Fix Broadcom WiFi in macOS Sonoma Hackintosh 2024

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right guys it's me again and in today's video I'm going to do a update of this video that I did two months ago and since we have the latest release of open cor Legacy PARTA and I know there are some few changes that have been made so I'll be just doing this one a short video tutorial to show you how you can patch your Wi-Fi on the Sonoma and this one is not for Intel based wireless card this is if you have the modern broadcom wireless cards only so if you are on Intel you need to find the the necessary CES that you be used on your Intel Wi-Fi so if you have the the likes of the pen vt1 t919 card or the BCM broadcom card which one natively supported on Ventura and below so this is a video for you so as you can see here my this is my Sonoma and if you go to about this Mark you can see this is the version 23 a 344 so 14.0 so and if you go to the sorry if you go to the wifi you can see nothing is happening so we'll need to patch that and as you if you if you check the sorry the GitHub repository of the open C Legacy parture you can see the latest release of the open col departure was 14 hours ago the V 1.0.1 so you and also in this video you don't need X code or the canel debug kit like this like what I I did on this video so you just need the application and the required Cs and that's all so without wasting much time let's go to the not the requirement let's go to the to the guide I'll leave a link in the description below where you can just use this one so this one is for the aint toos note so let me just mount my EFI and then we can continue so this is my one [Music] TB that that is that has this Sona so let me just Mount this partition so first thing first you need to disable the Sip and also on your we just go here and then the the sep disabling will do it as we restart our machine so open your config pist CL configurator or any any and then as you can see here it says you need to add this to your EnV Ram so just go to EnV RAM and then here we need to change first of all let me let me show you something before we continue if I so this this is the latest version of open call Legacy pure if I open it and try to patch my system let me just show you open if I go to post install root patch you can see the available purchase for my system is networking mod Wireless but I cannot PCH this due to zp is enable require this or higher current this one so what you need to do is so let's continue let's go to here and then just copy this like so and then come paste it there and then let's go to we need to disable F amfi let's go to let's add this Bo hug okay here on the boot tags just paste it anywhere I just paste it at the back like so and then let's save our config pist so the next thing we need to go to Let's block this iwalk iio Skywalk C so what you need to do copy that one come here go to the canel tab and then on the Block make sure you're on the Block and then add and then press this one here and then say set the m canel to 23 0.0 so mean canel here just paste it there and then let's go to if you open the reference you can see this one is the we need to downgrade the Skywalk so let's go let's just add this comment right here so the next thing we need to make sure this one is blocked soorry we jump this one we need to disable secure boot so I'll just we just go there next so here on the strategy we need to exclude this one and then make sure we check the enable the next step we need to come to miscellanous and then on security tab you need to disable secure model make sure it's disabled so let's save our config pist and then let's just close it fast the next step we need to inject these two CES so these are the two CES that we need to inject to our config our EFI sorry just copy it open our EFI OC CES and then you can see I don't have the the C so let me just paste it there so you can see this is our two CES the next thing we need to open our config P list again let's go to the canel and then I need to I need to I need to add the CES which will include our newly in installed C so let me just drag it here and as you can see here we have the three newly two and one plugin right here so what you need to do you need to add this Skywalk to the to be the first one and then as it says here you need to set the main canel to 23 comma 0 23 sorry. 0.0 so for all those KES so I'll just come here and then mean canel I'll just paste it there also this one and this one so and that's it so let me just save and then just quit open code configurator so I'll just I'll need to restart the machine and then we can now come to patch our system or or we don't need to restart actually let me just run open col Legacy P since but it says you need to so what you need to do you need to restart the machine so let me just click here and then I'll see you in a minute it's 1406 okay so we are on recovery mode so just click on continue and then come here to utilities terminal and then you you need to type this CSR util disable it enter so you can see system protection is off we need to restart the machine so we need to close this one and then restart okay guys so after the restart you can see the wifi has changed and you can see the available but if you go [Music] to to the Wi-Fi it does not show the available Wi-Fi network so that's what we need to do in the next step we need to patch our our Wi-Fi so what you need to do is just we need to open now the open collea up and then go to post install root patch now as you can see right now we don't have any issue so we just need to since we have fixed it so click on there and then enter your password now the rooting process is or the patching process is starting as you can see right here okay you can see the Mage P sucess start to reboot now so I'll just reboot the system and then you can see you can see if the wifi will the Wi-Fi networks will show here so I think 14 145 so let me just okay folks so as you can see we just rest the machine and you can just now we can now enable the Wi-Fi and disable and now the network is showing right as you can see and then you can just connect to the internet like so and then you can just the internet is working and if you go to Networks you can see the Wi-Fi is connected and all the known networks are here and everything is just cool so guys that's it for this video please if you not subscribed to the video just subscribe share share and I'll see you in the next one and I hope that you will fix your broadc WiFi issue with this tutorial and I'll see you on the next one please
Channel: ikip
Views: 4,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hackintosh Sonoma, macOS Sonoma, hackintosh, hackintosh ventura, hackintosh laptop, hackintosh sonoma install, hackintosh opencore guide, opencore legacy patcher, macos sonoma wifi not working, sonoma hackintosh wifi
Id: xPqxfGlxs68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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