Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent - 8 Things You Need to Know

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[Music] team asano the square enix studio that brought you bravely to fall 2 triangle strategy and the critically acclaimed octopath traveler is ready to take you back to the land of orstera this time on ios and android with octopath traveler champions of the continent here are naturally 8 things you need to know presented by octopath traveler champions of the continent octopath traveler champions of the continent is a prequel set a few years before the events of the original game if you've played octopath traveler you'll recognize a lot here but the game is designed to be completely playable for newcomers as well you play as the chosen ones of a divine ring traveling the world of orstera on a quest to find the other seven divine rings as you probably noticed stuff tends to happen in eights in arstera along the way you'll help free the population from the grip of tyranny three tyrants specifically each obsessed with a different vice wealth power and fame in their hunger for these things the tyrants have unleashed great darkness and misery upon the land and it's up to you the champions of the continent to rise against them [Music] each tyrant has their own storyline and you'll get to pick which to start on choose wealth to go up against herminia the covetous witch who's all-consuming greed has plunged the town of valor into darkness and depravity choose power to tackle titus the leader of the scarlet wings a former criminal he now styles himself as a hero ruling ember glow with an iron fist in the snow swept frostland or you can pick fame to square off against auguste the genius playwright who leads the poor souls of theatropolis astray with his honeyed words eventually you can and probably should play through them all but feel free to choose which tyrant you want to defeat first or pick the evil that most appeals to you no judgment here [Music] the visual look of champions of the continent will be familiar to fans of the original octopath traveler the prequel also uses the popular hd 2d technology so the land of orstera is rendered with a mix of 2d pixel art and 3d cg effect enhancements explore detailed environments full of lovingly rendered enemies treasures and characters even better the hd 2d visuals are accompanied by music by yasunori nishiki the composer of the original octopath traveler who has returned to contribute brand new compositions to octopath traveler champions of the continent [Music] your party consists of eight characters each character is upgradeable and customizable in their abilities as they level up and is a unique individual in the world octopath veterans may recognize some of them such as tressa who's returning from the original game and available at launch you'll want to build a party that includes a variety of classes not just packed with basic fighters and spell casters but including more uncommon classes like scholars thieves and dancers thankfully eight party means you've got plenty of room to play and experiment with over 64 total characters at launch you can custom build a team that can do everything you want them to do to complete your epic journey here's an unusual thing for an rpg octopath traveler champions of the continent has no restorative items all of your healing will be done by swapping between rows and your party in a battle you'll have four characters in the front row and four characters in the back row while in the back row characters will regain hit points and spell points each turn they spend there you can swap them back and forth during battle so keep a regular rotation going to make sure your party is healed up and ready to jump up front and contribute you don't want to lose anyone during a fight because each character's abilities matter especially when it comes to the types of damage they can do the core of octopath travelers combat is the brake system to do real damage to a foe you'll have to break their guard first with their guard up an enemy will be extremely resistant to most of your attacks but every enemy is weak to at least one kind of damage that's what the boxes under them represent they can be weak to a particular weapon type like a sword or a spear or elemental damage like fire or lightning hit an enemy with an attack type matching their weakness and you'll see their guards start to break the shield icon under them will get cracked and the number inside the shield will count down by one with each hit from a weakness type reduce the number to zero and the enemy will break when that happens they are fully vulnerable and unable to act against you so it's time to boost and unleash your most powerful attacks on them for victory while you run around the world you'll get into random battles pretty often against run-of-the-mill enemies but occasionally you can find special encounters on the overworld with extra powerful enemies called elite enemies think of them as optional mini bosses these guys are visible unlike random battles and you have to choose to fight them elites are much stronger than random battles in a given area so make sure your team is fully healed and has enough sp for a big fight that will require you to use everything you know about the brake system to beat them strategically remember the tyrants and their obsessions with wealth power and fame your characters can also develop affinities for those things which tie into path actions you'll often encounter npcs who have colored speech bubbles over their heads this indicates that you can interact with them using a path action depending on how your influence compares to theirs your negotiation method will change allowing you to negotiate with money resolve the issue with force or sweet talk to get your way with luck your odds of success at these actions are determined by your character's affinities for wealth power and fame failure will impact your local reputation so choose wisely whether you were a fan of the original game or brand new to the series octopath traveler champions of the continent aims to give you a true console quality rpg experience in the palm of your hand you can download it now on the app store and google play store and for more on all things octopath traveler stay tuned to ign
Channel: IGN
Views: 124,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ussponsored, Square Enix, Octopath traveler, Octopath traveler champions of the continent, champions of the continent, team asano, bravely default 2, triangle strategy, hd2d, hd, 2d, Yasunori Nishiki, game, nintendo, pixel art, ios, android, iphone, mobile, divine ring, Orsterra, Herminia, Tytos, Auguste, octopath traveler music, characters, customize, tressa, party, fighter, scholar, Break System, guard, enemy, Elite enemy, App Store, Google Play Store, console-quality
Id: 3KHxIlTUXzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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