TAKEDA CLAN OVERVIEW - Total War: Shogun 2!

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takada masters of prostitution I mean horse I mean horses my favorite Shogun 2 clan due to their Cavalry superiority and they're fancy red color of course hi my name is Mr smart donkey today we're going to be taking a look at the ins and outs of the teada as per usual we'll start with the Tea's Clan traits the teada are indeed the masters of horses which makes sense since all their traits are tailored towards improving Cavalry improve morale for Cavalry and can recruit Superior Cavalry do what you might expect from a description like that the teas Cavalry has higher morale and higher overall stats compared to the Cavalry of other clans reduced recruitment cost and upkeep for all Cavalry doesn't require rocket scientist C de code either recruitment cost and upkeep will be cheaper for the teas cavy compared to other clans next up is the campaign the teas capital is Kai a decent province in a rather difficult starting location being surrounded by four different Clans but we'll get to that in a moment Kai soil is average and it has a pastur building giving it horses as a trade resource which is by far the most valuable resource when selling trade rids to other CLS the resource itself isn't that valuable but it's a resource wanted by all clans which drives up its price K also starts with Stables allowing you to recruit like cavy from the GetGo moving on to your neighbors of which you have like I said before four let's start with your Southwestern neighbor the iawa who you're allied with at the start of the campaign they own both suruga as well as totoi totoi is a fairly unnoteworthy Province but suruga is a school a variable building to have the imagawa also have a vessel the Tokugawa who own mikawa this is important because both the imagawa as well as the Tokugawa start a war with the Oda and the Oda tend to win that war meaning you can expect them to be your Southwestern neighbors before long your other Southern neighbor is the Hojo who own both ISU as well as sagami both incredibly valuable provinces of IU usually becoming one of the wealthiest regions on the map due to the gold mine and sagami having a blacksmith the Hojo tend to be friendly towards you and might even go for an alliance since they tend to get one with the imagawa as well it's your choice whether you want to take that and secure the sou through friendship or go a different route and take them all out so you can keep their valuable preferences for yourself keep in mind that if you're the one to break an alliance you will suffer a hit to both your Diamond's honor as well as diplomatic standing with other clans there's no road that actually connects your land to the Hojo but it's worth mentioning them anyway your Eastern Neighbors in Musashi are oi KATU Musashi doesn't have anything special besides a port so it shouldn't be a main focus what's more they usually get taken out by the Hojo fairly early on which gives you the road connection to the Hojo I mentioned just now lastly to your North for the murakami who are your sole Enemy at the start of the campaign they start with a small Force just inside your province which you must defeat to complete your first mission after taking nor shanan you will be bordering another four Clans the Yugi being the most notable they are likely to declare war on you because they are programmed to dislike the tea for historical accuracy purposes because of this you might want to ignore the murakami and let them keep their Province so that you don't have to worry about all the Clans to the north and you can focus on the south as long as you keep a few units in Kai you should be able to defend against them unless of course you decide to become friends with the southern Clans in which case North should be your main focus norf is the more logical and less risky expansion path but the southern provinces are more valuable so it's up to you to decide what you value more safety your riches finally a quick look at the family tree the teada have one of the better family trees in the game your 24-year-old Dao tea shinjin is an absolute Beast due to his bloodthirsty trait reducing the morale of all nearby enemy units he also has the lucky trait giving him minus 2% chance of being assassinated on top of all that he's fathered his first child at the age of 15 meaning your oldest son is already 9 years old old enough to come of Agee in a reasonably short time he had another kid just a year later but she's a girl so who cares I'm all right your second General shingen's 20-year-old brother and to make things even better he has another brother at the age of 16 who should come of a just a few turns into the campaign an absolutely wonderful family tree let's move on to the teada specific units of which there are five note there is no tea great guard there were plans to put them in a game at one point or another but due to an error by CA it never happened first up with the tea like Cavalry which have received a buff of plus two morale plus one melee attack and plus one melee defense competed of vanilla counterpart nothing major but since light Cav are already a great unit in the early game this makes them even stronger and since their upkeep is 5% lower as well they will play a big part in your early game battles next up we the tea B Cavalry whose Buffs are plus two morale plus five reload skill and plus five accuracy as well as slightly increased melee stats which is actually noteworthy since a valid tactic with B Cav is the charge them into some archers or other units after firing a few volleys which can easily break a unit if it does enough damage the increased stats will help achieve that goal next are the tea Katana Cavalry who have received plus two morale plus two melee attack and plus one melee defense as their Buffs I've voiced my opinion on Katana cavy many times before and these small Buffs don't change my my opinion on them you're much better off using garyi Cavalry that being said if you're going to make the mistake of using Katana caval take out a clan to do it with the final units have received an upgrade is the aforementioned Yari Cavalry whose Buffs are much more impressive than those of the katana Cavalry plus two morale plus three melee attack plus one melee defense and plus five charge bonus Yari Cavalry were already incredible but these Buffs make the unit even better to the point where you start feeling bad for other clans if that wasn't enough say hello to the teada fire Cavalry one of the best units in Shogun 2 and completely unique to the teada their closest comparison is Yari Cavalry compared to vanilla Yari Cavalry they have plus two morale plus four melee attack plus three melee defense and plus two armor what's more they encourage nearby units similar to a general all in all teada fire Cav are an insane units and one of my favorite units in the entire game finally I want to recommend some Army compositions I will start by saying this Cavalry Cavalry Cavalry more specifically light Cavalry Yari Cavalry fire Cavalry in the early game you want to field your general Yari and bigaro Army and like C to back them up you won't need too many yet since you need to make sure you have enough yarar to hold the line getting to the later game you want to start replacing most of your archers with Cavalry you could even decide not to field any archers at all and go for fully aggressive armies of extra melee attack and charge I wouldn't recommend going very defensive because Cavalry are me is an aggressive units and going defensive would mean archers over Cavalry you could go for a more balanced army and keep a few bow infantry units in your army just to give you some more options but rather than doing that I recommend Fielding a few bat Cavalry or you could go fully aggressive which is my preferred choice chice don't feel any range units and go heavy on the charge bonuses it's a risky strategy because it leaves you with very few options but boy is it's satisfying charging your infantry in the front your Cavalry around the back and seeing hundreds or even thousands of men die in a matter of seconds that is going to do it for the tea Clan overview I hope you've seen the light and start playing some teada if you have any more questions feel free to ask them in the comments and I shall do my best to answer them also let me know which CL you'd like to see covered next thank you very much for watching hope you've enjoyed have a good day and goodbye
Channel: MrSmartDonkeyLP
Views: 295,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shogun 2 Clan Overview, Shogun 2 Faction Overview, Total War Shogun 2 Clan Overview, Total War Shogun 2 Faction Overview, Top 5 Shogun 2, Top 5 Total War, Top 5 Total War Shogun 2, Top 10 Best Units, Top 10 Worst Units, Top 10 Shogun 2, Shogun 2 Top 5, Total War Top 5, Shogun 2, Total War Shogun 2, Shogun 2 gameplay, Shogun 2 Guide, Shogun 2 Mods, Shogun 2 Legendary, Total War Shogun 2 Gameplay, Takeda Overview, Shogun 2 Takeda Overview, Takeda Clan overview
Id: BjSQ7tMqfAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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