NYC Snow Storm Walk ❄⛄ Midtown Manhattan (December 16, 2020)

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hello everybody welcome to new york city's first major snowstorm of the season it is around 6 30 p.m december 16 2020 27 degrees fahrenheit negative 3 centigrade i am at 34th street and 5th avenue right at the base of the empire state bowling which she may not be able to see the top of because it is covered in snow right now but i'll be walking midtown manhattan today to check out the sights and sounds of the city in the snow let's get started the snow is just pounding into my face right now it actually hurts as i'm walking but i love when it snows like this in new york city it just gives it a feeling of magic the snow started about three hours ago at around three o'clock p.m you can see the roads are pretty slick already these dryers are gonna have a difficult time to go across the streets but all the buses right now are outfitted in chains on the back wheels just so they can get better traction you can see here some chains but the storm is coming down quick and snow is accumulating on the sidewalk we're supposed to get about a foot of snow overnight right now it is a very fine powder on the ground it's not really the heavy heavy snow if you have a broom then that's enough right now to take care of the snow at the moment you can see most of these shops are still open i don't know how many customers will be in there though look at all the snow just blowing across 34th street my plan for this walk is to make it all the way up to times square and then cut across to rockefeller center right now the subway service i think has a contingency plan right now none of the above ground stations are open only the underground stations most of manhattan is still served by the subway since it's mostly on the ground but the outer boroughs it gets a little bit more challenging to travel within the outer boroughs you can see they're across the street they're busily shoveling the snow right now you can see the difference in the height of the snow just from underneath the scaffolding to the powder on the ground in front of me here's 34th street harold square area normally there's a lot more people here but in the snow not as much [Music] the city buses are traveling at a slower speed than usual [Applause] [Music] look at this some parts you can't even see because the snow is just flying through the sky making everything white i'm so excited here you see a public menorah for a hanukkah most of these lights are lit only a few left and here is the macy's holiday window display i think it looks even more magical now in the snow i noticed that the snow brings out a lot more photographers and people just want to come out and [Music] enjoy [Music] i think i also got a snowflake on my lens let me just deal with that quickly that might be an issue with these uh videos i get some water build up [Music] [Music] this is 35th street and broadway you can see here they have some slow removal equipment here just a powered machine with a brush it turns everything into a fine powder [Music] [Music] here's shake shack i think it's still open for takeout and delivery there's no outdoor dining allowed due to the weather indoor dining has also been pivoted you know he does all that so you can hear the subway still running underneath doesn't stop the subway from running unless it's above ground but even then in the above ground stations what the mta does is they constantly run the trains at the above ground station so that way the snow does not build up on the tracks but they don't drop off or pick up any passengers at those stations you can see one of the many uh steam vents coming out of the ground here the local utility company sells a lot of steam to businesses here and the excess they need to have vents and latches in order to let the steam escape if they let the steam build up underneath it might cause some problems there was actually an incident i think a few years ago right near the flatiron building on 23rd street and fifth avenue there was a whole section of the street that collapsed just due to a steam explosion so it's really serious so this is 38th street and broadway look at all the snow covering this taxi it's a great site there and here's one of the issues with snow in new york city sometimes the sewers don't work properly and you need to perfect the long jump so i'm going to try one now perfecting the long jump early everyone comes in olympic jumper when that happens look some even some of the sky even looks a little bit gray or pink up ahead that's incredible sometimes the snow it produces a lot of reflections and light and it creates these perfect moments for photography hopefully we can see some of it today as i go through the walk through manhattan here's 38th street and broadway 39th street i correct myself we got another uh lake superior here i feels like the snow is just dropping down from this direction before it was coming from the west and now it's coming from the north or maybe that's just the way the uh the buildings are moving the snow here look at that [Music] see these people are ready to take the subway and get out of here from the snow it is very quiet here on broadway usually in a time with the uh before the covert pandemic there will actually be more people here even in the snowstorm but now during the pandemic now i wonder how rockefeller center is going to be as well