Of Marriage and Bookshelves

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do you all hear that not my son but the tripping me and that's annoying [Music] so I put the grab Nolan's BIOS it was a closest one and in Proverbs it says a continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike so basically contentious just being quarrelsome naggy unkind not a fun person to be around and I really hate to admit it but I was I was this this woman this week let me tell you story so right back through this door beside her steps is America so when we got married what you said I'm gonna put our books there and we had a lot of books we just bought this little small cheesy bookshelf all our books did not fit and so our book accumulation too started piling up and up terrible back there anyway so it was on her mind that we wanted to do something different with this I really like the left of this one snob book shelf it had like the old pipes but we looked into that and we realize it's going to take way too much time and money and so my next thought was I wanted to use the same piping and just have little mounting brackets for them and have thick wood slabs for the shelves so we decided to just go with like regular shelf brackets so he started he's doing an amazing job really good at bleep it shelves together I went out I watched him which she'll just really nice for not being actual thick slabs of wood and then when it came to staining he asked what color I wanted I wanted kind of like that medium light stain but then he brought out the point that because it's applied wood it would turn more of a yellow or tonight that color in wood and so we had some dark scene on hand and we decided to go with dark technically dark wasn't my first tech but once again what we had and I didn't want a yellow looking board but you have a dark stain and it was looking fine it was looking great then he said you know what he wants to put an epoxy finish on this so that it's like a smooth finish for the books to slide on and I wasn't thinking much of it I wish I would have been thinking ahead I mean like you know I would really prefer you just leave it would so he went to so much work with this epoxy it took so much time epoxy is really hard to do so there's like runs and drips and like dips and bubbles in it and it's a really glossy finish and I'm not a fan of high gloss at all so Rhys is this ugly person within me and I don't know why I cannot just hide my feelings it's just like written all over my face so I hadn't really thought much about this epoxy finish til the day that he was mounting the shelves so let me back up a little bit it was a Saturday morning and this is how the day started my dear husband had let me sleep in he had Xander downstairs I get out of bed and I hear this pounding and bang downstairs I'm like yay I think he's putting up the bookshelves so I'm headed down the stairs and what do you think the first words out of my mouth were good morning how are you thanks for letting me sleep in so what did I tell my hard-working man that was working right here in the hallway please don't tell me you're using the gold screws no one has these gold screws that he uses for everything and he was hanging these decorative black brackets for the shelves why I didn't just keep my mouth shut and not even mention especially the first thing in the morning and then they'll in the way that I said it please don't tell me you're using the gold screws ah anyway he had bought black paint and he was going to paint them and I could have easily done that later and I could tell it yeah it was just kind of like that first drip of water leaky roof I guess you want to use that analogy anyway and he's putting this up you're helping daddy and I was just loving it I was loving the whole layout I'm like these shelves like this idea that we had is just perfect goes up the whole way to the ceiling over the doorway we have lots of space for our books it takes up useless hallway space still gives us room to walk past and I really like the look of everything except this epoxy finish and it was just gnawing at me and knowing at me and I would go over and look at it and this glossiness it would glare and you can hardly even see the wood underneath and he can always tell when something's bugging me saying what is it now of course I was ever on Google but didn't like okay is there a way we can sand this out people were saying yes you can stand out epoxy so I'm like could we at least try and he got this look on his face I Koguryo there's gonna be a quick project now I was gonna take all day and we probably even get done so so he went out and he tried sanding this anyway got scuffed up in cloudy and you can see that he said it won't gloss clear there was my second mistake I tried to fix the first that made it worse we were sitting there after he had worked for a while we were sitting on the floor looking up at this bookshelf he's like you don't like it and he looked over me what is it finally I'm like I just feel so bad about this epoxy you know you put all this time and effort in it and I just yeah it's just not really a favorite of mine or whatever and that whole day I was just acting like yeah I'm not a nice wife to be around this for sure my first comment coming down the stairs and then immediately pretty much asking him can you please try standing out as he poxy not being very nice about that and I could just tell it was like I took a pin and just pricked him and all his energy and all the ambition he had for this project we went out of him and it was like I deflated him why are we women like this at least I am you all probably aren't he did an incredible job and I love him for and he is seriously the most amazing husband I could ever ask for and so I'm like why does this inner just naggy wife come out of me so I just feel bad how I kind of just yeah that woman that no one would to be around and I think there's something in us women that just want to nag and nitpick and just be condescending and I hate seeing it in other women and yet it rises up it's just it's just a natural thing no matter how much you love your man it just seems like it's naturally there when something doesn't go quite right maybe you are like this you probably are it's just me it's something I'm trying to work on so it's life we're all human but with God's