Obsidian AI - How To Use Text Generator Templates

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hey Mike here so today I am going to show you how to actually utilize the templates that you may download either off of the website or the patreon so I'm going to start off with creating a new Vault here just going to call it tutorial Vault and let's pick a location here and I'm just going to put it into my desktop for now because it is just a tutorial Vault nothing too serious and this is what your new Vault should look like now of course you may want to be implementing this from your already worked on vault so some of these steps you won't actually have to do I am doing this entire process from scratch just so that you can see every single step necessary the first thing that I'm going to do is open up the settings which is easily accessed by command comma on MacBook I believe it's alt comma if you're using Windows or Linux another way of course is you could just go into obsidian settings and you'll be in the settings next up you will want to go into the community plugins and make sure that you turn on community plugins next you will just browse the plugins and the first plug-in you want to install is called text extractor because you need text extractor in order for all of the functionality that the next plugin make sure to of course enable it as well by the way plugins on obsidian are not enabled automatically you have to enable them m manually and so after you've downloaded the text extractor plugin the next one will be text generator and just click on that make sure to install it and of course enable it now all you have to do is hop into the options here you can do that right away and set it up however you'd like it to be set up there are a lot of options and just in general ways that you can set this up but the most default is through through the Open aai chat and you just pop in your API key here everything else should be quite normal there are a few settings that we will change in just a second but make sure if you do have access to GPT 4 you use the GPT 4 1106 preview this is the cheapest and latest model that utilizes gp4 it's less expensive has a much higher context window and is just the goto as long as you have access to it if you don't have access to this one then the default selected GPT 3.5 turbo is good enough for most situations not to mention much much cheaper than even the GPT 4 1106 preview anyway one of the most important things that you need to switch here is modal into the search settings of text generator and make sure that modal suggest is on then of course you can reload the plugin so let's reload the plugin there and the next thing you want to do is if you do want to change where prompts are stored you can do so right here I like to keep this default I'm a very big defaults kind of guy just so that it works similarly on all systems that I use so let's actually just copy this and I'm not going to change anything there I'm going to reload the plugin and exit out of it here we are going to create a new folder click this new folder button and I wonder if we could just paste in no we can't okay so we first have to create the text generator directory and then within here we create another one called prompts so now we have the text generator directory and within it we have prompts so let's open up a new file here just so that you see what's going on here if we at this moment type in a forward slash nothing is going to pop up because there are no prompts within the prompts directory however let's say that you've downloaded a template of mine from either my website or the patreon let me show you an example here I have two templates one is called gen zcas and the other one is called gen TTS audio I'm going to drag these into the prompts directory and so now I can close this out now when I do a forward slash I have those two options right away so just for example purposes I can click the generate customizable slec and directory structure let's click it and it tells you the name of it as well as a description of it and let's click generate and right away this is actually a good thing I I forgot about this step but good thing it happened to me let's try to run it again here you will see that you will have an error if this is your first time doing it scripts are not allowed to run for security reasons go to plugin settings to enable it so let's go back into settings and head to text generator and in the search for option type in the word script and here you will see allow scripts now this is very important something that you must keep in mind you should only enable this if you trust the authors of the templates or know what you are doing of course in any situation regardless if it's a template that you've purchased from me or from someone else or if you've found a template online somewhere I would highly recommend you run that template either through your own verification if you do understand the code behind it usually it's going to be JavaScript code or I would run it through a chat GPT just chat window I suppose and ask what that script does particularly so that you don't run into issues where maybe your data could be sent somewhere or just in general make sure that your data is is being handled securely and nothing nefarious is going on in the background now of course any script that I sell either on my storefront or provide through my patreon membership they are not only created from scratch by me I don't take code Snippets from elsewhere I don't piece together things that I don't understand how they work you have my stamp of security I suppose for lack of a better term here that anything that is purchased from my store or patreon is indeed not only safe but secure moving on here after that little disclaimer there make sure that you allow scripts now you can exit and do a forward slash again we will do the zle Casten directory structure creation I will press enter and generate and boom settle casting directory structure created and here you have the zedel Casten structure with all of the directories thank you so much for watching and I will see you again tomorrow
Channel: SystemSculpt
Views: 1,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Obsidian AI, Text Generator Templates, How to Use Obsidian, Obsidian Tutorials, Creating a New Vault, Setting Up Obsidian, Community Plugins in Obsidian, Text Extractor Plugin, Installing Plugins, Enabling Plugins, Text Generator Plugin, Obsidian Plugin Settings, GPT-4 Integration, Plugin Security, Script Security in Obsidian, Patreon Templates, Zettelkasten Template, TTS Audio Template, Template Security, Software Tutorial, text generator templates, obsidian ai
Id: D682V8SfYmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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