Desolate Areas In The Desert On Road Trip To Las Vegas - Sand Storms / Zzyzx Road & Odd Travel Spots

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welcome everyone adam the woo here as a recording of this saturday may 28 2022. i am in rancho cucamonga heading out of the state of california beginning here with the piping hot caffeinated beverage this gas station behind me is over 100 years old 1915 it was built technically i'm on route 66 but i am not doing a route 66 journey i will be venturing off to other roads i'm heading to las vegas nevada should be there by this evening i'm gonna just document [Applause] the road trip there not too far from la to vegas [Applause] that's good i'm inviting you to join me that car's going very fast and backfiring shall you and according to this placard this reopened on this 100th anniversary back in 2015 as a 66 museum it says out of gas over there on that washboard because it really is not an active gas station anymore but i loved it this place and others have been restored just about to connect with the 15 classic car alert slow moving traffic through this area getting a little bit of a little bit of a backup but i'm not complaining because i'm getting so good view with these trains over on the horizon and the tippy tops of some trucks pay no attention to the trucks just the trains [Applause] top of that truck had something flapping on the top of it saw this over on the side of the road community of hesperia very windy out there so my camera inside the car zoomed out the window also went through the mountains it was very very foggy this place sells a lot of lamps it's called main street collectors but it's basically just a couple windmills and a lot of street lamps kind of interesting there's a classic car over there too old car it appears to be closed at the moment i'm not in the market to buy a street lamp also there's a cactus with the light on top of it see just look how windy this is look at this [Music] it's a little gusty over in apple valley now where this rather large horse sculpture is this is trigger roy rogers king of the cowboys he was titled this is his horse he used to sit in front of the roy rogers museum but he was moved here a few years ago spirit river center is the name of this little development down at the base you see some horseshoes just the correlation of the building and the height of this sign shows how large that horse is and this is a cactus with the little prickly items going off the side here you know it seems pretty commonplace like i think everybody knows including myself what a cactus is but do you really i don't recall ever really taking the time to look at a cactus up close so i'm looking at a cactus up close a street sign up there says apple valley one way victorville the other way this is mineral road which is just off of the thoroughfare that runs below this very impressive rock formation but i found an old bridge well i didn't find it i just saw it off the side of the road so i pulled off down this little dirt path see if i can get up close to this old timey bridge this is pretty dang cool looks like i'm not going to be able to go too far past this barbed wire it does say past this point private property that's probably a little sharper than the cactus gotta love these old bridges before the new road was built and the new bridge that runs adjacent over there was built this was used [Music] to get across this and it still has the truck entrance sign right there they don't want anyone climbing around because that's why they put all this up i mean you could traverse along that i will not be doing that and with all that wind gonna be a lot of dust and dirt going through this little stretch of the planes very dusty all right fueling up 659 a gallon right here at a place called terribles you see just how windy it is out here one thing that's kind of neat about this area [Music] barstow is there's four train tracks here there's a train going by down there there's this train that's parked bnsf railroad [Music] it's a multitude of trains to go through here back before i pulled over here i counted four so you got this one it's on that track another one that's there and then there was another tray oh you can kind of see you can kind of see the other one just slowly going by there now i've done this drive many times i'm doing it again spoiler alert there's only a few things on the road to vegas from la and this is one that i always stop out stop at peggy sue's dinosaur park look at this tree look at look at this i don't know what the wind gusts are but they are very strong very strong through here i mean look at this mannequin that's dangling from the tree it is holding on for dear life the gusts are like blowing that mannequin all around dramatically back and forth to and fro from those tree limbs pears just waving in the breeze right over there hold on hold strong mannequin i never knew this existed liberty sculpture park through this gate see what's down here can't see much from the road however the gates open and just gonna follow this dirt path all right there definitely are some sculptures out here in fact there's the sign i don't even know if i want to get out of the car it is so windy and so dusty there's even some people doing some work over there i don't ever recall seeing this area before or these sculptures pretty neat there's a bunch more right over there now you're seeing a rather large ice cream sundae that's eddie's world [Music] so all of these are right next to eddie's world but in order to get close to them you have to go down the side road and take the dirt path little bit closer up to that it's not a real not real ice cream if it was it would be packed with calories cracked the window just a little bit so i could peek the camera out without a glare this is the corner of oh gosh maybe i gotta roll the window up but the dirt is getting in the side corner of mountain view and hacienda there's a water park that's closed over here i gotta roll the window up oh my goodness look at the stop sign waving in the breeze obviously i will not be walking over there holy cow look at this sandstorm my car thinks i put it in park my car oh my gosh what in the name of heck there is a serious sandstorm rolling through here right now i can't see anything oh my lord you can't even see the relics of the water park over there just so sandy and dusty the wind blowing through here that got a little intense for a moment and this road is not a busy thoroughfare it's off the side of the freeway but i did definitely pulled over the side of the road didn't want to didn't want to risk someone not being able to see me