Obsidian MD For Solo TTRPGs

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[Applause] [Music] welcome this video is all about using obsidian for your solo gaming um if you don't know what obsidian is it is a markdown editor that is pretty it's kind of like notion uh and it is pretty awesome for keeping track of your games I use it personally for my solo games but you can also use it if you're not playing solo games if you're running sessions and stuff like that it's great for keeping track of everything like that but this is what this video is just about how I use it specifically to keep track of my stuff and why you should look into using it too so virtual tabletops there are tons of options everybody knows about R 20 um Foundry VT is another big one and it is one that I have used in the past that I really enjoy using one if they have the system that I need un to if I'm running a game for other people but uh not so much using it for solo play although I do have to say it does have an add-on that will um what is it automate Mythic gme for you which is really awesome but other than that it's just it's a big piece of software it's a lot to run and I am always trying to figure out how to make things more minimalistic another thing is is I don't really do maps um which we'll talk about but if you are really into doing the whole map setting scen visually all that stuff Foundry VT might be something you want to look into but uh that's not so much for me even when I'm running games for other players it's always in theater of the mind um another thing that I've done a video on previously that I've used as a virtual tabletop is me.app which is awesome um specifically it's it's just basically a gigantic whiteboard and you can copy paste stuff in there take screenshots of um PDFs paste them in there paste actual full PDFs in there it's pretty awesome but it's online and it's you get three free whiteboards to share with others and then you have to pay and then I had the issue with um one the the whiteboards got bogged down which made which would make uh more intricate games go quite a bit slower and be a bit more laggy that kind of thing so that's kind of why I've moved away from that a little shout out um if you're ever running a game for your group and you're not like your theater of the mind uh Discord has a new Whiteboard app well I don't know how new it is but it's new new to me I didn't realize it was there until a while ago and I've been using that with my players and you can copy paste screenshots sorry no you can't you have to upload images either way that's a little bit more frustrating but it's really awesome and you also have access to gifts and my players love making a story out of the gifts um correlating with what's going on in our sessions it's great uh that's just a little shout out to that because we have fallen in love with that and then on to obsidian which we're talking about today and that I've landed on for my own solo gaming so why obsidian uh it's customizable you can pretty much make it however you want and I'm not going to go this is not a video about how to set up your obsidian Vault for solo gaming this is just you know me telling you why you might want to look into it so you the themes are customizable you can customize the look you can customize your your view here um as you can see I got a couple things going on uh yeah all that the second thing and what made me switch from Miro to obsidian is EXC SC draw which is you can have images and PDFs um you copy paste that in there you can add your own text to these things you can make flowcharts let's see I've made this flowchart here for the player emulator pet um I have Adventure lists all these really cool things visual aids that help keep track of uh your campaigns and especially my big thing with games is I want to use the character sheet that comes with the book and that's why I've always been drawn to these whiteboard type uh Solutions because then I can have the pretty character sheet and the way that it's supposed to be and so that's really cool to me um I enjoy that a lot of course you could also just type out the character sheets but we's the fun in that so you can also I did make a note in here and I I mean you can use excal draw for your maps and stuff and make it work um but I personally don't use maps so I don't have too much to say say about that um the other reason you might want to use it is it's local it's not online you don't have to be online to access it apparently obsidian does offer like a publish thing that is paid so you could see it online have access to it online um through your devices but I don't have that I only access I only need access with my computer but if you are the type of person who needs access to the same thing um via your phone or tablet and your you want to access your Vault from all of your devices I don't know if there is a solution that is not paid in order to do that with obsidian which might be a might be a con on your list um other awesome thing is you are linking you can link notes uh like a Wiki like notion um I don't have too many link notes in here because I my ADHD brain it doesn't let me do that I just keep everything in one spot um but if you do have we'll go to the reading here so if you do have a linked note you just hover over it it pops up what the note is and that's pretty cool to me it's an easy way to easy way to keep track of what is going on um and not get lost because you