Octonauts - Messy Work | Compilation | Cartoons for Kids

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we're coming up to the trench captain excellent dashie steady as she goes that must be it it looks really deep let's find a safe place to set the ship down near the trench prepare to land shiver whiskers the sea floor's all pink and wiggly looking dashie pull up now i'm on it captain we'll have to find another place to land that looks like a good spot captain i noticed we changed course is everything all right i don't know shellington what do you make of that fascinating captain those are sea pigs say pigs yes sea pigs are creatures that live in the deep ocean but they don't swim they walk around on the seafloor with little legs and it looks like they're walking straight towards the trench that's not good if they fall in they would be able to swim out that's a long way to fall matey that's not the only problem sea pigs eat bits of food that drift down from the surface of the ocean and hardly any of it gets down that far hi so they'd be stuck and hungry quasi sound the opto alert octonauts to the launch bay octonauts a large herd of sea pigs is heading towards the trench we have to stop them before they fall in we'll need gups a b c d and e octonauts let's do this attention sea pigs you must turn around you're walking straight towards some food no it's a very deep trench if you continue on your course you will go please listen to me the trench is really deep and there's no food for you down there of course that's it captain i think the sea pigs may have picked up the scent of food on the other side of the trench they can smell food from very far away then we better find whatever it is the sea pigs are smelling and bring it over to this side of the trench for them to eat kwazii tweek dashi and shellington you come with me peso stay here and keep an eye on the sea pigs this must be what the sea pigs are smelling yeah those fellows actually eat this slimy stuff it's rotten sea kelp that's fallen down from the surface for sea pigs it's very healthy healthy or not i reckon it smells awful i'm glad i've got this helmet on it'll take forever to gather all this up captain the sea pigs are getting closer to the edge you have to hurry but there's no way we can get this slop over to the sea peaks in time unless octonauts stay here and load this into the cups as quickly as you can in the meantime i think there might be a way to distract them yes i know it smells but we need to make something even smellier can you use this to cook an extra smelly feast for a huge herd of hungry sea pigs and fast [Music] that smells awful great work i'm sure the sea pigs will love it captain i can't hold them back any longer and you won't have to [Music] feast [Music] uh oh hey the gup x is sinking into the mud we need your help now on my way captain right pesos let's hope that cup of yours can take the strain okay tunic full reverse power tune up oh no hey so let's go quasi tunip has fallen into the trench i need you to go after him fast aye aye captain everyone else some of the sea pigs have followed the gup x into the trench we need to rescue them too [Music] i'm coming for you tunic [Music] you but i can't see you he must be buried in the mud well there's a lot of mud down here goodbye we can't save a one by one it'll take too long then we'll have to round them up octonauts follow me as fast as you can we're going to make a sea pig whirlpool it's working peso open the cup ease holding tank [Music] any sign of tunip and the glider no captain they've disappeared request backup we need more than backup quasi we need a plan [Music] and i think i might just have one [Music] today's the big day [Music] to the launch bay octonauts tweek has something very exciting planned for us today that's right it's time for the first ever inspection of the gup x inspection what kind of inspection we're gonna make sure that every part of the gup x is working the way it should i've got a whole checklist of things to test out that doesn't sound very exciting it is when you do it in the night zone quasi the midnight zone now you're talking the midnight zone is the deepest part of the ocean and can be very dangerous if the gup x works down there it'll work anywhere exactly now why don't we get the show on the road octonauts let's do this [Music] okay first things first let's test out the suction tires everyone hold on isn't there a safer way to check the suction tires nope suction tires check we're now entering the midnight zone automatic headlights check let's test the backup lights flip that switch hydrothermal vents captain it looks like he had a rough landing everything okay down there we're fine dashie but take a look at this dub cameras check jumping jellyfish the black smoke coming out of this hydrothermal vent is actually really hot water hot enough to melt the cup be careful captain thanks shellington huh that was a close one tweak how's the gup x doing ah engines still running computer is online super tough outer shell is handling the heat just fine good let's continue the inspection away from these hydrothermal vents [Music] okay cam activate the glider check [Music] you look like you've just seen a sea ghost must be my imagination come on quasi we'd better get back inside come on tweak what was out there well i know it sounds crazy but i could have sworn i saw something white and furry climbing around on the gup white furry oh mateys there's only one thing