okay it's cleared up a little bit yeah i will not be going over there it looks like someone's over there skating in this [Music] yeah someone was just skating and they are they are making their pilgrimage back to their car whoever that is is saying oh heck no not the best weather conditions to be in after driving for about another half hour turned off the interstate onto zizek road or maybe it's isaac very unusual spelling and about three or four miles down that road gonna see what's still left at the end of zizik road and from this point the road is gonna get a little bit a little bit rougher i think i'm almost there over here is the dried up salty lake bed avoid that bump oh it is now the desert studies center but some information here says explore sizzix many of the roads buildings ponds and plantings date from the curtis springer area when a radio preacher from la developed a religious health resort here a nature trail circles the pond and it includes exhibits of the area [Applause] walk over there now about six seven eight years ago i was out here and i do not recall then that there were active facility so they are requesting that only the staff that's allowed go over there so gonna stay behind these stanchions of this rope and just follow the hiking trail that is for anyone that wants to walk around but not going to go over there where they say stay stay out of [Music] a sanctuary of green that says [Music] this green oasis known as soda springs that was the original name soda springs [Music] i find the desert incredibly fascinating kind of eerie a little bizarre but very fascinating small body of water here probably a retention pond the dried up lake bed over there the plains of the desert and this very interesting fountain that has seen better days in the middle of this very tiny amount of water in comparison to how dry the whole area is and i just lost my hat i just lost my hat it was so windy our tampa bay rays spring training cap right down there dang it dang it a huge wind gust just blew through here check my hat i don't know if that's safe to got to get my spring training cap that's a rare a rare thing come on cap that wind just took it right off my head oh my goodness well i won't be wearing this the rest of the day so it dries out got it take a look at this though you can see parts of the old resort right here the boulevard of dreams is that cross street and castle way this is the old resort from way back in the day that was built by that radio evangelist now being used as offices for whatever they're using it for right here now definitely see that this was built a long time ago oh here's a boat nice that's cool looking up top here there is a bell the question is i think this applies to if a tree falls in the woods if anyone hears it if a bell rings in the desert is it heard i don't think that bell's been wrong in a long time got back on the interstate and now pulling off at the exit for baker also figured putting the hat on the dashboard like that sun would dry it out a little quicker it's pretty hot out 97 degrees pull it into baker a lot of neat things and this is like one of the really the few stops between la and vegas that has anything of substance in it often the distance past the royal hawaiian motel sign way over there i'll drive by there is the world's largest working it wasn't working for many years but we got it working again thermometer tells the temperature and arnez's or arnie's a-r-n-e-s royal hawaiian motel has seen better days little radio down there a desk i like the theming of this place though with the paintings on the side of the poles there this appears to have been the front desk where you'd go and you know request a room and there's an andre the giant skull over there painted on the side here at this country store it's a nice painting on the side that kind of shows the general progress of getting to where i am so you got hollywood there there's even a universal studios hollywood sign and an oscar there the boulevard with the pantages a look down here hollywood tower disneyland resort also the staples center and i am somewhere in this area halfway give or take maybe not halfway but close to halfway probably a little more than halfway before getting into welcome to fabulous las vegas nevada an oasis of the desert so i am right about here in the middle started there and i'm just cruising oh there we go you are here up top okay i missed that country store and look at this there is a painting of the mural that i'm looking at inside the mural itself that's kind of wild and then there's the thermometer i'm gonna go see what the thermometer shows temperature wise now the inside of my car is showing 95 degrees this is showing 91. so between 91 and 95. and look there's even like two areas of the top in case it gets hotter hey can you imagine getting it to 130 through here my goodness i have stopped at the mad greek 20 times in my lifetime first time i ever heard of baker california's when i was on tour with a band and every time we play vegas we'd always stop off here and get a milkshake at the mad greek and that's a tradition that i have upheld probably half the times i've gone through here so i've had at least 10 milkshakes dare i say the best milkshake in existence this will be one of those times i don't get a milkshake though they are really dang good but i don't need a milkshake right now that's this mother mad greek cafe milkshakes next level good though and since the last time i passed through this area a couple years ago give or take this has opened up is it open is it not open i do not know if i'm supposed to drive through here but the gates open and there's other cars back here this is behind the alien fresh jerky spot now i think i don't think this is open supposed to be a big hotel now i did try to coordinate stopping here but i just figured that it was not going to be open for guests yet but one day who knows when it'll be i would like to come back here and stay at this alien fresh jerky hotel if they're even still working on it i'm staying in vegas going to vegas to stay in vegas tonight well one day i want to stay here yeah this is not open i don't even know if i was supposed to drive through there but the gate was open and i saw a vehicle back here so i just assumed you know what they say when you assume something you make a you-know-what out of you and me which i just did so i'm going to go back into the shop and buy some alien fresh jerky i'm doing the loop they are not progressing with this very quickly it was sitting kind of in this mode a couple years ago when i went through here but right up here is the alien fresh jerky shop been