Off Grid Earthbag Workshop Part 69 Central Pitched Roof

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hey everyone so in this video i'm going to be building the uh small pitched roof in the middle um now i've gone back and forward with the design of this i don't even know how many times originally it was designed to have a reciprocal roof with a full height car lift really high walls and then i didn't like the really high walls so i decided to put this frame in the middle to give me more height and keep the wall height much lower and then i decided to have a full height lift to lift a car full height into that frame and i've done quite a bit of drawings around that at the moment so i've been messing around with all different uh roof pitches and everything i came up with something i was happy with i was gonna do a 45 degree pitch double windows with shingles on them um laid that out yesterday put two timbers up and it was just way too big it was like this just looked like this huge ridiculous separate thing on top of the rest of the building um it didn't look like that when i sort of modeled it and stuff and just can't allow it it just doesn't look right for me can't do it so i've changed the pitch i'm going to 20 degrees which means i can't lift the van to full height anymore but it does mean i can use a small lift which is removable so it makes the lifting of a vehicle aspect of the workshop much less intrusive so it can be moved out of the way um so it's a small lift basically lifts to about 1500 millimeters so you can get under it on a stall which is obviously significantly better than being on your hands and knees or on your back so you can sit on a stall still and work above you and obviously gets all the wheels in suspension easily as well so i think i'm going to go with that it means i can have a much lower roof pitch and uh it's just going to look right because that is actually very important to me i'd uh happily climb around a little bit and have a little bit of hassle in my life for the building to look nice um so yeah that's what we're doing 20 degree pitch i'm just starting to make the first rafters and put them up there and just hope it looks a bit better than last time right so my uh roof pitch is 20 degrees which i've got here it's called a plum cup and measure down there i've got a measurement that worked out it's 15 apparently this measurement's not including the thickness of the ridge just to allow me a bit of tolerance until i get the first ones laid out 15 20 six copy that angle back there and then bird's mouth is 40 millimeters so we go like that to 40. [Music] square off of that line that's the back of the wall plate square off of that 40 millimeters and cut that out let's say this isn't uh isn't going to be right initially this is going to be laid out so the two halves touch each other it's not going to include the ridge um but i'm gonna make sure they fit right squeezed up against each other then cut out for the ridge all right there we go so the calculations worked out just right they join together currently so i just cut 25 mil off of each of these plumb cut and then that will accommodate the ridge in the middle and i think the pitch is much better it's a lot less intrusive in the building before it was up here just didn't look right it's very shallow it's not ideal for um shingles but they will be okay this is the minimum they can be so we're gonna go with that [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that if you didn't figure out already it's going to be the trailer for so now i need to join those two together with another um spice scarf joint let's do that now that's better all right so we're going to cut that off all what about all of that oh okay [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] uh all right the day is getting on a bit now i'm just gonna try and get one more set of rafters in just to support the ridge a bit better and then we call it a day and then tomorrow i'll get all these rafters done i reckon okay that was uh not a bad day in the end a bit slow start because i didn't really know what i was doing to be honest i'm not really uh that um knowledgeable on pitch roof stuff so i watched a lot of youtube videos and stuff yeah i've got to set it all out it's all sitting nice and i've made another three probably see in the background there now three sets of rafters and it's a nice evening loads of sun so i'm trying to use up some power but we need the rest of the power now for the rest of the evening so i shall make the other sets of rafters tomorrow and i'll go through that in the video because i haven't shown that yet because i should show you what i'm doing yeah i reckon i should have it done tomorrow but i've just looked at my bits of wood i'm not sure got enough bits i might just be able to get one more set out of some off cuts but i might have to middle a bit more as well anyway call it a day today hey everyone so it's uh next day it's quite early i'm just waiting for some power to come in really waiting for it to brighten up a bit uh while i wait i thought i'd go over some structural uh considerations with this now these big beams obviously they're very big but they're spanning a very big distance so they need support they are always going to need support and they have a joining them which needs support it's also a low angle pitch now so as weight is applied to these although there's not going to be a lot of weight on them as far as roofing is concerned it's glass and some wooden shingles if they had snow and wind on them there could be considerable amount of weight on here um because of the size of it and that weight on there i mean doesn't matter here but in in the middles is going to be trying to push these big timbers outwards because as as the angle pushes down it tries to spread these timbers outwards now normally you fix that in a roof by having something between the two or between the rafters to prevent that from going like that but we have height considerations here i don't want to lose the height so the plan is is to brace everything this timber from spreading outwards and from sagging in the middle off of other existing stuff that's hidden that's that we can build into the roof so i have all these big timbers which are not going to go anywhere you know underneath so the plan is to have bracing from these timbers up to here a slight slope and then they'll be turf obviously butted up against that which also adds a considerable amount of weight bearing capability so yeah it will support them from moving downwards and outwards particularly in the middle because because of the long span they're actually there is flex in them as you can see certainly way too much flex and so yeah that's what we're gonna do with that is uh notched into these will be supports that come down here at a relatively shallow angle and then the roof will be built up against there and then that will uh resist those forces outwards and because obviously it will be tied to these rafters which are then tied to the walls and tied to the big piece of timber underneath them and then they'll be the weight of the turf and everything on that as well and that will be considerably strong then and plus the ability of this beam to hold which is a six inch wide beam and so yeah that's how i'm going to contend with that uh the type of join i did the scarf joint is not particularly good at resisting uh is it lateral yeah um loads so that's another reason why i have to do it so yeah that's what we're going to do with that so a quick look from underneath um as you can see so