Octonauts: Above & Beyond - Helping a Friend in Need | Anti-Bullying Month 🫶 | @OctonautsandFriends​

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foreign [Applause] [Music] oh we just missed hey everyone all right I'm good oh shape oh look at this place it's a mess and I'm still hungry I know you didn't mean to damage this ecosystem Carl but all that grass you ate was helping to hold the shoreline together now it's crumbling into the river oh wow nothing I could do about it now so I guess I'll just go where there's more food he's leaving and good riddance I'm afraid there's nothing good about it Carl will just keep eating his way up the river and into the Great Lakes [Music] hey I'm stuck here somebody give me a hand oh maybe I shouldn't have eaten all that grass no do you see what you've done to this ecosystem Carl I guess I really did mess things up pretty bad around luck well matey if you let us we can help you Carl we know your home is in Asia would you like us to take you back there they'll be just the right amount of food for you there right now I'd rather be anywhere but here okay you've got a deal there is still a problem though how do we get him out oh might be Periwinkle can lift him out like before Periwinkle now where has he gone wow good work son thanks Mom you know this is maybe the most fun vacation ever [Music] foreign welcome home oh I don't know about this I used to be a big fish in a little Pond what if I don't fit in here wait check it out and you guys but screw you know in here hey where'd he go [Music] nice you're gonna fit in here gray we can show you where there's lots of grass to eat come on yeah come on in mate wow [Music] I've got this one Ahoy we're helping a lost baby giraffe find his mother does this little Nipper belong to one of you that's no giraffe even though his tongue is long like ours [Music] quarters is picking up infrasonic noises but they're not coming from our little guy sounds like Mom I don't hear anything I'll turn up the volume out oh sorry your ears must be very sensitive to be able to hear things that we can't are you sure that was your mom oh yes my mom well I suppose we can make an exception to the stay put rule tweak that infrasonic noise could be the baby's mom it's not far from us so we'll meet you there here's the Creator record of the picked out the sound and that must be the Critter that's making the infrasonic noises Ahoy what sort of animal are you we know you're not a zebra or a giraffe that's because I'm an okapi well mum we found your baby Ronald what are you doing you can't be here you have to stay in your nest for protection you see we all copies have special feet that let out his smell and create a stinky Trail wherever we go oh I smell what you mean even though baby or copies don't smell quite as strong as their mamas it's best for them to stay put so they don't make a scent Trail that is interesting but why is having a Santa problem because our scent can attract s [Music] but I smelled one a copy but it looks like I felt two more copies for lunch a lucky me run Ronald run wow there won't be any a copy on the menu today matey I have another idea no meal is worth this not even a coffee well I'll be a sea Monkey's Uncle hello I don't suppose you're in trouble are you you mean apart from dangling off a ledge uh no I don't think so [Music] that's a close one ah there you are as I was seeing cave Winters are likely to jump out to anyone who surprises them that's the pirate way too all right back into the dark for me so long well looks like we just went on one big wild wetter Chase all the wetters we found seemed okay to me but that bird definitely told me he saw a wetter in trouble wait what did that bird look like um let me think pink legs black wings and a thin Bill the white wing stilt that's the one and they only live in an area near Lake Tasman which means we've got to go right back to where we started that weather has got to be around her somewhere we're going to have to split up good idea Mighty come on wetter where are you [Music] keep your voice down um my ears are up here weird mine are in my legs really that's splashing are you in trouble by any chance well someone wants to eat my even dinner so I guess that would be a yes who would want to eat a wetter you know that's Reds really absolutely anything [Music] I found our weather oh no we're dropped this is probably not a good time to tell you I'm a terrible swimmer look at this to you for the price of one you can make the jump not really mate giant wetters are also terrible jumpers otherwise we're just too heavy then I'll jump for us last one mate you saved the day although we are on a melting iceberg in the middle of a lake and unlike giant wetters rats are really good swimmers it was just mine hey now come on awesome it's been nice snow in here mateys fancy a Pani Patty anyone very nice and crunchy oh I'll give it a try [Music] that's their pirate way you need to stop Ernesto there's a fungus in this stream that could make him sick we better keep an eye out for Ernesto before he gets too close to the stream already after him [Applause] have you spotted Ernesto no this is a call for her [Music] I've got this [Music] Ernesto please stop it's too dangerous who do you mean delicious do not worry bunny proud only eat Frog's eggs I got much too big to fit in their mouths but not too big to fit into that Coral snake's mouth [Music] now there is a rare and delicacy thing that's disappointing perhaps this fish biscuit will make up for that tasty gracias bunny now you will take me to my new family I'm afraid the water in your cousin's dream will only make you sick me Amigo but I have waited so long to meet them I know but don't worry they're not going anywhere so sorry to drop in Dashi are those mine foreign that was an amazing rescue is everyone all right we are fine senior Pedro I only wish we were not separated from her new cousin I have waited 10 years not to be alone what is a few more days [Music] she knows my friends your stream is clean and free of fungus and so are the water frogs does that mean it's time to welcome your new family into their new home it is a very nice home Ernesto it is even nicer with company amazing they never even knew each other existed before and now it's like they've known each other all their lives kind of like when I met you guys oh we're glad we found YouTube Honey to the octorate wow look at that I'm Captain Barnacles I like to go with the flow have and Beyond
Channel: Octonauts and Friends
Views: 419,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octonauts, octonauts above and beyond, barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, tweak, dashi, calico jack, octonauts full episodes, octonauts youtube, octonauts episode 1, octonauts season 5, octonauts season 6, octo agents, paani, professor natquik, ryla, ranger marsh, skeleton coast adventure, shellington, octoray, brand new gups, Terra-GUP 1, Terra-GUP 2, new octonauts, Terra GUP 3, Terra GUP 4, Terra GUP 5, adventures for kids, help a friend, anti bullying month
Id: uOZJizvF2jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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