as times square got another snow remover at the corner of this curve this brave cyclist is out here delivering some food [Music] so [Music] i really appreciate this question clearing away from me [Music] so everyone this is times square 42nd street and broadway you can see all these billboards around different colors just to the snow falling from the sky gives off a different vibe and color than if you're here during a different time look at that you can't even see that building at the distance and it's so bright over there that's how much snow is falling wowie this snow is actually coming down more than i thought even see a few pigeons flying up over there i wonder how much of a hassle it is to fly as a pigeon in this type of weather got some people here taking pictures you can see one times square this is the building where the new year's eve ball [Music] drops that person almost slipped i can barely see right now because my glasses are all fogged up news station reporting wow there's so many people in times square just enjoying the sights and sounds of all the snow right there's the 2020 ball at the top i have to say times square looks so dreamy and magical just standing here in the middle with all the snow coming down [Music] and that is the snow machine honking at pedestrians the guy wants to do his job to remove all the snow and people are in the way let's get a shot of this that's awesome [Music] it's actually a pretty great shot where he's getting from sometimes you gotta get down low to get the nice angles [Music] are they gonna continue going forward with this machine yes they are it's amazing i feel like i got a snowflake on my camera again let me just wipe that off oop i think i uh messed it up a little bit all right i was waiting for a good snow storm in a while in new york [Music] all the snow machines are out in full force in times square including people shoveling someone else here is also taking videos or pictures as i said i see more photographers and videographers here now in times square wow they're actually getting a snowball fight going there there's that much snow [Music] ah it's a fun sight to see and witness there's nothing like new york city and a beautiful snowstorm like this so all right time to make my way over to rockefeller center now across 47th street this is the intersection of 47th street and 7th avenue oh wow looks like the subway station is now open for the entrance this was closed for a while already partial sidewalk is closed here well i can really see some snowflakes on the camera here wipe this off sounds like someone's really scraping the ground a lot trying to get all that snow out i do wonder what the final numbers of snowfall are going to be we'll only find out tomorrow usually they have a reading at central park and that's the official count for how tall the snow is as i said before they are predicting about a foot of snowfall i wonder if that's going to be the case the snow is going to continue well into the morning tomorrow probably around like 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning it will stop so sweater sometimes too when there's uh too much salt on the ground it gets into the air and even though you're not like near the salt on the ground it gets up into your clothes like your arms and where your waist is just because all that stuff just gets spread around the air all right i'm approaching 6th avenue and 47th street i'm going to walk north to rockefeller center show you the christmas tree and also the decorations there and i think i'll end this video taxi here making a left oh wow this is so cool to see sixth avenue like this radio city music hall in the background some more snow removing equipment now this is the christmas tree for the news corporation new sport is uh widely known for only fox news as well as the new york post wow look at this this is something else to see the streets empty like this and here we have some lights at rockefeller center i'm gonna make my way across the street now and show you the christmas ornaments by the water my favorite shot of these christmas tournaments is with radio city music hall in the background from this angle over here all right i'm gonna make my way over to rockefeller center main concourse now where the christmas tree is wow these streets are so slick right now it's even difficult to walk on them it's slippery all right i'm gonna make a left here on 49th street we'll head right to the christmas tree and then end this video these snowflakes aren't really that large yet but i suspect they'll grow larger as the night falls the heaviest snowfall is supposed to occur around like two in the morning to four in the morning [Music] [Music] sounds like they're playing the same song that they are at macy's [Music] yeah it is the same song [Music] oh wait that's uh saks fifth avenue they just turned the lights on well if you want to see that be sure to tune into my black and shadow channel where i'll be uploading another snow walk that's not narrated here's the robot fellow center christmas tree but i'm gonna end this video now folks if you enjoyed it be sure to smash the like button for me subscribe for some more videos like these and i will see you next time take care folks bye please [Music]
Channel: ActionKid
Views: 455,393
Rating: 4.940783 out of 5
Id: 7ropOptVbjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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