help hopefully we can get there sometime so it's time that I shout out to the world the amazing talents and the amazing husband that I have so come with me outside so I think that I have the world's best husband see this swing I'm sitting on so I got this off of the Facebook marketplace and redid it and my amazing husband helped me hang it let me just show you a little bit where a minute that was a very minor project let me grab my coffee here and show you a little bit around the place like my Normandy mug came from our trip this last fall you can see behind me this needs replanted we put in a new furnace this year and so the whole back of this house is a mess our house is slowly getting redone Nolan is working at it trying to paint it put in new windows and it's taking quite a while so that's why the back of the house always looks like it needs work all right so a quick story when we first got married we moved here this is actually my dad's farm but we get to treat it like our own we're kind of renting to own hopefully in the distant future but there was a lot of outbuildings that kind of match the silo that we're gonna be takin down and there was a cutest little silo with a round roof and like I am I got this brainstorm that I wanted to make a garden shed out of this and save the roof because the rest is going to be thrown away I'm like well how hard can this be um and then there was another section of the barn that had like a thick sense that we weren't gonna be using it was like boards probably yay thick I'm like well that would be the perfect floor so I grabbed my chainsaw and for Nolan's chainsaw head on out start cutting wood and I'm like okay I can easily screw a big slab of wood together we'll just nail a nail in the middle and hook a string up to it and make a big circle make his exercise the roof is and then the slabs will be thick enough why can't I just screw up right pieces for the walls well of course I got into trouble and figure it all out who comes to my rescue but my knight in shining armor and he takes on my project and guys do you want to see it a beautiful little garden shed but let me just give you a quick quick look at it right now sorry about the coffee cup keep in mind it's just spring things are brown and ugly but so all the pieces of wood here were taken off some of the buildings that were being torn down so practically everything was used from like old scrap lumber that like reclaimed wood from the other buildings and these little windows I'm forgetting where they came from those from one of the buildings anyway and I know Lee made me of these cute little window boxes we made I forget if I made these or if he did maybe wall shutters anyway it's just so cute and you got to see the roof this the roof was pre-made which was what gave me the idea well I don't think the roofs actually gonna show up but maybe you can see a little bit it's just so cute I'll just back up here but you can tell it should get cleaned again and I should put another coat of finish on the outside but yeah there is my little shed alright so the next project okay we're gonna be in our garden playing a little bit here so um let's just say that I don't thoroughly enjoy gardening I enjoy it but once it hits about summertime and all the weeds are starting to come up and I have to keep after I don't really enjoy it but if something is beautiful and creative I can stick with it longer so that's my kind of interesting looking garden so the next project actually has a long story behind it which I won't go into it and so it's like when the very first years of marriage cause a little bit of meri stress because my husband had advised me not to get in any more projects and at that time I didn't realize that he was like literally serious and that I should have listened to him and I thought well it's not really a big deal I don't have much going I can surely get into it and do it myself and it caused for some marriage strife which I should have known better at that time anyway the long story short so I saw this picture somewhere a really pretty Arbor made out of like trees I guess anyway and I'm like that is so cute I want one don't I sound like a brat I either remembered that I had seen some of these well I think it's locust trees they're small maybe six inches in diameter so I hook up my dad a little pull behind trailer just like a regular little trailer behind the pickup and I grab Nolan's chainsaw and I head out to this field and I start cutting down trees they're just little ones they're not big things they're just little saplings that are only about six inches thick and trim off the branches and haul them to this trailer and bring them home I had a whole slew of them and I start working on this project and I must admit I did pretty much the entire project myself so I was very happy with that this was probably what five six years ago now anyway and of course then he went and helped me get it set up and then I also wanted a little fence like beside the Arbor I'll show you guys in a minute here and so he had to help me make the fence like dig the holes put in the trees and so on because some of it was we were running into rocks and so we put concrete down to make them stable so here's my Arbor it's kind of hard to see let me get a better view of it here so there's my Arbor and my fence maybe is I'll see if I have some pictures of it here in the summertime it looks a lot nicer and then for my birthday these weren't here and then for one of my birthday's Nolan surprised me and he mounted these little solar lights on so they light up but those weren't there before and I really like this this is my flowerbeds alone the corner here and then and then and there's my garden as you can tell there's a path and that path has another story so who I wanted to pass in my garden because I didn't want just straight rows in my garden I wanted my garden to have Rose this way in this way and a little windy path so I went to my cousin's here on the landscaping business and got some flagstone and I started digging a path and my husband came home and I was I forget how far along I was laying these rocks down and I was just desperate just had to be done at night I just had to be done that night I'm trying to get over that I'm is saying that things have to be done now and I end their project that's all I can think of