it could be i see of yeti white beast the sea yeti lurks in the darkest depths of the midnight zone but you'll always smell it before you see it i see yeti's foul breath smells like rotten eggs and he's strong enough to knock out the mightiest pirate now that you mention it it does smell sort of funny in here note to self replace the air freshener well see yeti on no see yeti we'd better finish the inspection there's just one more thing on my checklist cap the hot cocoa machine [Music] well oh check that does it the cup x is in total and complete 100 work in order sounds like we have a stowaway oh this smells like it too [Applause] [Music] yet he's got me i am not a sea youth i am a yeti crab and my name is claus a yeti crab whatever you are matey you don't smell too good sort of like rotten eggs yeah that is a smell from the hydrothermal vents where i live oh it smells delicious sure you live near the hydrothermal vents aren't they very hot and dangerous not for our yeti crab i use the hairs on my arms to catch tiny bits of food coming out of the vents but there is nothing to eat inside this rock and i am also hungry this isn't a rock it's our ship your ship oh part of me we yucky crabs are blind i cannot see a thing in that case klaus you'd better let us take you back home oh thank you that's what they've walked about it is almost my dinner time all right octonauts back to the hydrothermal vents no our little friend here must have done some damage when he was looking for food in the van i might have snipped a few things in there captain if we don't stop the gup we're going to crash into the hydrothermal vents there's no room to turn the cup around captain it looks like the problem is a disconnected wire behind the main control panel can you reconnect and tweak sure think yeah there's just one small problem the main control panel can only be reached from the outside panel should be right over here [Music] now i just [Music] but i just can't reach the bars it's hopeless my home will be destroyed for sure i will never eat again don't worry klaus we'll think of something won't we klaus there's only one person the right size for the job me of course i'm not even not a shortcut oh i have come to help save my home y'all oh and your all right all you have to do is reconnect the red wires oh with my long arms and grabby claws that should be easy oh careful the red wire not the blue one oops i'm sorry i cannot see you remember right [Music] isn't that right captain captain was he peso come and take a look at this what are those things dumping jellyfish they're a big problem each one is a seed from a red mangrove tree the seeds fall from the trees and take root in the seabed along the coast so what's the big problem matey these seeds have drifted too far out to sea they can't grow in water this deep and if they don't grow they won't become part of the mangrove forest which helps protect the coastline in that case we'd better do something don't worry captain i've got this one covered i'll just gather up the seeds and replant them [Music] sounds like a big job you might need some help shiny attention vegetables please meet shellington in the launch bay and bring your gardening tools [Music] all right tunic let's gather up these mangrove seeds activate the gut vacuum all right captain we're off to the mangrove forest to plant these seeds good luck shellington let us know if you need any help don't worry captain we'll have this done in a jiffy [Music] the water is getting too shallow for the gup we'll have to swim from here [Music] all right vegetables take a seed make a hole and push the tip into the ground [Music] there you go easy isn't it now let's plant some more come in shellington how's the planting going oh we're making good progress captain as i said we've got this completely under control right tunip jinnip uh captain i think we may have a wee bit of a problem what is it chillington the vegimals they've disappeared dashi sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay octonauts we have an emergency the vegetables have gone missing oh my gosh they must have gone into the mangrove forest but why i don't know but we're going to help you find them quasi peso to the guppsy tweet open the octahedge captain the vegimals must have gone in here and look what they left behind what creature makes a bite like this yeah looks like the bite of a fine tooth snapper whatever it is we'd better be careful [Music] hello oh i'm so pleased to see you looks like all the vegimals are safe and sound but what were they doing hiding in here they were attacked by something fast moving with big sharp teeth i knew it thank you snapper show yourself whoa easy quasi everyone wait here while i take a look around hmm it looks like the coast is clear oh good because we still have a few more mangrove seats to plant come on vegemats barracudas everyone back into the mangrove forest those barracudas came out of nowhere of course barracudas really like shiny things like the vegetables tools they must think they're food don't worry tunip they shouldn't follow us in here barracudas like to stay in deeper water can we just wait for them to go away no barracudas are very patient they can wait a long long time for their food attention barracudas hello what is it please stop attacking us so we can plant our mangrove seeds we'd like to believe me that those shiny things just look so delicious yes we go crazy when we see them we can't help it okay but this is just