Objections to the Voice to Parliament | Triggernometry Podcast

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what do you think about this referendum that's appearing on the horizon I think it's in October November 2023 which is our Aboriginal voice is it not so just explain to people what it is and whether you agree with it whether you disagree with it Etc well for start it's very hard to Define what it is because in fact the Prime Minister says it's a modest proposal that just recognizes aboriginals in the Constitution for example the people who have put it together say no it's a major proposal which will Empower us in a way we haven't been before the lawyers are having a picnic because some lawyers are saying this is sound law others are saying it will lead to endless activism I'm simply reporting the facts there it's very easily checked there's no agreement on what it is or what impact it will have um I am opposed to it for three reasons the first is the reasons I've just given the denial of agency and what have you means and I've had a lot of experience with this I have had a lot of experience and I've seen it on the ground and aboriginality is not a nation there are in fact three to four hundred Nations and they are many of them proudly individualistic so I don't know how 54 people are going to represent 300 plus Nations and have a special voice that no other Australian has the second thing is that the debate has been highly emotionally charged and they've been the put Downs if you're against this you're a racist well I'm against it because I don't think it's going to work and for the third reason I don't think constitutions I think good constitutions they only work in the culture I mean Russia had a great Constitution you would know that but it wasn't a free country it only work in the culture in which they're embedded that's right um and but our constitution was put together I mean we're one of the oldest democracies in the world Australia and we were able to draw on the absolute best internationally particularly from the American you know Declaration of Independence and everything that came out of sorry out of the out of the well out of that process and drawing on the British model as well but it was late in the piece and I am on record as saying and I repeat here that in my view a constitution should be a dry Dusty document that draws no distinctions at all based on wealth where you live gender position in society all the color of your skin the very model of equality is to ensure that no one's singled out [Music] foreign
Channel: John Anderson
Views: 25,582
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Keywords: John Anderson, John Anderson Conversation, Interview, John Anderson Interview, Policy debate, public policy, public debate, John Anderson Direct, Direct, Conversations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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