of -- I mean, there's two things that I want to talk to you about -- Or three things. But you're hosting the Olivier Awards, which is the biggest -- -No pressure. Yeah. It's like our Tonys. -Exactly. -Yeah, and I'm always getting on my soap box about how people in theater, around the world, should be able to screen more, you know? Because they are the ones that really, really want to do it. Because it's not for the money. -Yeah. -They just want to play great roles. -Yeah. -I think -- I've been so vocal, they're just like, "Yeah, get her. She's gobby." -Yeah. [ Laughter ] -I just thought of that -- Yeah, you are good. [ Cheers and applause ] But then you're also co-hosting the Eurovision Song Contest. -I mean! [ Cheers and applause ] Do you get it here? Do you get the Eurovision Song Contest here? -We don't really, but we know what it is. -It is an event, man. It is an event. -No, it's massive. The world watches it. Everyone but America watches it. It's, like, very interesting. -Yeah, it's insane. And all the countries, they're an absolute bunch of lunatics. -Yeah. -The songs that they come out with, I'm like, "Wow. That outfit looked like a good idea in the mirror, I think." -Yeah. But it's a big deal. But I'm like -- I want to say ABBA was -- -Yeah, they were discovered. -Discovered, right? -Right. -From -- From this contest. -Right. -So it's a lot of pressure on you. -But I'm so chuffed because Graham Norton and I -- Who I know we both love. -I love Graham Norton. -Yeah. He and I are doing the final, you know, "Good evening, Portugal!" -Wow! -You know? -Are you excited?! -The France... [ Speaking French ] Yeah! My God. I can't wait. -Let's talk about "Ted Lasso." Season three. You're phenomenal. [ Cheers and applause ] You are phenomenal in this. -Thank you. -And season three came out. And I saw -- Jason was talking about it. And people are kind of assuming it might be, maybe, the final season. We don't know. -No, no. What he said -- it's like the natural end of a three-season arc. -That -- -So there was a beginning, a middle, and an end of this. We don't even know. I -- Do you know what's really good that I genuinely don't know? Because I know that otherwise I'll be like... [ Speaks gibberish ] "Whoopsie daisy!" -So it might not be the final -- -It might not be. -Oh, okay. Good. -We don't know. We genuinely don't know. -I didn't know this. -I don't think Jason even knows, to be fair. I think he needs to be in a dark room and just go... -Yeah, yeah. Yeah. -Just for a minute, you know? -Everyone loves it. And, gosh, it came at a time when we all needed it. -Oh, God, yeah. -Because it was positive. And it was just so great. -Yeah. -And, honestly, it was like chicken soup for us Americans. -Those writers -- That writers' room, man. -Yeah. -They have supplied chicken soup for the world. -I agree. Yeah. That's a good -- I totally agree. Being in it, do you -- do you love Ted as much as everyone loves Ted? And, like, do you hear him, like, when you're doing things? You're like, "Oh, yeah. Ted Lasso would do..." -Yeah, well, do you know, I kind of have always prided myself on being a little bit like that anyway. And I was thrilled when the show was such a success because it was celebrating kindness and being funny rather than just roasting everyone and being snippy and bitchy... and funny, you know? -Yeah, yeah. -So I kind of loved it. But the thing for me has always been -- You know his line when he's in the locker room and he just goes, "Onward, forward"? I love that because you need to move forward from the bad times but also not get caught up in yourself in the good times... -Yep. -...as well. -"Onward, forward." -So, onward, forward always. I love that. It always -- It always kind of -- -Sticks in your head. -Stays with me. Yeah. -I want to show everyone a clip. Here's Hannah Waddingham and Juno Temple in "Ted Lasso." Take a look at this. -Oh, my girl. My girl. -Rupert must just be so happy right now. -He's really gotten stuck in your head these days, huh? -No! I mean, yes, but he's not stuck in the same way he used to be stuck. I mean, back then, I wanted to destroy everything that Rupert loved and owned and coveted. -Ultimate gangster move. -Legend. And, admittedly, that was me back then. But the me now doesn't feel the need to destroy Rupert's life. No, the now-me just wants to beat him, to win. That's growth, right? -Sure. -Yeah! Hannah Waddingham, everybody! [ Cheers and applause ] Season three of "Ted Lasso" premieres Wednesday on Apple TV Plus. We'll be right back with a performance from TWICE! Stick around!
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 603,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Ted Lasso, Sex Education, GOT, Game of Thrones, West End Theatre, Spamalot, Monty Python, Into the Woods, The Wizard of Oz, Les Miserables, Hannah Waddingham, Responds, Rumors, Season 3, opera singers, co-hosting, Eurovision Song Contest
Id: SlR4GF2l0sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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