You Will Want this Ham Dashboard

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this is one of the coolest most customizable displays I have seen to date stick around and we'll get right to it real quick before we get going I've got to give a shout out to these guys they're my latest patrons over on patreon if you'd like to help support the channel I'll leave a link to patreon down in the description below hey welcome back guys I want to show you guys a really cool display today and how easy it is to get it downloaded configured and run on your machine now right out of the gate I'm going to be doing this on a Linux machine but I have also tested this on my Mac and it works perfectly well there as well it should work for Windows users but you guys are going to have to do your own testing uh what we've got here is 12 different customizable panes and if we doubleclick on any one of these given panes we'll take this lightning example right here if we doubleclick on that we get a full screen view of that particular pane that we're looking at Let's uh double click again to go back and we'll go ahead and double click on the forecast that was just above it and you'll see that it goes full screen as well one other thing is over to the leftand side of this panel we also have all of these different links that we can customize to be exactly what they uh we want them to be so for instance if we click here on this uh weather tab that I've got you'll see that it's going to bring in a weather graphic for us by simply clicking the back button right up here at the top we'll go back to the primary display now let's go ahead and show you guys how to get this downloaded and running on your system you're going to be amazed at how simple this is the first thing we need to do is head over to sv3 HDL slam dashboard once we get to this page and guys I will leave links to everything that I can down in the description below but when we get to this page we want to come right up here to the green code button we'll click on it and then we're going to click download the zip while that's downloading I do want to let you guys know that the developer does have his own YouTube video on this uh we're going to go into a little bit more depth as to how to configure this though in this video today also be sure to read through the directions things do change from time to time this is actually the second time I have filmed this video because he made a change just a few days after I filmed the original so always come down here and take a look at what's going on with the latest in the readme file all right after the download finishes up uh headed over to the downloads directory and what you're going to find is a ZIP file that is ham dashboard dmain doz we're simply going to rightclick on that and say extract here and that's going to give us this new directory right here that says hem dashboard D meain let's go ahead and jump into that directory and you're going to find several files now these examples here are just example images of different dashboard layouts if you want to look at that that's fine otherwise that is unneeded information so I'm just going to go ahead and delete that what we're left with is these files right here the critical ones are config.js ham. HTML and wheel zoom.jpg want to put in your call sign and if you'd like your grid Square now for mine let's go ahead and get that changed out and then press contrl s on your keyboard to save that data now that we have that what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to that directory that we were looking at a second ago and I'm going to rightclick on hamd dash. HTML and just tell it to open in the Firefox web browser which is the default browser I'm running on this particular Linux box and you'll see that it loads up those panes these other two should load here in just a second uh but now I have my call sign right up here at the top now that we have the call sign set the first things I want to do is update the local radar and the local satellit we're going to start with the local radar this morning let's head over to let's see I believe it's in this tab that I've got it open this is radar. weather. gov SL rdge slst standard and this should contain all of the radar images for the United States other parts of the world uh you're going to have to search out from your local weather office uh one of these images that you can use to put in your dashboard once I'm on this page I'm going to use contrl f to bring up a search box and I am going to search for ohx which is my local weather office I'll go ahead and press return and you'll see that it brings up several of these uh gift files that I could use the one I'm looking for though is this KX loop. I'm going to right click on that and just copy that link now we're going to head back over and take a look at that config.js file and I'll show you guys exactly where to plug that in now I do want to point out right away that that these first set of links that you see at the top of the uh config.js file are the links for the leftand side tabs inside the display if we scroll down just a little bit you'll see here that we have dashboard items these are the actual windows or the panes that you have on the dashboard so I want to take this local radar right here and I'm just going to replace the link that he has there so I'm just going to highlight all of it and then press contrl V to paste in the link that we copied just a second ago and you'll notice that I've got uh Koh xor loop. GF now in that uh particular link so we'll press contrl s to save that and then I'm going to jump back to the display itself so that we can verify that those changes took effect now don't forget each time you make a change you do need to come up to the top and click the refresh button or this refresh button over here on the left in those tabs should work just as well after refreshing the page I know that I've got my local radar loaded because I see Nashville right here in the very center and that's exactly what I was looking for next I want to change out this satellite image so this time we're going to head over to when we get to this page we'll just go ahead and click on on the satellite link right here at the very top of the page that's going to load up this next graphic where we can simply hover around to find the specific area that we want for this example I'm going to use the Southern Mississippi Valley so let's go ahead and click on that and then on the next page we're going to click on download images once this page loads up let's go ahead and scroll down to the very bottom here and we're looking for these last few links now if you want to Loop here you can use this uh gift file right here I'm actually going to use this 300x300 jpeg for this particular example though so I'm going to right click on that again and go ahead and copy that link let's head back over to that config.js file and we'll go ahead and update that local satellite image as well so right here you'll see that satellite cgl I'm going to change that to read local satellite now that the header is changed let's go ahead and change out that link with the one we just copied now when you're making these changes be careful not to delete the open and closing quotation marks or the comma at the end of the line now that we've got that change made let's go ahead and press contrl s again to save our work and then let's jump back to the HTML file right here it's the satellite cgl that we're changing I'm going to hit the refresh button and we should see that latest stuff pull right in for us now the next thing I want to do is I want to pull ham clock into this top box right up here uh in the right corner now in order to make this