though if i put a brace in the middle of there say three braces on that which transfer that those forces onto those roof rafters and that then is trying to push those roof rafters outwards which obviously there's a wall there they're tied into that big beam in the middle and that big beam in the middle can't go outwards because they're tied to the rafters and it's all um opposing forces which counteract each other and i'm very confident that that is more than sufficient to bear the weight of this uh what is actually quite a small roof even with snow and wind and everything else on it a few people asked as well why i went with the frame in the middle type design as opposed to the original reciprocal design one is for that height but it could have been done with the reciprocal roof um if i'd have gone high on the walls which was another aspect but one of the main factors why i went with that was because of the difficulty in getting timbers long enough um some of those timbers would have had to have been over eight meters long like the ones down here were and it was a nightmare getting them and they'd have to come on a lorry and everything and the ones i used didn't i could just put them on a small trailer so that was the main reason really is a timber length was able to be much shorter and easily movable without big lorries and things having that frame in the middle has added a considerable amount of work to the build um but it has made for some different content and some um some nice learning experiences with all the pop around with timber framing with all the wind bracing and everything bird's mouths are looking lovely and tight yeah please then [Applause] so if you hadn't already guessed then the larger openings in the frame therefore uh four big windows that's what's going in them yeah tomorrow i'm gonna put in these supports and things under here and then the day after we'll start adding windows and button quick view from underneath looks pretty cool right now i know the uh scuffle boards are in the way i need to leave them there for now right so that's what i'm going with that's uh notched into there with about 15 20 mil so that's not going anywhere that'll be held in with one of these good quality lag fixings to be kept dry so it shouldn't degrade and then down here we're not in any kind of notch so i'm going to use a big stainless steel fixing i mean that's not going anywhere and that goes down into the rafter underneath and then the roofing will also come up against here and be shuttered off with some cladding that's then fixed so there'll be a lot of points more than just this this is going to be a white bearing on it turf bearing on it and cladding and stuff that's all joined in everywhere else so i think that is going to be very very strong strong is what we want right got those all done and it's a really strong gun there's no movement in it at all it's just four bits of glass a couple hundred kilos of uh of roof shingles that's it that's that all done so i'm out of materials now i need to go and do some milling so i need bits to go on here to join this into the turf roof i need all stuff for fascias i need some more roof button and i need some stuff for the window frames and holding the windows down and all that um yeah i'm gonna go and build up a log now right i'm just trying to figure out the detailing of how this roof is gonna go together um trying to keep windows watertight without you know loads of different stuff and plastic and sealants and window frames and all that kind of stuff so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to stick the windows down with the glazing tape like i did on the greenhouse then have a piece on top like a glazing strip uh like a piece of band like this but just tidier with another type of tape on it as well and then that will stick down on there and have a step in it so that it screws down to that rafter and squeezes those tapes makes that window watertight that worked well for the greenhouse and then i have to put an additional piece of batten along this rafter under there to support the battening so then the batten in will come along let's just move that over to imitate that a bit so the battening will come along and sit on that other piece and they'll be at the same height and then we'll have wooden roof shingles on top of all of that say like that with the other shingles these aren't actually then this is just off cuts of wood but it gives you an idea um and then yeah so they'll be sort of like that i think that should work and look quite tidy and be easy to do with stuff i've already got i think we'll go with that [Music] i'm gonna pop your nail in them as well so you must might notice this don't know what happened my string must have rolled off moved and i cut that in the wrong place so let's pack that out plain that off smooth it off get it right then that'll get cladded over be a bit nothing i can do about it now i'm not changing the rafter good morning everyone so it's bright and early and it looks like it's going to be a lovely day clear blue skies which makes a nice change because it's been very cloudy overcast and for a few weeks before that it was basically raining constantly which has been a struggle for power i've been having to work around that as far as what i can do goes so be nice today to not have to worry about power and just be able to get all the things that need power inputs done uh but yeah as soon as it's gonna be a sunny day but again check the sheep we've got water and all that stuff first while the sun comes out yeah take you along for the ride all right let's see if the uh the big tiger will come with us here puss you come for a walk here puss come on good girl girl gonna go for a walk you see your friends come on keep up come on should we let the chickens out all right let's get you out ladies and gentlemen no just a few use it all right someone here comes the roof ruff yeah ladies sorry i didn't bring any food it's just water i think it hopes up oh they think i've got cake oh dear hey ladies sorry i didn't bring you any cake it's just water you are cute i have to say here comes the majestic tiger [Music] never far away come on you're rolling some sheeps poo a bit of a standoff this is about as much action as we see around here oh they're a joy aren't they better choose your battles next time girl they ganged up on you didn't they if it was one-on-one i reckon you'd have adam i would have bet on you if it was one-on-one wow all right that's all for windows stuck down so now we need to make all the strips and everything which holds it all down and then another tape on top to seal it from the top [Music] so [Music] [Applause] me all right so there we go all finished i reckon that turned out pretty well it didn't cost very much as always um just a few logs and windows were spare from the greenhouse build and i didn't pay much for them anyway the winds just picked up so i'm hopefully it's not too loud on camera uh so yeah we're ready to go to the next part which is a breather membrane button and then then we're going to be putting those roof shingles on which i'm really excited about so that's going to be in the next video with this although i've got some things planned before then so i've got to do some house maintenance and stuff uh yeah i hope you enjoyed the video and thank you very much for watching [Music] you
Channel: Kris Harbour Natural Building
Views: 211,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K-zrq_5F-40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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