Object Recolours | The Sims 4 Tutorial (Colours & Patterns)

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hey guys it's Joshua and welcome to a tutorial video on how I personally do my object recolors in The Sims 4 before we get started you'll need two programs you'll need Sims for studio and you'll also need a photo editing tool such as that's what I personally use but you can probably get away with using any other program so once you have those three programs let's jump right in so what you first want to do is open up Sims 4 studio so we can get the resources required to start recoloring so what you want to do is open up object standalone recolor and then you can if you find the item you want to recolor I've just pre-selected seasons you can it's probably best to know what pack the item you want to recolor is in so it's because it's just so much easier but oh you can just like type in what's the code this one is actually called to the sitting Z so I can just type sit anywhere pop-up so I want to recolor this couch right here so I click on that hit next this type a name I'll just type in couch oops I didn't spell right now so couch it'll do its thing and then once that's done you just find the texture you want to recolor from as your starting point generally I pick the white swatch since it's so much easier so once you what you want to do now once you have the swatch one export you just click export call it give it a name I just call this base texture that opens up the file explorer and you can just click you can just remove all the other swatches you can even remove the original switch if you want just like make sure you have one left and then it's really important texture in case you make a mistake and then just add another swatch and now you're ready to open up once is open just drag and drop or just open up through file just open up the texture as you can see it a little bit like confusing but it should be quite easy to find what you want to recolor so for this tutorial I'll just be recoloring the couch and this question right here these two other things the cushions as well but I just want to recolor two cushions and have some great questions as well so first you want to select since I want to have these as different colors you'll need to select them individually so first I'll create a layout for these for these cushions so you grab the selection tool dragon like dragons select an area and if you want to select if it's like not a perfect square just hold shift and drag a second box and you'll create you'll add it to the first box and as you can see both areas of liquid create a new layer up and then grab the paint tool and put white over the entire thing this may look a bit crazy but what what you want to do now is go where it says mode normal and actually pick multiply and right now it looks invisible but once that's done you can go into an option called colorize and then once you start putting the lightness down you'll see that it starts to change color a little bit which is pretty cool and then once you do that you can like change the hue of it and that will also like change the color as you can see so yeah that's cool and then click OK it's red and then for the second part you basically do the same thing and drag over the question create a new layer put it put white on it and then multiply it and then just do colorize again and then let's just lower the brightness or the lightness rather and then just change the huge I might make this one orange oops and maybe look yeah there we go so it's a bit fiddly sometimes okay that's cool and if you want you can actually like make it brighter or like make it gray again but for that I'll just make this normal and like I'll export that so to export yes go export as and I'll just call this red and say if you're making a bunch of swatches instead of having to colorize every time you can just go to hue/saturation and just drag it a little bit wrong you have to make sure you unselect areas when you're on a different layout because like safe oops say if I was trying to color up I was clicked on this layer and I have a selection here nothing will happen because it's trying to recolor like it's trying to change the hue of the layout but only this part of it and there's nothing there so like nothing will even happen so once you do that everything is unselected go to hue/saturation and then it's basically like drag your who you up and down until you get to where you want so you can like do it incrementally so that like you can slowly go through all the colors of the rainbow and then just keep exporting it every time anyway now that we've exported red let's go back into our item and re-import it the texture as you can see it's looking pretty cool and I did actually end up forgetting to change the color of these but if you ask me it kind of looks really cool so yeah that's actually like the basic tutorial part so now we'll move on to adding patterns so to add textures for this tutorial I'll be doing a recolor on a bed so let's just go to bed I'll be using this crosshatch delight from seasons I don't know why or my tutorials up for seasons it so just they're just really cool items so I shall just save it as bed once that's done as per usual I'll look for the white swatch and I already know there is one which is why I picked this bed so as you can see this is the white swatch so I'll just go back out and just pull this bed base texture once that's done I'll just delete the unwanted swatches and import the white one again just in case and I've made a mistake so we'll have to go back out and go back in one thing I forgot is that when sometimes depending on what objective is the texture you want might actually like not even like it's this the bed actually has two textures so this is a texture I want not the bed frame but you can also change the bed frame if you want so I'll just export the actual bed sheets this time instead of the binged instead of the bed frame just by replacing it so now I can delete everything and then re-import the red text jar and then open up again I'll just reset everything discard general obviously you'd generally say that once you're done but I'm just discarding it so as you can see the bed's up so what you wanna do now is I've actually gotten a pattern in preparation for this so I just dragged the pattern on it's a pretty funky pattern but I actually really love it so once you have your pattern or like whatever you want to overlay on the bed sheets up just like shrink it down to size oops I made it a little