ODA CLAN OVERVIEW - Total War: Shogun 2!

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Oda masters of pheasants wait no I must have misread that masters of peasants of course the strongest early game clan in my opinion whether you're playing as them or not hi my name is Mr smarton and today we're going to be taking a look at the ins and outs of the Oda as is customary with these videos now I shall start with the odas clan traits they are indeed masters of peasants or peasantry if you want to be exact the only clan in the game that only have a measly two traits both focused on the odas military specifically their ashigaru their peasants improved morale for all As aru and reduced recruitment costs and upkeep cost for o ashigaru do exactly what they say Oda ashigaru units are cheaper to recruit have lower upkeep costs and higher Morale on top of that they also have higher stats which neither one of the traits actually mention the improved stats are a large part of the reason why OD are the strongest early game Clan finally I want to mention the initial challenge being hard I wholeheartedly disagree with this and I think it should be easy I've heard many opinions over the years however some people saying they're the hardest clan to play others saying they're the easiest I agree with the latter especially early game the Oda are incredibly strong because everyone is limited to the same few units with the Oda being the only clan in the game getting a straight up upgrade to all those units excluding light Cavalry which is also a sharu tier let's jump into the campaign the Oda start in the wealthy province of aari which features both a Coastal Village as well as most importantly very fertile soil you also start out with a Yari drill yard but you want to get rid of that immediately in favor of a market I know I'm repeating myself in these videos but it's important to note you want to play to your strengths and for the Oda your strength lies in your ability to field an insane amount of armies for a very small amount of money Yar asiar and Yari wall are already better than Yari Samurai and Oda Yar asiar even better than that combine that with the fact that they're one third of the upkeep cost of Yari Samurai and hopefully you agreed that destroying the Yari jaillard is in your best interest for some more exact details Oda Yar asaru have 33% less upkeep than regular Yar asaru and Oda bow and MHL ashigaru have 25% less upkeep the regular bow and match lash shagaru I'd even recommend getting rid of your starting Yari Samurai after you fought your initial few B battles I tend to do this in most of my campaigns but with theoda I'd recommend it more than with any other plan moving on to your neighbors of which you only have three but are wor with several of them which is where the initial difficulty of hard comes from but because of the way the map is designed it's not actually that difficult at all first of all to your Wester key to Pake a clan who like you very much and who you're able to Ally with right away if you so desire to your North for Theo one of your fre starting enemies the thing is though they start with literally zero troops not even a Dio or a general so you won't have to worry about them for the first few turns meaning you can turn your attention to more pressing matters in the South not exactly a neighbor but you start with a small Rebel Army near your town who you want to get rid of on turn one to your South lies mikawa owned by the Tokugawa who are vassel of the clan to their Southeast imagawa both of those Clans are a war viw lots of valuable resources are to be had from the regions they own with maawa having war horses in suruga as cool since economy will be one of your strengths because of your low upkeep units those buildings will guarantee you will never W for money with war horses fetching a pretty price when selling trade agreements and schools allowing you to recruit higher level meuk which you want to put in your richest STS thus South should be your priority in early expansion after a few turns the sa will come down with a small army just keep a few units in aari to deal with them and after doing so you'll be able to take Mino from them you won't need to bring your main Force back for that lastly a quick look at the Oda family tree contrary to what I've done before I'm starting with the Suns this time of which you have two the 9-year-old Oda nobuyuki and the 12-year-old Oda Nobunaga one of the most famous soku ji daos his father your current Dao is Oda who has two traits he is impolite giving him minus 20 to diplomatic relations and brave which gives all units under his command plus one morale which is massive especially in the early game with Oda yashar already being Superior giving them another plus one Morale on top of their already increased morale makes them n Unstoppable your second General is an unrelated 27y old with no special traits let us move on to the Oda specific units of which there aren't too many starting with the Oda garia sharu which have received a seemingly small buff of plus one morale plus one melee attack and plus one melee defense don't let appearances fool you though that tiny Plus One