All of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion's Hidden Quests - Explained

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in today's video we're going to discuss all of the non-journal quests that can be found in the Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion for this list we're going to go off of the reference sheet provided by The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages there they have 11 non-journal or hidden Quest cited however today we're only covering 10 in depth the reason for this is the final non-journal quest involves installing the fighter stronghold plug-in which I currently don't have access to but am looking into for the near future we'll talk about this Quest at the end but the visuals displayed won't fully represent the quest's essence now what differentiates a non-journal quest or a hidden Quest from an unfinished Quest I found myself wondering isn't a non-journal quest simply a quest that Bethesda had no remaining time and resources for to provide Journal updates yes a lot of these quests are short and sweet yet some are lengthier and involve a little more effort we even have quests like Helping Hands the rosethorn C and the sunken one which mirror a few quests that we'll be doing today yet the A4 mentioned ones actually have Journal updates I suppose the defining difference between hidden quests and unfinished quests is that hidden quests actually have an established start point and an end point with some sustenance in between whereas unfinished quests only have breadcrumbs and trails of what could have been I'd love to hear your thoughts on this down below and without further Ado let's go over oblivion's hidden quests the first Quest on our list today is titled A Ring of keys this non-journal Quest begins with us finding our way to the pale pass in order to do that we had to have accepted the quest lifting the veil from CEST narina carane of bumma once we find the Serpent's Trail and make our way through it we end up in the desired area before making our way up to the abandoned Fort if we venture off of the path onto a frozen lake to the east we'll see a bear half encased in ice surrounded by some ruins inside said Barrel contains a rusty key and a crumpled note the note reads 14 of heartfire third era year 362 I guess you found the message I told you about old friend we've traveled together for so long and you're the only one I trust with the ring and my story I knew climbing into the window of that Wizard's House was a mistake but the bounty on the ring was just too enticing to pass up they said it was worth thousands of Drakes enough to keep me comfortable for a while as I lay low they also said orth tharel was out of town at some meeting of wizards or some such they were wrong on both accounts you'd think I'd be used to this by now dealing with the unpredictable in our line of work but after trying to fence the ring all over cidel no one would touch it worse still orth tharel was pursuing me the entire time I had to call in many favors to stay one step ahead of him I decided to strike North and make for Skyrim as I was crossing the Geralds he finally cut up to me two Fireballs later I found myself tumbling down a steep snowy slope into a valley don't know where I am but there are ruins of some Old Fort here luckily that fetcher didn't follow me down I assume he gave me up for dead I think I'm going to stash the ring in this Valley make for Skyrim and return later when I feel it's safe I've used some old chests I found in the ruins to make sure nobody stumbles across the ring by mistake you know the old key to a key thing like we used to do if I don't make it back here and you're reading this message then the ring is all yours my friend use it well and remember me GS from here we're now sent on a scavenger hunt by this mysterious Thief GS and we're on our own for Clues lucky for us we can use an online guide to direct us where to go next however quite interestingly it seems like the only directions the player base ever got for this Quest came from the Elder scrs for Oblivion official game guide other than that we would just have to blindly search for these chests in an otherwise vast and large open area anyways moving on to the next Drop Zone if we go to the Western Tower of Fort paale pass in the center half buried in the ground and covered in Grass we will find a rusty chest using our Rusty key from the Frozen Barrel we can open it and retrieve an old key from inside the next hidden Cache can be found approximately halfway between the fort and the exit leading back to the Serpent's Trail along the cobblestone pathway Way by going east past some statues we will spot a fallen column by walking along a straight line pointed out by the column behind a group of rocks we'll find an old chest we use the old key to open it and inside we find the forgotten key finally we're on to the last hidden cache and this one is found Southwest of the exit leading back to the Serpent's Trail by proceeding up a small elevation near an inlet of small rocks and by a group of four trees we find the Forgotten chest opening it up with the forgotten key reveals a magically Enchanted ring called the circlet of omnipotence this is our reward for the treasure hunt we went on and as we can see it's a fairly balanced