DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL ......... storm damage trees on a cabin roof

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my wife Brooke and I recently bought this cabin on five acres and although this abandoned cabin's got tons of problems it doesn't have any bigger than the trees sitting on the roof so today with the help of my brother Ryan we're going to try to get all these logs off this roof without anybody getting hurt my name is Dave Whipple you're watching Bush radical stay tuned [Music] what more could a couple country boys ask for than a beautiful cold crisp day and a giant dangerous jigsaw puzzle of Timber that you can only solve with chainsaws patience and good decisions now the first things first we're gonna have to clean out the area that we need to work in not only do we have these big downed trees on the buildings but we also have trees on top of the trees we'll need to get the brush out of the way and at least clear an area to walk around the project so we can get started now the plan is we're going to build a ladder on these white pine that'll get us right up into the heart of the mess and we can start cutting out branches and clearing it out from the inside [Music] now if there's one thing I don't trust it's extension ladders so we're just going to build our own [Music] as we're working our way up this ladder build we're going to take a few minutes to clean out the branches that are in the way Ryan brought this electric pole saw he's running it off the extension cord and a power station what a genius idea it's already been the perfect tool for the job more than once and we're just getting started just like that we've got a safe route right up into the middle of the brush [Music] there's the chimney believe it or not it's right there in the middle [Music] now the first thing that needs to be done is I need to trim out enough area to work in you got to have a place to stand foreign [Music] [Applause] okay so what we're doing right now we're gonna take down this big guy right here that's going way up into these other Pines top of this tree is every bit of 40 feet long and I don't know if it's under pressure in the trees that it's hung up in I don't know where the butt of this tree is going to go when I cut it is it going to go straight down is it going to come flying back at me so I'm tying up a sling and I'm gonna make the cut right in the center and at least the butt is only going to go just a little ways once everything's rigged up there's nothing else to do but to make that cut and see what happens [Music] good good I'm gonna take and cut that strap now I think that thing is Just Gonna Come Sailing down that roof we're about to find out anyway it has the chimney inside of there we're all cutting that tree was awesome it was just as dramatic as I thought it'd be but I figured it would slide off the roof and it didn't so now it's just hung up here with everything else just more mess on the mess pile but honestly I'm really happy with how things have went so far that tree was way up in the air probably 30 feet off the ground at its peak I didn't know if the butt was going to come back at me or drop down hard on the roof but now that it's down that's a whole lot of question marks off the table there's a lot of hairy cuts to make on the other side of the roof but this one's done and that's a good thing [Music] well I'm not having much luck shoving this tree off the roof so Ryan is going to give it a shot trying to pull it off [Music] [Music] well nothing's got her done yet so we'll just keep trying things and see if we can find something that works [Music] well that's good enough we can get everything else from down on the ground now I was really worried about being up on this roof it's a metal roof and it's covered with pine needles but luckily everything is wet and there's still snow and ice and this morning it was about 20 degrees so this whole mat of frost and pine needles and Moss and whatnot is frozen to the roof it's actually really safe walking up here I figured it would just be an ice rink covered grease but that's not the case however it is warming up and it's supposed to get up to 45 degrees today so if it gets too warm this roof might not be safe the quicker we can get off it the better now the biggest tree on this roof is this big Popple it's about 60 feet long and it's heavy the good news is it doesn't seem to have done any damage to the roof and it's being held up by only a couple branches so we've really lucked out it looks like we're going to be able to cut the top of this tree off chunk by chunk without ever getting under it or beside it from the safety of the roof and then it's only going to take a couple strategic cuts of these branches to drop the whole trunk down to the ground now that last cut would be really dangerous but Ryan is going to be able to make that with his pole saw from behind those white pines we used as a ladder [Music] you're right yeah yeah flung it oh that went as good as we could hoped for Ryan and I knew that that big Popple was going to be the scary tree to cut everything else is kind of leaning against the roof but that Popple is stretched out there 50 60 feet and that's a whole lot of weight and it was always going to come down to one last cut where it comes loose and goes [Applause] [Music] it's no wonder Tree Service crews are in such high demand nowadays cutting Timber up in the air like this is hairy a million things could go wrong you're constantly asking that question if I make this cut what's going to happen things are under pressure and tension every different direction it's nice to be to this point because from here on out everything is straightforward until we start pulling these stumps off the roof [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] now at this point I'd intended on using a ratchet and come along to pull these trees off of the roof but Ryan brought 150 feet of some really good rope so he's going to try to pull the trees off the roof and save us the extra effort now these white pines are still attached to the root ball so there's no way we can pull them out like this I'm gonna have to undercut these stumps about 95 percent and Ryan is going to hopefully break them off when he goes to pull them [Music] foreign well I don't see how that could have went any better than that [Music] now before we get that last Pine pulled off the roof I want to get this Popple drop down under the ground it's sticking out 60 feet like a giant diving board and if it decides it wants to break nobody wants to be around it [Music] [Music] this big Popple here is probably going to get turned into a shed at some point only one tree left to go once we get this one pulled off the roof everything else we can drag off with a rake [Music] [Music] foreign well there's still a ton of brush up there but everything big is now off the roof I don't think we've caused any more damage than we started with so that's a good thing it's amazing to be able to see the roof line and to see that there's a chimney you couldn't even tell that before [Music] what a difference a couple hours makes Ryan and I managed to get all of the Big Timber off this roof without making any major mistakes or causing any additional damage cotton trees up in the air is always going to be dangerous work if you've got a job like this to do for yourself remember the two best tools you can bring are patience and good judgment thank you guys so much for hanging out with us my name is Dave Whipple and you've been watching Bush radical be radical eh see you soon [Music]
Channel: Bushradical
Views: 216,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dangerous tree removal, dangerous trees, storm damage trees, tree removal fails, cutting dangerous trees, off grid tree removal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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