here forever it's a rite of passage in baker you have to stop in baker when going from la to las vegas you have to you don't have to but i do i always do i always do you've always been the caretaker and i'm happy to report that the galaxy peace patrol vehicle is still out here as well interplanetary galactic federation with inside if you look at the front you got an alien there and then looking in the window there's one here in the passenger seat looking out the side also one in the back back there hello there there are a total of four inside here let's see one in the driver's seat oh there's even some up top up there to see him in the window can i zoom in on that let me zoom in oh they're up there they are up there and next to the vehicle is this space pod and i do believe i'm gonna go inside now a few years ago when they renovated it they made this look like this kind of tank looking thing from from this outer space but the building looked completely like a regular building for years and years and years and years but now it looks like this but as i go inside you can see they are properly properly have this place themed to how it should be how you would expect it to look inside with you know kind of odds and ends merchandise things like that when it comes to aliens and they have jerky and i'm gonna get some drink i'm gonna get myself some alien fresh jerky and out of all the flavors they had in there i went with the pepper teriyaki beef jerky premium the best jerky in the universe i got kind of frightened there's a car over there my same make and model maybe a year or two off you don't have to touch you walk up to your car you think it's your car and then you get there and you realize it's not my car the whole side of that car is smashed in i thought someone just had a hit and run out here with my vehicle and then i realized my car's parked right here that is not my car over there fun fact pepper teriyaki beef jerky oh man hmm that's good i like it this is only 3.2 ounces 3.25 ounces there were some in there there were huge bags and continued on a couple exits to this spot the low gas and eat sign been here for many years probably will be here for many more [Music] classic i love the arrow as well so you got the old neon like the neon's been removed for the low gas and the e this is about an exit or two up from baker i love that old rusted out arrow there now over to this wagon that sits here and above the wagon at this exit at the sema mining company the name of this convenience store has the grand canyon shows how far it is so there it shows hollywood 220 miles the other direction las vegas 75 more miles through 66 90 miles the other way now i do not need any gas at the moment but i wanted to stop off here because years ago there used to be a few guys that were over here they were wearing cowboy accessories cowboy hats and whatnot animatronics that have been removed they're gone they've been erased from existence in fact it says push the button to see us work so i'm going to push this button to see them work however there is nothing here to see work they were doing a little bit of mining and it appears as if they have gone underground to continue the mining because they are not out front next to these fake rocks where the heck are they they're gone looks like there was one here and a couple over there one there one there one there maybe they were in the middle i don't it's been a long time but they're gone i was excited to see these and also inside it's been a long time but if my memory is correct inside this building is one of the most probably disgusting rest areas that i've ever been in it was like a weird yeah without a doubt the most awkward weird and smelly facilities i mean i had to wait till there was no one else in there just like it just so i could get you know just i could show it but wow what the heck it's like enough for four or five people to stand next to each other nothing in between them and really the waterfall system doesn't work so it doesn't properly go down the drain like it's supposed to so bizarre i i don't know it was weird almost to the nevada state line what the heck are those lights over there very tall very bright still about another 60 miles or so from vegas this is prim p-r-i-m-m but i am now well 20 yards away once i cross over that line i will be in nevada a while back well gosh probably half a decade ago i stayed at what at the time was an open resort called buffalo bills casino it has hints closed there's no cars over there everything's blocked off now this roller coaster i even went on that and it was scary it doesn't look like much i mean it kind of does look like much but it's scarier than it even looks there was also inside buffalo bills here there was a really cool log ride and i remember this descent really well this very steep drop that goes into this tube i felt like if i was going to raise my hands it would not end well in fact there was signage everywhere saying do not raise your hands on the coaster so i did it look at this this concrete tube is like just above where your head would be as it drops in yeah i didn't raise my hands on that thing right in the middle of the frame there is seven magic mountains an art installation that was put up a while back here in the desert because there are seven pieces of art too like basically just rocks stacked on top of each other painted different colors way over there one two three four five six seven magic mountains there it is over there i can see the skyline the oasis in the nevada desert getting off here at frank sinatra drive i've arrived hey it looks like the las vegas airport obviously i didn't fly in i drove my car across country to the west coast the airport is right next to well runs parallel to the welcome to fabulous las vegas nevada sign which is up here there's quite a congregation of people at it and that's gonna do it for today from las vegas nevada i have made it from the greater l.a area to las vegas sin city i'll see you in the next video the vlog
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 245,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: road trip, travels, empty, closed, zzyzx road, desert, middle of nowhere, water park, las vegas, los angeles, drive, train, bridge, alien fresh jerky, baker, california, state line, cactus, horse, wind, storm, sand, weather, mad greek, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, primm, buffalo bills, roller coaster, sign, vegas, vlog, vlogger, desolate, forgotten, interstate, Seven magic Mountains
Id: Rb0I4VDpf7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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