How to fix Intel Wi-Fi on macOS Sonoma Hackintosh - Quick Guide

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Hello guys, I hope you're okay. I want  to show you a quick fix on how to fix   Wi-Fi on Sonoma I'm using. As usual,  as you know, my laptop is Lenovo X260,   and I'm using Sonoma version 14. If you  want me to show you how to install Sonoma,   please let me know in the comments section. I'm  using Sonoma version 14. As you can see, I have   no WiFi. My Wi-Fi is not working. Let me show you  the settings. You see it's off, you cannot turn it   on. I was browsing and I found these fix. Let me  show it to you. I found this link. If you open it,   it will take you to the Airport ITLWM  Sonoma preview. I've downloaded the kext.   Just click on the Download button here. Then I've  downloaded it. Here it is. Here we go. This is the   Sonoma kext. I'll copy it. I'm going to open my  EFI. Let me close these tabs to avoid clattering   my video. There you go. I'll mount my EFI. Mount  partition. I'll open... I'll close that. Open my   Kexts folder, other section. Then as you can  see this here, I'll just paste and replace it. That's it for Clover, so we can restart.  I've restarted my Mac, as you can see,   Wi-Fi is up and running. Wi-fi is up and  running as you can see. I can review here.   So that you confirm I'm still using my  Sonoma 14. After just using that one kext,   everything is up and running. That's it  for this tutorial. Thank you for watching.   Remember to subscribe and interact with me in  the comment section so that we can teach each   other and learn more about Hackintosh. See you  on the next one. Have a good day. Peace out.
Channel: WinLinMac Tutorials
Views: 3,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hackintosh, Sonoma, macOS, macOS Sonoma, Lenovo x260, Ventura, WinLinMac Tutorials, hackintosh build, hackintosh laptop, hackintosh guide, hackintosh, hackintosh sonoma, hackintosh 2023, how to, fix guide, how to fix, Apple, How to fix internet macOS, macOS Sonoma 14, no internet fix, macOS 14, Sonoma no internet after update, Sonoma no internet, no internet on macOS Sonoma 14, can't fix internet on sonoma, internet not working on sonoma, No internet Hackintosh tutorial guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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