Jael Kills Sisera With A Tent Peg (Be Careful Where You Sleep) Pt. 2 Pastor Walter L Pearson

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breath of light presents relentless pursuit with pastor Walter L Pearson jr. we continue with the story of deborah and barak in judges chapter 4 so now deborah and barak with ten thousand soldiers looked down at the base of the mountain and Barack says to Deborah you said it's gonna happen didn't you I'm not saying I didn't believe you but i'ma tell you something there's some hard stuff to believe we have here and they down there I thought we could never beat them here we are hi and they alone this is amazing what do you think we ought to do next you say you read what do we do next we're going down this mountain and take out our enemy God will be for us in fact that came a moment Josephus says when fear went through the ten thousand when fear even tugged at Barak and he started to think maybe I should go and find a hiding place up here but Deborah said to him hey hey hey knows with us didn't I tell you to go to the mountain and we up here yeah didn't I tell you I was gonna draw by God's power our enemy to us yeah didn't it happen just like God promised yeah well that same God who drew them to us says go down and get him incidentally there are some times in your life when you just gotta trust God just got to do what he says and so Barak pulls together his courage and he makes the command and they begin to march with no weapon down to feast the iron chariots you know you got to have something happening with God to do that kind of thing it doesn't make sense otherwise but as they began to march down in full force and let me tell you something when you once obey God the act of obeying him gives you strength to obey Him more when Joshua marched around Jericho one of my favorite writer says as they hide themselves hitting the ground together with their feet the sound of their feet in unison gave them a cadence that built up their confidence if you do what God says that obedience breeds more power so as they began to run down I'm imagine that Cicero was trying to figure out what in the world is going on come in a minute are they coming down there mom oh yeah that's what they doing are they coming down fast yes they look like they got a plan yes got any idea what they got in man I think - but to take us out well in let's go get him now believe Josephus for just a moment Josephus says that at that moment the Stars fought against him well here's how he explains it he says that there came instantaneously a hailstorm well you looking judges chapter 5 and verse 20 the Bible says the stars fall and incidentally if God be for you God can command the Stars to be on your side and I don't know about you but I believe that if the Stars will fight with you what will the moon do and with the Sun dare to join in on the plan I don't know you may not have enough imagination to go where I'm going but I'm telling you that if you are with God there is a resonance in the whole universe that begins to work on your behalf so when they looked at those ill-equipped soldiers coming down that mountain they decided let's go and get them but at that moment that came a heels says Josephus they were discovered it says the Bible one scholar says that in that very place the earth is so unstable that after about 30 minutes of moisture it gives way so that it will barely hold a foot standing on it much less the wheel of an iron chariot can you imagine if everybody is right could it mean that the hailstorm game could it be that the Stars fought against them could it be that the ground gave way and the chariots wouldn't move could it be that God rained ice into the faces of this army so that they could no longer see could it be that God snatched their confidence could it be that he multiplied their paranoia exponentially so that while they stood erect in their iron chariots they began to wonder who's after me and they turned and tried to run but as they were about to run people with no weapons came and began to beat them they have only the hands but if the Lord is in your hand what a mighty weapon it becomes if the Lord is in the heart of a person if God has deranged your mind then people began to fight each other it wouldn't be the first time in the Word of God when people began to turn on each other finally the order comes go get every one of them how can you do it with no weapon you can do it because God said so you forgive me I'm insane in some situations because I'm crazy enough to believe that if God says it you ought obey what God's to many people now doing feasibility studies on what God says I don't know what university let you in I know less about whatever university let you out but if you came out thinking that you knew more than god you have you ought to read rethink your whole educational process go back and get your money back cuz they didn't help you they mess your brain up somewhere along the way you should have learned that if God says it you must move on it and all of a sudden the whole army of Sisera is gone Sisera is out of his iron chariot and a you know I thank God for this imagination I I believe that God does things for preachers who try their best to study I I try to gather all the facts I don't want my information to be so scanty that my imagination can't work I want to inform my imagination then take it down to the river to be baptized again and then ask God to begin to move with it and make it accomplished thing so I am there I'm looking at the base of Mount Tabor and I see nothing but abandoned chariots but there's one figure in the midst the hailstorm has abated there's a strange fog but here comes somebody and it looks like Sisera he's looking to see those crazy Israelites worth trying to find a place where he doesn't encounter them anymore and he runs and he thinks I'll go to the camp of the Kenites and Iran says where his Hebrews death I don't know whether is home but I want to go there and he arrives at Hebrews tent and Heba is not there but his wife is there yeah I am and he goes and says yeah L know