How I'm Using AI *WITH* My Obsidian Vault

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Chachi PT is cool and useful but It suffers one major flaw it does not use your existing ecosystem of knowledge and what I've been wanting for a long time now is a way to use AI with my obsidian Vault and I don't mean just being able to use it inside obsidian but also for it to use my existing notes to generate an output and openai just released yesterday their newest model called GPT 3.5 turbo which improves on the previous model at 10 of the cost so there's no better time than now to start using it we're going to do all of this with the plugin created by nuradin called text generator and this plugin changed a whole lot since it first came out I first mentioned it in the video where I go over every plugin that I'm using and it has evolved to become one of the most powerful plugins in obsidian alright so let's get right into it alright so we're going to install it by coming here to settings Community plugins browse and we're going to browse for text generator and if you already had it installed still make sure to update it because it changed a lot and when we go to the plugin settings you can see that this one requires an API and if you don't yet have an API just come to the open AIS website and make an account if you're already have one and then come here to API keys and create a new secret key and then just copy and paste it into the plugin settings over here and before we move on I want to say that although very cheap the API is not free they do give you a full 18 worth of credits which is equivalent to a lot of requests and you don't even need to give them your credit card information as for how the pricing system works openai uses tokens and a thousand tokens is roughly 750 words and until yesterday a thousand tokens on their most capable model was 2 cents but now that we have GPT 3.5 it costs only 10 of that while being a more capable model and I also want to say that this is the cheapest possible way of using the API because there's no middleman here the plugin itself is free and all you're paying for is what you're using if you look at other services like Jasper you're looking at a very high monthly subscription which doesn't even include unlimited use not only that but because there's no middleman here you get all the new models as they come out and a lot more control over how you use them so let's not go over the plugin settings and the first thing you need to choose is a model and if you click update models and then click on the drop down you'll see that we have a lot of models to choose from up until yesterday I was frequently switching from Curie and DaVinci 3 but now that we have GPT 3.5 it replaced both of them for me so that's the one we're going to choose here then we have a new Option here display errors in the editor and if you toggle this on if a query goes wrong a call out will appear on your note telling you what went wrong so I like to leave this on then we have the option to choose the max tokens and I have that set as a hotkey which I'll go over in the later parts of the video then we have temperature and a lot of people think of this as a creativity setting but openai themselves say that it isn't about creativity but rather Randomness the values can be anything from 0 to 2 and the lower the value is the less Randomness it will use so for instance if the value is 0 and I type my favorite animal is and then generate text it will answer dog every single time you toggle it but if you set it to two it's going to give you something completely different and more elaborate every single time like a sea otter with a baseball cap the default value for temperature in this plugin is 0.7 if I'm not mistake so we're going to leave it at that as I think that's perfect for most tasks then we have frequency penalty which works by lowering the chances of a word being selected again if that word has already been used the higher this value is the lower the probability is to see the same word more than once in the same response I leave this at 0.5 which is the default then we have show status in the status bar and I like to see it so we're going to leave it as on and then we have prompts templates path and we're going to go over prompts a lot but for now we just need to set a place for them to live you can leave it as it is or assign it your own directory of choice and then we have considered context and there's two different commands that we can use in this book in one is a simple generate text command and that's where these two apply and the other which is what I use the most is a template and that's where these here apply and we're going to come back to consider context and the options list over here but for now let's go over those two commands beginning with text generation I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this as prompts are what really makes us plug and shine but having said that text generation with this new GPT 3.5 turbo is a big Improvement and with text generation you can tell in plain words what it is you want it to do so if I create a new note and I title it test text generation and I type something like brainstorm ideas for a research paper on machine learning and then I press command P for command palette and I type text generator generate text it's going to brainstorm some ideas for us and this is like a quarter of a second so it's way way faster than Chachi PT and you can use natural language for most queries so I can do here give me a python script for Hello World Press command J which is the hotkey and there we have it you can also use it in a way that makes use of the metadata in the front matter so if I create a new note here with a similar title and I do something like title how to sweep better keywords exercise nutrition and sunlight I'm gonna close this out and press command B for command palette text generation and I just got to make sure I use the one that says use metadata as you can see it generated some text making use of what I gave it here in the front matter it's important to note that unlike chatgpt and its chat nature you need to tell the API the context you wanted to consider and the API considers context based on what's in the plugin settings such as over here when you scroll down to consider context but also what you have selected and where your cursor is so I'm going to create a new note I'm going to call it consider context and I'm going to put a bunch of Laura mipson text and the three examples of documentation mentions are the selected text which is pretty straightforward just whatever you have selected is what gets sent to the API and then we have cursor line not empty which means that if we have a block of text like this one right here and our cursor line is in one line right here only this line will be sent and none of this and none of that and lastly we have cursor line is empty which will send everything before your cursor so if you have a big block of text like this and I have my cursor line over here it's going to send all of this before we go over templates if you're as interested in AI as I am you need to understand the Core Concepts behind neural networks and machine learning which is where my sponsor comes into play brilliant is an online Interactive Learning platform that is really good in turning difficult Concepts into easy to understand bite-sized lessons the problem with most courses is that they lack the structure to explain difficult topics and it's all Theory you're not learning by doing and Brilliant fixes both of these problems