bit too small yeah that's perfect so I'm gonna lower the opacity at acity a little bit just so I can see behind it and then what you want to do ugly to be true bright actually great that should be fine for now what you want to do now is just basically make like a I guess a rough selection of where the bed is because you don't really you don't want the pattern to appear on any other part of the bed which you don't want so watch it once that's done selection tool this is the last tool by the way anyway once you've gotten your selection done does press whoops press ctrl I press Delete and you're left with and basically the only area you want so once that's once you do that I'll just put the opacity back up again and then you just pick multiply again and as you can see it's like overlaid it on top of the bed leaving like the texture behind the bed it's also like the the crosshatch part of the bed is like still visible and to help a bit more out also lower the opacity a little bit because it's a bit too like like vibrant sure I'll have to lower it a little bit just it looks a bit more nicely lined baby blue so that looks pretty good good so let's just export that and see what happens so I'll just pull this blue that is done - let's go back to create another smudge make sure we select the bedsheets and import as you can see this is looking pretty cool but there are still a bit of recoloring we haven't done yet so we will open them back up and find where that is for this bed it's quite obvious but sometimes it's a little bit hard to find like where the texture is for this bed as you can see it's right here so what you want to do is just grab a little selection like this and then copy and paste that and as you can see one of them's upside-down so you'll just have to flip that so I'm pretty yeah so this is the right way up so I'll create another copy as well so that's a hot stone and then it's dragging on top of the other corner but this one will have to be flipped vertically if you double tap the flip tool you can flip horizontal or vertically rather and then just leave it like that now once that's done go back into these two and then just merge down and multiply and we'll also obviously have to put it opacity down just so it's the same like color as the main bed so that looks pretty good so we and reacts for that open up seems for studio and then re-import the texture and as you can see now it's looking really good so now that we've done our base texture I guess I guess if you wanted to you can start doing more color options so before we merge usually it's really annoying but when you want to merge objects that have objects that have x usually make them normal again just before I merge them because it sometimes glitches out and like it goes invisible and stuff like that so just serve like that I'm just gonna make them normal merge and multiply again and obviously we'll have to change the opacity we can click on it okay cool so and then like it's so it's really easy to recolor once you have them all merged because you can literally just change the hue and like it's so easy and it's like really cool as well like look at how cool that purple one looks and like when I do reclose I generally just like move the shoe around until I find a cool color so I might make a like purple one which is pretty cool so I'll react split that and a Colette purple once then I'll also make another one because it's fun right and I make a green runner that's a really a really nice screen so in green that's done so now I can just make true swatches texture import green texture again and import purple and I'm that's basically the end of like the texturing part of the tutorial but now we'll be going into like the stuff you'll have to do if you want to like release this through other people I guess so what to undo obviously is first create like the proper swatch icons which is quite easy use I generally just do one color because it's otherwise it's just you have to change so much so this one's white so we'll obviously just make this white and you just like basically click on it and if you want to make it a lot more easier you just like click on standard and like you just literally click on what you want so this one's blue so I'll pick blue sometimes there won't be like the color you want so that's when you have to open up the advanced option but for the most part basically every like type of color you need is here and this one is online color but to be too bright but I won't be like sharing this so it's not a big problem and then you probably want to do tags as well so the only card you probably ever need to change during recoloring is just the colors so this one is not blue I'll make that green not blue it's purple this one is blue by chance and then we saw his wife and then you say that once you've done all that and if you want you could check this since this is a standalone recolor and you can like check call it what you want to is also like recolored and like you can also like if you wanted to like change the description or and price even like I don't think people would want to pay more for like a bed with a different texture because it's just the same bed but it's just has a most like you could do like a override recolor but generally those item at least I find that there's a higher chance for them for conflicting with other CC because you might accidentally download like another override and they'll try and override the same thing and but that probably won't end well anyway I think that's the end of the tutorial it was a pretty quick one compared to my mesh edit one because this is just recapturing so yeah I hope you guys found this useful or helpful if you have any suggestions or ideas for future videos relating to like CC or even just like my other videos please feel free to let me know and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next video bye guys
Channel: IllogicalSims
Views: 57,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sims 4, Sims, Sims 4 Gameplay, Sims 4 Playthrough, sims 4 how to recolor objects, sims 4 how to make cc, sims 4 how to make recolors, sims 4 object recolors, sims 4 cc, sims 4 how to create cc, sims 4 making cc, sims 4 cc tutorial, sims 4 recolor tutorial, sims 4 tutorial, sims 4 object, sims 4 how to, how to, sims 4 cc guide, sims 4 guide, sims 4 make cc, custom content, cc, making cc, recolor, color, tutorial, gimp, sims 4 studio, studio
Id: K-XA002cSvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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