me sorry I don't know you sir but come in you look tired are you thirsty yes would you like something to drink yes well I could give you water I got some milk over here you know sometimes a little milk will calm you down well I don't know where you are now some of you have no imagination so you're completely lost listen to ya you know we we're good neighbors I know you not want our people but it's okay we love everybody we are children of the Most High God so what I was thinking sir you seem real tired I got a little place over there in the corner I'll get you some milk for you to drink you want me to warm it up a little bit one scholar says that Yael may have even had a crust of bread somewhere and and in some communities there are strange potions that are made with something called corn bread and at your store if it's a well-equipped store you may even find butter milk my grandmother used to imbibe he would get a crust of bread and and fast asleep she would be before long and I can see yes give me a little bit of that she said tell you what machi have a little something to drink one little piece of that you can have that too I got a little cover let me put this cap over you you okay so now if if somebody comes and asks ask if I'm in here tell him I'm Linnaeus well don't worry about it you feeling alright you're comfortable let me put this over you keep you warm don't want you to get go you can get a chill when you sleep she covers him up now now here is where I had to do some work what made that woman change from the welcoming child of God to a woman who had the ability to cause mortal danger here's what I believe I believe that God was always in this picture when the children of God had become idolatrous for 20 years after he died they had nobody to keep them in check so they became idolaters and when you pull away from God you also pull yourself away from his special protection people don't understand that when you cast God out of your life you also cast away your best protection I know that God is good to people who are evil and people who are good the rain falls on the just and the unjust but there are some gifts that the unjust cannot have from God there is a show relationship that God has with certain people and that special relationship includes special protection I believe that God's people after they had gotten their land forgot how they got over there are too many people who forget what God has done there are people who who get stuff and get infatuated with stuff and you forget how you got it I have met people who've matriculated at wonderful institutions of higher learning and and they call me as their pastor from time to time when they are about to defend their thesis you should hear them they are the quintessence of humility pastor tomorrow I've got to defend with this my dissertation is on the line fest and I've done everything I can I don't want you to think I'm lazy or old porcha to think that I haven't used my brain I've done the best I could but this thing has gigantic holes in it pastor and I want you to pray that God will give me the ability to defend it would you pray with me now I pray with it does that feel better so tell me how it came up and it's amazing the difference in the person who called before graduation and the person who calls after I remember the one before master please I picked everything I could and then when they remember to call me back faster how are you don't know whether you heard I'm doctor now see I'm not mad at you I'm glad you're doctor but you need to remember that one who called me on the phone before you graduated cuz you ought to keep a little bit of that after your doctor are you still with me because you will need back again too many people who get the house you know I don't know how you got the house your credit was really in bad shape you had blemishes everywhere and there's those people who check your credit before you buy a house a merciless they go way way way back and they check everything don't they and they call you and tell you about it you would think that they would have mercy and not bring it up but eight years ago you had a late payment yes you don't remember it I have it right here I can tell you the month what about that car Lord if you give me a nice car I will take people from the streets I will drive them to worship doesn't make any difference what they look like how well-dressed they are I will I will cause them to get in my car and I would take them to your house and there we would glorify your name together they put you in that little room where they turn off the air conditioner and and they're listening to you in there and you're wondering what's going on and you and your wife are bowed together in prayer but you don't want to close your eyes because you want to seem confident and they finally come back and say your credit is a fruit you don't want to shout you don't want to scream because that will make them think that you didn't know you were going to get then you drive away and every piece of glass becomes a mirror look pretty good in your daughter and you forget how you got what you have here's what I want to say to you when you have a victory remember that it was not you who chased God it was God who chased you the children of Israel had gone they had no hope but finally their enemies were so oppressive that somebody said why don't we call Jesus well it was God then but I'll tell you in a few hours that it was always Christ and why don't we turn back to God and it was then with God says let me give them Deborah it was then when God said let me call for them Barack it was then when God said let me get them 10,000 soldiers it was rain when God said let me put them in a superior position it was really when God said let me draw their enemies to them it was then when God sent down a hailstorm and their enemies were destroyed not by their might not by their power but by the power of God and I wanted to remind some of us who allows strange ladies or strange gentlemen to make us comfortable in otherwise uncomfortable places come on in you've never been there before