OctoPrint Setup with Octolapse and AI Failure Detection using Spaghetti Detective for 3D Printing

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i love 3d printing i have a bunch of different printers and i've made all sorts of things over the years today what i want to show you how to do is use a raspberry pi and octoprint to be able to remotely control your printer also set it up using a webcam or pi cam so you can monitor your prints and make really cool looking time lapses and then on top of that i want to show you how you can use ai to monitor if your print fails and automatically pause it so you don't waste all that filament and time [Music] the first thing that we need to check is that this is going to work with your printer you need to make sure that your printer has a usb port on it that you can plug into the main board if you don't have that then you're going to be able to hook up the raspberry pi to the printer and this isn't going to work sorry the next thing is you're going to need is some hardware first off you need a raspberry pi i recommend either the 3b or the 4 honestly if you can swing it i would get the 4 just so you can future proof it also you're going to need an sd card for your raspberry pi i recommend from 8 to 64 gigabytes you're also going to need a usb cable to plug in your raspberry pi to your printer and a power cable for your raspberry pi make sure you get one that's powerful enough for the pi also you're going to need either a usb cam or the pi cam i do recommend that you get the pi cam just because it's ten dollars it's small and it can just attach right to the printer i'll have links down in the description for all this different stuff if you need to pick it up to get started come to the download page of octoprint that's just octoprint.org forward slash download and then we're going to scoot down here and we're going to download the raspberry pi imager all right with the raspberry pi imager depending on what system you're using download that i'm on windows so i'm just going to click download for windows and that should download and you can just come back to your the first page so we have our little instructions with that imager downloaded just click it to run it [Music] and then install and then just run it right away okay now for us we can follow these instructions so we're going to choose our os in this case it's going to be a specific purpose os and octopi and then just choose the latest stable version then for your storage with your sd card plugged in choose that and now here's the thing that makes this really nice hit control shift x and you're going to come up with some extra little configuration make sure you do enable ssh put in a nice password for your pi user [Music] and then also we can configure our wi-fi right away so put in your ssid change your country to whatever country you are i'm us based now i'm going to set this that's actually my time zone and everything and then if you already know how to do all this stuff you can skip it but we're going to run the wizard once it's all set up so hit save and then you can hit right yes and then this takes a little while [Music] all right there we are now that you have octopi installed on the sd card you want to take that card and put it into your raspberry pi plug in your power cable into the wall and then into the raspberry pi this will boot it up and then we can log on to the raspberry pi to access it you can go to octopi.local if this doesn't work for you you may need to put in your actual ip address where it's at you can find that in your router settings but octopi.local should work for most people all right so we're taking to the setup wizard we can just click next we don't have a backup this is a brand new so let's move on access control you're going to want to type in a username and some sort of password that way you can set this up create an account so you can't get down this is mandatory so you do need to set up and create this account now we need to configure the connectivity check we need to do this i like to just leave the normal settings basically she's going to check every 15 minutes to see if you have a working internet connection you can disable or enable anonymous usage tracking this is also mandatory then you have the blacklist i'm going to enable the plug-in blacklist this is stops any plug-ins that are known to have issues or be malicious from you installing and then i'm going to set up a default printer profile we'll need this later for the time lapses so for the width of my printers 220 just put in whatever your printer is i never touch this stuff and then this i'm using a 0.4 and i only have one extruder so just set that stuff up for the default printer you can change any of that stuff if you need to and then you can just hit finish and we're done with that setup now here we are in the octoprint this is the normal main page you can see there's a bunch of different tabs over here that we can look at different things in the printer we have our connection the status of the printer and then also the files and some notifications you can add all sorts of different things on here but i'm just going to go through real quick the basic stuff in this case i actually have had always good luck just hitting auto and hitting connect i like to save my settings and then auto connect on startup so i'll just hit connect and it should detect pretty quick and hook up to the printer this has worked from even really old printers like the anet a8 so i've never had this not work you may have to go play around with your baud rate and serial then you can see the state of your printer we are operational over here now we're going to start to get some temperature information down here in files you can upload your sliced files see if i've got anything all right i've got looks like i've got some low poly pikachu so i can upload that up so now this is on the pi so you can see this is small enough it didn't actually change any of my file size it's a pretty small file but now if i wanted i could load this up which means it's loaded not printing yet and then if i come over into gcode viewer i can see the g code of it so you can scroll through each of the layers and on any individual layer you can look through and see what it's going to be doing so i think that's pretty cool honestly though i never use that if you want to hit print it'll just start printing you can also come set up your temperatures you can come and say i'm going to do pla this will start heating up your bed and get your printer warming up i'm not going to do a print right now control you can move your printer around here's the x and y here's the z and here's what you set it and how many millimeters you want it to go you can extrude some filament if you need to if you have a webcam set up we'll do this later you should see it here you also have the terminal so here you can send commands to your printer and then time lapses you need the printer hooked up to be able to do that and we're going to use something a little bit better than the default time lapse so if you don't have a webcam this is it in order to set up the rest of the things that we want to do you're going to need a camera plugged into the raspberry pi make sure that the pi is booted off first before you plug in a camera if you have a usb webcam you can just plug that in and it should work with the raspberry pi i recommend hooking up a pie cam they're cheap super light and you can do some cool stuff with them they come with a little ribbon cable that you hook on to the camera and then hook into the clips on the pie and then you'll be able to monitor with this little camera i'm also going to 3d print a little case for the pie cam just to give it a little bit more strength and i'm actually going to use hot glue to attach it to my 3d printer i like hot glue just in that it's not permanent and it's nice and easy to kind of get things just how i want it there's all sorts of