Odd1sout most hilarious moments part 1

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Um I'll take school facts for 800 Alex. This is the most useless class that a person could take in school. Oh oh man what is... poetry?? I'm sorry Jeff but the correct answer is all of them they're all useless. Now the only thing funner than seeing a small object splash through water is taking your parents money away I don't know why but everyone In society has agreed that it's fun to throw money away in fountains I think the tradition started with wishing wells and then it's somehow morphed into any body of water surrounded by concrete has supernatural powers that need money to work yeah I'll grant you immortality if you give me a dollar and what does an almost four-year-old child even have to wish for? Unless their wishes to always stay young I can't think of anything in your life that needs changing. Don't talk to your teacher just to talk to them during class I don't know how much of a problem this is in other places of the world but sometimes there would be kids in my class that would say hey Susan how was your daughter's dance recital Did you remember all of her moves I saw the video you posted on Facebook it looked like she was having a fun time STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!! have a little sister who just finished her freshman year in a public high school and she thinks it was, so Hard oh you thought your ninth grade was hard try doing twice the amount of homework and wear the same pants every day So I worked with a lot of crappy people and I also worked with a lot of people who I would probably never become friends with except in a work setting you see you gotta understand the type of people who got jobs at Subway potheads most of them were pot heads and some of them are really cool There's org he's the biggest not so brave of heart there's Cassie she's so tri but so very smart there's a queasy and there tales of fun because you know 'Two heads are better than one' Never existed what would you be watching right now would you be watching this I don't think so you'd be watching this box right here a Television on this device instead of picking what you wanted to watch and when you wanted to watch it the television would decide all that for and instead of watching a single five-second skippable ad in the beginning you'd have to watch 5/30 long unskipable ads can you think of anything more annoying an advertisement right in the middle of your show So then a customer asks for just bacon toasted and the boss lady put some bacon on paper and then puts it in the toaster and we don't have a setting for Just bacon so then when she opens the toaster there was a fire on the bacon so then she starts to whack it with the little metal tray thing but all she ended up doing was Fanning the flames making the fire bigger you got this right then I went in the back and I got the fire extinguisher and I actually used it I single-handedly saved that subway Wait what have I done is it okay if the Bacon's a little crispy and as nitrogen and carbon dioxide stuff on it when, I was a kid I always wondered how much longer it would be until they finally saved her and they never did the show's been going on for 16 years and they're still learning new math principles trying to save motherboard I think they're at calculus at this point the show is teaching you slower than an actual school what kind of a show makes you wait 16 years for a conclusion cyberchase does and it's one of the best shows ever created 10/10 like in Clifford the Big Red Dog It's a show about this girl's dog who grew up to be the size of a freaking house for no reason except for the fact that the girl loved the dog so much that he grew up to be a monster so that means if your dog is Normal-sized you don't love it enough and it probably doesn't love you next let's talk about my favorite show on PBS Kids cyberchase The show didn't teach kids morals or how to properly treat the disabled it taught them something far more important math cyberchase is set inside a virtual computer world and this one character named motherboard was supposed to be the queen protector of this world but she sucks at her job because the villain of the show Christopher Lloyd Infects her with a virus so now these three kids have to go on adventures using math Principles to thwart the bad guys plans to save mommy bored mutt motherboard motherboard mommy He got ready to tackle him he punched George off and they rolled down Then when they got to the bottom George pinned Clifford who was panting the three looked at the two of them who seemed to be having a staring contest So they decided to go They somewhere else both laughed and Clifford got off of him he sat down and waited for George to stand up, so what are we gonna do the red dog said while quickly getting into a playing position, okay that's at least twelve of them have died on you since you started watching this video but chances are that some of them are probably doing it on your kneecaps on your eyelashes microorganism more like micro or gas and there's two ways you can look at this one being that there's so many tiny creatures living on Me no, matter how hard I scrub all never be clean or you're never alone every night when you hop into that empty bed of yours you're sleeping with billions of microorganisms you saw I was expecting to walk into class one day and there would just be a pile of pizza boxes waiting for me but that never happened the teacher in charge of the competition was the librarian so one day I went up to her and I asked so uh did you ever say who won the battle of the books also my favorite pizza is barbeque chicken and she said oh these two fifth graders Won so the battle of the books was for both fifth and sixth graders I was a sixth grader so I went to all the sixth grader battles but apparently there was some lowlife Fifth grader who got every single question right and stole my pants a party and that taught me a valuable lesson even when you work Hard you don't always get what you want in life but that's, okay because one day you'll be an adult you can buy the pizza you want without having to read first Caillou is a four-year-old and a demon she constantly throws a tantrum whenever he doesn't get his way even in this theme song he mentions how much of a brat he is And then he's crying like a child well you're gonna have to grow up Caillou the world doesn't revolve around you a lot of times what I do to cover up the fact that I spell lower than a first grade level is I will purposely Misspell words to the point where it's obviously a joke you thought I was doing that to be funny but it's actually because I have zero self confidence in my spelling and I don't want anyone to point out my mistakes I mentioned this in a different video but in elementary school I was put into an Honors Program and everyone had to take spelling tests a great ahead of their level and by everyone I mean everyone Except me because I failed every single spelling test so I had to take spelling tests that were on level u but my dogs have found that the most comfortable part of the bed is right dead center in the middle so I just got to Finagle my way