but there you go where should it right over there also on the drink have a loss on me why not put this over you feel alright I believe that it was God who cannot be outrun the same God who blessed his people now watches as Sisera tries to run away without being caught I believe that it was God who spoke to Yael a woman who was at first very welcoming I believe that God revealed to her who it was asleep on a tent floor I believe it was God that gave her the skill think about it I've worked my way all the way through it if you're gonna nail a person's temples to the ground you cannot practice by putting the nail on them you didn't work your way to all the way through that day cuz you had it down there didn't you you got she went outside and got one of those metal tent stakes and but she can't touch him cuz if he touches him in fact you can't make a noise she's got to get to nail here mm-hmm-hmm in fact this can't be our first time hitting one of those stakes just right one scholar says Cicero's mind was so full of this world that he would not obey God do you doubt that God tried to stop Sisera somewhere along the way do you doubt that God said don't turn your iron chariots against my people dear doubt that God tried to show mercy to this general who was only about himself they adopt that somewhere after the hailstorm got it that whispered in his ear you're wrong Sisera but Sisera determined that he would be for himself and for his king he would hear no other voice and I tell you that when you get to the place where you are beyond what you think is the reach of God you must understand that God's arm is longer than you imagine so now a woman with no evil thought has an impulse that does not come the scholars believe from a satanic origin but a man who is determined to do wrong is now put in the place where God always puts his enemies and God empowers a woman to pick up a stake and to pick up a hammer to suspend it in midair and then with one heavy blow to push it through his temples and nail him to the earth that he loves so much since his mind will not accept heavenly thoughts now his mind is nailed to the earth where his thoughts have emanated from and God shows that he cannot be outrun here is what I want to say to you tonight there are some people who have been in the wrong place welcomed by a stranger your purpose was not holy I've talked to people who've been in that situation I talked to a man whose story I cannot tell completely but it is an absolutely true story a man who told me that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong reason and then he heard the strange click of a firearm close to his ear he said pastor I don't know how I could have not heard the car drive up I don't know how I could have not heard the door open I don't know how I could have missed all of those things but all of a sudden I found myself in a situation that was untenable and he said at that moment I had the nerve to call on God for mercy and here's what I want to tell you it's amazing how the God who cannot be outrun sometimes dispenses mercy where I would not give it where you would not give if you were God this auditorium would be at least half empty heavens because there's some things you wouldn't put up with but God is so intent on bringing us back to him that there are times even when we are caught he dispenses mercy it does not always have to be a nail through the temples for God only looks for just enough information the distant dispense mercy instead of justice and I want to say finally that while some have been in wrong places asleep you all not just be careful where you sleep but how you sleep there are people who go to sleep with unconfessed sin while you are awake you can talk to God while you are awake there are people in this room who know that God has more mercy than you could ever imagine but you've got to deal with him while you're conscious and yet there are many of us who go to sleep every night while things are not right with God but I tell you you must not only be careful where you sleep but how you sleep and if you've come to the place in your life where your sins stand out but have not been confessed remember that God is both just and merciful you cannot outrun him at the moment that you think you're out of his reach you or not but his hand dispenses justice for those who will take nothing else and mercy for anyone who is willing to allow him to make a change in your life my admonition to you tonight be careful where you sleep be careful how you sleep and remember that you cannot get beyond the hand of God bless yous thanks for watching join us next time for more breath of life with Walter L Pearson is there a behavior you have that's getting in the way of your life oh come on is it causing problems at work or at home oh come are you ready for a change oh come on if so there's good news in this simple booklet called how to change your behavior it's the breath of life gift offer this week you'll learn how to identify your bad behavior how to determine what in your life is supporting that bad behavior how to weaken those unhealthy supports and finally how to arrive at adequate substitutes to replace those bad behaviors with good ones just call our toll-free number 877 bol offer that's eight seven seven two six five six three three three and ask for your copy of how to change your behavior the booklet is yours for a gift of five dollars or more or you may write to breath of life post office box nine seven one nine two Washington DC to zero zero seven seven how to change your behavior is the life-changing information you need thank you for watching breath of life pastor Walter Pearson hopes today's program has been a real blessing to you to order a CD or audio cassette copy of this broadcast just 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Channel: Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Views: 18,002
Rating: 4.7619047 out of 5
Keywords: WALTER PEARSON, Tent Peg, Sisera (Person)
Id: 7VAK2R_Lnh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2013
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