and Stat friendly enchantment if it doesn't suit our character's needs we can go ahead and sell it for a good chunk of gold apparently the chests we search through are respawning chests and The Unofficial Pages states that the ciret can be picked up roughly every week thus ending the hidden Quest a ring of keys the second hidden quest for today is titled attack on Fort such Fort such is located north of anvil and is but a small ruin used in a quest for the Dark Brotherhood well it turns out that after completing the main quest titled deeon Shrine and before completing light the dragon fires we'll see a group of soldiers battling dra in front of an oblivion gate just outside of the fort during my first attempt the soldiers got completely wiped out by the attacking draer before I could hear their dialogue some unique lines that can be heard because of that though include the solders saying there's too many of them and that they have to fall back so I went back and toggled some console commands in order to save the legionnaires speaking to one of the ordinary soldiers sounds like this we were ordered out to attack the dra coming out of that oblivion gate Captain's the only one who ever knows what's going on and speaking to the Imperial Legion Captain sounds like this if you know how to close that gate be my guest my orders are to hold this position and that's what I intend to do so now it's time to pick off the danger surrounding the gate honestly given this character's overall level of 35 the quantity of dra versus the quantity of legionaires the caliber of enemies we're facing and the fact that I've outpaced this character's gear and skills I could see myself having a tough time coming out on top without the necessary commands so after defeating all of the dra it's time to head into the Oblivion Gate as you could probably guess it's a standard format of the Oblivion Gate Dungeon Crawl Through either random Oblivion worlds of 2 3 4 or S once we've made it through the wastelands and have ascended the middle Tower we'll come face to face with the Sigil Stone after removing it we're teleported back to cidel speaking with the alive Le Captain sounds like this thanks for the help friend I didn't recognize you at first but you're the hero of kavat aren't you it was a privilege to fight by your side and speaking with an alive Soldier sounds like this C you went inside that gate huh you saved our necks so thanks I was afraid we were going to be ordered in there Legion always ends up doing everybody's Dirty Work I've got to say I love the fact that these soldiers who are tasked with protecting the people and lands of cidel call closing a literal gate to Oblivion sent by nefarious forces everybody else's problem but the irony aside the loot and Sigil Stone received within the plains of Oblivion are considered to be our reward thus ending the quest attack on Fort such the third hidden quest for today is titled bit neld and emred before we begin this Quest actually has a good chance of being bugged and skips its entire middle section if the unofficial Oblivion patch 3.0 is not installed I'll show the events of this Quest without the patch installed and with the patch installed as I must have tried this Quest at least six times with different characters and each time got me the same bugged result so we begin in the City of Coral and speak with Casta sconia a well-known romance author who can be found just outside or inside of the Oak and croser hello I'm Caster scribonia the writer author of woman gone wild who is the fairest of them all other than myself the proprietor of the grey mare is lovely she and the Guard Captain would be a nice couple this is our cue to now go and find bit Nell the cursed Springer the captain of the coral guard I discovered that his routine has him in his room in the guard Barracks around 5:00 p.m. every day so I thought it best to wait for that time and then go and speak with him I used to think you were a hero a Holy Knight and all that I guess I should have known better there are a lot of fine looking women in Coral but they're all kind of snoody and not very nice now now we can head to the gry May and speak with its Publican emred and hear what she has to say about bit neld a pleasure to speak with you did you say something to bit neld that was very sweet of you now he stops by here every day this reaction had me stumped and really confused for a good while I soon discovered that this Quest was bugged and no matter how many times I tried to redo it with different characters I always got the same outcome so so here is what's supposed to happen while speaking with emred after speaking with bit neld for the first time and asking him about the woman of coral an honor to serve you I'm inred owner and Publican of the grey mayor At Your Service a room or food whatever you wish bitel captain of the castle guard he seems like such a nice fellow too bad I don't see him in here very much with that appropriate reaction we can now head back to bit neld and tell him what efred had said what do you want oh there are a lot of fine looking women in Coral but they're all kind of snoody and not very nice emred she owns the gray M right huh I go to the Oak and croser I'm a captain you see and the Oak and croser serves a better class of people listen to me I sure sound