Oasis Country Club & Spa | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome back to another sims 4 speedboarding video or welcome to channel if you are new here so in today's video i'm going to build in the world of oasis springs which is one of the base game worlds and i'm going to be building a country club and spa so earlier on this week the sims 4 spa day got a refresh and basically if you own the sims 4 spa day it would have been a free update there was no additional costs but basically you would have updated your game and there's new items now that are included with spa day and also they updated some base game items which is so exciting now i have actually known about the refresh of a game pack for a few weeks it's really funny because i always try and i say always try i always do my voiceovers on the day so when you're watching this now i was doing this a few hours ago because i always like to try and keep up to date with the latest news and whatnot so if there's any like any updates on anything i always like to talk about in voiceovers last week i completely forgot to mention it in my voiceover but i have known about the game pack refresh for a little while but i didn't expect it to be spa day even though they were actually dropping hints saying refreshing update or whatnot can't remember exactly word for word what it was but i just assumed that it would be outdoor retreat because the sims force friday is not the first game pack that we've got in the sims 4 the first one was outdoor retreat so it makes me wonder are they just going to like pick and choose when they do these refreshes it's not going to go in like a certain order or it just it does make me wonder but regardless it really inspired me and i really wanted to sit down and build kind of like the ultimate spa destination for your sims to go so we do actually have a selection of different spas that you can actually place down into your world and you know play with spa day through but the way that you actually access them is if you have to go through your library which off memory i'm closing my eyes trying to imagine my library screen in front of me but i think you go into your library via the gallery and then the left hand side there's a tab and it says in my library then under that there is basically all these different lots that the sims team have built and they haven't been placed into worlds they're kind of built for you to place them wherever you want and there is i think a total of four different spy lots in your library it's kind of like a trade file and although i do like them now don't get me wrong i do actually quite like the bills that they actually did i just feel like they don't fit in it to all the worlds that seamlessly so whenever i actually want to get my sims to visit the spa and i place one down from the library i'll be in the middle of wasted springs in the desert surrounded by mediterranean houses and there's this ultra modern like block building of a spa and to me as well whenever i think of a spot i don't think of an ultra modern place i think of kind of like a country club in the desert you know secluded palm springs kind of thing when i was building this i'm not gonna lie i was actually thinking a lot about you know high school musical too i can't remember the actual name of it but they went to like this country club i was thinking a lot about that when i was building this i haven't watched that film literally since it came out i don't even know how many years ago it was but i haven't watched the film it's since basically released but for some reason the location of the country club and just kind of like the idea of it has just always stuck in my mind and so yeah fun fact when i was building this for some reason i was thinking about high school musical too but anyway moving on from that and actually talking a little bit more about the build itself so i'm not sure if i've mentioned this already but this build is going to be my save file which i'm very excited for and i basically wanted there to be multiple different things that your sims could come and do whilst they're staying here so if you actually wanted to you can actually list this as both a spa and then a gym and i believe as well actually you can also list it as an onsen bath house because i have actually got one of the hot springs just on one end of the pool now one thing i did actually want to speak about is what i've done with a pool so as you can see there is a massive pool it's kind of like a platform going into the pool and then on one side of it there's actually a swim up bar now i have seen this idea just bopping around so much recently and i really was waiting for the perfect build to include a smart bar now this is not my original idea whatsoever i did not think of this i will literally would have never thought of this but this is actually the original idea is from jpgaming on youtube but what i'll do is i'll actually leave a link in the description box down below and it will take you to their channel and you know you can watch the tutorial and learn how to suit yourself but it is just the most genius idea and it's functional as well by the way your sims can actually sit there and sit at the bar and have a drink now one thing i do want to say is the bowl when you actually order a drink from the bar your sims will actually get out of the pool and then they'll walk round and then the drink will be made but basically the way that it's built is two bars merged together and so the drink will be placed onto the first ball which is closest to the bartender and then you can actually get your drink and drag it onto the bar which is actually now in the pool and then your sims can literally just go back around sit at the stool and drink their drink so your sims will actually have to get out to order a drink but you know it's the best that we can do we don't have so much bars in the game it's just kind of a really smart little work around and yeah i just really want you to mention that just because i just thought it was the most genius idea but yeah there is a functional swim up by your sims can just sit there do you want us even if you don't want your sims to have a drink essentially let you just sit there