by offering Hands-On learning experiences and providing real world examples this ensures that you understand complex subjects like maths and Sciences instead of Simply memorizing theories and because brilliant has thousands of lessons from AI to data science with exclusive new content monthly there's always something new to learn to try everything brilliant has to offer free for full 30 days visit from Sergio and the first one to people that sign up get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription thanks brilliant for sponsoring this video so let's not go over templates and to use a template we first need to come to command palette by pressing command P text generator and then template packages manager and we're going to install the default prompts package if you want you can also install hugging face prompts and Ali 2 but we're not going to go over that in this video and now that you've installed them you can see that we now have a text generator folder inside our vault and if we go inside you can see that we have our default package right here and I also have W2 as I downloaded it previously in this Vault and if we go into those files you can get a good idea of which template is doing and there's many different ways of using templates so if I go back to our text generation node and I clear this up and if I press command P for command power and I type in text generator you can see that we now have a lot more options than before but aside from the created template option right here they're all just different ways of adding a template and the one I find myself using all the time is this one right here generate an insert template and I'm going to set a hotkey for it by coming here to settings hotkeys I'm going to type text generator and in here for Generate and insert template I like to have it as option T and this is the part where we can come back to the options in the plugin settings and choose what we want it to display in the command palette and like I said I mostly just use the generated insert template function so I don't really need to have all of these toggled on so now if I exit out of this and I press option T we now have all these different templates we can choose from I'm going to grab my highlights on one of the latest posts by Nas Labs as an example I'm going to paste it here so let's try some of these templates on this text and the first one is going to be simplify I'm going to place my cursor here option T simplify and here it is looks like it did a good job it has roughly half the amount of words and it says most of the same things let's try another one 1 and let's do rewrite and as you can see it's a lot more quirky and fast paced but if you come to the prompt over here on the left under rewrite you can see the actual prompt says rewrite the content to make it more attractive and you can change this to whatever you want so if I put here rewrite the content to make it more serious and eloquent let's see what it comes up with I'm going to delete this one here option T rewrite and as you can see it did exactly that and we're going to go over this later but you can change and modify any of the existing prompts as well as create the entirely new ones let's go to this and let's try another one of my favorites which is summarize as you can see it did a great job and the prompt for that was simply summarize the content all of these prompts are really useful in different scenarios but the one that inspires me to write the most is usually brainstorm especially since it's the one that uses other notes in My Vault because up until now we've only looked at this model interacting with content that's inside the node it's being toggled on but it can also and this is what really sets it apart use the other notes in your Vault so long as they link that particular note so to see that in action the first thing we need to do is to come back to the plugin settings and we're going to toggle on include children inside considered contacts for templates there's one key here though and that is that to use the include children function it needs to be a template that's why it's here under considered contacts for templates and not here the second thing we need to do is to create a simple template by coming here to command palette text generator create a template and I already added it to this Vault and it's living right here under local and it's called children template and this is what it looks like and I created this based on the documentation and once you have this set up it's ready to use so let's come back to our note that we're working on let's clear this up and I'm going to link my notes on an article from that from last year titled anxiety as it relates to time and I'm also going to link my highlights to a YouTube video related to the subject from what I've learned why are you uncertain and focused and anxious so now if I press option T and I choose my templates brainstorm ideas about children notes it's going to brainstorm based on these two notes that we have linked here and the more links you have the more interesting connections the model is able to make so the five templates I use the most are simplify because a lot of times I add a lot of stuff that doesn't really add to the overall point I'm trying to make and this is especially true in research topics I use summarize a lot especially when it comes to read wise articles that I save into obsidian because sometimes I end up highlighting a lot of the article and I know that if I look back on it I might take a long time to remember what the article is about so at the top of the note where the article lives I just have a little summarize box and because that prompt is usually pretty good at summarizing the main points I can easily look back at it and remember what that article was about I use rewrite when I know I could have written something better but I use different templates for rewrite because sometimes I will to be more formal more quirky or then more serious more dramatic and I have a template for each and these three that I just went over have been great learning tools in bettering my own writing I don't use templates like write a paragraph or generate text very often because my vault is my ecosystem of knowledge and I want it to be written exclusively by me the other two that I use a lot are brainstorm especially when using children notes like I just went over and lastly block titles which sometimes helps with coming up with ideas for a video title or a blog post you can also use W2 via this API by simply installing in the package manager I'm not big into AI generated art but if you are then that's a great way to use it one thing I really want to do this year is to train a model solely on My Vault so that interacting with it would be kind of like querying my brain as dystopian as that might sound I'll make sure to update you if that works out I use obsidian to set my goals like this one and you can learn more about it from this video right here thank you guys so much for watching have a great one bye
Channel: FromSergio
Views: 77,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obsidian ai, obsidian text generator plugin, ai in obsidian, obsidian gpt, obsidian gpt 3.5, obsidian artificial intelligence, obsidian ai prompts, obsidian gpt prompts, text generator plugin obsidian, text generator obsidian, obsidian ai writer, obsidian openai, obsidian ai notes, obsidian ai integration, obsidian gpt plugin, obsidian gpt 3
Id: tNAsLbGdM6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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