The Unflankable Yaricade

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Legend of Total War here and today we've got a saving your disaster battle playing Total War Shogun 2 as a chosak cab going up against Clan amako where the balance of power doesn't look all that bad but the Tactical situation is kind of difficult to overcome and requires some Advanced tactics here because the katana samurai can basically demolish any of his units you know you would want to use your yui wall to stop them but the problem here then is that the bo asaru get in there first and demolish his y yagaru that are in the Yari wall and then allowing these guys to just go in and roll them over honestly the Yari Samurai here are not that big of a different big big of a deal so the combination of the two there are something that's he's not able to overcome he was saying that his archers just didn't seem to be able to be as good as their archers and I think that's because on very hard battle difficulty the AI doesn't get melee cheats it gets some archery cheats it's kind of the opposite of like Total War Warhammer wherein you would spam missile units in this one here spamming missile units is very very bad idea and the gy even said that he basically comes from a Warhammer 2 background so yeah don't don't bring your Warhammer 2 knowledge over here it won't work um if anything you should really have minimal number of archers in your army and it's mainly there to provide some tactical Maneuvers but yeah you don't rely on these Archer units to dish out loads of damage you rely on your melee units cuz battles happen insanely quickly in Total War Shogun 2 whereas in Warhammer 2 it happens a lot slower allowing archers to dish out damage faster anyway let's jump in here and I'll show a technique that we can potentially do it's all going to come down to preventing a skirmish from happen because unfortunately there archers dish out damage way too quickly and there's we don't have enough Cavalry to take them out quickly enough so well first thing I want to do is get into control group cuz the thing is like you can look at balance of power and there's certain situations especially in Siege defenses where you can go up against the odds where you've only got a sliver of balance of power but if the enemy are just spamming just say only Yari ashigaru and you've got a few gun units you can overcome amazing odds but on field battles where you there's nothing special about this Army whatsoever an evenly balanced battle could be an absolute nightmare so people value way too much the balance of power in these sort of games it's not the deciding factor in a battle what what matters is the Tactical advantages and how you maneuver your units balance of poers is an indicator of how much you need to overcome okay so what we want to do with our Melo units is bring them over here and just keep them hidden just for now yeah just keep them in there for now the Cavalry I want to hide these two L Cavalry over here they will forget that they were there now here's the here's the weird thing that we want to do we want to basically create a barricade situation cuz we got Deployable defenses here that's going to help us out in the beginning of the battle and at the end of the battle based on what we want to do cuz what I want to do is have these archers basically standing out here vulnerable they can't see our melee units they come charging after us they've only got melee infantry apart from their General I don't think that they're going to um send the general against them what we want to do is run all of their melee infantry back to here cuz the archers aren't going to pursue at which point our melee infantry come after their archers so what we want to do here is create a barricade situation that make it so that their archers just sort of don't really get around it but also make it so it's very easy to attack them so this here will prevent them from basically deploying long ways along this way and we could just run right through the corridors here and slaughter them as they're passing through but then here's the real kicker these guys lure those forces back over here and then we just withdraw them from the battlefield we will lose boun of power from doing that but at least these men here won't die and that's more important because it's not a multiplayer battle it's campaign we want these guys to survive so they can continue onto the siege and that's actually where archers really perform quite well is during attacking and defensive sieges so yeah we do a bit of this it creates barricades and this will make a portion of their army pathfind like absolute crap I know it seems really stupid but you just got to bear with me you'll see Okay it definitely provides a good amount of protection for our archers but then here's the thing when their forces come back after Chasing away our archers we and we have hopefully eliminated all of their archers we set up our Yari ashigaru in here right to basically block our flanks so that their numbers count for absolutely nothing we basically create our own thermopol now our general does have stand and fight and I'm sure at some point people be be saying oh you should just stand and fight no not in this situation if I put him in stand and fight they will try to pathfind it all the way through here I've had massive problems doing that in the past so not the right situation for it just want to make that clear now because I'm sure somebody's going to say why didn't you do it it was deliberate it will be deliberate instead I want my general running around and charging into their rears and distracting enemy units okay so we want to make sure that the enemy forces don't attack either hidden units can't hide the General's bodyguard well you you just can't hide your commanders unit bring them over here I don't think they're going to care so yeah the walk just past us here I definitely wanted to run in this direction here but I think that this is going to cause pathf finding issues and like I said I'm just not going to be able to use these guys in this battle based on this particular tactic but it's going to preserve their lives which is kind of important you know people don't send me in disaster battles and say hey Legend please destroy my Army but win the battle they want their army return to them at the end of it that's what I always Endeavor to do okay here we go so you can see here that this entire flank is going to have pathf finding issues that's why I went to loose formation which is going to be great for our archers okay start running them back over here don't be in loose formation now be on guard mode okay then here we run out here run out and you run out so you can make them run in Yari formation as long as you give move orders not attack orders what's this bash shagaru bash shagaru bagaru okay cool oh God didn't they already use their flaming attack is in Gra danger my Lord and look how many of their units are just running away there well not running away running after my troops that's exactly what I wanted and that is not what I wanted get out of there man now freaking light Cavalry got demolished by them pull them out but over here we the complete opposite absolutely slaughtered them what are they doing