until it's finished trying to get over that anyway so he kindly pitches in and helps me finish laying this Rock pathway I really really like it it definitely takes some maintenance like keep trying to keep the weeds out so it goes around and around and then there's like a circle in the middle sorry that wagon got blown over and then I'm sure you saw these raised beds so this just happened last year this section of my garden is really rocky and my husband was like yes we need to do raised beds and he just pitched in we got some old fence boards and he made me these beautiful raised beds that's like grow lettuce and things in I think it had some pictures of last year when it actually looked nice trust me in the summer it got really bad because I was sick I'm not feeling good in this garden just went kaput anyway so he built me three really nice raised beds and then underneath here he dug this all out we laid down plastic which some of it's showing through here and put down like big chip works so that yeah I don't have to keep after that so that's my garden those are some other major project he's been doing well let me show you some more so hang on with me here a bird feeder that matches the birdhouse which doesn't have any seeds in because I'm really bad at keeping it filled but anyway bird hat bird feeder no one helped me build or he practically built buh buh buh buh please let that go Zander anyway as far as this rock wall I didn't show you the whole thing because it's crumbling in a couple places but I think I have a photo of it when it was one of the years I was the happiest with it with how it turned out I really struggle with flower arrangements and how to put them all together that year was one of my better years and my sister told me she came over and helped me put them together this year because she is so good at this kind of thing a quick story about the rock walls Nolan we actually got all those rocks for nothing we just went out in the field and there's big rock piles where farmers took the field or the rock the rocks out of the field and put him on a pile so we just went and dug through those rocks and found ones that we thought would work that's how we built the rock wall or how Nolan builded I should say and he chiseled some of the rocks as well and just did an amazing job he is so talented guys so yeah it's just it's just really fun to see what you can do and with your husband's amazing help the shed was pretty much all wood from here not quite obviously some of the framing and stuff wasn't reclaimed wood the rock wall that was free that was from the field the Arbor that was from a field somewhere to just just trees through the mess through the mess this back room I don't think I've ever showed it to you guys yet this right here is Nolan's workout gym and my photography studio I haven't actually used a whole lot yet and I need to soon after we've got it finished and I got really sick and I haven't put it on a priority since very quickly I'll show you some pictures here's a quick circle if you want to see it's kind of a rustic wall here this is a project I did when I was big and pregnant those are like fake brick panels from Lodz and we put those up and then I stacking over it and tried to make it look like actually sir I took drywall mud over it just tried to make it work so yeah I think it was crumbling as such and he put his door in for me look at this you built the door nice rolling door there's a small closet in there for my photography supplies anyway behind me you see this big window when the shop was built that window is not there it was just these tiny windows like this on the side there was like two of our three up there I remember I welcome to this room and I'm like there is currently any natural light it was really dark which is not a good thing for photography and I my unranked list and I found this giant norm at that thing for cheap I forget what was $50 or something this was like thousands of dollar window anyway I come up to my husband I'm like hey we could put a window in the shop the shop was already built like it wasn't finished out but I had studs and windows and whatever what do you think my amazing husband did he we talked about four-bet and he agreed he'll he jumped in the truck and went flying an hour and whatever it was to this place bought the window brought it back and he put the window in for me after the shock was built and now I have this beautiful studio and his workout room and so when I get back into photography a little more seriously again I have a place to take children's photos I'm not playing to do adults and here is just children for inside pictures anyway so I am seriously the most spoiled wife in the world why would I ever be hard on him when he does things that don't quite go my way it's just so selfish I hope you guys enjoyed this quick tour and seeing some of my husband's amazing projects he's done so many more around this place he's just incredible I love him to pieces and I don't know why I sometimes just let my tongue get the best of me and just harsh words or at least unkind words and not very considerate so I'm trying to work at that but I just quickly wanted to show you yet the finished product of Nolan's amazing work with the bookshelf and I also went and ordered some bookends off of Amazon which I'll have links below I really like them they held the heavier books nicely and they were just kind of a clean simple look without just the standard old boring looking bookends and then I had seen one but I thought was just pretty funny and I bought just one bookend for the children's books where it looks like the books are falling down on this little man he's trying to brace himself for the books coming anyway I thought that was kind of funny so thanks a lot for watching subscribe if you enjoyed this and have a great day guys god bless [Music] all right to five okay you tell daddy it's two five two five probably make that work is this publish new bed good night I got you buddy look at you I got you money okay what is it how many is that five too
Channel: The Mennonite Mom
Views: 34,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy bookshelves, marriage tips, mennonitemom, family vlog, christian family
Id: 3oDZykv83uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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