like a snob snoody in fact and not very nice thanks that's a very good suggestion I think I'll stop by the grey mayare and perhaps pay my respects to this emred woman now the appropriate response from emred can be heard again did you say something to bit neld that was very sweet of you now he stops by here every day and then to end it off we can speak once more with Casta scribonia hello I'm Caster scribonia the writer I hear that emred and Captain bit neld are spending a lot of time together you wouldn't have anything to do with that would you and with that at 600 p.m. every day bit Nell changes his routine and spends time at the gry mayor speaking with there's no tangible reward for this Quest but we do get to set two Nords onto the pathway of Love thus ending the quest bit neld and emred the fourth hidden quest for today is titled blackbow Bandits this Quest can only be accessed after completing all of the quests involving Moga the Knight after finishing Moga the orc and Knights of the white stallion count Marius Caro of Lewin will name both us and Moga night errants of the Knights of the white stallion he also says that we now have access to white stallion Lodge located north of lein and that if we come across any more black bow Bandits we can bring their bows to him for compensation this is where the technically NeverEnding Quest black bow Bandits Begins the bandits can be found in three locations the aliad ruin of tppe Rock milk cave or undertoe Cavern once a week the blackbow bandits will will respawn and we can go back inside of these locations to hunt them down and turn in their bows once more there isn't much more to this Quest other than the fact that mazoga can be found at white stallion Lodge resting and has the same repetitive dialogue I'm going to go get me some black bows I'm going to go get me some black bows tag along if you like or even more interestingly she can be found hunting Bandits herself in one of the three Loc s depending on the day and time at 2: p.m. on mouris she will head to tppe at 2: p.m. on midis she will head to rock mil cave and finally at 2:00 p.m. on turis she will head to undertoe Cavern don't wait up for her however as she travels extremely slow to whichever location she's headed to whilst in the dungeons she acts through her own free will and doesn't follow us around or respond to us very well the best bang for your buck is to travel through Rock milk cave as there are a total of 15 black bow bandits in there versus the four in tppy and the one or two in undertoe Cavern plus the black bows appeared to be in a territory battle with some Marauders so we get to witness a pretty wicked Showdown and get most of the work done for us how are you fairing in your campaign against the remnants of the black bow Bandit sir Knight I see you have a black bow would you like to turn it in for the [Music] Bounty here is your reward reward and this other black bow would you like to turn it in as well here is your reward each black with all of that being said thus ends the quest black bow Bandits the fifth hidden quest for today is titled heaven Stones roaming around cidel you're likely to have come across Stone formations with glowing inscriptions the inscriptions that are read are doomstones which can either be birth sign stones or Heaven Stones birth sign Stones allow us to take on another birth sign power that goes along the sign we chose in the beginning of the game we can cycle through the birth sign Stones as frequently as we'd like changing the power granted to us by the Stones with the heaven Stones we actually receive a permanent greater power that doesn't go away and could be used once per day however the catch is our players's Renown has to meet a specific level requirement in order to receive each new blessing from the heaven Stones so the sum of our Fame and infamy must meet or exceed the required level for all seven of the base Game Heaven Stones the very first one is the Jon Stone which is north of skingrad and east of the shrine of sanguin it requires a Renown of 10 and grants the spell Jones Shadow this spell grants invisibility and fortifies sneak acrobatics and Athletics all for 30 points for 120 seconds the second heaven Stone titled etherious stone is located northwest of skingrad and south of blee Flats cave it requires a Renown of 20 and grants the spell Gates of atheras this spell fortifies Magicka for 50 points and adds a 20% resistance to Magic on self for 120 seconds the third heaven stone is called the jod stone which is located east of anvil and southeast of troll candle camp it requires a Renown of 30 and grants the spell J's blood J's blood fortifies health for 40 points and fortifies blade blunt and hand to hand for 20 points all for 120 seconds the fourth Heaven stone is called cyan Stone and is located north of kavach in the middle of Fort lynall Mongrel tooth cave and shattered mine it requires a Renown of 40 and grants us the spell sypian web this spell fortifies illusion Marksman mertile security and speechcraft for 20 points for 120 seconds the fifth Heaven stone is called magnet Stone and is located Northeast of leoan east of atatar and haunted mine it requires a Renown of 50 and grants the spell skain of Magnus this spell fortifies alteration Alchemy conjuration destruction illusion mysticism and