Oceangate Titan Did Not Implode Just From Pressure. There Is a Catch!

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On June 18, 2023, Titan, a deep ocean submersible  imploded during a voyage to the Titanic wreck   site, killing all five occupants on board,  including Stockton Rush who was the founder & CEO   of Oceangate, an American privately owned company  in Washington, that provides crewed submersibles   for tourism, industry, research, and exploration.  We will explore what major factor could have led   to such a catastrophic implosion in this video.  And it was not just the external pressure. I am   Abhishek & welcome to Revolutionary Engineering.  Exploring the deep oceans poses several challenges   due to the harsh and extreme conditions found at  great depths. But the biggest challenge is the   pressure. As depth increases in the ocean, the  pressure exerted by the water column increases   significantly. At a depth of 1000 meters,  the pressure reaches more than 100 times the   atmospheric pressure & at 3800 meters where the  implosion of Titan occurred, it reaches over 370   times the atmospheric pressure. This is equivalent  to loading a square foot of surface with over 785   thousand pounds-force. Designing and constructing  vehicles or structures that can withstand these   immense pressures without compromising integrity  is a complex engineering task. In 2018,   a professional trade group warned that OceanGate's  experimental approach to the design of the Titan   could lead to potentially "catastrophic" outcomes.  Although many experts could argue that the   spherical structure for a submersible would be a  better choice as curvature of the sphere allows   for an even distribution of the pressure load,  resulting in a more balanced stress distribution   while in the case of Titan, its larger internal  free space combined with the elongated shape is   susceptible to stress concentrations, accelerating  fatigue and delamination loads. But I have a point   to make here. The elongated shape of a submersible  is generally designed to optimize its performance   and functionality in deep waters. While the  specific design considerations and structural   integrity of the Titan as far as its shape is  concerned would require detailed information,   the elongated shape itself is not inherently  a limiting factor for withstanding loads in   deep waters. In fact, many submersibles designed  for deep-sea exploration have elongated shapes   to enhance stability and hydrodynamic efficiency.  The unconventional combinations of materials used   in the Titan posed much higher safety risks as  the materials tend to weaken over the course of   many pressurization cycles due to fatigue. Fatigue  failure is a failure that occurs when a material   undergoes repeated loading and unloading cycles,  like the titan’s 5-inch thick hull experiencing   repeated stress with changing hydrostatic pressure  over the course of a number of previous dives that   it underwent. Fatigue failure can manifest as  the gradual growth of microcracks or delamination   within the structure. These cracks can propagate  and eventually lead to catastrophic failure if   not detected and addressed. But let's get back  to the basics. This disaster could have been   avoided with the right engineering decisions.  OceanGate promoted the Titan’s carbon fiber   construction — with titanium endcaps — as more  efficient to mobilize; being lighter in weight   compared to other deep diving submersibles. It  also said the vessel was designed to dive 4000   meters (2.4 miles) “with a comfortable safety  margin. But carbon fiber composites can have   multiple issues that we will see in a minute  especially when they are subjected to extreme   pressures like the one that Titan underwent.  They can be stronger and lighter than steel,   making a submersible naturally buoyant. But they  can also be prone to sudden failure under stress.   non-destructive testing of Titan’s hull was  therefore absolutely necessary to ensure safety.   Ultrasonic testing could help spot areas inside  the structure where the composites had cracks.   But The company claimed their technology,  developed in-house, used acoustic sensors   to listen for sounds of carbon fibers in case  of hull deteriorating to provide “early warning   detection for the pilot with enough time to arrest  the descent and safely return to surface. This   according to me as a mechanical engineer is the  biggest mistake as acoustic sensors would provide   a real-time deterioration of the carbon fiber.  What if the orientation of carbon fiber in the   structure itself is misaligned & goes undetected.  What I mean to say is Carbon fiber composites   exhibit different properties when subjected to  compression compared to tension. Note how the   fibers buckle under compression. This is due to  the anisotropic nature of carbon fibers meaning   that the material exhibit different mechanical  or physical properties in different directions.  