turns out to be massive because of the incredibly low stats of yaria sharu going from 5 to six morale is a 20% increase from four to five melee attack is a 25% increase and from three to four melee defense is a 33% increase of course these percentages will get smaller as both units get more experience but especially in the early game these small stat increases turn out to be massive next up are the Oda boa sharu who have had their reload skill increase from 25 to 35 and their accuracy from 25 the 30 they've also seen some of their melee stats increase but even with that buff you don't want to send them into melee unless absolutely necessary with the buff to their range stats they will very comfortably win the fights against their vanilla counterparts and by the time you come across both Samurai in a campaign they'll gained enough experience to put up a good fight against them as well the last unit that has received the buff is the Oda matchlock a shikaru who have seen their reload skill go from 10 to 15 and their accuracy from 30 to 35 similar to the Oda Bor sharo they also have increased melee stats but the same rule applies you don't want to send these guys into melee unless absolutely necessary I think by now you all know my opinion on matchlocks in this game I'm not a huge fan on top of that it's much harder to evaluate this unit since the Oda strength lies in the early game while the match loock asaros can't be traded until you've unlocked gunpowder Mastery by the time you've unlocked that you're beyond early game meaning you won't be coming up against early game units exclusively anymore making the Oda matchlock ashigaru a fairly pointless unit they might be cheaper but at that point you're better off just going for matchlock Samurai if you really want to use matchlock units last up is a unit that allows Oda to field as sharu armies all the way to the lake game without worry the Oda long yaria sharu compared to vanilla yaria sharu they have plus one morale plus three melee attack plus two melee defense plus 10 bonus versus Cavalry and plus one armor Oda long Yar aigar and yaral will even take on katana samurai and come out on top with about half their men remaining they have the highest bonus versus Cavalry in the entire game with their extra armor they're a little more resilient to arrows too they do have double the upkeep of Oda Yar sharu but that's still a very small amount for a unit that can destroy katana samurai with ease you're not able to recruit these from the getg go but their requirements aren't crazy either all you need is a Yi joyard and an encampment which works out well because you want to recruit them in a province that has a blacksmith upgrade it to a Master armor and then get your encampment upgrade it to an Armory and all of a sudden their free armor turns to eight armor a Beyond respectable amount for a front line unit finally I want to recommend some Army compositions for the Oda as I've been alluring to before you want to stick to aaru armies throughout the entire campaign they're easy to recruit effective replenish quickly and you can field loads of them because of their low upkeep costs in the early game you want to a very simple Yari and Bo aikar army with some light C if you're so inclined once you get access to Long Yar Asik you'll want to start recruiting them there's this really amazing way to use them where you combine them with a regular Yar aiat to form a double Yari wall it's somewhat hard to explain but I'm sure I'll be showing it on the screen right now you essentially Place both units inside each other with a long Yari just slightly behind the front line of the regular Yari and then when they go into Yari wall you'll basically have two units fighting at the same time this is the strategy I recommend using just be careful not to go into y world too soon because it makes you incredibly successful able to Arrow fire you can also just feel long yato which frees up some space for more archers or Yari Cavalry which is always a good choice because Yari Cavalry is just amazing you should be able to afford them easily due to the cheap cost of the rest of your army that is going to do it for the Oda Clan overview I hope the video will help some of you play the Oda more effectively if you have any more questions feel free to ask them in the comments and I shall do my best to answer them also let me know which CL you'd like to see covered next thank you very much for watching hope you've enjoyed have a good day and goodbye
Channel: MrSmartDonkeyLP
Views: 409,437
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Keywords: Shogun 2 Clan Overview, Shogun 2 Faction Overview, Hattori Overview, Hattori Clan OVerview, Shogun 2 Hattori Overview, Total War Shogun 2 Clan Overview, Total War Shogun 2 Faction Overview, Top 5 Shogun 2, Top 5 Total War, Top 5 Total War Shogun 2, Top 10 Best Units, Top 10 Worst Units, Top 10 Shogun 2, Shogun 2 Top 5, Total War Top 5, Shogun 2, Total War Shogun 2, Shogun 2 gameplay, Shogun 2 Guide, Shogun 2 Mods, Shogun 2 Legendary, Total War Shogun 2 Gameplay
Id: 0IF5di6VIOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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