into a comfortable position and if the dog leans up against you or sits on your leg then you're obligated by dog law not to move because you might disturb the dog and you love them too much to do that and my bed Is right next to a window so I sometimes open the blinds so they can look outside And so they're both right next to my face but then in the morning if there's another person or god forbid another dog outside then How many times do you tell your friends over Skype all right? I'm going to bed now and then you go to your bed and you pull out your phone and mess around with it for an hour and I've heard some studies saying Oh looking at computer screens all day makes it harder for you to sleep which is probably true why Do I go on my phone every night and the sad thing is is I usually stop looking at my phone because my Battery is going to die I have a problem and the man started doing this mmm Yeah that's the good stuff so what'll the B little man you gonna give me the money or not haha trying to get my king of nineteen other dudes out what if any of you are working at a really slow sue away here are some fun games for you to play cut up a loaf of bread into small pieces and make a mini sandwich with one meat and three different vegetables give it to your coworker and have them eat it without looking then they have to guess what's on the sandwich and that's it you can set up a point system like To get one point for every ingredient thank you right also you can do the same game by mixing up two so doesn't have them Guess you can walk into the freezer and see you long you can last my records an hour you bring in some vanilla ice cream and just make all sorts of stuff with that you can make root beer floats you could take two cookies and put ice cream between them and make a cookie ice cream sandwich 16 year old girl made this thing I think it was called the Kisuke you put cookie dough in a bowl and then you cooked it but not all the way and then you put ice cream on top of it and it was super good you can make nachos and bread bowls and we wasted a lot of food my grandma however would treat these door-to-door Salesmen very differently you see my grandma is known as the nicest person on the planet so she would invite these salesmen inside offer them a glass of water and then show them pictures of her grandkids I'm not exaggerating one time I was at my gram-gram house just playing some video games and this person an Adult person. I'd never seen before just started watching me play are you one of my cousin's and then my grandma handed him a big cup of water filled with ice and a straw they talked for a bit he left and I asked gram-gram who was that oh it was someone just trying to show me a vacuum cleaner Hey kids do you want some candy? No kids never accept candy from strangers don't you know candy can cause cavities Next time a stranger offers you candy just think about all the cavities you'd get this message brought to you by the dentists of America association gets worse to get out of the school we had to go up these stairs and I was helping my sister walk up them you know because a doctor told her she shouldn't be walking at all and my teacher saw this She knew my sister was in a wheelchair two minutes ago and she said don't help her you know how when you're a little kid and you think that adults know everything and they're always telling you to do the right thing that should have been my first clue that nope what a female dog not just that a pregnant female dog so one day I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and can you guess what she said she said no I forget the exact circumstances but you shouldn't ever tell a six-year-old that they can't go to the bathroom because guess what they can They will that hand-raise that's not really asking for permission that's giving you a warning I raised my hand a second time uh Do you remember when you told me I couldn't go to the bathroom well we have a bigger problem now I wish I knew curse words back then I got a call from a number I didn't recognize at 9:30 in the morning and I was lying in my bed asleep and most people would agree that you're supposed to be awakened productive at 9:30 and I didn't want whoever this stranger was thinking. I'm lazy so I had to answer the phone with my best I've been awake for several hours voice I Could tell it was a woman on the phone but it was either her accent or the phone being buggy or it just had woken up but I could not understand anything she was saying but I could make out one word which was Vance So I did not have a lot to go off of I said I think you have the wrong number Okay goodbye But after everything was said and done the two old guys tipped us $5.00 and the third guy tipped us $1 so I mean between me and a 16 year old girl a $3 tip ain't so better Fran was called dogs which stood for dang Original gangstas students okay That's not actually the name I made that up if you got accepted into dogs you stayed in the dogs program for the rest of Elementary school so I basically had the same kids in my class for five school years and our class became known as the dogs kids I think since I was in the dogs program I wasn't bullied nearly as much as I should have been because everyone in my class was a huge nerd also I never really learned how to interact with people socially because I already knew everyone in my class So all the dogs were cool with each other but all the non dogs hated us they thought that us dogs thought that we were so much better than them and we were apparently Phoenix was ranked number 10 on the the cities in America which okay how do you measure a city's rudeness level all of my friends are pretty nice was the person making this list like seeking out rude people and comparing them to other cities like oh this person in Phoenix called me a piece of with this person in Wyoming only called me a piece of crap So I guess Phoenix just has more rude people add it to the list and also on the same list We apparently had some of the worst drivers around which I can sort of see because Everyone here drives seven to 15 miles over the speed limit but I really hate slow drivers so it's kind of a pro for me but I guess it's a tough Leading up to the event the teacher wanted us to stay after school to help make the boats and I being the loyal dog that I was stayed after school exactly zero times sorry dudes I take the bus home and last time I missed the bus my mom got mad at me and I cried And she had to pick me up so actually if I was deserted on an island I wouldn't be much help I would have to get my mom to pick me speaking of me when I was working at Subway I never liked wearing my name tag because when I was making people's sandwiches I hated it when complete strangers would say thanks shame How did you know oh right the name tag so I never wore my name tag I just work at su away okay we don't Need to know each other on a first name basis just take your food
Channel: CliffRacer
Views: 786,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #69 ON TRENDING, Odd1sout, Odd1sout funny moments, Odd1sout funny
Id: k6eBR_WVQ7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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