restoration all for 15 points for 120 seconds these six Heaven stone is called shazar Stone and is located northwest of Lewin just north of tppe it requires a Renown of 60 and grants the spell shield of shazar this spell fortifies block heavy armor light armor and Armor All for 20 points and reflect spells for up to 10% all for 120 seconds the seventh and final in-game Heaven stone is called the dragon Stone which is located north of Shaden Hall and Northeast of Lake Aras it requires a Renown of 70 and grants the Spell dragon dream this spell fortifies Magicka for 50 points fortifies health for 40 points and for ifies fatigue for 100 points all for 120 seconds now this is the end for organically collecting all of the spells for the heaven Stones within the base game there is technically one more Heaven stone that doesn't exist within the game but its greater power does in the construction set and through console commands the ner Stone would have required a noun for 100 and grants the spell n's breath ner breath has the effects of detect life for 100 ft fortify fatigue for 200 points and fortify health for 100 points all for 120 seconds the ner Stone was likely cut content and it's not really certain where it would have been placed on the map with all the Spells collected thus ends the quest Heaven Stones the sixth hidden quest for today is titled illegal cargo this Quest begins with us at the Anvil docks if we make our way to the east side we'll happen across a ship called the sea tub clarabella attempting to gain entrance onto the ship will see us picking a very hard lock and could also gain us a trespassing find if we're not careful once we've made our way in we'll be immediately met with an aggressive pirate Captain bizone patum he'll attack us with a cutless and will fight us to the death once we've bested him we can loot his body to receive a key and note from first mate filch the note reads Captain I'm telling you sir we got to be more careful if the Leo wind City watch com Snoop it around again we may have to pull anchor and get out of this good for nothing City I ain't spending the rest of my days locked up in jail for illegally transporting cattle no sir I will not all due respect Captain but the mates and me signed on for real pirate stuff murdering looting and ravaging we ain't no damn Shepherds first mate filch pirate before we descend further into the ship if we look in between the bed and the barrel we'll spot a chest that can be opened with the captain's key inside are some leveled pieces of jewelry some potion some gold and a copy of the Lusty Argonian maid now it's time to take the hatch down to the mid deck we'll be immediately met with two more Pirates and a sheep roaming free the Pirates will be instantly aggressive so we have to take them out they too fight with cutlasses and aren't very difficult to defeat if we loot their bodies and grab their keys we can enter into a room where they are holding all of their illegally shipped sheep there are four of them in there and make for great ways to fill up some soul gems descending further to the lower deck will we'll find first mate filch and another pirate they will too begin attacking us the pirate is not so difficult but filch himself puts up a good fight once we' have successfully defeated these last two remaining Pirates we've put an end to the illegal shipping of sheep carried out by some Pirates our reward is what we looted back in the Captain's Quarters thus ending the quest illegal cargo the seventh hidden quest for today is titled glitch of Lost Boy Cavern the quest begins with us arriving at Lost Boy Cavern located east of rville near perite shrine at the entrance of the cavern we'll see a scroll called weather Journal picking it up it reads long have I sought to purge the Evil's haunting arender even when his necromantic studies resulted in our mutual expulsion from the Mages Guild I persisted in guiding him towards good with a gentle hand alas in our Exile my old friend has mired himself in the foul practice and in shocking Discovery I learned he had become a miserly disciple of the worm King a cunning wraith a lich frail memory strengthened by dogmatic resolve the arch mes turned me away when I came to them with my Discovery my please for a Detachment of Battle Mages ignored only my long past expulsion remembered and thus the grave Duty Falls only to me I must bear the burden of purging the Lich that was once a friend I wander now into the forboding ma of these catacombs known as The Lost Boy Caverns far far from the climbs of common elves and men with pure spirit and rights of cleansing I hope to strike down the Fearsome Lich and set free the soul of arender but I leave this Testament behind lest I may never return from these depths as a warning to those who may follow my path faithful even in Exile vanill we can now go inside of the cavern and see how the rest of the story plays out Lost Boy Cavern contains four zones and hosts enemies such as necromancers and the undead following the chronological order of the story the next Zone we want to head to is the Lost Boys yawning Halls if we head directly downwards according to the local map and make a left according to what we actually see we'll end up in a room and will come across a crumpled piece of paper near an overturned chair this note