different things if you look on like thingiverse so that you can make it adjustable and to hold your camera and your pi and all sorts of stuff so check that out but in my case i'm just gonna do a super simple case that i can hot glue to my printer to really get the best looking time lapses we're gonna need to install a plug-in called octolabs if you come into the settings you can come down to plug-in manager and we're going to get some more type in octolapse and then install [Music] so after that finishes up it's all installed and we just need to click restart now and then yeah so with everything loaded back up you can see we have a new tab that's called octolapse now one thing to make sure everything works right come into control make sure that your webcam you can see something if not you're gonna need to troubleshoot what's wrong with it but so far for me everything's worked pretty much just fine either with a webcam or the pi cam so come over into octolapse and we're going to need to set this up so for the printer we're going to need to add a new one in my case i have the milled and printed 3d printer i'm going to import the inet a8 all right and now we should be good if you're using skura you're going to need to follow this guide to make sure that it's going to get all your configuration settings and then if you're doing slicer then you're going to need to follow this guide so it really depends on your different slicers i'm not going to go into those because it's really going to depend on what you're doing but we can just hit save make sure you follow the guides though depending on your slicer hit save and then we're good for the printer now what we want to do is we need to choose the stabilization so this is where do you want the print bed to go when it takes the picture for my case i want it in the front and then i want my uh print head to move to the left so the print bed is going to come out move the head off to the side and then it's going to take the photo for us so this is how you get really nice clean looking consistent layer by layer time lapses for the trigger i'm just going to do every layer you can play with this depending on how you want it the timer is really good if you're doing like a continuous spiral print um personally i'm a big fan of every layer but again you can play with these how you want i really think every layer is kind of the best now you're going to earn rendering for what you're looking for um so you can choose 30 frames a second 60 fixed lengths things like that you also come into the settings and make a different one most of my videos are in 24 frames per second so i'm actually just going to make this up real quick so we're going to come down and basically i'm just going to change this to 24. it's going to add a couple of seconds at the beginning and the end i'm just going to leave this bit right here for right now you can play with this to have better quality and i'm gonna hit save that way i have my 24 frames a second which merges better with my youtube videos if you have multiple cameras plugged in oh yeah i forgot to tell you this you can also plug in a different webcam like the usb and the pi cam then you can choose which camera you want to do these time lapses for and then you should be good to go if you want to test this you can turn on test mode then you can do your print and it won't actually print but you will see that everything is working but i just recommend printing something that isn't super important but you should be good to go now now when you take a print you're going to be able to get some really cool plugins if you don't want to do that because it does take a little bit longer you can disable it but yeah that's it for octolapse let's do some cool little time lapses [Music] the pikachu turned out really good i'm happy with the print but honestly the time lapse focus was a little bit out of focus so we need to adjust that i unhooked the camera here the pi cam and i printed off this little wrench so i can adjust the focus on it you just put that on there and turn it and then you're able to adjust where it's focused at and in this case i need it focused pretty close looks like my focus is further away so you may have that issue a lot of the pie cams come with a little focus turner i think you can buy one from adafruit for like 95 cents but i didn't have one or i lost mine and so i just printed off this little wrench so i'm going to adjust that and then do another time lapse [Music] now that we have octolapse all set up and our time lapses are looking nice and so we know the camera is working well i want to hook up spaghetti detector or use the spaghetti detector plug-in so we can monitor if there's errors and automatically pause your prints this is totally optional but for me this really helps save me filament and wasted materials and i think that matters 3d printing while it's not the most expensive hobby i could be buying ferraris it does cost in filament especially if you're using more exotic filaments so i think the spaghetti detector is a well worth plug-in to set up the spaghetti detective we're going to come back in here to our plug-in manager get more and type in spaghetti click install and we just wait for that to install [Music] after that's done you're going to need to go through all the steps restart your pie and wait for that to restart back up the first time that you reload after you've installed the spaghetti detective you'll get this nice setup wizard so just click on setup plug-in in my case i'm going to do the web setup you can do the mobile setup if you have that it's no problem so i'll continue with that so we're gonna click here to open the website in a separate tab now you need to sign up you can use your email address or you can just use google or facebook i've actually already set this up before so i'm going to sign in with google plus so now with this page we're going to link our printer so just click this next it should find on your local network the raspberry pi that has it running click link and then you can say link now then you get to name your printer and then go check out the printer feed so here i've got it operational i don't have a print actually going so the detective isn't watching now you can have this plugged in you can tell it to stop watching for failures if you want or you can even have it watch for failures but then not actually stop in case you detect failures so you can turn this on and off depending on what you want what's also cool about this is it saves the time lapses for you so i have various time lapses um i've been using this for a while and it's really cool these time lapses are going to be every 10 seconds so they're gonna look a little bit different than your octolapse time lapses even though it's the same camera taking it which i think is pretty cool so there you have it the spaghetti detective is installed i hope that this was useful for you and then you were able to get octopi set up on your printer let me know down in the comments if there's other things that you've set up with octoprint that you really like and phil are essential for this software there's tons of different plugins and it'd be great to kind of let people know what stuff has worked for you also if you're sterling and you're watching this i made this video for you and you better get this set up thanks so much for watching and take care color check color check oh yeah color check color check color check yum yum yum
Channel: Build It Make It
Views: 4,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, 3d printer, octoprint, octolapse, spaghetti detective, the spaghetti detective, 3d, how to, diy, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, picam, raspberry pi camera, timelapse, 3d printing timelapse, maker, filament detection, 3d printing ai, ai, octoprint how to, octopi how to
Id: qqoAYZuxRZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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