work you will need ham clock running on your local network so my ham clock is running on a Raspberry Pie here in the shack and we're just going to pull the data off of it and feed it into this new display so you'll need to navigate to your hamlock instances IP address in my case it's 1010101 192 then we're going to give it a colon and the port number if you haven't changed the port number on your ham clock the default is going to be 8080 and then we're going to give it for SL liveen ws. HTML and that should bring you to this page right here and this just gives you a list of different things that you can use to interact with your ham clock through a web browser I'm actually looking for this first one right up here at the top that is Gore capture. BMP I'm going to copy that and right up here in the address bar we're going to replace that live hyen ws. HTML with getor capture. BMP I'll go ahead and press return when I do that and that should bring you to an image of your ham clock now one thing I do want to note right here this is just a static image so you can't uh interact with this display from this screen nor will you be able to interact with it from one of the 12 panes on uh our new dashboard that we're building out however I will show you another way in just a second where you can actually interact with it for now I'm going to go ahead and copy that address and we're going to head back over to our config.js file to make the changes now if you remember I wanted to change this ISS and rs44 position and we're going to make that ham clock so we'll change the header right there down here I'm going to take out everything both of these links but I want to leave the two quotation marks and the comma I'm going to paste in that address that we captured just a second ago and then go ahead and press contrl s to save that data back on our dashboard if we click the refresh button we should see ham clock load up right here in the top right hand corner now here is another issue that uh I'm running into occasionally with this and something that I want to show you guys how to get around if you need to notice ham clock uh right there that header kind of interferes with my current temperature and some of this voacap data let's go ahead and show you guys how to fix that real quick back in that config.js file let's take hamlock right here that header and we're just going to delete that now again you do want to leave the quotation marks and the comma I'm going to press controls and then jump back to the dashboard and go ahead and refresh that page now now you'll notice without that ham clock display it's a little bit easier to read that voacap and the weather data right there without that header being over it so anytime you don't want that header just take it out from the config.js file now if you prefer a image that you can interact with again I can double click on this one but I can't interact with it once I open it up full screen like this so I'm just going to double click to shrink it back down and then let's take a look at how to load that into one of these tabs over here on the left hand side of the screen this time we're going to navigate to the IP address of hamlock colon 880 live. HTML that should load up this window right here that you're looking at which looks exactly like what we saw a while ago but if you notice if I click on the lock icon I can unlock this display and and now I can interact with it right here inside this browser window let's go ahead and copy the IP address of that and move back to our config.js file now don't get confused as to where we're working remember this down here is the 12 panes inside the main display we have to scroll back up to the top in order to change the uh links in the tabs on the Le hand side so I'm going to change this contest right here and we'll just call this hamlock and then I want to take this link and replace it with what I just copied which is that IP address colon 8080 SL live. HTML now you will need to replace this IP address with your actual IP address for your instance of ham clock let's go ahead and press contrl s to save that and jump back to the dashboard on the dashboard let's go ahead and click the refresh button and we should now see ham clock right over here in our tabs if we click on that that's going to load up our instance of ham clock you can see that that is a live display because the seconds keep advancing right here for the time and now if I click on that lock icon you see that it does unlock so this is an interactive window that we can use so it really just depends on which way you want to view ham clock if you just want a quick snapshot of what's going on or if you want the capabilities to fully interact with that window next let's take a look at the way I'm going to use this to pull my aprs data from Yak into the display we're going to be changing this lightning local right here thiso around but first let's go ahead and take a quick peek at Yak so I can show you where this data is coming from let's go right up to the top we'll click on file configure and expert mode once your configure window opens up in Yak let's go ahead and click on the transmit Tab and then you'll notice right down here at the very bottom Yak has a Mini web server built into it what you're looking for is this port number right here which I believe this one is default I don't remember changing this one in the past so we need that 8,000 8 port in order to get this data into our new dashboard back inside our config.js file we're going to scroll down because I want to add this as one of the 12 panes and I'm going to change this lightning local right here and we'll just call it aprs and then let's go ahead it's not going to be https so I'm just going to take that HTTP out then I'm going to take out the rest of this so what we're left with is HTTP colon SL slash now Yak in my case is running on this machine that the dashboard is running on so I can use the IP address of but if yours is running somewhere else on your network obviously you'll need to change that with the IP address of the machine running Yak I'm going to give it colon 808 and then we're going to say for SL map.png we'll go ahead and save that data and make sure that it updated on our dashboard once we've clicked the refresh button I am seeing that aprs data right there in that window so if I double click on that now I have a full screen view of aprs in my local area one other change that I want to make before we wrap this up is I prer to see a 24-hour clock instead of a 12-hour clock so let's go ahead and make that change now now this is one of those that is not in the config.js file so I'm going to close out of that and I'm going to open the ham dash. HTML file again we're going to open that with a text editor once that opens up let's go ahead and press the contrl F button so we can quickly search for this and I believe it's hour 12 that we're looking for yep uh so once you put in hour 12 that's going to bring you down to roughly line 455 if nothing changes between uh when I'm doing this and the time you see it but you see where it says true right there we're simply going to change that to read false let's go ahead and press contrl s to save that and let's take a look at our dashboard and make sure after we click the refresh page that that am goes away and in fact it did so now we're looking at a 24-hour clock if you found today's information helpful be sure to give us a thumbs up before you head off we will see you guys on the next one until then 73
Channel: KM4ACK
Views: 29,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio
Id: 9ZZXg60tN-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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