reads each day this cave foils me I could swear I am near the surface when I awake shaking cold and in this dank inner keep here I must keep notes of the way out three steps forth five steps right six steps up and seven for woe eight steps make the Children Cry nine steps Pop khajiit's Eyes 10 steps Mark the worm King's wrath 11 steps through the gates of scorched Oblivion worm of death take vanger this was likely written by vanger as a sign of things to come which you'll shortly learn more of the next note can be found by going back to Zone one of Lost Boy Cavern and entering into Lost Boy Canyon by traveling downwards according to the local map we'll come AC across another room that contains an overturned chair and another crumpled piece of paper this note reads rot Decay and O the worms the pitiful scrabbling of this Mortal shell shall soon be quieted vanger fool Struggle No More when you read these words know that your graying skin your failing breath know that they are your own doing your own foil and Folly soon you will be no more and Lich arender will consume you from within resign unto your fate join us it seems like vanill is slowly losing their mind or even more Sinister something is taking over their mind according to the note it seems like their once Best Friend arender Is possessing vill and slowly turning them into something else the final area we can go to is called The Lost Boys hidden Bastion which can be accessed either through the yawning halls or the canyon a disclaimer however ensure that you are at least level 23 before going into this Zone as the NPC we will come across will appear differently to what it should be and will stay bugged like that for the rest of the game going into the Bastion we're met with what appears to be old ruins of some Fort or dungeon while stepping into the middle area of the ruins you'll be forced to either explore left or explore right go to the right as you will find more notes to this journal at the very end of the hallway and room you will find a chest open it up to receive a key and a folded page this note reads this day I have struck down the shade of my former friend and Ally with a heavy heart as the Lich wailed and perished I performed the rights to extract arender soul from UND death and destroyed the Lich utterly no Dusty text had prepared me for the bizarre events that occurred but I am confident that I have freed the soul of arender I feel compelled to investigate this Cavern perhaps some dark relics here can be used for research to better combat necromancers in the future I will explore and perhaps emerge with trophies enough to prove my worth to the guild it could have been during this time that vanger started to become possessed or could have happened as soon as he stepped foot into this place but I believe it was this interaction with arender that started the downward spiral by heading to the middle area and rounding a small Corner we'll see a necromancers workshop with three notes laying out two crumpled notes one of them on the floor and a neatly folded one on the table the note on the floor reads an open letter to the Guild of Mages respected Arch Mages if this letter makes it to your hands it is either through my miraculous escape from Lost Boy Cavern or the noble hands of an Intrepid explorer who did not share my gruesome fate the dire task I undertook alone when your hands denied me Aid ended in Peril despite my studies I failed the casting to banish the Lich be following the spirit of my dear friend arender and an evil took root Within Me surely your Noble countenance will not be furrowed to hear the crumpled note on the table reads a letter for the once great mag's Council the words you read now are those of a man sentenced to the icy grip of undeath so doomed by your hand though thy Folly was perhaps only to follow protocol may my fate haunt your dreams I vigorously trained myself as a spell sword to purge the Lich that had dominated the soul of my once Noble friend arender but my pointless expulsion from your misguided coven barred me from the appropriate training the blame falls upon your brow for my errors in banishing the Lich the blame Falls to you for infestation of my mind May the worm King himself usurp you Pious hounds of and finally the neatly folded note reads an open threat to the Guild of Mages your days are at an end your blind bureaucracy finished your maggot filled Hearts will rot in the eaves of my inner sanctum your flesh nothing more than tattered Mort meat your poultry Souls forfeit I will consume you each one the Fel might of Lich arender voril will be your end Dria manam Marco dth kavach manam Marco and this is followed by some dric text it's pretty neat that kavach was mentioned in this note unfortunately the note isn't dated so it's hard to tell if this whole ordeal happened before or during the Oblivion crisis obviously I don't want to make any crazy assumptions or theories about lichdom and Mana Marco playing a part in the game's main plot so we'll leave that alone for now it's now time to go to the other side of the Bastion and unlock the doors through those doors will come face to face with a skeleton which of the two wizards it belongs to is unknown standing beside the throne is a lich named arender vanger the evil amalgamation of both the wizard Souls one willing