Octonauts: Above & Beyond - ๐Ÿ Sneaky Snakes | World Snake Day ๐Ÿ | Compilation | @Octonautsโ€‹

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foreign looks like we got here just in time there was some Landslide you were caught in not just me meet Charlie well I'll be wow I have glad to meet you nice to meet you too I'm tweet this is TuneIn and that's there's a little snake I'm hot spring snaker we're the only snakes in the world that can live on a cold snowy mountain but how'd you keep warm well usually we stay toasty by calling up in a nice warm hot spring oh a hot spring is a little pool of warm water that bubbles up from underground it's heated by the Rocks Under the Earth so it stays warm even in the snow unfortunately a Mudslide Berry Charlie's Hot Spring under a thick layer of icy mud yeah the mud swept me down the mountain and I was too cold to move fast enough to get out of the way if poor Charlie here doesn't find a new Hot Spring soon he'll freeze according to our heat tracker there might be a hot spring right here it's not too far but the only way there looks pretty rough I'll do my best to keep the tearing up one going [Music] what do you think peso Charlie's body temperature if you have a heating pad or a heat lamp that will help oh no heating pad Taco oh oh good thinking Junior those Boulders are blocking our way yeah try that big green button wow now let's see what it can do you use a controller Dashie I'm already on it [Music] foreign of a rhinoceros beetle brilliant [Music] feet are working really well these cups as stuff as a beater that's for sure we're almost at the hot spring it's right over oh what is it well the hot spring is on the other side of this deep crevasse oh no oh we're so close [Music] Dashi I'd like to stay and keep watch over them and I'll stay two to work on my map of the area good idea I'll come back for you when the caterpillars turn into butterflies [Music] rise and shinemo we moved everyone to this new area with plenty of plantains this is fantastic everybody wake up time to eat now that our tummies are full it's time to make our chrysalises so we can turn into butterflies time you see me I'll have wings wish me luck good luck [Music] it won't be long now before they hatch out of their chrysalises as butterflies we didn't get to eat the caterpillars but chrysalises are tasty too let's go for it stinks [Music] they'll eat the chrysalises quick we have to stop them [Music] so fast I'm hungry [Music] [Applause] [Music] biscuits nope no thanks oh what was that something's coming [Music] look [Music] it's the caterpillars they've turned into butterflies wow [Music] the one and only and look at how fabulous I Have Become [Music] the butterflies have emerged incredible I'm on my way now great you really don't want to miss this you need to stop Ernesto there's a fungus in this spring that could make him sick we better keep an eye out for Ernesto before he gets too close to the stream already after him oh have you spotted Ernesto no this is a call for her don't worry I've got this foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] now you will take me to my new family I'm afraid the water in your cousin's dream will only make you sick me Amigo but I have waited so long to meet them I know but don't worry they're not going anywhere so sorry to drop in Dashi are those my uh Migos oh that was an amazing rescue is everyone all right we are fine senior Pedro I only wish we were not separated from our new cousin I have waited 10 years not to be alone what is a few more days [Music] she knows my friends your stream is clean and free of fungus and so are the water frogs does that mean it's time to welcome your new family into their new home it is a very nice home Ernesto it is even nicer with company amazing they never even knew each other existed before and now it's like they've known each other all their lives kind of like when I met you guys oh we're glad we found YouTube honey I'm sticking to this tree no matter what I'm afraid we can't go anywhere either our egg is about to hatch so I sealed up our Nest to keep them safe them are you saying Mrs hornbill is sealed inside there too only five months just until our chick is old enough to fly it's not so bad there's a little hole where I'll bring them food they're not going anywhere for now we can't risk harming the hornbills looks like we'll have to move this tree upright [Music] you can handle it I can use my map to lead you on the smoothest path to the safest location just across the river excellent Wazi and I will stay behind to make sure a teeth doesn't follow you careful around the roots tweak whoa careful sorry about that Mrs we'll be fun just make it across that road bridge Hey where's my scratching tree go now a teeth I'm sorry but the creatures in that tree were in danger so we had to move it plenty more trees in the forest Mighty we can help you find one like this one Sleek stylish a real itch scratcher but I want my scratching tree [Music] that's it tweak slow and steady yes steady is good please be careful my wife and chick are inside I can do the slow part I'm not so sure about steady no no forget slow the teeth is right on our tail hold on Letty let me pass that's my scratching dream no can do matey there are creatures in that snag [Music] oh no twig open the hatch foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah sorry quasi [Music] just a bit further and we'll be back at the Rangers [Music] flippers how will we get to him now that tree looks too big for the gut K to jump through oh [Music] you'll get lost in the murky water here grab on me online oh yeah we're trapped don't fall off that was a close one I don't know what we would have done without your head I'm just glad we got to you in time you have Ranger Marsh to thank for that well I had a lot of help you're still a great tracker tweet and I gotta admit all your gadgets really came in handy today I'm proud of you thanks Bob oh [Music] Barnacles come on everyone join in right let's go
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 1,159,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octonauts, octonauts above and beyond, barnacles, kwazii, peso, professor inkling, dashi, calico jack, octonauts full episodes, octonauts youtube, octonauts episode 1, octonauts season 5, octonauts season 6, octo agents, paani, natquik, ranger marsh, skeleton coast adventure, shellington, creature report, octoray, brand new GUPs, Terra-GUP 1, Terra-GUP 2, new octonauts, Terra-GUPs, Terra GUP 3, world snake day, sneaky snakes, hot spring snake, python
Id: 8K3yX6bg3hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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