The most important point to note here is the fiber  direction. When the load is applied parallel to   the fibers, the composite exhibits higher strength  and stiffness making them highly effective   in resisting forces that attempt to pull the  material apart. But In the transverse direction   i.e. Perpendicular to the Fiber, the mechanical  properties are relatively lower compared to the   fiber direction. This is because the load is  not effectively carried by the fibers in this   direction. Instead, the matrix material primarily  supports the load which is generally less stiff   and weaker than the carbon fibers. See how the  fibers are oriented in the hull of the submersible   in this video from oceangate. The Carbon fiber  is being rolled along the circumference of the   shell. As already pointed out, the load-bearing  capacity of the fiber is poor along the transverse   direction, so any misalignment in fiber can easily  initiate deformation with the application of   extreme pressure or fatigue. To better understand  this, let's take a very simple model of Titan.   If we take only the carbon fiber shell, the  hydrostatic load on the shell can initiate   deformation in the portion where fibers are weaker  or poorly aligned. But pressure alone could not   have caused the implosion of the shell. This is  because the deformation of the shell from any   side would cause tension on one side of the fiber  layers. This can be visualized from an exaggerated   view in which a fiber experiences tension on the  bottom side when a force is applied from the top.   And carbon fibers are very good at taking tensile  loads along the fiber direction. But the same   deformation can also cause an increase in pressure  inside the shell itself that can lead to sudden   increase in stress along the shell circumference.  This stress is both tensile and compressive in   nature. Though carbon fiber can handle tensile  stress quite effectively, the radial stress   that is compressive in nature is maximum on  the innermost layer & can buckle the fiber,   thus aggressively accelerating the collapse of  the shell. All this in just a millisecond. This   could be one of the most probable reasons of  titan collapse. Hence, Nondestructive testing   was absolutely necessary that the company had  denied. OceanGate was also warned that a lack   of third-party scrutiny of the vessel during  development could pose catastrophic safety   problems. Apart from this, there is something  more that adds to uncertainty while dealing   with carbon fiber. The Engineering design process  for any product usually starts with computational   Animation Source: Finglow Consultants Ltd. modeling. But the anisotropic behavior of carbon  fiber composites adds complexity to the modeling   process as the material properties need to  be defined and represented correctly in the   model. On top of it, Carbon fiber composites  can have variations in fiber orientation,   resin distribution, and manufacturing defects.  These variations can be challenging to capture   accurately in computational models. It's not that  the management was unaware of these problems.   David Lochridge, OceanGate’s former  director of marine operations, said   in a 2018 lawsuit that the company’s testing  and certification was insufficient and would   “subject passengers to potential extreme danger  in an experimental submersible.” In January 2020,   Rush in an interview to GeekWire admitted that  the Titan’s hull “showed signs of cyclic fatigue.   Because of this, the hull’s depth rating had been  reduced to 3,000 meters. But During 2020 and 2021,   the Titan’s hull was either repaired or  rebuilt by two Washington state companies.   The entire craft controlled using a video game  controller raises a serious question on the   reliability of the craft. As any delays  or malfunctions in the communication or   control signals between the controller and the  submersible's actuators or thrusters could lead   to unintended movements or loss of control,  potentially compromising the safety of the   mission. Deep ocean is still a hard-to-understand  environment and exploring such a territory is   always associated with high risks. Wrong  engineering decisions can be sometimes   life-threatening. Can carbon fiber be a choice  for deep-sea explorations? You may Comment in the   section for any thoughts. I would appreciate  you subscribing to my channel as you would   probably like some other videos like this one on  a lighter but more powerful floating wind turbine.
Channel: Revolutionary Engineering
Views: 2,272,154
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Keywords: titanic, titan, oceangate titan, ocean gate titan implosion, what reallu happened, atlantic ocean, titanic tourist sub, oceangate expeditions, submarine missing, titanic submarine, titanic oceangate, oceangate expeditions titanic, stockton rush, oceangate tragedy, titanic tourist submarine, titanic wreckage, sub missing, sub missing titatnic, submersible, Oceangate Submarine Disaster - What REALLY Happened, revolutionary engineering, oceangate implosion, yt:cc=on
Id: _3XngNqkBsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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