and the other against their will I was getting ready for an epic battle but ended up one-shotting this big bad boss while I was using console commands it's never allowed me to One-Shot an enemy of that caliber before so I found that quite fascinating like I said before if you're under level 23 you will only find an ethereal being in this spot and not ay even when you reach an appropriate level aich won't spawn in its place so make sure you're at least level 23 when getting this far with all that said thus ends the quest Lich of Lost Boy Cavern the eighth hidden quest for today is titled the horror of dive Rock we've actually covered this story in a short for one of my early uploads but I'm happy that we get to cover it more in depth believe it or not we actually start this Quest near Aaron's Camp which is at the base of di Rock by searching Slightly North of the camp we'll find the corpse of a Breton named Andre labou looting labo's body we'll find a note from his daughter Fiona the exact writings of the note aren't necessary to read however the important parts are that Andre was climbing to the peak of dck and his daughter fears for his life mostly because he's clumsy but also because of the tales they've both heard on the creature known as the horror of di Rock we can now Ascend the mountain and reach the peak known as dick there we will find an abandoned camp with a sack that can be searched we'll find a journal belonging to someone named agnar reading this journal sheds more light on the horror of di Rock entry one when I took on the role of Chieftain of thk when I accepted the beautiful spena snow song as my advisor and then my bride I never imagined how quickly my life would change I went to the aisle of soul time for some much needed rest and found it in the meat soaked Halls of th but when I met svena my sweet svena I became entangled in an epic Story the likes of which I had only read about in fables and children's tales svenia told me of the Fateful night when a hideous creature known as the udact attacked the me Hall killing rampantly leaving her the only Survivor the creature was slain by a champion and thk had its new Chieftain but it wasn't long before they moved on to some new challenge some new adventure Ure and that's where I entered the tale svena snow song with her ice blue eyes and flax and hair gained my love soon after I became her husband and the meat Hall's new chieftain in truth I had never been happier but svena my dear wife existed in quiet misery constantly haunted by the memory of the udact and the Damage it had wrough on the me Hall and the people she had loved night after night my dear woke up screaming her face etched in horror and a single word issuing from her lips Udi I feared for my wife's sanity and happiness but it was she who found a solution to her problem as a warrior she told me she must confront her fear she must defeat it the udact was dead yes but where did it come from was it unique would more of the creatures come and wreak havoc once again would I her loving husband be killed and so she corresponded with explorers and researchers all across Tamriel until she found the answer she had been looking for the udact was in fact not unique but The Offspring of an ancient udick matron in order to end the nightmares in order to prevent any more destruction we would need to hunt down and kill the udick matron no matter where or how entry two by eir we've been searching and searching and searching some more but finally it came the lucky break we had been hoping for the creature has been spotted by a Shepherd in the remote Highlands of Skyrim entry three we found its Trail and tracked it for days Crossing the border into the Imperial Province here in The Frigid mountains we met with a local Hunter who tried to warn us away from the area citing an old legend about a deadly creature known as the horror of di Rock a monster credited with slaying over a dozen people and just as much cattle could this creature be the very udick matron we seek perhaps unlike its child on Soul the matron moves from location to location and it's this Mobility that has thus far prevented its killing or capture entry 4 we made camp at di Rock reportedly the highest natural observation point in all of cidel From Here We Can See For Miles so we'll keep watch night and day we're close so very close svena and I can feel it in our very bones indeed svena has always been particularly in tune with such things and is convinced the udick matron is close entry five svena has grown tired of my constant writing but this journal will serve as a record of our travels and defeat against the udick she's staring at me angrily impatiently right now as I write but this entry is too important finally on this third day of watching we've spotted it the udick matron it is unlike anything we've ever laay eyes on a giant troll-like Beast that seems to waver and Shimmer in the cold like the feral form of winter itself we're off now to trudge down the mountain weapons in hand and give the horror of dive Rockets do entry six failure and horror we Engage The Monster with all Force we muster but it was a travesty Beyond Comprehension svenia my beautiful svenia my dear wife was killed instantly consumed by the Beast nearly whole and though it shames me to now write these words I can