a gardening tool it's not food they're just too hungry to listen we'll have to distract the barracudas while the vegetables finish the planting everyone in position [Music] go hey look at this shiny [Music] hey barracudas over here [Music] that's it we just have to keep them busy until the vegetables are finished planting captain i can't keep this up much longer [Music] i didn't think the barracudas would follow the vegimals into the mangrove forest they must be really hungry captain how are we going to get them and their tools back to the gup yeah as soon as they get back in the water the barracudas will attack them then we'll need to find some way to keep the vegetables above water captain mangrove trees prop themselves up above the water using special roots stilt roots stilt roots [Music] hang on vegetables we're coming for you what's our position dashie just approaching the eastern coast of australia captain australia i've heard a tale or two about the strange beasties that live there me hearties actually quasi's right many of the creatures in australia are found nowhere else in the world hold on everyone is everyone okay i'm fine okay yes i think so hi captain just practicing my tumbles dashie what just happened well we were passing this river captain there's been a lot of rain in this area and all the extra water caused the river to flood it's gushing out here into the ocean much faster than usual [Music] to the launchpad after launch the river here is flooding we've got to head upstream and help any creatures who may be in trouble quasi peso shellington into the cafe [Music] but first we have to rescue the river creatures that have been swept out to sea activate fish now let's take them back home be careful out there little fishies this river's flowing fast looks like the flooding caught a lot of damage there must be more creatures out there who need our help octonauts let's do this well done octonauts everything looked back to normal let's head home before it gets too dark i'll be right there captain it looks like part of the riverbank has collapsed i just want to make sure no creatures were hurt all right shellington captain quasi's found something placed your eyes on this hmm an egg it was just sitting there all alone on the riverbed captain we'd better get it back to where it belongs but where's that the shell is hard and thick this egg was laid on land we should show it to um oh it stung my leg what what stung your leg one of them don't let him get away [Music] we're under attack quick everyone back to the cup what happened out there shellington two creatures came out of nowhere and one of them stung me in the leg what were those things they had bills and claws and hold on i'll be your sea monkey's uncle it's a pair of duck-faced river monsters a pair of duck-faced what now quasi it is a strange slippery beast that's said to lurk in australian rivers just like this one it's made up of hearts from different creatures a bill like a duck fur like a bear webbed paws like an otter claws like a cat a tail like a beaver and worst of all a sharp spiny stinger like a giant bumblebee this is thing is the work of the duck-faced river monster [Music] whatever it was that stung you it looks serious how are you feeling shellington uh not too good captain don't worry shellington i'm sure i can make you better i just need my medical bag captain i must have dropped it it's out there with the duck-faced river monsters peso you stay in the gap and look after shellington as best you can quasi you and i are going out there to find pesos medical bag oh i almost forgot we'll find out who this egg belongs to and return it just as soon as we take care of shellington good luck out there sorry oh no sign of the creatures yet no sign of pesos medical bag either it could be anywhere in this murky monkey oh looks like we've got company quasi you keep them distracted while i search the riverbed ready ready captain then let's do this hey you duck over face i'm not scared of you whatever you are ah it's around here but somewhere i did it i led those monsters on a wild goose hmm this time quasi you look for the bag and i'll lead the creatures away aye aye captain hey up here that's it here i am what's taking the captain and quasi so long don't worry shellington they'll be back soon i hope liberty flippers the eggs hatching fuzzy [Music] fascinating a filled a furry tail a webbed claw it's a duck-faced river monster it's really cute oh jumping jellyfish that's no monster it's a baby platypus a platypus platypuses are river creatures that lay eggs they only live here in australia then those creatures outside must be platypuses too that's right and platypus fathers have stingers on their back legs no wonder he stung me they want their baby back i'd better get it back to them before anyone else gets hurt careful on that leg shellington i'll be right back um excuse me and what over not going to cooperate huh all right then get ready to feel the sting stop look our baby who's got your bill and your tail a baby duck-faced monster it's not a duck-faced monster it's a duck-billed platypus it hatched from that egg you found our egg must have rolled into the river during the flood we were looking everywhere for it [Music] you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 2,742,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark
Id: Wvmjr2v2UCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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