okay well I definitely wanted to get rid of these archers but the problem is they sent a yachty samurai there makes it a little bit more [Applause] tricky okay you guys can't stand a fight here okay go okay you guys get in over here my Lord General awesome you over here like I said we set up the situation so we can just run right through here super easily not a problem okay this one here we want to preserve the Integrity of its Army let's move that one back before they get wiped out okay bounce of power is not in our favor worse so than it was before it's only y as now we've got to get organized quickly start running them down I think I think we've got a little bit of time here no no move over this way yeah that's it break these katana samurai that's it that's it that's it okay cool all right get out of Yari wall all right this unit here just run just you're you're done for this battle as far as I'm concerned I think one of our units got wiped out and the rest of us hang on [ __ ] I'm not sure if we're going to have enough time oh God God all right start getting into Yari wall like this this is going to be [ __ ] hilarious I need to get into that hopefully they actually pathfind correctly in that you uh stay in the middle of them there actually no don't even bother just go back into the just just run off that way hang on I got to make sure they actually get in there proper okay hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on oh God I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough time unfortunately pathf finding issues double edge sword here yeah you get out of there you're done for now luckily they're they're actually waiting they they're buying us some time that's good they're recovering their fatigue that's fine that's fine okay you're out of that control group please all right you control [Applause] group all right start pathf finding in [Music] here might be a couple of guys on the edge here all right now with our Cavalry we should try to lure some of their for forces away just so that not all of our for not of am I trying to say not all of their forces are coming at us all at once it'll make it easier to break them now if I put stand and fight in the middle of that it'll have huge pathfinding issues not a good idea come on dude oh this is so stupid for [ __ ] sake yeah you really need to hurry and they all need to be on guard mode as [Music] well oh God this is going to be so [Laughter] stupid yeah it was all of this was just to get rid of their archers and to give us like essentially a choke point because you know what you can't spell chosak cab without choke yeah they they can't manage [ __ ] they don't know what to do no no no no no no here just give them one of these so I've turned this field battle into a fortress just need to keep my general nearby make sure that they don't route but if we have a look we're not taking much damage and we're definitely inflicting decent damage that's what it's all about here oh my God this is so freaking funny I've done this before but it's really [ __ ] hard to pull off it's obviously pathf finding issues with that they're trying to flank no flank there dude Legend Shogun 2 doesn't have any exploits really look at this katana samurai having no idea what to do nice look at this oh my God [ __ ] hilarious they they they can't fight for [ __ ] they're not doing any damage to us thank you run them down later more more important that we win the fight as opposed to anything else that other unit that got obliterated looks like some of our units weren't actually on um uh what's it called Yu wall I'm not sure what happened with that could have sworn I put them both or them all into it all right this one here is taking a bit of damage you guys need to move up a bit and I need to get this one into charge in here and these two cuz this this is where we're struggling a little bit over there yeah I've got most of my forces there kind makes sense boun of power is now even again it would be better if the light Cavalry charged in I'll just try to inspire them [Applause] good we broke them that's good move this one into into there a little bit okay get a background over there but yeah this technique if you're just using mow units is really bloody effective as you can see here he's a [ __ ] Catana Samurai and what we've done here is we've red we've basic basically turn this into a thermopol they they got no killing potential all right this guy for some reason he just refuses to get into position yeah don't let [ __ ] the wrong unit there [Music] aren't going to do anything and of course we want to try to make sure we wipe out as many of the enemy units as possible that's really important okay looks like the Army losses is pretty close to triggering but yeah we've definitely [Music] won our hidden units have been discovered my Lord and yeah yeah they've got um army losses my Lord a glorious Victory will soon be your cool now it doesn't look like we've got that much of our Force left on the battlefield but we got to keep in mind that our archers took [ __ ] no damage whatsoever well next to no damage they had like a couple of volleys on us one of our units of ashigaru broke from the battle I think it may have been obliterated but it's it's one and it didn't have much experience to begin with but if we have a look here 119 113 these against Samurai by the way and look at this one 132 kills and it barely took any damage my Lord and some that's what you want to see enemy generals dead army obliterated I'm very happy with how that turned out it's it's a bit touch and go for sure but yeah katana samurai are [ __ ] dangerous as hell um I didn't finish them off but looking at how many is left 11 they should get wiped out all right we're done here close Victory fair enough so let's have a look at the uh the damage here oh look at that none of our units got wiped out so we killed 1690 of them 650 remain but we only lost 665 and The Archers are all in really good shape it's cuz I withdrew them from the battlefield and there you go I think he'll be pretty happy with those results I mean his arm is in good shape you should still be able to pursue that Army it looks like it it's fairly close to the enemy Fort and because you've got a lot of archers and we took out pretty much all of theirs you'll be able to uh pursue and finish them off there so looking at it staying in enemy territory means no no replenishment but there we go so the fort's just over here I'm not going to make any Maneuvers here I'll let him decide that but anyway we' got through the battle there and hopefully you guys learned a new technique now that technique is very finicky so just be very careful if you ever use it you have to get rid of all the enemy Archers first so but yeah using the I got to coin something with I got to call give it a name I'm gonna call it the yui barricade Fort and we'll just we'll see how see how that goes anyway that's the end of this one here guys hope you learned something appreciate you and we'll see you next time later guys
Channel: LegendofTotalWar
Views: 281,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total war, shogun 2
Id: bL-7x4KhTC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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