and have a little chit chat if they wanted to but i just thought it was a really nice addition to the build one thing that does slightly annoy me about the bar though from being honest with you is the way that their bastards are basically just floating in the water and i had tried so many different workarounds and just tried to you know figure out a way so i could actually get it so it was completely usable and unfortunately if you place something underneath the bar stills it just it just won't work so when i came around to actually places in this build like always this build has been playtested everything works absolutely fine so if you want to download it you won't run into any problems but when i was actually playtesting it i originally knew that i didn't want to place anything underneath the bar stores because when i actually came around the first time and you know playtested it i wanted to make sure that it was all good before i decided to get a little bit happy with adding things underneath the bar and you know add a load of different things underneath the bar maybe it doesn't work so i originally didn't place anything underneath the bar when i was actually building this but when i came around and i was playtesting it i did actually try a few different methods out i tried sizing up shelves i tried some kind of like seating blocks i tried i tried all different salts and basically i came to the conclusion if you want to put something underneath the bar stool the bar still stools will still work because sims can still sit there but they just can't order at the bar which is really annoying like they won't get out and go around and order a drink they just it just won't be useful so if it does annoy you i'm really sorry there's no work around i just want you to be a completely functional lot like all of my builds but if it doesn't annoy you you can definitely just size something up and then put it underneath the bar stills and like i said your sims can still sit there they just can't order anything but actually i was thinking as well if you wanted to you could actually have two sims come here one sim actually sit at the bar like actually sit at the bar still and then if you actually just have another sim making a load of different drinks then you can just drag them onto the bar and then that is actually kind of like a workaround but yeah i just wanted to mention it i do know that the bar stores are floating but i wanted the build to be completely functional and if i added anything underneath them it seems kind of older at the bar which is kind of like the main purpose of a bar so yeah but anyway moving on from that and actually talking a little bit more about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i've actually just placed down a little seating area in the back corner of this i don't even know garden what we classing it as this back area there is a seating area because i really imagine that this country club spa would be a really social place to come if anyone's ever seen one family you know jay jay always seems to be at the country club i imagine that this spa is like that there's probably going to be so many sims in my safe role that are just going to be living here 24 7. you know they never leave it's the best place to come you know get in get a massage maybe get a pedicure or manicure maybe use some of the gym equipment and then also if you want to you can go outside get a drink and have a little catch up with your mates sitting by a fire pit so i really wanted there to be a few different seating areas in this build but as well as that there is also multiple different sun lounges so your sims can go and relax and sunbathe in the oasis springs weather because it does get really hot in this world so your sims are probably going to be in heat waves 24 7. if they want to catch a turn they can go and lay out in them sunbeds or maybe just relax and read a book or something there isn't tons of them i did it so there was like loads on one side and then there's some on a platform it kind of looks like it goes into the pool and i put three down on there but i'll actually come back to the exterior building of this spot at the very end because basically i've now moved on into the inside and you might be thinking what are you doing you still got the front to do i was so stuck on what to do with the front because there was so much going on in the back i only had a small little i think it was four tiles to work with for the front entrance for the spa and i didn't want to just quickly do something so that's that area was done so i decided to come back to the front of the spa at the very end of the video and then i also go back into like the garden area and i add some umbrellas as well as some floor tiles around like the pool you'll see you'll see it at the very end but anyway moving on as you can see i've now moved on into the inside of this spa and i've started off by doing this reception area so this is the place where you know your sims are coming to the spa maybe maybe actually someone brought them a spa treatment as like a winterfest gift or something and maybe then you go up to the cash registers and then the people behind them you know you've got this treatment at this time maybe if you want to wait until your appointment you can go and sit in the sun lounges or something like that i just feel like it's more realistic for this kind of commercial building to have cash registers even if they're not going to be usable even if no sim stands by them to me in my head it just feels a little bit more realistic and you know you know me i like a bit of realism in my builds and so it's better than your sims money just evaporating from their pocket in my head my sims go downstairs to the reception and they actually pay for their treatments instead of the money just disappearing but as well as this in this area there is just kind of a big empty space and originally i didn't know what to do with it and so for a while i actually kept it so the floor was there was nothing on the floor but i actually do come back to it in a minute and i actually add in that some of the sectional sofas that we've got from the dream home decorator i suppose say kit but the dream home