can like end up with a ton of notes in here um yeah simple markdown all of this is marked down and I like markdown I find it intuitive some people don't like markdown at all but then that's this is not for you if you're not into that so my setup you can see I have a few things going on here and we'll get into what I have um the obsidian it comes with core plugins which okay I'm not going to go into those but the big thing is the community plugins and the ones that I have I've got automatic table of contents which automatically you know forms a table of contents at the beginning of the note so I can access um different sections of it easily CSV table in case you need to paste your um tables into the into a note here custom frames which lets me do this cool thing where I can pull in Internet uh websites data view this is just this is usually a standard that you have to have um to for others to work dice roller which you can see over here and dice roller is really cool because it not only just gives you this layout where you can roll click these Dice and roll them and get the result it can manifest the dice on the screen I wonder if I have that yes I do have that enabled um render the dice it can you can create rollable tables um I don't think I have any right now but I can oops let's see I'm not making a rollable table here but I'll just show you you just this is simple if I need a d10 and 2 d8 then you can have inline rolling like that if I know that's what I'm that's a dice Ru that I'm going to make a lot uh so you can see how that would come in handy if you build your character sheets in a note then you just have you just put in your little formula there it's super Nifty uh I am a little disappointed that right now you cannot pull in um those formulas yeah you can't do that in here here so I can't like I can't make this uh dice which is unfortunate but it's not that hard for me to figure out what I'm doing then go over here and roll and you can make your own dice rolls if none of these suit you so that's pretty nifty in my opinion um we also have excal draw which I've shown you that's this whiteboard here um that you can put used for pretty much anything and then style settings and style settings let you change the look of your Vault and then table generator which just table generator just allows you to make tables easier um and I would make lots of rollable tables uh in the past so that's why I have those as for my theme you may be wondering um what this is It's called M mini flow I'll pop it on here real quick you can see M mini flow uh the its theme is also very very popular uh but I like mini flow because it the less things I have to look at while I'm playing the better because I get really distracted so yeah you just hover and it's got all your things of course you need to know where to hover to you'll have to familiarize yourself with everything [Music] um yeah I have my uh GM's Apprentice this is uh what is this who's this jamest Turner online.net I use this instead of pretty much anything else this is my emulator I just use different parts of it for everything is really awesome highly suggest it all works in line it is awesome um and you can I could drag this guy over here let's see well now it's not doing it it's making a liar out of me there it goes how many tabs do I need open who knows but that's pretty cool to me you can keep track of everything on one screen and that's what matters most to me when it comes to solo gaming so who is Obsidian good for if you are a minimalist if you like theat of the mind if you do not need all the fancy bells and whistles that come with the more heavy-hitting VTS such as Foundry or rule 20 this could be good for you if you are heavy on the notekee keeping and want a very organized um area this could be good for you Foundry does have notekee keeping capabilities but I find that's a bit clunky and I it's just I'm not a fan of um keeping track of everything in there which also made me go to find something else uh let's see lightweight that was a big one is before I updated my graphics card if I was running Foundry I couldn't run Chrome um I definitely couldn't run OBS so it's I had to find something that was lighter weight for my computer this is built in chromium which is pretty white lightweight and uh yeah so that is that that's is why you should maybe give obsidian a look for your solo gaming I highly suggest it it is versatile you can pretty much do anything you want to do in it um besides have really fancy maps I mean excal draw you can only do so much but if this looks good to you I've got all of the links to the theme obsidian the links to the plugins um they're all in the description uh if you heard me talking about Foundry VT and you are more interested in something like that I'll throw the link to that in there I personally have not used rule 20 um but that's also an option and yeah that is it I hope you enjoyed it's quick little video but I hope that I showcase some of the reasons that you might want to use this um yeah and oh yeah that's it like And subscribe if you like what you have watched and I will will be around with some more content um some actual play stuff and reviews stuff like that that's my plan I will see y'all later [Applause] [Music] bye
Channel: Savvy Goes Solo
Views: 1,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: REqA1MAlR3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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