think of nothing more at the time than Escape I took flight returning here to our camp at di Rock to collect my thoughts and nerve I haven't much time after this quick entry I will March out and meet the udick maton once more it is sure to track me back to this campsite anyway so our confrontation is inevitable can I even hope to defeat this monstrosity one thing is certain svena and I came hastily unprepared my steel axe useless my dear wife's Frost worm bow completely ineffective and swallowed hole still in Seven's hand the Beast appears to be a creature of the cold and is likely nearly completely resistant to it I would attack with fire if I had any on hand but there is no time no time to travel to a mag's guild and procure an enchanted blade or hire the services of a sorcerer my steel axe will have to do and so I return to battle now and hope Beyond hope that I may slay The Wretched monster that has brought so much grief to so many people and if not I take comfort in knowing I will soon rejoin my beautiful bride in the Gilded Halls of senguard if someone is reading this hastily written Journal I am likely dead and pray to easir that you have had more luck against the creature than I agnar the unwavering Chieftain of th it seems that both agnar and svenia have met a gruesome end hunting the a frck matron if we go east and descend the mountain a little bit we'll come across the body of agnar but more importantly the horror of di rock this Beast is actually an oversized troll that is supposed to be transparent with a tint of blue shimmering over it but for some reason it appeared as a normal troll the udfi matron is certainly a tough fight and fire would be your best bet to kill it in an efficient manner once we have best of the Beast we have put an end to the horror of dive rock as pointed out on The Unofficial pages agar's axe is actually silver even though the journal emphasizes that it's supposed to be steel which is somewhat interesting also when looting the UDA frck matron we can receive sven's Enchanted weapon Frost worm bow and we can even pull her decomposing body out of the Beast thus ends the quest the horr of di Rock the ninth hidden quest for today is titled the pilgrimage of the nine divines scattered through cidel are way shrines that contain blessings bestowed upon us by the nine divines each Divine has around three or four way shrines dedicated to them in order to complete the quest of pilgrimage we are to receive a blessing from each of the nine divines as way Shrine we only need to be blessed by a divine's way Shrine once so whichever of the locations you decide to visit is enough on The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages they actually have Pathways and routes planned out for the most efficient use of our time one of them is the road tour which allows us to take a nice and straightforward path along the established roads of cidel to reach all of the necessary way shrines the other one is called the fast tour which allows us to quickly bang out six of the nine way shrines in a quick but slightly more tedious way the remaining three way shrines of aatos AR and ts are separated from the rest and require their own attention to detail I first started out with trying to do the fast tour but eventually got it confused with the road tour so I must have done it in the least efficient way possible finally after receiving the ninth blessing we're gifted a greater power called Pilgrim's Grace which fortifies all attributes by 10 for 300 seconds as a side note with knights of the N9 DLC installed we must have zero infamy while doing this pilgrimage as otherwise we won't receive any blessings and therefore will not receive Pilgrim's Grace thus ending the quest the pilgrimage of the nine divines the 10th hidden quest for today is titled the unbeaten path this Quest Begins by making our way to Fort cold corn once at the Fort either by a big leap or by doing some Parkour we can end up on the ruins of the fort by hopping over to the wall and structure that faces East we will find a steel sword laying on the ground as well as a chest the chest contains a key of hidden wealth and a strange note the note reads the sword leads the way half a mile it's just past the big rock on the right so by looking at the blade we can see that it points in the direction of Northeast and we know we don't have to walk too far to get wherever we were being led to walking in a straight line will eventually end up by a large rock on a slope looking around it we'll find a chest that's locked using our key of hidden wealth to open it we find a level dagger and a note the note reads blessed are those who explore the unbeaten path the dagger that we find will be a boss level dagger and is at the best possible quality that it would have been at when you initially set foot into Fort cold corn depending on your level the dagger's odds of being Enchanted increase with a maximum of 50% at level 9 or higher thus ends the quest the unbeaten path technically all of the base game hidden quests have concluded the last one on this list and that we'll briefly talk about is the quest title unwanted tenants this Quest can only be completed if the fighter stronghold has been installed and as mentioned previously it's something I currently don't have for my game this Quest sees the