decorated pack and i actually put this little i say little this like plant thing in the middle of it i've actually seen this on twitter before and i can't remember who i've saw it off i'm really sorry i can't give you credit but i've seen that on twitter before and i thought it was a really good idea and it just kind of filled out the room really nicely and so i decided to add it as kind of like a half waiting area or maybe if your sims don't want to go outside they don't want to learn the sun beds while so waiting for their treatments they can just sit you know on the little sofas and wait for the spa people to see them spa people that's definitely not what they're called but anyway regardless moving on as you can see i've now moved on into the yoga studio i love this room i just think it is so cool i just it looks like an actual yoga studio to me as well what i actually did is i actually used some of the mirrors that we got from spade and i actually moved them up three times using it bb move objects press the nine key move them up and then when you originally move them up it's actually a one singular mirror and it's kind of got this light going all around it but you can actually merge them together and it kind of creates this one massive mirror and the thing is with it as well you can make it as big or as small as you want to you could even probably do it so it kind of goes around the walls in the room but i just decided to do it for the one singular wall and then on one of the other walls in the yoga studio there's kind of like these beams which are from i think eco lifestyle but i think we also have something similar from get famous off memory but just kind of add a little bit of texture to the room because it was kind of like this creamy white wall it was a little bit basic and a little bit bare so i decided to add them as kind of like a wool decoration and then there is also some yoga mats in there as well i put one yoga instructor mat and then four of like kind of do you call them yoga students you know where your sims would come and they would actually use their mats and not the yoga instructor you know what i'm talking about there is a total of five yoga mats in there one for the yoga instructor and then four for your sims and your sims mates to come and you know do a bit of yoga but now i've actually moved on into kind of like the communal showers now there is a hot springs in the back garden or the back area of the build and so it was really necessary to have somewhere where your sims can actually come and take a shower before they go into it and also as well for the pool because i feel like whenever there's a community pool there always should be showers around it because you don't want to be gently like you need to have showers near a pool and hot springs and so this area is actually only accessible from the back of the build so your sims won't be like really dirty and smelly and they won't actually walk through the building to get to the communal showers the only way they can actually access it is going through the sliding doors from the back of the build i just thought it'd be a little bit nicer and a little bit cleaner that way as well but there is also some more showers but these are just kind of like the hot springs and the swimming pool showers but anyway moving on from that as you can see i've now moved on into kind of like this little seating room i was so stuck on what to do with this i had no clue what i was going to do with it originally i was thinking maybe i could make it into a bar area but then the bar area would have been really small and it wouldn't have made a lot of sense for being such a grand country club that it is for the bar to be as small as what it would have been and then i was thinking about maybe making it into a conference room or something you know maybe you've got a sim that's even like a freelancer or in the business career or maybe they're a salary person and they do all their work emails from here or something like that i thought that would be a really good idea to have a conference room but then i also decided that i wanted there to be more seating areas and so i just decided to make it into a little seating waiting area maybe actually maybe when your sims are going to the yoga studio and maybe when there's a class there your sims actually have to wait in that waiting room for the room to be free i kind of like that idea but anyway as you can see i'm just finishing up this little kind of like gym area so i really wanted there to be a gym in this spa because i felt like where is the country club i felt like it was kind of necessary and so i ended up putting some treadmills some of the weightlifting machines and then also one of the boxing bags i really wish i really do wish that i could have fitted in the rock climbing wall that we got from the fitness pack because now that we've got snowy escapes your sims can basically train on that wall if they want to go like mountain climbing but it is so big i couldn't fit it in it's i think you have to have a third wall height to be able to fit it into a room and a third wall higher i just don't really like the third wall height and so i don't know how i'm ever going to fit that into a build it will be in my safe file somewhere i'll i'll make that statement that climbing wall will be in my safe i just need to figure out where it's going to be and how it's going to work probably we'll put it in a basement somewhere because third wall height and me i just don't really like it but anyway moving on as you can see i've now moved on into the basement and i started off by furnishing the more secluded and private showers as well as the changing room so we have the showers upstairs which is meant to be for the pool and you know the hot springs but they're a bit open and anyone can just walk in on your sims when they run a shower so if your sims want to be a little bit more private and they don't want everyone to be around when they're having a shower you know maybe they've just done a workout and they're a bit sweaty in a big room and so maybe they want to have a little bit more of a secluded shower away from everyone so no one can see them then you come downstairs and there is some private showers separated by a door as well so your sims can you know go away into the door to be honest actually though the door is actually see-through because it's actually like a glass panel but i always imagine in my head that when your sims actually lock the door then it kind of goes like a frosted glass and you can't see in that's what i imagine anyway because it is a little bit silly to be honest to have a bathroom door that is a glass completely glass because what's the point might as well just have an archway so let's just imagine that when you lock the door that it goes into a frosted glass but there are some changing rooms as well like some changing stations your sims can change their clothes maybe change into a towel or a bathrobe and now i've moved on to the other side which is kind of like the the main toilets there's loads of different toilets here it's got you know the ones that we've got from discovery university kind of like the stalls and then we've also got some like basins your sims can wash their hands and whatnot and then in the middle there is kind of like a seating area maybe your sims want to sit down and put their slippers on take their shoes off so i put some like shoes underneath the sofa and whatnot and then just on the other side of that there is actually two different saunas so your sims can go in there and you know put the coal on and i don't know how it works but your sims can basically use the sauna because there is two in this build i felt like two would be better than one because i feel like there's going to be a lot of sims visiting this spa and so they're probably going to be taking up that space in the summer so you definitely need more than one but anyway regardless moving on i've now moved on to the upstairs portion and i've started off by furnishing at the nail salon kind of like where your seams want to go if they want to get a manicure or maybe a pedicure so i try to section this room into two different sections depending on what your sim once done so the first section as your sims would actually walk through the doors it's kind of the area where your sims would go and get a manicure but then if your sims want to get a pedicure they'd kind of go into the back room and you've got them really big comfortable well they look comfortable anyway these comfortable massage chairs and i just felt like that was so realistic as well for a nail salon because okay bear in mind i haven't been and got my nails done in a very long time but when i have gone in the past you know had a manicure pedicure there's always a bigger chair for when you actually get a pedicle that you actually sit at and it's like a massage chair i think that's what they try to do with these new objects and so i decided to kind of separate it so it's you get your hands done or you get your feet done it's like which room do you want to go in but over here i'm currently working on this little shelfing unit now we actually got originally a shelf from spa day at the original release that kind of had this like protein i say protein powder like fitness padding like pre-workout on it and it was like glued to the object and it was a nice shelf but you didn't really ever get to use it because it already had this like clutter on top of it but in the new update they actually released a version of the shelf that doesn't actually have that and so i noticed it was quite a similar swatch to the swatch that we actually have on the dream home decorator kind of like furniture so what i actually did is i actually merged into some of the furniture from the dream home decorator pack and try to make it look like the area where you'd go and you know choose your nail varnish or your nail polish or whatnot because that's really really sick as well whenever you go into a nail salon normally they have a massive wall just filled with every single color that you can imagine and normally as well they go from like lightest to darkest so they try and stick with the colors so they'll keep all that red together and keep all the pinks together and i try to do that when i was cluttering up the nail varnish i don't know if i've done it that well but i try to do it so it kind of goes from light to dark also i've just remembered we've got new swatches of that now varnish which i'm so incredibly happy for because we've had that nail varnish in the game it's base game but they actually updated it as well as some of the towels that we have in base game and some of the dressing gowns you might have seen me place a few of them like here and there throughout the build but they actually updated some of the base game items as well and i'm so happy because that nail varnish was so restricted to either be in it really bright kind of pink colors there was also like a purpley kind of swatch as well and i think there was one more but i don't think i've used it or maybe there was just the two swatches but now there is so many different colors there's all different reds and you know like neutral colors and i just really like it but as well in that room as well in the kind of like the area where you'd get a pedicure i made sure that there was actually a sink area because as well realistically when you're going to get your nails done you always get asked to go and wash your hands after like a certain pro like you know after a certain thing is done i don't i'm not a nail tech i don't know what i'm talking about but after a certain thing they asked you to go and wash your hands and so i made sure that there was some sinks in there as well but anyway now moving on i've now moved on into the massage area so this is where your sims can come and get a massage so i've used two of the new massage tables that we actually got in the update now previously we did actually have some massage tables where you know your sims could lay down put their head through the little hole with the front and whatnot but they updated the items so this one looks a little bit more luxury to me anyway the previous one i did like and i've used it in so many different builds before but i think now going forward this one is going to be my go-to just because it looks a little bit more expensive a little bit more luxury and i just personally