player entering into battle horn castle and completing the battle horn Castle Quest once done so we can enter inside of the private quarters where a pillar within can be triggered revealing a small room in the wall recess the bookshelf at the opposite side of the room contains a book called lord jiren's journal the journal reads I hope I have done well I don't know perhaps I should tell the others but what hope would they have then I will have to tell Kelvin one day when it is time for him to assume the lordship of the castle he at least May forgive me as I am his father I must collect my thoughts Cain returned last night while the others were gone to the city thank Onie it was only myself and gedan faithful friend I have sworn him to secrecy he was only too happy to let me take responsibility for what we did later I am more resolved than ever that the others must never find out they must never know what Lord Cain has become our Lee Lord we sacrificed everything for him I will set it all down here clearly so That Others May judge whether I've done right or wrong when Gan woke me to tell me that Lord Cain had arrived I was overjoyed at first gan's Grim face soon warned me that all was not well but he would not tell me what was wrong only that Lord Cain was accompanied by Ariel Gerard a name to freeze the blood a br battle mage of sinister reputation in lanin Lord Cain was waiting in the Great Hall with Ariel Gerard he was heavily cloaked unsurprisingly as it was a foul night but I wondered why he had not removed it upon entering the castle I greeted Lord Cain warmly ignoring His companion for the moment but when he spoke it was only haltingly and with a grading Edge that I had never heard before where are the others was all he said Ariel Gerard quickly intervened explaining that Lord Cain was unwell and needed a place to rest by the time Cain was AB bed I was fully alarmed he moved like an old man and barely spoke in my presence he left a foul odor in his wake and remained cloaked until I left him in my Chambers I then demanded that Ariel explain herself which she was only too willing to do her story was appalling apparently Cain had perished in battle shortly after we left but by her Arts she had returned him to life and now planned to gather an army of knights to resume the war against Baron Shri her eyes glittered with pride as she told me all this she is so far gone in Madness and evil that she actually believed that I would go along with her plan to install a necromantic puppet on the throne of lanin for all Baron shrikes cruelties he at least is mortal and will one day pass on the rule to an heir somehow I was able to hide my shock from Ariel Gerard and pretended to agree to her plan the other Knights will need to have Lord Cain's condition explain to them before they see him I told her otherwise the surprise of seeing him may lead to some regrettable actions thinking quickly I suggested that she tend to Lord C in The Grotto until I had prepared the others she agreed without suspicion I wonder if her mind has become disordered by her evil practices my performance could have not been all that convincing once they were inside I shut them in with garan's help may twaka have mercy on Lord Cain's Soul as for Ariel jard I wish nothing but Endless Night on her foul Spirit I've had workmen cover up the doorway only a few of the others were aware of the passage behind the training room luckily Kelvin was not among them I'll have to come up with some story to satisfy those who ask about The Grotto or tell them the truth and face the consequences by looking up we can go through a hatch that leads to the rooftop apparently jiren is the father of Lord Kelvin who was the previous owner of battlehorn Castle and whose corpse can still be found there by going to the training room there's a candal laum attached to a wall behind some archery equipment activating that will unlock a secret door Into The Grotto following the path there is a movable pillar that leads further inside of The Grotto here we'll find a skeleton of Lord C with the Dragon Sword of lanin which depending on your level will have a variation of the enchantments for absorb fatigue and fire damage it is also holding Lord Kane's Shield which is a heavy Shield that has the Enchantment of light 10 ft on self there is well is the netherl Ariel Gerard which when slain has the key to unlocking a level chest thus ending the quest unwanted tenants those are all of the hidden quests we're going to discuss for today did any quests get missed that were not included on the unofficial Pages list let me know down below and until next time keep on adventuring
Channel: A Bard's Ballad
Views: 50,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, lore, oblivion crisis, oblivion gameplay, oblivion lore, oblivion playthrough, oblivion crisis lore, elderscrolls lore, elderscrolls 4 oblivion, oblivion elder scrolls, elder scrolls iv oblivion, oblivion quests, oblivion Daedra, quest walkthrough, oblivion walkthrough, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls story, oblivion, elder scrolls oblivion, elder scrolls oblivion quests, elder scrolls oblivion lore, elder scrolls oblivion review, oblivion npc, oblivion funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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