prefer it but i put two of them in that room and then i actually separated it with some candles which are also from spa day because i didn't want to have a separate room just for one person or one sim to get a massage and so i thought putting candles like a kind of what's it called like a divider in between the massage tables would kind of be a nice separation when your sims are getting a massage but anyway moving on as you can see i've moved on into the room which is just off the massage room and i've moved into the literal bathroom so as you can see there is literally a room with just two baths in nothing else just some changing stations a little seating area for your sims maybe changing to a towel or whatnot but it's predominantly a room where your sims have a bath and i know that sounds really strange but with spa day we actually have the ability so your sims can actually click on the bath and have different types of baths so previously it would just be take a bath or take a bubble bath but with spa day we've now got mud baths and we've got different kind of soaks and stuff your sims can take off off memory i think one of them is a rose petal soap and if your sims have that then they might become a little bit flirty and it's actually a really good feature and i actually use a lot in my own personal gameplay the different kind of soaks if my sims are a bit ill if my skin is a bit under the weather i'll normally get them to have i think it's a milk and oatmeal or no honey and oat milk so something like that it calms them down and it's it's great if your sims are real but i always use it in my own personal gameplay and i thought it'd be a really good addition to add into this build as it did come up with the spider day game pack but moving on i've started furnishing the upstairs hallway area so it was kind of like an empty space that i didn't know what to do with and so i decided to make it into an extra seating area mainly for the nail salon because whenever you do go to a nail place and maybe you've got an appointment and the person in front of you is maybe running a little bit late and so your nail appointment's going to be a little bit late sometimes you have to sit there and you have to wait until you know you're ready to be seen for so there needs to be a seating area for it and so there is a seating area just outside the nail salon and there is also like the odd plant in the corner and stuff like that it was quite a difficult room to furnish i will say that but now i've moved back to the outside of the lot and i've actually started furnishing the front entrance now this was so difficult to work with because you can see how small amount of tiles i've got to work with for like a front entrance i would have loved it if this had maybe like an extra 10 tiles or something for the front so it could be a little bit more grand a little bit more luxury but unfortunately where the garden is so big with the pool and the hot springs and the sunbed areas and the meditation areas and whatnot it left me very little space at the front to actually do a design for the spa you know cover up the design front entrance and so i did the best that i could i actually do like the way it turned out but it was definitely very difficult to do it and i'm really happy that i decided to wait until the very end and i'm happy that i didn't just quickly do one before i went in and actually started doing the furnishing i actually just really sat down and thought what is the best way that i can do this and so the best way was using this towel from i believe it's jungle adventure it's kind of like the pathway and then using the same grass i've been using it in the back as in like kind of bringing it into the front and doing separate flower beds and then actually using this trim which is i think it's meant to be a pool trim or a fountain trim or something as kind of like the edge of this pathway because the annoying thing about the sims 4 a 30 by 20 lot is not a 30 by 20 knot it's a 29 by 19 knot because you can't put a fence or a wall right to the edge a lot which is so annoying but you have to work with it and so i found that these like little trims of i think they're meant to be for pools or whatnot they actually worked quite well for kind of like the fencing of the pathway as i have been fencing off all the little like landscaped areas but now moving back to the back of the build again i'm just gonna go around and just make some final changes make some final adjustments i felt like this platform going to the like the inside of the building was just looking a little bit plain and boring so i decided to add some candles into it as well as a couple of bars and then also do just add some lighting into the little kind of like shade area where the bar is that item that i've used by the way is actually from base game and i believe it was added into an update maybe like two years ago or something but it just suited this build so perfectly and as well as that actually the flowers that are actually on it match the flowers that were on the building of the actual spa so it just kind of looks like these flowers actually grow in the area and i just really like it but anyway guys i am actually going to end this voice over here so as always you can download this build via the gallery my original id is jessica yt if you search for the hashtag jessicapyt or just the hashtag jessica pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully i will see you in my next sims 4 speed building video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 40,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 spa build, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 spa day, sims 4 spa, sims 4 country club, sims 4 mediterranean house, sims 4 oasis country club, sims 4 oasis springs spa, sims 4 traditional spa, sims 4 spa day refresh, sims 4 health club, sims 4 gym, sims 4 palm springs, sims 4 community lot, sims 4 spa refresh build, sims 4 gym build, sims 4 nail salon, sims 4 yoga, sims 4 yoga studio, sims 4 hot springs, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, save file, sims
Id: 0TklUczR7Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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